blob: 9ebeb86a7d670b961ffd758d99344d2e6c809c5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* Provides a hierarchical Menu control.
* <table class='htmlHeader' cellspacing='10'>
* <tr>
* <td>
* <img align='middle' hspace='2'src='menu.png' title='Menu'/>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <h3><a name="configuration"></a>Configuration</h3>
* Application menus are normally defined using a configuration file
* (<tt>menu.xml</tt> by default) located under the <tt>/WEB-INF</tt> directory
* or the root classpath. An example Menu configuration file is provided below.
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
* &lt;menu&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Home" path="user/home.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"/&gt;
* &lt;menu label="User" path="user/home.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"&gt;
* &lt;menu label="User Page 1" path="user/user-1.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"/&gt;
* &lt;menu label="User Page 2" path="user/user-2.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"/&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Admin" path="admin/admin-1.htm" roles="role1"&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Admin Page 1" path="admin/admin-1.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"/&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Admin Page 2" path="admin/admin-2.htm" roles="tomcat, role1"/&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt; </pre>
* Use a {@link MenuFactory} to load the Menu items and include the root menu
* item in your page:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class BorderPage extends Page {
* private Menu rootMenu;
* public BorderPage() {
* MenuFactory menuFactory = new MenuFactory();
* rootMenu = menuFactory.getRootMenu();
* addControl(rootMenu);
* }
* &#64;Override
* public String getTemplate() {
* return "/border-template.htm";
* }
* } </pre>
* <h3><a name="programmatic"></a>Programmatically defined menus</h3>
* It is also possible to create Menus programmatically, for example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class BorderPage extends Page {
* private static class Menu rootMenu;
* public BorderPage() {
* if (rootMenu == null) {
* rootMenu = new MenuBuilder().buildMenu();
* }
* addControl(rootMenu);
* }
* } </pre>
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class MenuBuilder() {
* public Menu buildMenu() {
* Menu rootMenu = new Menu("rootMenu");
* rootMenu.add(createMenu("Home", "home.htm"));
* Menu customerMenu = createMenu("Home", "home.htm");
* rootMenu.add(customerMenu);
* customerMenu.add(createMenu("Search Customers", "search-customers.htm"));
* customerMenu.add(createMenu("Edit Customer", "edit-customer.htm"));
* ...
* return rootMenu;
* }
* private Menu createMenu(String label, String path) {
* Menu menu = new Menu();
* menu.setLabel(label);
* menu.setPath(path);
* menu.setTitle(label);
* return menu;
* }
* }</pre>
* <h3><a name="rendering"></a>Rendering</h3>
* To render the configured Menu hierarchy you can reference the root menu by
* its name in the Velocity template. For example:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* <span class="st">$rootMenu</span> </pre>
* The hierarchical Menu structure is rendered as an HTML list: &lt;ul&gt;.
* <p/>
* Alternatively, you can render the menu using a Velocity #macro or Velocity
* code in your template. For example:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* <span class="red">#</span>writeMenu(<span class="st">$rootMenu</span>) </pre>
* An example menu Velocity macro is provided below:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* <span class="red">#macro</span>( writeMenu <span class="st">$rootMenu</span> )
* &lt;table id="menuTable" border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 2px;"&gt;
* &lt;tr&gt;
* &lt;td&gt;
* &lt;div id="searchbar"&gt;
* &lt;div class="menustyle" id="menu"&gt;
* &lt;ul class="menubar" id="dmenu"&gt;
* <span class="red">#foreach</span> (<span class="st">$topMenu</span> <span class="red">in</span> <span class="st">$rootMenu.children</span>)
* <span class="red">#if</span> (<span class="st">$topMenu.isUserInRoles</span>() || <span class="st">$topMenu.isUserInChildMenuRoles</span>())
* <span class="red">#if</span> (<span class="st">$topMenu.children.empty</span>)
* &lt;li class="topitem"&gt;<span class="st">$topMenu</span>&lt;/li&gt;
* <span class="red">#else</span>
* &lt;li class="topitem"&gt;<span class="st">$topMenu</span>
* &lt;ul class="submenu"
* <span class="red">#foreach</span> (<span class="st">$subMenu</span> <span class="red">in</span> <span class="st">$topMenu.children</span>)
* <span class="red">#if</span> (<span class="st">$subMenu.isUserInRoles</span>())
* &gt;&lt;li&gt;<span class="st">$subMenu</span>&lt;/li
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* &gt;&lt;/ul&gt;
* &lt;/li&gt;
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* <span class="red">#if</span> (<span class="st">$request.remoteUser</span>)
* &lt;li class="topitem"&gt;&lt;a href="<span class="st">$logoutLink.href</span>"&gt;Logout&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
* <span class="red">#end</span>
* &lt;/ul&gt;
* &lt;/div&gt;
* &lt;/div&gt;
* &lt;/td&gt;
* &lt;/tr&gt;
* &lt;/table&gt;
* <span class="red">#end</span> </pre>
* This example uses role path based security to only display the menu items
* the user is authorized to see. If you are not using this security feature in
* your application you should remove the macro {@link #isUserInRoles()} checks so
* the menu items will be rendered.
* <p/>
* Note individual menu items will render themselves as simple anchor tags using
* their {@link #toString()} method. For more fine grain control you should
* extend your Velocity macro to render individual menu items.
* <h3><a name="security"></a>Security</h3>
* Menus support role based security via the {@link #isUserInRoles()}
* method. When creating secure menus define the valid roles in the menu items.
* For example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
* &lt;menu&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Home" path="user/home.htm" roles="user,admin"&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Home" path="user/home.htm" roles="user,admin"/&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Search" path="user/search.htm" roles="user,admin"/&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Admin" path="admin/admin.htm"&gt;
* &lt;menu label="Home" path="admin/admin.htm" roles="admin"/&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt;
* &lt;/menu&gt; </pre>
* The underlying implementation of isUserInRoles() method is provided by an
* {@link AccessController} interface. The default AccessController is provided
* by the {@link RoleAccessController} which uses the JEE container is user in
* role facility. By providing your own AccessController you can have menu
* access control using other security frameworks such as Spring
* Security (Acegi) or Apache Shiro.
* <h3><a name="config-dtd"></a>Menu Configuration DTD</h3>
* The Menu config file DTD is provided below:
* <pre class="codeConfig">
* &lt;!-- The Menu (menu.xml) Document Type Definition. --&gt;
* &lt;!ELEMENT <span class="red">menu</span> (<span class="st">menu</span>*)&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">id</span> ID #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">name</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">label</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">path</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">target</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">title</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">imageSrc</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">external</span> (true|false) "false"&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">separator</span> (true|false) "false"&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">roles</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
* &lt;!ATTLIST <span class="red">menu</span> <span class="st">pages</span> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt; </pre>
* The Menu DTD is also published online at
* <a href=""></a>.
* <h3><a name="message-resources"></a>Message Resources and Internationalization (i18n)</h3>
* Menus automatically pick up localized messages where applicable. Please see
* the following methods on how to customize these messages:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #getLabel()}</li>
* <li>{@link #getTitle()}</li>
* </ul>
* <h3><a name="resources"></a>CSS and JavaScript resources</h3>
* The Menu control makes use of the following resources
* (which Click automatically deploys to the application directory, <tt>/click</tt>):
* <ul>
* <li><tt>click/menu.css</tt></li>
* <li><tt>click/extras-control.js</tt></li>
* </ul>
* To import these Menu files simply reference the variables
* <span class="blue">$headElements</span> and
* <span class="blue">$jsElements</span> in the page template.
* @see
public class Menu extends AbstractControl {
// Constants --------------------------------------------------------------
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The menu configuration filename: &nbsp; "<tt>/WEB-INF/menu.xml</tt>".
protected static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "/WEB-INF/menu.xml";
// Class Variables --------------------------------------------------------
/** The cached root Menu as defined in <tt>menu.xml</tt>. */
protected static Menu rootMenu;
// Instance Variables -----------------------------------------------------
/** The menu security access controller. */
protected transient AccessController accessController;
/** The list of submenu items. */
protected List<Menu> children;
* The menu path is to an external page flag, by default this value is false.
protected boolean external;
* The image src path attribute. If the image src is defined then a
* <tt>&lt;img/&gt;</tt> element will rendered inside the link when
* using the Menu {@link #toString()} method.
* <p/>
* If the image src value is prefixed with '/' then the request context path
* will be prefixed to the src value when rendered by the control.
protected String imageSrc;
/** The menu display label. */
protected String label;
* The list of valid page paths. If any of these page paths match the
* current request then the Menu item will be selected.
protected List<String> pages = new ArrayList<String>();
/** The menu path. */
protected String path;
/** The list of valid role names. */
protected List<String> roles;
/** The menu separator flag. */
protected boolean separator;
/** The target attribute. */
protected String target = "";
/** The tooltip title attribute. */
protected String title;
// Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
* Create a new Menu instance.
* <p/>
* Please ensure you have defined a menu {@link #accessController} if the
* menu's {@link #isUserInRoles()} method is going to be called.
* @see #Menu(java.lang.String)
public Menu() {
* Create a new Menu instance with the given name.
* <p/>
* Please ensure you have defined a menu {@link #accessController} if the
* menu's {@link #isUserInRoles()} method is going to be called. For example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class BorderPage extends Page {
* ...
* public void defineMenus() {
* // Define an accessController
* AccessController accessController = new RoleAccessController();
* // Retrieve some user roles
* List roles = securityService.getRoles();
* Menu menu = new Menu("root");
* menu.setAccessController(accessController);
* menu.setRoles(roles);
* Menu subMenu = new Menu("products");
* subMenu.setLabel("Products");
* subMenu.setAccessController(accessController);
* subMenu.setRoles(roles);
* menu.add(subMenu);
* ...
* }
* } </pre>
* @param name the name of the menu
public Menu(String name) {
* Create a Menu from the given menu-item XML Element.
* @param menuElement the menu-item XML Element
* @param accessController the menu access controller
* @deprecated use
* {@link MenuFactory#buildMenu(org.w3c.dom.Element,, java.lang.Class)}
* instead
protected Menu(Element menuElement, AccessController accessController) {
if (menuElement == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null menuElement parameter");
if (accessController == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null accessController parameter");
String nameAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("name");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nameAtr)) {
String labelAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("label");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(labelAtr)) {
String imageSrcAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("imageSrc");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(imageSrcAtr)) {
String pathAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("path");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pathAtr)) {
String titleAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("title");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleAtr)) {
String targetAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("target");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(targetAtr)) {
String externalAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("external");
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(externalAtr)) {
String separatorAtr = menuElement.getAttribute("separator");
if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(separatorAtr)) {
String pagesValue = menuElement.getAttribute("pages");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pagesValue)) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(pagesValue, ",");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String path = tokenizer.nextToken().trim();
path = (path.startsWith("/")) ? path : "/" + path;
String rolesValue = menuElement.getAttribute("roles");
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rolesValue)) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rolesValue, ",");
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
NodeList childElements = menuElement.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0, size = childElements.getLength(); i < size; i++) {
Node node = childElements.item(i);
if (node instanceof Element) {
Menu childMenu = new Menu((Element) node, accessController);
// Constructor Methods ----------------------------------------------------
* Return root menu item defined in the WEB-INF/menu.xml or classpath
* menu.xml, and which uses JEE Role Based Access Control (RoleAccessController).
* @see RoleAccessController
* @deprecated use {@link MenuFactory#getRootMenu()} instead
* @return the root menu item defined in the WEB-INF/menu.xml file or menu.xml
* in the root classpath
public static Menu getRootMenu() {
return getRootMenu(new RoleAccessController());
* Return root menu item defined in the WEB-INF/menu.xml or classpath
* menu.xml, and which uses the provided AccessController.
* @deprecated use
* {@link MenuFactory#getRootMenu(}
* instead
* @param accessController the menu access controller
* @return the root menu item defined in the WEB-INF/menu.xml file or menu.xml
* in the root classpath
public static Menu getRootMenu(AccessController accessController) {
if (accessController == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null accessController parameter");
// If menu is cached return it
if (rootMenu != null) {
return rootMenu;
Menu loadedMenu = loadRootMenu(accessController);
ServletContext servletContext = Context.getThreadLocalContext().getServletContext();
ConfigService configService = ClickUtils.getConfigService(servletContext);
if (configService.isProductionMode() || configService.isProfileMode()) {
// Cache menu in production modes
rootMenu = loadedMenu;
return loadedMenu;
// Public Attributes ------------------------------------------------------
* Return the menu access controller.
* @return the menu access controller
public AccessController getAccessController() {
return accessController;
* Set the menu access controller.
* @param accessController the menu access controller
public void setAccessController(AccessController accessController) {
this.accessController = accessController;
* Return true if the menu contains any child submenus.
* @return true if the menu contains any child submenus
public boolean hasChildren() {
if (children == null || children.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
* Return list of of submenu items.
* @return the list of submenu items
public List<Menu> getChildren() {
if (children == null) {
children = new ArrayList<Menu>();
return children;
* Return true if the menu path refers to an external resource.
* @return true if the menu path refers to an external resource
public boolean isExternal() {
return external;
* Set whether the menu path refers to an external resource.
* @param value the flag as to whether the menu path refers to an external resource
public void setExternal(boolean value) {
external = value;
* Return the image src path attribute. If the image src is defined then a
* <tt>&lt;img/&gt;</tt> element will rendered inside the link when
* using the Menu {@link #toString()} method.
* <p/>
* If the src value is prefixed with '/' then the request context path will
* be prefixed to the src value when rendered by the control.
* @return the image src path attribute
public String getImageSrc() {
return imageSrc;
* Set the image src path attribute. If the src value is prefixed with
* '/' then the request context path will be prefixed to the src value when
* rendered by the control.
* @param src the image src path attribute
public void setImageSrc(String src) {
this.imageSrc = src;
* Return the menu item display label.
* <p/>
* If the label value is null, this method will attempt to find a
* localized label message in the parent messages of the root menu using the
* key:
* <blockquote>
* <tt>getName() + ".label"</tt>
* </blockquote>
* If not found then the message will be looked up in the
* <tt>/</tt> file using the same key.
* If a value is still not found, the Menu name will be converted
* into a label using the method: {@link ClickUtils#toLabel(String)}
* <p/>
* For example given the properties file <tt>src/</tt>:
* <pre class="codeConfig">
* <span class="st">customers</span>.label=<span class="red">Customers</span>
* <span class="st">customers</span>.title=<span class="red">Find a specific customer</span> </pre>
* The menu.xml (<b>note</b> that no label attribute is present):
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
* &lt;menu&gt;
* &lt;menu name="customers" path="customers.htm" roles="view-customers"/&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/menu&gt; </pre>
* Will render the Menu label and title properties as:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* &lt;li&gt;&lt;a title="<span class="red">Find a specific customer</span>" ... &gt;<span class="red">Customers</span>&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; </pre>
* When a label value is not set, or defined in any properties files, then
* its value will be created from the Menu name.
* <p/>
* For example given the <tt>menu.xml</tt> file:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
* &lt;menu&gt;
* &lt;menu name="product" path="product.htm" roles="view-product"/&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/menu&gt; </pre>
* Will render the Menu label as:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* &lt;li&gt;&lt;a ... &gt;<span class="red">Product</span>&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; </pre>
* @return the display label of the Menu item
public String getLabel() {
// Return cached label, if set
if (label != null) {
return label;
String localName = getName();
if (localName != null) {
Menu root = findRootMenu();
// Use root menu messages to lookup the label
String i18nLabel = root.getMessage(localName + ".label");
if (i18nLabel == null) {
i18nLabel = ClickUtils.toLabel(localName);
// NOTE: don't cache the i18nLabel, since menus are often cached
// statically
return i18nLabel;
return null;
* Set the label of the Menu item.
* @param label the label of the Menu item
public void setLabel(String label) {
this.label = label;
* Return the list of valid Page paths for the Menu item. If any of these
* page paths match the current request then the Menu item will be selected.
* @return the list of valid Page paths
public List<String> getPages() {
return pages;
* Set the list of valid Page paths. If any of these page paths match the
* current request then the Menu item will be selected.
* @param pages the list of valid Page paths
public void setPages(List<String> pages) {
this.pages = pages;
* Return the path of the Menu item.
* @return the path of the Menu item
public String getPath() {
return path;
* Set the path of the Menu item.
* @param path the path of the Menu item
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
* Return true if the menu has roles defined, false otherwise.
* @return true if the menu has roles defined, false otherwise
public boolean hasRoles() {
return roles != null && !roles.isEmpty();
* Return the list of roles for the Menu item.
* @return the list of roles for the Menu item
public List<String> getRoles() {
if (roles == null) {
roles = new ArrayList<String>();
return roles;
* Set the list of valid roles for the Menu item.
* @param roles the list of valid roles for the Menu item
public void setRoles(List<String> roles) {
this.roles = roles;
* Return true if the Menu item is selected.
* @return true if the Menu item is selected
public boolean isSelected() {
if (this == rootMenu) {
return true;
final String pageToView = getContext().getResourcePath();
boolean selected = false;
if (getPages().contains(pageToView)) {
selected = true;
} else {
String localPath = getPath();
if (localPath != null) {
localPath = localPath.startsWith("/") ? localPath : "/" + localPath;
selected = localPath.equals(pageToView);
} else {
selected = false;
for (int i = 0, size = getChildren().size(); i < size; i++) {
Menu menu = getChildren().get(i);
if (menu.isSelected()) {
selected = true;
return selected;
* Return the selected child menu, or null if no child menu is selected.
* @return the selected child menu
public Menu getSelectedChild() {
if (isSelected()) {
for (int i = 0, size = getChildren().size(); i < size; i++) {
Menu menu = getChildren().get(i);
if (menu.isSelected()) {
return menu;
return null;
* Return true if the Menu item is a separator.
* @return true if the Menu item is a separator
public boolean isSeparator() {
return separator;
* Set whether the Menu item is a separator.
* @param separator the flag indicating whether the Menu item is a separator
public void setSeparator(boolean separator) {
this.separator = separator;
* Return true if the user is in one of the menu roles, or if any child
* menus have the user in one of their menu roles. Otherwise the method will
* return false.
* <p/>
* This method internally uses the
* {@link, java.lang.String) AccessController#hasAccess(HttpServletRequest request, String roleName)}
* method where the rolenames are derived from the {@link #getRoles()} property.
* <p/>
* If no {@link #getRoles() roles} are defined, the AccessController are invoked
* with a <tt>null</tt> argument to determine whether access is permitted to
* menus without roles.
* @return true if the user is in one of the menu roles, or false otherwise
* @throws IllegalStateException if the menu accessController is not defined
public boolean isUserInRoles() {
if (getAccessController() == null) {
String msg = "Menu accessController has not been defined";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
HttpServletRequest request = getContext().getRequest();
if (hasRoles()) {
for (int i = 0, size = getRoles().size(); i < size; i++) {
String rolename = getRoles().get(i);
if (getAccessController().hasAccess(request, rolename)) {
return true;
} else {
// Check access for menus without roles. CLK-724
return getAccessController().hasAccess(request, null);
return false;
* Return true if any child menus have the user in one of their menu roles.
* Otherwise the method will return false.
* <p/>
* This method internally uses the <tt>HttpServletRequest</tt> function <tt>isUserInRole(rolename)</tt>,
* where the rolenames are derived from the {@link #getRoles()} property.
* @return true if the user is in one of the child menu roles, or false otherwise
public boolean isUserInChildMenuRoles() {
for (int i = 0, size = getChildren().size(); i < size; i++) {
Menu child = getChildren().get(i);
if (child.isUserInRoles()) {
return true;
return false;
* Return the target attribute of the Menu item.
* @return the target attribute of the Menu item
public String getTarget() {
return target;
* Set the target attribute of the Menu item.
* @param target the target attribute of the Menu item
public void setTarget(String target) { = target;
* Return the 'title' attribute of the Menu item, or null if not defined.
* <p/>
* If the title value is null, this method will attempt to find a
* localized title message in the parent messages of the root menu using the
* key:
* <blockquote>
* <tt>getName() + ".title"</tt>
* </blockquote>
* If not found then the message will be looked up in the
* <tt>/</tt> file using the same key. If still
* not found the title will be left as null and will not be rendered.
* <p/>
* For example given the properties file <tt>src/</tt>:
* <pre class="codeConfig">
* <span class="st">customers</span>.label=<span class="red">Customers</span>
* <span class="st">customers</span>.title=<span class="red">Find a specific customer</span> </pre>
* The menu.xml (<b>note</b> that no title attribute is present):
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?&gt;
* &lt;menu&gt;
* &lt;menu name="customers" path="customers.htm" roles="view-customers"/&gt;
* ...
* &lt;/menu&gt; </pre>
* Will render the Menu label and title properties as:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* &lt;li&gt;&lt;a title="<span class="red">Find a specific customer</span>" ... &gt;<span class="red">Customers</span>&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/li&gt; </pre>
* @return the 'title' attribute of the Menu item
public String getTitle() {
// Return cached title if set
if (title != null) {
return title;
String localName = getName();
if (localName != null) {
// Use root menu messages to lookup the title
Menu root = findRootMenu();
// NOTE: don't cache the i18nTitle, since menus are often cached
// statically
return root.getMessage(localName + ".title");
return null;
* Set the title attribute of the Menu item.
* @param title the title attribute of the Menu item
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
* Return the menu anchor HREF attribute. If the menu is referring
* to an external path, this method will simply return the path,
* otherwise it will return the menu path prefixed with the
* request context path.
* <p/>
* If the path refers to a hash "#" symbol, this method will return
* a "#". It is useful to assign a "#" to the path of a menu item
* containing children, because most modern browsers will not submit
* the page if clicked on.
* @return the menu anchor HREF attribute
public String getHref() {
String localPath = getPath();
if (isExternal()) {
return localPath;
if ("#".equals(localPath)) {
return getContext().getResponse().encodeURL(localPath);
} else {
Context context = getContext();
if (localPath == null) {
// Guard against rendering "null" in the href
localPath = "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String contextPath = context.getRequest().getContextPath();
if (localPath.length() > 0 && localPath.charAt(0) != '/') {
return context.getResponse().encodeURL(sb.toString());
* Return the Menu HEAD elements to be included in the page.
* The following resources are returned:
* <ul>
* <li><tt>click/menu.css</tt></li>
* <li><tt>click/control.js</tt></li>
* <li><tt>click/menu-fix-ie6.js</tt> (fixes IE6 menu burnthrough and hover issues)</li>
* </ul>
* @see
* @return the HTML HEAD elements for the control
public List<> getHeadElements() {
String id = getId();
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Menu name is not set");
if (headElements == null) {
headElements = super.getHeadElements();
Context context = getContext();
String versionIndicator = ClickUtils.getResourceVersionIndicator(context);
CssImport cssImport = new CssImport("/click/menu.css", versionIndicator);
JsImport jsImport = new JsImport("/click/control.js", versionIndicator);
jsImport = new JsImport("/click/menu-fix-ie6.js", versionIndicator);
JsScript script = new JsScript();
script.setId(id + "-js-setup");
// Script must be executed as soon as browser dom is ready
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer();
buffer.append(" if(typeof Click != 'undefined' && typeof != 'undefined') {\n");
buffer.append(" if(typeof != 'undefined') {\n");
buffer.append(" }\n");
buffer.append(" }\n");
return headElements;
// Public Methods ---------------------------------------------------------
* Add the given menu as a submenu. The menu will also be set as the parent
* of the submenu.
* @param menu the submenu to add
* @return the menu that was added
public Menu add(Menu menu) {
return menu;
* Return true if this menu contains the given menu, false otherwise.
* <p/>
* To test if the given menu is contained, this method will test against
* both the menu object reference as well as the menu name.
* @return true if this menu contains the given menu, false otherwise
public boolean contains(Menu menu) {
if (hasChildren()) {
for (Menu child : getChildren()) {
// Test against object reference
if (child == menu) {
return true;
// Test against menu name
String childName = child.getName();
String menuName = menu.getName();
if (childName != null && menuName != null) {
if (childName.equals(menuName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Find the root menu, or null if no root menu can be found.
* @return the root menu, or null if no root menu can be found.
public Menu findRootMenu() {
Menu root = this;
Object parentMenu = root.getParent();
while (parentMenu instanceof Menu) {
root = (Menu) parentMenu;
parentMenu = root.getParent();
return root;
* Return true if this is the root menu, false otherwise.
* @return true if this menu is the root menu, false otherwise
public boolean isRoot() {
return !(getParent() instanceof Menu);
* This sets the parent to be null.
* @see
public void onDestroy() {
* Render an HTML representation of the Menu.
* <p/>
* If <tt>this</tt> menu instance is the root menu
* ({@link #isRoot()} returns true), the menu and all its submenus
* (recursively), will be rendered by delegating rendering to the method
* {@link #renderRootMenu( renderRootMenu}.
* The menu structure will be rendered as an HTML List consisting of &lt;ul&gt;
* and &lt;li&gt; elements.
* <p/>
* If <tt>this</tt> menu instance is <tt>not</tt> the root menu, this menu
* will be rendered by delegating rendering to the method
* {@link #renderMenuLink(,}.
* The menu will be rendered as a link: &lt;a&gt;.
* <p/>
* By having two render modes one can render the entire menu
* automatically, or render each menu item manually using a Velocity macro.
* @see #toString()
* @param buffer the specified buffer to render the control's output to
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (isRoot()) {
} else {
if (isSeparator()) {
renderSeparator(buffer, this);
} else {
renderMenuLink(buffer, this);
* Return an HTML representation of the menu.
* @see #render(
* @return an HTML anchor tag representation of the menu
public String toString() {
HtmlStringBuffer buffer = new HtmlStringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
// Protected Methods ------------------------------------------------------
* Render an HTML representation of the root menu.
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
protected void renderRootMenu(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId());
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "menustyle");
int depth = 0;
renderMenuList(buffer, this, depth);
* Render an html representation of the menu list (&lt;ul&gt;) structure.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b>: the method
* {@link #canRender(, int) canRender(menu)}
* controls whether menu items are rendered or not. If <tt>canRender</tt>
* returns true, the menu item is rendered, otherwise it is skipped.
* @see #canRender(, int)
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param menu the menu that is currently rendered
* @param depth the current depth in the menu hierarchy
protected void renderMenuList(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, Menu menu, int depth) {
renderMenuListAttributes(buffer, menu, depth);
for (Menu child : menu.getChildren()) {
if (canRender(child, depth)) {
renderMenuListItemAttributes(buffer, child, depth);
if (child.isSeparator()) {
renderSeparator(buffer, child);
} else {
renderMenuLink(buffer, child);
if (child.hasChildren()) {
renderMenuList(buffer, child, depth + 1);
* Return true if the given menu can be rendered, false otherwise.
* <p/>
* If the menu {@link #hasRoles() has roles} defined, this method will return
* true if the user is in one of the menu roles, false otherwise. This method
* delegates to {@link #isUserInRoles()} if the menu has roles defined.
* <p/>
* If the menu has no roles defined, this method returns true.
* @param menu the menu that should be rendered or not
* @param depth the current depth in the menu hierarchy
* @return true if the menu can be rendered, false otherwise
protected boolean canRender(Menu menu, int depth) {
// TODO add and check visible property
return menu.isUserInRoles();
* Render the attributes of the menu list (&gt;ul&lt;).
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param menu the menu being rendered
* @param depth the current depth in the menu hierarchy
protected void renderMenuListAttributes(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, Menu menu,
int depth) {
if (depth == 0) {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "menubar");
} else {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "submenu");
* Render the attributes of the menu list item (&gt;li&lt;).
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param menu the menu being rendered
* @param depth the current depth in the menu hierarchy
protected void renderMenuListItemAttributes(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, Menu menu,
int depth) {
if (depth == 0) {
buffer.append(" class=\"menuitem topitem");
} else {
buffer.append(" class=\"menuitem");
if (menu.hasChildren()) {
buffer.append(" has-submenu");
* Render an HTML link (&lt;a&gt;) representation of the given menu.
* <p/>
* If the menu item is selected the anchor tag will be rendered with
* class="selected" attribute.
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param menu the menu to render
protected void renderMenuLink(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, Menu menu) {
String id = menu.getAttribute("id");
if (id != null) {
buffer.appendAttribute("id", id);
if (menu.getName() != null) {
buffer.appendAttribute("name", menu.getName());
if (menu.getTarget() != null && menu.getTarget().length() > 0) {
buffer.appendAttribute("target", menu.getTarget());
String menuTitle = menu.getTitle();
if (menuTitle != null && menuTitle.length() > 0) {
buffer.appendAttributeEscaped("title", menuTitle);
if (menu.isSelected()) {
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "selected");
// TODO need to re-add visible and enabled properties
if (menu.hasAttributes()) {
String menuLabel = menu.getLabel();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(menu.getImageSrc())) {
buffer.appendAttribute("border", "0");
buffer.appendAttribute("class", "link");
if (menuTitle != null) {
buffer.appendAttributeEscaped("alt", menuTitle);
} else {
buffer.appendAttributeEscaped("alt", menuLabel);
String src = menu.getImageSrc();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(src)) {
if (src.charAt(0) == '/') {
src = getContext().getRequest().getContextPath() + src;
buffer.appendAttribute("src", src);
if (menuLabel != null) {
} else {
if (menuLabel != null) {
* Render an HTML representation of the menu as a separator.
* @param buffer the buffer to render to
* @param menu the menu to render as a separator
protected void renderSeparator(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, Menu menu) {
* Render the menu <tt>"href"</tt> attribute. This method can be overridden
* to render dynamic <tt>"href"</tt> parameters, for example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public class MyPage extends BorderPage {
* public MyPage() {
* Menu rootMenu = new MenuFactory().getRootMenu();
* final String contextPath = getContext().getRequest().getContextPath();
* Menu menu = new Menu() {
* &#64;Override
* protected void renderMenuHref(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
* buffer.appendAttribute("href", contextPath + "/my-page.htm?customer=" + getCustomerId());
* }
* });
* menu.setName("customer");
* menu.setLabel("Customer Lookup");
* // Guard against adding child menu more than once
* if (!rootMenu.contains(menu)) {
* rootMenu.add(menu);
* }
* }
* } </pre>
* @param buffer the buffer to render the href attribute to
protected void renderMenuHref(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
String href = getHref();
buffer.appendAttribute("href", href);
if ("#".equals(href)) {
// If hyperlink does not return false, clicking on it will
// scroll to the top of the page.
buffer.appendAttribute("onclick", "return false;");
* Return a copy of the Applications root Menu as defined in the
* configuration file "<tt>/WEB-INF/menu.xml</tt>", with the Control
* name <tt>"rootMenu"</tt>.
* <p/>
* The returned root menu is always selected.
* @deprecated use
* {@link MenuFactory#loadFromMenuXml(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.Class)}
* instead
* @param accessController the menu access controller
* @return a copy of the application's root Menu
protected static Menu loadRootMenu(AccessController accessController) {
if (accessController == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null accessController parameter");
Context context = Context.getThreadLocalContext();
Menu menu = new Menu("rootMenu");
ServletContext servletContext = context.getServletContext();
InputStream inputStream =
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = ClickUtils.getResourceAsStream("/menu.xml", Menu.class);
if (inputStream == null) {
String msg =
"could not find configuration file:" + DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
+ " or menu.xml on classpath";
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
Document document = ClickUtils.buildDocument(inputStream);
Element rootElm = document.getDocumentElement();
NodeList list = rootElm.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
Node node = list.item(i);
if (node instanceof Element) {
Menu childMenu = new Menu((Element) node, accessController);
return menu;