blob: 07b0d649c3e0683c5c77fb331132defdca1836d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2008 Malcolm A. Edgar
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;
* Provides a HTML Table control: <table>.
* <table class='htmlHeader' cellspacing='10'>
* <tr>
* <td>
* <img align='middle' hspace='2'src='table.png' title='Table'/>
* </td>
* </tr>
* </table>
* The Table control provides a HTML &lt;table&gt; control with
* <a href="">DisplayTag</a>
* like functionality. The design of the Table control has been informed by
* the excellent DisplayTag library.
* <h3>Table Example</h3>
* An example Table usage is provided below:
* <pre class="codeJava">
* <span class="kw">public class</span> CustomersPage <span class="kw">extends</span> BorderPage {
* <span class="kw">public</span> Table table = <span class="kw">new</span> Table();
* <span class="kw">public</span> ActionLink deleteLink = <span class="kw">new</span> ActionLink(<span class="st">"Delete"</span>, <span class="kw">this</span>, <span class="st">"onDeleteClick"</span>);
* <span class="kw">public</span> CustomersPage() {
* table.setClass(Table.CLASS_ITS);
* table.setPageSize(4);
* table.setShowBanner(<span class="kw">true</span>);
* table.setSortable(<span class="kw">true</span>);
* table.addColumn(<span class="kw">new</span> Column(<span class="st">"id"</span>));
* table.addColumn(<span class="kw">new</span> Column(<span class="st">"name"</span>));
* Column column = <span class="kw">new</span> Column(<span class="st">"email"</span>);
* column.setAutolink(<span class="kw">true</span>);
* table.addColumn(column);
* table.addColumn(<span class="kw">new</span> Column(<span class="st">"investments"</span>));
* column = <span class="kw">new</span> Column(<span class="st">"Action"</span>);
* column.setDecorator(<span class="kw">new</span> LinkDecorator(table, deleteLink, <span class="st">"id"</span>));
* column.setSortable(<span class="kw">false</span>);
* table.addColumn(column)
* }
* public boolean onDeleteClick() {
* Integer id = deleteLink.getValueInteger();
* getCustomerService().deleteCustomer(id);
* return <span class="kw">true</span>;
* }
* <span class="kw">public void</span> onRender() {
* List customers = getCustomerService().getCustomersSortedByName();
* table.setRowList(customers);
* }
* } </pre>
* <h4>Table Styles</h4>
* The Table control automatically deploys the table CSS style sheet
* (<tt>table.css</tt>) to the application directory <tt>/click</tt>.
* To import the Table CSS styles and any control JavaScript simply reference <span class="blue">$cssImports</span>
* and <span class="blue">$jsImports</span> in the page template. For example:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* &lt;html&gt;
* &lt;head&gt;
* <span class="blue">$cssImports</span>
* &lt;/head&gt;
* &lt;body&gt;
* <span class="red">$table</span>
* &lt;/body&gt;
* &lt;/html&gt;
* <span class="blue">$jsImports</span></pre>
* The table CSS style sheet is adapted from the DisplayTag <tt>screen.css</tt>
* style sheet and includes the styles:
* <ul style="margin-top:0.5em;">
* <li>blue1</li>
* <li>blue2</li>
* <li>complex</li>
* <li>isi</li>
* <li>its</li>
* <li>mars</li>
* <li>nocol</li>
* <li>orange1</li>
* <li>orange2</li>
* <li>report</li>
* <li>simple</li>
* </ul>
* To use one of these CSS styles set the table <span class="st">"class"</span>
* attribute. For example in a page constructor:
* <pre class="codeJava">
* <span class="kw">public</span> LineItemsPage() {
* Table table = <span class="kw">new</span> Table(<span class="st">"table"</span>);
* table.setClass(Table.CLASS_SIMPLE);
* ..
* } </pre>
* <a name="paging-and-sorting"/>
* <h4>Paging and Sorting</h4>
* Table provides out-of-the-box paging and sorting.
* <p/>
* To enable Paging set the table's page size: {@link #setPageSize(int)} and
* make the Table Banner visible: {@link #setShowBanner(boolean)}.
* <p/>
* To enable/disable sorting use {@link #setSortable(boolean)}.
* <p/>
* You can also set parameters on links generated by the Table through
* the Table's {@link #getControlLink() controlLink}.
* <p/>
* One often needs to add extra parameters on the Table links in order to
* preserve state when navigating between pages or sorting columns.
* <p/>
* For example:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* public CompanyPage extends BorderPage {
* // companyId is the criteria used to limit Table rows to clients from
* // the specified company
* public String companyId;
* public Table table = new Table();
* public onInit() {
* // companyId could be selected from a drop down list or similar means.
* // Set the companyId on the table's controlLink. If you view the
* // output rendered by Table you will note the companyId parameter
* // is rendered for each Paging and Sorting link.
* table.getControlLink().setParameter("companyId", companyId);
* }
* ...
* public void onRender() {
* // Select only clients for the specified companyId
* List rowList = getCompanyDao().getCompanyClients(companyId);
* table.setRowList(rowList);
* }
* } </pre>
* See also W3C HTML reference
* <a title="W3C HTML 4.01 Specification"
* href="../../../../../../html/struct/tables.html">Tables</a>
* and the W3C CSS reference
* <a title="W3C CSS 2.1 Specification"
* href="../../../../../../css2/tables.html">Tables</a>.
* @see Column
* @see Decorator
* @author Malcolm Edgar
public class Table extends AbstractControl {
// -------------------------------------------------------------- Constants
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final Set DARK_STYLES;
static {
DARK_STYLES = new HashSet();
* The table.css style sheet import link with a light contract sortable icon.
public static final String TABLE_IMPORTS_LIGHT =
"<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}/click/table{1}.css\"/>\n"
+ "<style type=\"text/css\"> th.sortable a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-sortable-light{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' th.ascending a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-ascending-light{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' th.descending a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-descending-light{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' </style>\n";
* The table.css style sheet import link with a dark contract sortable icon.
public static final String TABLE_IMPORTS_DARK =
"<link type=\"text/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"{0}/click/table{1}.css\"/>\n"
+ "<style type=\"text/css\"> th.sortable a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-sortable-dark{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' th.ascending a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-ascending-dark{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' th.descending a '{'background: url({0}/click/column-descending-dark{1}.gif) center right no-repeat;'}' </style>\n";
/** The table top banner position. */
public static final int POSITION_TOP = 1;
/** The table bottom banner position. */
public static final int POSITION_BOTTOM = 2;
/** The table top and bottom banner. */
public static final int POSITION_BOTH = 3;
/** The control ActionLink page number parameter name: <tt>"ascending"</tt>. */
public static final String ASCENDING = "ascending";
/** The control ActionLink sorted column parameter name: <tt>"column"</tt>. */
public static final String COLUMN = "column";
/** The control ActionLink page number parameter name: <tt>"page"</tt>. */
public static final String PAGE = "page";
/** The control ActionLink sort number parameter name: <tt>"sort"</tt>. */
public static final String SORT = "sort";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"blue1"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_BLUE1 = "blue1";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"blue2"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_BLUE2 = "blue2";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"complex"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_COMPLEX = "complex";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"isi"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_ISI = "isi";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"its"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_ITS = "its";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"mars"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_MARS = "mars";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"nocol"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_NOCOL = "nocol";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"orange1"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_ORANGE1 = "orange1";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"orange2"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_ORANGE2 = "orange2";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"report"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_REPORT = "report";
/** The table CSS style: <tt>"simple"</tt>. */
public static final String CLASS_SIMPLE = "simple";
/** The array of pre-defined table CSS class styles. */
public static final String[] CLASS_STYLES = {
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* The table pagination banner position:
* The default position is <tt>POSITION_BOTTOM</tt>.
protected int bannerPosition = POSITION_BOTTOM;
/** The map of table columns keyed by column name. */
protected Map columns = new HashMap();
/** The list of table Columns. */
protected List columnList = new ArrayList();
/** The table paging and sorting control action link. */
protected ActionLink controlLink = new ActionLink();
/** The list of table controls. */
protected List controlList;
/** The table HTML &lt;td&gt; height attribute. */
protected String height;
* The table rows set 'hover' CSS class on mouseover events flag. By default
* hoverRows is false.
protected boolean hoverRows;
* Flag indicating if <tt>rowList</tt> is nullified when
* <tt>onDestroy()</tt> is invoked, default is true. This flag only applies
* to <tt>stateful</tt> pages.
* <p/>
* @see #setNullifyRowListOnDestroy(boolean)
protected boolean nullifyRowListOnDestroy = true;
* The currently displayed page number. The page number is zero indexed,
* i.e. the page number of the first page is 0.
protected int pageNumber;
* The maximum page size in rows. A value of 0 means there is no maximum
* page size.
protected int pageSize;
* The list Table rows. Please note the rowList is cleared in table
* {@link #onDestroy()} method at the end of each request.
protected List rowList;
* The show table banner flag detailing number of rows and rows
* displayed.
protected boolean showBanner;
* The default column are sortable status. By default columnsSortable is
* false.
protected boolean sortable = false;
/** The row list is sorted status. By default sorted is false. */
protected boolean sorted = false;
/** The rows list is sorted in ascending order. */
protected boolean sortedAscending = true;
/** The name of the sorted column. */
protected String sortedColumn;
/** The table HTML &lt;td&gt; width attribute. */
protected String width;
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
* Create an Table for the given name.
* @param name the table name
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is null
public Table(String name) {
* Create a Table with no name defined.
* <p/>
* <b>Please note</b> the control's name must be defined before it is valid.
public Table() {
// ------------------------------------------------------ Public Attributes
* Return the table's html tag: <tt>table</tt>.
* @see AbstractControl#getTag()
* @return this controls html tag
public String getTag() {
return "table";
* Return the Table pagination banner position. Banner position values:
* The default banner position is <tt>POSITION_BOTTOM</tt>.
* @return the table pagination banner position.
public int getBannerPosition() {
return bannerPosition;
* Set Table pagination banner position. Banner position values:
* @param value the table pagination banner position
public void setBannerPosition(int value) {
bannerPosition = value;
* Set the HTML class attribute.
* <p/>
* <b>Note:</b> this method will replace the existing <tt>"class"</tt>
* attribute value.
* <p/>
* Predefined table CSS classes include:
* <ul>
* <li>complex</li>
* <li>isi</li>
* <li>its</li>
* <li>mars</li>
* <li>nocol</li>
* <li>report</li>
* <li>simple</li>
* </ul>
* @param value the HTML class attribute
public void setClass(String value) {
setAttribute("class", value);
* Add the column to the table. The column will be added to the
* {@link #columns} Map using its name.
* @param column the column to add to the table
* @return the added column
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the table already contains a column
* with the same name
public Column addColumn(Column column) {
if (column == null) {
String msg = "column parameter cannot be null";
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
if (getColumns().containsKey(column.getName())) {
String msg =
"Table already contains column named: " + column.getName();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
getColumns().put(column.getName(), column);
return column;
* Remove the given Column from the table.
* @param column the column to remove from the table
public void removeColumn(Column column) {
if (column != null && getColumns().containsKey(column.getName())) {
* Remove the named colum from the Table.
* @param name the name of the column to remove from the table
public void removeColumn(String name) {
Column column = (Column) getColumns().get(name);
* Remove the list of named columns from the table.
* @param columnNames the list of column names to remove from the table
public void removeColumns(List columnNames) {
if (columnNames != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) {
* Return true if the Table will nullify the <tt>rowList</tt> when the
* <tt>onDestroy()</tt> method is invoked.
* @return true if the rowList is nullified when onDestroy is invoked
public boolean getNullifyRowListOnDestroy() {
return nullifyRowListOnDestroy;
* Set the flag to nullify the <tt>rowList</tt> when the <tt>onDestroy()</tt>
* method is invoked.
* <p/>
* This option only applies to <tt>stateful</tt> pages.
* <p/>
* If this option is false, the rowList will be persisted between requests.
* If this option is true (<tt>the default</tt>), the rowList must be set
* each request.
* @param value the flag value to nullify the table rowList when onDestroy
* is called
public void setNullifyRowListOnDestroy(boolean value) {
nullifyRowListOnDestroy = value;
* Return the Column for the given name.
* @param name the name of the column to return
* @return the Column for the given name
public Column getColumn(String name) {
return (Column) columns.get(name);
* Return the list of table columns.
* @return the list of table columns
public List getColumnList() {
return columnList;
* Return the Map of table Columns, keyed on column name.
* @return the Map of table Columns, keyed on column name
public Map getColumns() {
return columns;
* Add the given Control to the table. The control will be processed when
* the Table is processed.
* @param control the Control to add to the table
* @return the added control
public Control addControl(Control control) {
return add(control);
* Add the given Control to the table. The control will be processed when
* the Table is processed.
* @param control the Control to add to the table
* @return the added control
public Control add(Control control) {
if (control == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null control parameter");
return control;
* Return the list of Controls added to the table. Note table paging control
* will not be returned in this list.
* @return the list of table controls
public List getControls() {
if (controlList == null) {
controlList = new ArrayList();
return controlList;
* Return true if the table has any controls defined.
* @return true if the table has any controls defined
public boolean hasControls() {
return (controlList == null) ? false : !controlList.isEmpty();
* Return the table paging and sorting control action link.
* <p/>
* <b>Note</b> you can set parameters on the returned ActionLink in order
* to preserve state when paging or sorting columns. A common use case is
* to filter out Table rows on specified criteria. See
* <a href="#paging-and-sorting">here</a> for an example.
* @return the table paging and sorting control action link
public ActionLink getControlLink() {
return controlLink;
* Return the table HTML &lt;td&gt; height attribute.
* @return the table HTML &lt;td&gt; height attribute
public String getHeight() {
return height;
* Set the table HTML &lt;td&gt; height attribute.
* @param value the table HTML &lt;td&gt; height attribute
public void setHeight(String value) {
height = value;
* Return true if the table row (&lt;tr&gt;) elements should have the
* class="hover" attribute set on JavaScript mouseover events. This class
* can be used to define mouse over :hover CSS pseudo classes to create
* table row highlite effects.
* @return true if table rows elements will have the class 'hover' attribute
* set on JavaScript mouseover events
public boolean getHoverRows() {
return hoverRows;
* Set whether the table row (&lt;tr&gt;) elements should have the
* class="hover" attribute set on JavaScript mouseover events. This class
* can be used to define mouse over :hover CSS pseudo classes to create
* table row highlite effects. For example:
* <pre class="codeHtml">
* hover:hover { color: navy } </pre>
* @param hoverRows specify whether class 'hover' rows attribute is rendered (default false).
public void setHoverRows(boolean hoverRows) {
this.hoverRows = hoverRows;
* Return the HTML head import statements for the CSS stylesheet file:
* <tt>click/table.css</tt>.
* @return the HTML head import statements for the control stylesheet
public String getHtmlImports() {
// Flag indicating which import style to return
boolean useDarkStyle = false;
if (hasAttribute("class")) {
String styleClasses = getAttribute("class");
StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(styleClasses, " ");
while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tokens.nextToken();
if (DARK_STYLES.contains(token)) {
useDarkStyle = true;
if (useDarkStyle) {
return ClickUtils.createHtmlImport(TABLE_IMPORTS_DARK,
} else {
return ClickUtils.createHtmlImport(TABLE_IMPORTS_LIGHT,
* @see Control#setListener(Object, String)
* @param listener the listener object with the named method to invoke
* @param method the name of the method to invoke
public void setListener(Object listener, String method) {
// Does nothing
* @see Control#setName(String)
* @param name of the control
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is null
public void setName(String name) {
controlLink.setName(getName() + "-controlLink");
* Return the number of pages to display.
* @return the number of pages to display
public int getNumberPages() {
if (getPageSize() == 0) {
return 1;
if (getRowList().isEmpty()) {
return 1;
double value = (double) getRowList().size() / (double) getPageSize();
return (int) Math.ceil(value);
* Return the currently displayed page number. The page number is zero
* indexed, i.e. the page number of the first page is 0.
* @return the currently displayed page number
public int getPageNumber() {
return pageNumber;
* Set the currently displayed page number. The page number is zero
* indexed, i.e. the page number of the first page is 0.
* @param pageNumber set the currently displayed page number
public void setPageNumber(int pageNumber) {
this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
* Return the maximum page size in rows. A page size of 0
* means there is no maximum page size.
* @return the maximum page size in rows
public int getPageSize() {
return pageSize;
* Set the maximum page size in rows. A page size of 0
* means there is no maximum page size.
* @param pageSize the maximum page size in rows
public void setPageSize(int pageSize) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
* Return the list of table rows. Please note the rowList is cleared in
* table {@link #onDestroy()} method at the end of each request.
* @return the list of table rows
public List getRowList() {
if (rowList == null) {
rowList = new ArrayList(0);
return rowList;
* Set the list of table rows. Each row can either be a value object
* (JavaBean) or an instance of a <tt>Map</tt>.
* <p/>
* Please note the rowList is cleared in table {@link #onDestroy()} method
* at the end of each request.
* @param rowList the list of table rows to set
public void setRowList(List rowList) {
this.rowList = rowList;
* Return the show Table banner flag detailing number of rows and rows
* displayed.
* @return the show Table banner flag
public boolean getShowBanner() {
return showBanner;
* Set the show Table banner flag detailing number of rows and rows
* displayed.
* @param showBanner the show Table banner flag
public void setShowBanner(boolean showBanner) {
this.showBanner = showBanner;
* Return the table default column are sortable status. By default table
* columns are not sortable.
* @return the table default column are sortable status
public boolean getSortable() {
return sortable;
* Set the table default column are sortable status.
* @param sortable the table default column are sortable status
public void setSortable(boolean sortable) {
this.sortable = sortable;
* Return the sorted status of the table row list.
* @return the sorted table row list status
public boolean isSorted() {
return sorted;
* Set the sorted status of the table row list.
* @param value the sorted status to set
public void setSorted(boolean value) {
sorted = value;
* Return true if the sort order is ascending.
* @return true if the sort order is ascending
public boolean isSortedAscending() {
return sortedAscending;
* Set the ascending sort order status.
* @param value the ascending sort order status
public void setSortedAscending(boolean value) {
sortedAscending = value;
* Return the name of the sorted column, or null if not defined.
* @return the name of the sorted column, or null if not defined
public String getSortedColumn() {
return sortedColumn;
* Set the name of the sorted column, or null if not defined.
* @param value the the name of the sorted column
public void setSortedColumn(String value) {
sortedColumn = value;
* Return the table HTML &lt;td&gt; width attribute.
* @return the table HTML &lt;td&gt; width attribute
public String getWidth() {
return width;
* Set the table HTML &lt;td&gt; width attribute.
* @param value the table HTML &lt;td&gt; width attribute
public void setWidth(String value) {
width = value;
// --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* Deploy the <tt>table.css</tt> and column sorting icon files to the
* <tt>click</tt> web directory when the application is initialized.
* @see Control#onDeploy(ServletContext)
* @param servletContext the servlet context
public void onDeploy(ServletContext servletContext) {
String[] files = new String[] {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
* Initialize the controls contained in the Table.
* @see
public void onInit() {
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = (Control) getControls().get(i);
* Perform any pre rendering logic.
* @see
public void onRender() {
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = (Control) getControls().get(i);
* Process any Table paging control requests, and process any added Table
* Controls.
* @see Control#onProcess()
* @return true to continue Page event processing or false otherwise
public boolean onProcess() {
if (controlLink.isClicked()) {
String page = getContext().getRequestParameter(PAGE);
if (NumberUtils.isNumber(page)) {
} else {
String column = getContext().getRequestParameter(COLUMN);
if (column != null) {
String ascending = getContext().getRequestParameter(ASCENDING);
if (ascending != null) {
// Flip sorting order
if ("true".equals(getContext().getRequestParameter(SORT))) {
boolean continueProcessing = true;
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = (Control) getControls().get(i);
continueProcessing = control.onProcess();
if (!continueProcessing) {
return false;
return true;
* This method will clear the <tt>rowList</tt>, if the property
* <tt>clearRowListOnDestroy</tt> is true, set the sorted flag to false and
* will invoke the onDestroy() method of any child controls.
* @see
public void onDestroy() {
sorted = false;
for (int i = 0, size = getControls().size(); i < size; i++) {
Control control = (Control) getControls().get(i);
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (getNullifyRowListOnDestroy()) {
* @see AbstractControl#getControlSizeEst()
* @return the estimated rendered control size in characters
public int getControlSizeEst() {
int bufferSize = 0;
if (getPageSize() > 0) {
bufferSize = (getColumnList().size() * 60) * (getPageSize() + 1) + 1792;
} else {
bufferSize = (getColumnList().size() * 60) * (getRowList().size() + 1);
return bufferSize;
* Render the HTML representation of the Table.
* @see #toString()
* @param buffer the specified buffer to render the control's output to
public void render(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getBannerPosition() == POSITION_TOP
|| getBannerPosition() == POSITION_BOTH) {
if (buffer.length() > 0) {
// Render table start.
buffer.appendAttribute("id", getId());
buffer.appendAttribute("height", getHeight());
buffer.appendAttribute("width", getWidth());
// Render table end.
if (getBannerPosition() == POSITION_BOTTOM
|| getBannerPosition() == POSITION_BOTH) {
// ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods
* Return the index of the first row to display. Index starts from 0.
* @return the index of the first row to display
protected int getFirstRow() {
int firstRow = 0;
if (getPageSize() > 0) {
if (getPageNumber() > 0) {
firstRow = getPageSize() * getPageNumber();
return firstRow;
* Return the index of the last row to diplay. Index starts from 0.
* @return the index of the last row to display
protected int getLastRow() {
int numbRows = getRowList().size();
int lastRow = numbRows;
if (getPageSize() > 0) {
lastRow = getFirstRow() + getPageSize();
lastRow = Math.min(lastRow, numbRows);
return lastRow;
* Render the table header row of column names.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the header row in
protected void renderHeaderRow(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
final List tableColumns = getColumnList();
for (int j = 0; j < tableColumns.size(); j++) {
Column column = (Column) tableColumns.get(j);
column.renderTableHeader(buffer, getContext());
if (j < tableColumns.size() - 1) {
* Render the table body rows for each of the rows in <tt>getRowList</tt>.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the table body rows in
protected void renderBodyRows(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
// Range sanity check
int pageNumber = Math.min(getPageNumber(), getRowList().size() - 1);
pageNumber = Math.max(pageNumber, 0);
int firstRow = getFirstRow();
int lastRow = getLastRow();
if (lastRow == 0) {
} else {
final List tableRows = getRowList();
for (int i = firstRow; i < lastRow; i++) {
boolean even = (i + 1) % 2 == 0;
if (even) {
buffer.append("<tr class=\"even\"");
} else {
buffer.append("<tr class=\"odd\"");
if (getHoverRows()) {
buffer.append(" onmouseover=\"this.className='hover';\"");
buffer.append(" onmouseout=\"this.className='");
if (even) {
} else {
renderBodyRowColumns(buffer, i);
if (i < tableRows.size() - 1) {
* Render the current table body row cells.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the table row cells in
* @param rowIndex the 0-based index in tableRows to render
protected void renderBodyRowColumns(HtmlStringBuffer buffer, int rowIndex) {
Object row = getRowList().get(rowIndex);
final List tableColumns = getColumnList();
for (int j = 0; j < tableColumns.size(); j++) {
Column column = (Column) tableColumns.get(j);
column.renderTableData(row, buffer, getContext(), rowIndex);
if (j < tableColumns.size() - 1) {
* Render the table body content if no rows are in the row list.
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the no row message to
protected void renderBodyNoRows(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
buffer.append("<tr class=\"odd\"><td colspan=\"");
buffer.append("\" class=\"error\">");
* Render the table banner detailing number of rows and number displayed.
* <p/>
* See the <tt>/click-controls.properies</tt> for the HTML templates:
* <tt>table-page-banner</tt> and <tt>table-page-banner-nolinks</tt>
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the paging controls to
protected void renderTableBanner(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getShowBanner()) {
String totalRows = String.valueOf(getRowList().size());
String firstRow = null;
if (getRowList().isEmpty()) {
firstRow = String.valueOf(0);
} else {
firstRow = String.valueOf(getFirstRow() + 1);
String lastRow = null;
if (getRowList().isEmpty()) {
lastRow = String.valueOf(0);
} else {
lastRow = String.valueOf(getLastRow());
String[] args = { totalRows, firstRow, lastRow};
if (getPageSize() > 0) {
buffer.append(getMessage("table-page-banner", args));
} else {
buffer.append(getMessage("table-page-banner-nolinks", args));
* Render the table paging action link controls.
* <p/>
* See the <tt>/click-controls.properies</tt> for the HTML templates:
* <tt>table-page-links</tt> and <tt>table-page-links-nobanner</tt>
* @param buffer the StringBuffer to render the paging controls to
protected void renderPagingControls(HtmlStringBuffer buffer) {
if (getPageSize() > 0) {
String firstLabel = getMessage("table-first-label");
String firstTitle = getMessage("table-first-title");
String previousLabel = getMessage("table-previous-label");
String previousTitle = getMessage("table-previous-title");
String nextLabel = getMessage("table-next-label");
String nextTitle = getMessage("table-next-title");
String lastLabel = getMessage("table-last-label");
String lastTitle = getMessage("table-last-title");
String gotoTitle = getMessage("table-goto-title");
if (getSortedColumn() != null) {
controlLink.setParameter(SORT, null);
controlLink.setParameter(COLUMN, getSortedColumn());
controlLink.setParameter(ASCENDING, String.valueOf(isSortedAscending()));
} else {
controlLink.setParameter(SORT, null);
controlLink.setParameter(COLUMN, null);
controlLink.setParameter(ASCENDING, null);
if (getPageNumber() > 0) {
controlLink.setParameter(PAGE, String.valueOf(0));
controlLink.setAttribute("title", firstTitle);
firstLabel = controlLink.toString();
controlLink.setParameter(PAGE, String.valueOf(getPageNumber() - 1));
controlLink.setAttribute("title", previousTitle);
previousLabel = controlLink.toString();
HtmlStringBuffer pagesBuffer =
new HtmlStringBuffer(getNumberPages() * 70);
// Create sliding window of paging links
int lowerBound = Math.max(0, getPageNumber() - 5);
int upperBound = Math.min(lowerBound + 10, getNumberPages());
if (upperBound - lowerBound < 10) {
lowerBound = Math.max(upperBound - 10, 0);
for (int i = lowerBound; i < upperBound; i++) {
String pageNumber = String.valueOf(i + 1);
if (i == getPageNumber()) {
pagesBuffer.append("<strong>" + pageNumber + "</strong>");
} else {
controlLink.setParameter(PAGE, String.valueOf(i));
controlLink.setAttribute("title", gotoTitle + " " + pageNumber);
controlLink.setId("control-" + pageNumber);
if (i < upperBound - 1) {
pagesBuffer.append(", ");
String pageLinks = pagesBuffer.toString();
if (getPageNumber() < getNumberPages() - 1) {
controlLink.setParameter(PAGE, String.valueOf(getPageNumber() + 1));
controlLink.setAttribute("title", nextTitle);
nextLabel = controlLink.toString();
controlLink.setParameter(PAGE, String.valueOf(getNumberPages() - 1));
controlLink.setAttribute("title", lastTitle);
lastLabel = controlLink.toString();
String[] args =
{ firstLabel, previousLabel, pageLinks, nextLabel, lastLabel };
if (getShowBanner()) {
buffer.append(getMessage("table-page-links", args));
} else {
buffer.append(getMessage("table-page-links-nobanner", args));
* The default row list sorting method, which will sort the row list based
* on the selected column if the row list is not already sorted.
protected void sortRowList() {
if (!isSorted() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(getSortedColumn())) {
Column column = (Column) getColumns().get(getSortedColumn());
Collections.sort(getRowList(), column.getComparator());