blob: c85f969d8ec92c535421e8c2840d747516638a01 [file] [log] [blame]
Click Extras provides a library of additional controls and components which are outside
of the core Click framework.
Click Extras are packaged as a separated JAR which
you can deploy with your application. Extra packages include:
<ul style="margin-top:0.75em;">
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/cayenne/package-summary.html">Cayenne</a>
- provides Cayenne data aware controls</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/control/package-summary.html">Control</a>
- provides extra controls</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/filter/package-summary.html">Filter</a>
- provides GZIP compression Filter</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/graph/package-summary.html">Graphics</a>
- provides graphic controls</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/hibernate/package-summary.html">Hibernate</a>
- provides Hibernate data aware controls</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/panel/package-summary.html">Panel</a>
- provides Page Panel containers</li>
<li><a href="net/sf/click/extras/spring/package-summary.html">Spring</a>
- provides Spring integration SpringClickServlet</li>
Click Extras provides a place for people to contribute their own code to the
Click project and have it package with the standard distribution. Contributed
code will be subject to review and may require modifications before it is
included in the Click distribution.
One of the overriding design principles with Click is to keep it simple, this
makes to code easier to understand and more reliable.
Another guiding principle is YAGNI (You Ain't Going to Need It), or don't build
it until you really really need it. Click is trying to provide an 80/20 rule framework
where 80% of peoples needs are meet by a framework which is only 20% in size.
When developing Click Extras contributions please follow these principles.
Components and controls should have minimal dependencies. This is to support easy
deployment of the click-examples and keeps the click build process simple.
See <a href="../building.html#extras-dependencies">Extras Dependencies</a> for
Please Note the Cayenne and Spring dependencies are only required if you use these particular features.
For example if you are using Hibernate for your persistence framework, the
<a href="net/sf/click/extras/cayenne/CayenneForm.html">CayenneForm</a>
control will not cause any issues as this class would never be loaded by your application.
<h3>Auto File Deployment</h3>
The Click framework uses the Velocity Tools <tt>WebappLoader</tt> for loading templates.
This avoids issues associate with using the Velocity <tt>ClasspathResourceLoader</tt> and
<tt>FileResourceLoader</tt> on JEE application servers.
To make preconfigured resources (templates, stylesheets, etc.) available to web applications
Click automatically deploys configured classpath resources to the <tt class="blue">/click</tt>
directory at startup (existing files will not be overwritten).
To enable your controls to deploy resources on startup it should use the Control
<a href="../click-api/net/sf/click/Control.html#on-deploy">onDeploy()</a> method.
Click extra controls which use this method should be registered in Click Extras
JAR <tt>extras-controls.xml</tt> file.
<h3>Coding Style and Practices</h3>
Click follows the Sun conversions for Java code style. Other style convertions
and practices include:
<ul style="margin-top:0.75em;margin-bottom:0.75em;">
<li>indents are 4 spaces wide and no tabs are used</li>
<li>public and protected visibility members require Javadoc</li>
<li>private and package visiblity members do not require Javadoc</li>
<li>favour the use of unchecked <tt>RuntimeException</tt> and avoid creating new Exception classes</li>
<li>check method parametes and throw <tt>IllegalArguementException</tt> if parameters are null or invalid</li>
<li>avoid creating any more classes than you need to get the job done</li>
<li>localize control messages in the classe's <tt>properties</tt> files</li>
<li>use the <tt>Context.getLocale()</tt> method to obtain a users locale</li>
<li>before checking in code run the Ant task: <tt>ant format-java</tt>