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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<chapter id="chapter-configuration" remap="h1">
<para>This section discusses how to setup and configure an Apache Click web
<para>The Click configuration files include:
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="c1" colwidth="30*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colwidth="70*"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/configuration/config-files.png" format="PNG" scale="65"/>
<para> WEB-INF/
<link linkend="application-configuration">click.xml</link>
&nbsp; - &nbsp; Application Configuration (
<emphasis role="bold">required</emphasis>)
<para> WEB-INF/
<link linkend="servlet-configuration">web.xml</link>
&nbsp; - &nbsp; Servlet Configuration (
<emphasis role="bold">required</emphasis>)
<sect1 id="servlet-configuration" remap="h2">
<title>Servlet Configuration</title>
<para>For a Click web application to function the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/ClickServlet.html">ClickServlet</ulink>
must be configured in the web application's <filename>/WEB-INF/web.xml</filename>
file. A basic web application which maps all <literal>*.htm</literal> requests
to a ClickServlet is provided below.
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;web-app&gt;
<sect2 id="servlet-mapping" remap="h3">
<title>Servlet Mapping</title>
<para>By convention all Click page templates should have an .htm extension,
and the ClickServlet should be mapped to process all *.htm URL requests.
With this convention you have all the static HTML pages use an .html extension
and they will not be processed as Click pages.
<sect2 id="load-on-startup" remap="h3">
<title>Load On Startup</title>
<para>Note you should always set <literal>load-on-startup</literal> element
to be 0 so the servlet is initialized when the server is started. This will
prevent any delay for the first client which uses the application.
<para>The <classname>ClickServlet</classname> performs as much work as possible
at startup to improve performance later on. The Click start up and caching
strategy is configured with the Click application mode element in the
"<filename>click.xml</filename>" config file, covered next.
<sect2 id="type-converter-class" remap="h3">
<title>Type Converter Class</title>
<para>The ClickServlet uses the OGNL library for type coercion when binding
request parameters to bindable variables. The default type converter class
used is <ulink url="click-api/org/apache/click/util/RequestTypeConverter.html">RequestTypeConverter</ulink>.
To specify your own type converter configure a <literal>type-converter-class</literal>
init parameter with the ClickServlet. For example:
<programlisting language="xml">
<sect2 id="config-service-class" remap="h3">
<title>Config Service Class</title>
<para>Click uses a single application configuration service which is
instantiated by the ClickServlet at startup. This service defines the
application configuration and is used by the ClickServlet to map requests
to pages amongst other things.
<para>Once the ConfigService has been initialized it is stored in the
ServletContext using the key <ulink url="click-api/org/apache/click/service/ConfigService.html">ConfigService</ulink>
The default ConfigService is <ulink url="click-api/org/apache/click/service/XmlConfigService.html">XmlConfigService</ulink>,
which configuration is discussed in detail in the next section.
<para>To use an alternative configuration service specify a
<literal>config-service-class</literal> context parameter. For example:
<programlisting language="xml">
&lt;web-app xmlns=""
<sect1 id="application-configuration" remap="h2">
<title>Application Configuration</title>
<para> The heart of a Click application is the <filename>click.xml</filename>
configuration file. This file specifies the application pages, headers, the
format object and the applications mode.
<para>By default the ClickServlet will attempt to load the application
configuration file using the path: &nbsp; <filename>/WEB-INF/click.xml</filename>
<para>If this file is not found under the <literal>WEB-INF</literal> directory,
then ClickServlet will attempt to load it from the classpath as
<para>See <ulink url="../../click-dtd.html">Click DTD</ulink> for the click-app
XML definition.
<para>A complete Click configuration example is available
<ulink url="../../click-dtd-example.html">here</ulink> which can be used as a quick
reference when configuring Click.
<para>A basic Click app config file is provided below:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;!-- Specify the Java package where Page classes can be found --&gt;
&lt;pages package=""/&gt;
&lt;mode value="profile"/&gt;
<para>An advanced config file would look like this:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app charset="UTF-8" locale="de"&gt;
&lt;!-- To aid Click's automapping, specify the Java package where Page classes can be found --&gt;
&lt;pages package=""&gt;
&lt;!-- We have to manually define the mapping between the Home page class and index.htm template
because this page doesn't follow the automatic mapping convention of naming the page class and
template the same--&gt;
&lt;page path="index.htm" classname=""/&gt;
&lt;!-- Specify a second Java package where Page classes can be found --&gt;
&lt;pages package=""/&gt;
&lt;format classname="com.mycorp.util.Format"/&gt;
&lt;mode value="profile"/&gt;
&lt;log-service classname=""/&gt;
<para>The take away point is that there is not much to configure, even for
advanced uses.
<sect2 id="click-app" remap="h3">
<title>Click App</title>
<para>The root <symbol>click-app</symbol> element defines two application
localization attributes <varname>charset</varname> and <varname>locale</varname>.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>click-app</symbol> (pages*, headers?, format?, mode?, controls?,
file-upload-service?, log-service?, messages-map-service?, resource-service?, template-service?, page-interceptor*)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST click-app <varname>charset</varname> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST click-app <varname>locale</varname> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</literallayout>
<para>The <varname>charset</varname> attribute defines the character encoding
set for:
<para>Velocity templates</para>
<para>HttpServletRequest character encoding</para>
<para>Page Content-Type charset, see Page
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#getContentType()">getContentType()</ulink>
<para>The <varname>locale</varname> attribute defines the default application
Locale. If this value is defined it will override Locale returned by the request.
Please see the Context
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Context.html#getLocale()">getLocale()</ulink>
for details. For example the following configuration sets the application
character set to UTF-8 and the default Locale as German (de):
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app charset="UTF-8" locale="de"&gt;
<sect2 id="application-pages" remap="h3">
<para>The first child element of the click-app is the mandatory
<literal>pages</literal> element which defines the list of Click pages.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <varname>pages</varname> (<symbol>page</symbol>*)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST pages <varname>package</varname> CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST pages <varname>automapping</varname> (true|false) "true"&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST pages <varname>autobinding</varname> (default|annotation|none) "default"&gt;</literallayout>
<para>The pages element can specify a base <varname>package</varname>
that Click should use for mapping page templates to page classes.
<para>The pages element also defines the <varname>automapping</varname> and
<varname>autobinding</varname> attributes which is discussed in the
<link linkend="application-automapping">Page Automapping</link> and
<link linkend="application-autobinding">Page Autobinding</link> sections
<sect3 id="application-multiple-packages" remap="h4">
<title>Multiple Pages Packages</title>
<para>Click can support multiple pages elements to enable the automapping
of multiple packages.
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages package=""/&gt;
&lt;pages package=""/&gt;
<para>With multiple pages elements, pages are loaded in the order of the page
elements, with manual page elements being loaded before automapped pages.
Once a page template has been mapped to a Page class it will not be replaced
by a subsequent potential match. So pages elements at the top take priority
over lower pages elements.
<sect2 id="application-page" remap="h3">
<para>The page element defines the Click application pages.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>page</symbol>(<varname>header</varname>*)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST page <varname>path</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST page <varname>classname</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</literallayout>
<para>Each page <varname>path</varname> must be unique, as the Click
application maps HTTP requests to the page paths.
<para>The Click application will create a new Page instance for
the given request using the configured page <varname>classname</varname>.
All pages must subclass
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html">Page</ulink> and provide
a public no arguments constructor, so they can be instantiated.
<para>Pages can also define <varname>header</varname> values which are
discussed in the next topic.
<para>When the Click application starts up it will check all the page
definitions. If there is a critical configuration error the ClickSerlvet
will log an <literal>ERROR</literal> message and throw an
<ulink url="">UnavailableException</ulink>.
If this occurs the click application will be permanently unavailable until
the error is fixed and the web app is restarted.
<sect3 id="application-automapping" remap="h4">
<title>Page Automapping</title>
<para> Page automapping will automatically configure application pages
using a simple set of rules. This enables you to greatly streamline your
configuration file as you only need to define pages which don't fit
the automapping rules.
<para>Automapping will attempt to associate each page template (*.htm)
and JSP file in the web application (excluding those under WEB-INF) to a
Page class. Automapped pages are loaded after the manually defined pages
are loaded, and manually defined pages takes preference.
When automapping is enabled the page mappings will be logged if Click is
running in debug or trace mode.
<para>For example, given the following page path to class mapping:
<literallayout>index.htm =&gt; <token></token>
search.htm =&gt; <token></token>
contacts/contacts.htm =&gt; <token></token>
security/login.htm =&gt; <token></token>
security/logout.htm =&gt; <token></token>
security/change-password.htm =&gt; <token></token></literallayout>
<para>The above mapping could be configured manually by setting the
<symbol>automapping</symbol> attribute to <literal>false</literal>,
for example:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages automapping="false"&gt;
&lt;page path="index.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
&lt;page path="search.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
&lt;page path="contacts/contacts.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
&lt;page path="security/login.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
&lt;page path="security/logout.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
&lt;page path="security/change-password.htm" classname="<token></token>"/&gt;
<para>For an application with many pages, it is cumbersome to manually map
each page template to its associated class. This is where
<symbol>automapping</symbol> comes in.
<para>By setting <symbol>automapping</symbol> to <literal>true</literal>,
Click will automatically map page templates to page classes. To map a
template to a page class, Click converts the template path to the Page
classname. In the example above, Click will convert the template
<token>search.htm</token> to the class <token>Search</token> by
capitilizing the template name and removing the <literal>.htm</literal>
extension. Of course this is not enough to map the template to the class.
what is missing is the class package, <token></token>.
To help Click map the page, you can set the base <literal>package</literal>
attribute as shown in the next example.
<para>Below is the full configuration to automatically map the templates
to pages (except for index.htm which doesn't automatically map to Home
page and has to be mapped manually):
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages package="<token></token>" <symbol>automapping</symbol>="true"&gt;
&lt;page path="index.htm" classname=""/&gt;
<para>Note: <symbol>automapping</symbol> is <literal>true</literal> by
default, so it could be omitted.
<para>If a page template is placed in a <literal>sub folder</literal>
of the root web folder, it's associated page class must be placed in an
equivalently named <literal>sub package</literal> of the base package in
order for the page to be mapped automatically. In the mapping above the
page template <token>security/change-password.htm</token> is located in
the <token>security</token> folder under the web root. In order for Click
to correctly map the page template to it's class, the class must be
located in the <token>security</token> package of the
base package <token></token>. The absolute page classname
is thus: <token></token>.
<para>The page template name to classname convention is:
<literallayout>change-password.htm =&gt; <token>ChangePassword</token>
change_password.htm =&gt; <token>ChangePassword</token>
changePassword.htm =&gt; <token>ChangePassword</token>
ChangePassword.htm =&gt; <token>ChangePassword</token></literallayout>
<para>During automapping, if a page class cannot be found, Click will
add the 'Page' suffix to the classname (if not already present) and
attempt to map the page template to this modified classname. For example:
<literallayout>customer.htm =&gt; <token>CustomerPage</token>
change-password.htm =&gt; <token>ChangePasswordPage</token></literallayout>
<sect3 id="application-excludes" remap="h4">
<title>Automapping Excludes</title>
<para>With Page automapping there can be resources where you don't want
automapping applied. For example when using a JavaScript library with lots
of <literal>.htm</literal> files, you don't want automapping to try and
find Page class for each of these files. In these situations you can use
the pages <symbol>excludes</symbol> element.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>excludes</symbol> (#PCDATA)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST excludes <varname>pattern</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</literallayout>
<para>For example if our application uses the TinyMCE JavaScript library
we could configure our pages automapping to exclude all <literal>.htm</literal>
files under the <literal>/tiny_mce</literal> directory.
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages package=""&gt;
<symbol>&lt;excludes</symbol> pattern="<varname>/tiny_mce/*</varname>"/&gt;
<para>The excludes pattern can specify multiple directories or files using a
comma separated notation. For example:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages package=""&gt;
<symbol>&lt;excludes</symbol> pattern="<varname>/dhtml/*, /tiny_mce/*, banner.htm, about.htm</varname>"/&gt;
<para>HTM files excluded from Page automapping are handled by an internal
Page class with caching headers enabled.
<sect3 id="application-autobinding" remap="h4">
<title>Page Autobinding</title>
<para>Autobinding is a feature that allows certain page variables to be
handled in a special way by the ClickServlet. The autobinding attribute
can be configured with one of the following values:
<para> <varname>default</varname>: <literal>bindable</literal>
variables include both <varname>public</varname> page variables
and variables annotated with the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/util/Bindable.html">@Bindable</ulink>
<para> <varname>annotation</varname>: <literal>bindable</literal>
variables are variables annotated with the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/util/Bindable.html">@Bindable</ulink>
<para> <varname>none</varname>: disables the autobinding feature
<para>By default all pages have autobinding enabled in
<varname>default</varname> mode.
<para><emphasis role="bold">Please note:</emphasis> we recommend using
autobinding only for binding request parameters, not for Controls. It
generally leads to code that is difficult to maintain. In a future release
we will replace autobinding with a simpler implementation.
<para>With autobinding the ClickServlet will
<para> add all <literal>bindable</literal> controls to the page,
after the page constructor has been invoked
<para> if a <literal>bindable</literal> control name is not defined,
the control name will be set to the value of its variable name (note,
if the control name is already defined its name will not be changed)
<para> bind all request parameters to <literal>bindable</literal>
page variables, after the page constructor has been invoked. See
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/ClickServlet.html#processPageRequestParams(">ClickServlet.processPageRequestParams(Page)</ulink>
for more details
<para> add all <literal>bindable</literal> page variables to the page
model (this step occurs just before the page is rendered)</para>
<para>For example:
<programlisting language="java">public class EmployeePage extends Page {
public String employeeDescription;
// Form does not have a name defined
public Form employeeForm = new Form();
// Table defines its own name
public Table employeeTable = new Table("table");
<para>Note in the example above that the <varname>employeeDescription</varname>
variable and the <varname>employeeForm</varname> and <varname>employeeTable</varname>
controls are not added to the page. Also note that Form name is not
<para>When autobinding is enabled, ClickServlet will create a new Page
and add the bindable variables and controls to the page. Following the
example above the <varname>employeeDescription</varname>,
<varname>employeeForm</varname> and <varname>employeeTable</varname> will
be added to the page, which is equivalent to the following statements:
<methodname>addModel("employeeDescription", employeeDescription)</methodname>,
<methodname>addControl(employeeForm)</methodname> and
<para>Furthermore, controls that do not have a name defined will
have their name set to their instance variable name. In this
case the Form name will be set to <varname>employeeForm</varname> while
the Table name won't be altered since it already has a name defined.
<para>The above example is a shorthand way of writing the following:
<programlisting language="java">public class EmployeePage extends Page {
private String employeeDescription;
private Form employeeForm = new Form();
private Table employeeTable = new Table("table");
public void onInit() {
<para>Note that we did not show where employeeDescription is added
to the page model. The reason for that is because autobinding handles non
controls slightly differently. Non control variables are added to the
model just before the page response is written. This allows the value of
the variable to be set anywhere in the page. For example:
<programlisting language="java">public class EmployeePage extends Page {
private String employeeDescription;
private Form employeeForm = new Form();
private Table employeeTable = new Table("table");
public boolean onSaveClick {
if (employeeForm.isValid()) {
// employeeDescription is added to the page model just before the
// response is written
employeeDescription = employee.getDescription();
} </programlisting>
<para><varname>employeeDescription</varname> will be added to the page
model and can be referenced in the page template as
<para>Autobinding can be turned off by setting the <symbol>autobinding</symbol>
attribute to <varname>none</varname> as shown below:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;pages package="" <symbol>autobinding</symbol>="<varname>none</varname>"/&gt;
<sect3 id="application-autobinding-annotation" remap="h4">
<title>Page Autobinding - Using Annotations</title>
<para>Click provides the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/util/Bindable.html">Bindable</ulink>
annotation which enables autobinding of Page variables The Bindable
annotation can bind <varname>private</varname>, <varname>protected</varname>
and <varname>public</varname> Page variables.
<para>By default, Click's autobinding feature operates on both
<symbol>public</symbol> and <symbol>@Bindable</symbol> variables.
To instruct Click to operate only on <symbol>@Bindable</symbol>
annotated variables, you can set the <symbol>autobinding</symbol>
attribute to <varname>annotation</varname>, for example:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<click-app>
<pages package="" ]]><symbol>autobinding</symbol>="<varname>annotation</varname>"<![CDATA[/>
<para>Click won't autobind <literal>public</literal> variables anymore.
<para>Below is an example using the <symbol>@Bindable</symbol>
<programlisting language="java">public class EmployeePage extends Page {
<symbol>@Bindable</symbol> protected Form employeeForm = new Form();
<symbol>@Bindable</symbol> protected Table myTable = new Table();
<sect2 id="application-headers" remap="h3">
<para>The optional <literal>headers</literal> element defines a list of
<literal>header</literal> elements which are applied to all pages.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <varname>headers</varname> (<symbol>header</symbol>*)&gt;</literallayout>
<para>The <symbol>header</symbol> element defines header name and value
pairs which are applied to the
<ulink url="">HttpServletResponse</ulink>.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>header</symbol> (#PCDATA)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST header <varname>name</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST header <varname>value</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST header <varname>type</varname> (String|Integer|Date) "String"&gt;</literallayout>
<para>Page headers are set after the Page has been constructed and before
<methodname>onInit()</methodname> is called. Pages can then modify their
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#headers">headers</ulink>
property using the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Page.html#setHeader(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.Object)">setHeader()</ulink>
<sect3 id="browser-caching" remap="h4">
<title>Browser Caching</title>
<para>Headers are typically used to switch off browser caching. By
default Click will use the following no caching header values if you don't
define a <literal>headers</literal> element in your application:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/&gt;
&lt;header name="Cache-Control"
value="no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"/&gt;
&lt;header name="Expires" value="1" type="Date"/&gt;
<para>Alternatively you can define your headers individually in pages or
for all application pages by setting header values. For example, to
switch off caching in the <literal>Login</literal> page, set the
following page cache control headers:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;pages package=""&gt;
&lt;page path="login.htm" classname=""&gt;
&lt;header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/&gt;
&lt;header name="Expires" value="1" type="Date"/&gt;
<para>Note: the value for a Date type should be a long number value.
<para>If you wanted to enable caching for a particular page you could set
the following page cache control header. This will mark the page as cachable
for a period of 1 hour after which it should be reloaded.
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;pages package=""&gt;
&lt;page path="home.htm" classname=""&gt;
&lt;header name="Cache-Control" value="max-age=3600, public, must-revalidate"/&gt;
<para>To apply header values globally define header values in the headers
element. For example:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
&lt;header name="Pragma" value="no-cache"/&gt;
&lt;header name="Cache-Control"
value="no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"/&gt;
&lt;header name="Expires" value="1" type="Date"/&gt;
<sect2 id="application-format" remap="h3">
<para>The optional <literal>format</literal> element defines the Format
object classname which is applied to all pages.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>format</symbol> (#PCDATA)&gt;
&lt;ATTLIST format <varname>classname</varname> CDATA ""&gt;</literallayout>
<para>By default all Click pages are configured with a
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/util/Format.html"></ulink>
object. The format object is made available in the Velocity page templates
using the name <varname>$format</varname>.
<para>To specify a custom format class configure a <literal>format</literal>
element in the click-app descriptor. For example:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
<symbol>&lt;format</symbol> classname="<varname>com.mycorp.util.CustomFormat</varname>"/&gt;
<sect2 id="application-mode" remap="h3">
<para>The optional <literal>mode</literal> element defines the application
logging and caching mode.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>mode</symbol> (#PCDATA)&gt;
&lt;ATTLIST mode value (<varname>production|profile|development|debug|trace</varname>) "development"&gt;</literallayout>
<para>By default Click applications run in <literal>development</literal> mode,
which switches off page template caching, and the logging level is set to
<para>To change the default application mode configure a mode element in the
click-app descriptor. For example to specify <literal>production</literal>
mode you would add the following mode element:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
<symbol>&lt;mode</symbol> value="<varname>production</varname>"&gt;
<para>The application mode configuration can be overridden by setting the
system property <literal>"click.mode"</literal>. This can be use in the scenario
of debugging a problem on a production system, where you change the mode to
<literal>trace</literal> by setting the following system property and
restarting the application.
<para>The Click Application modes and their settings for Page auto loading,
template caching and logging levels are:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="5">
<colspec colname="c1" colwidth="20*"/>
<colspec colname="c2" colwidth="20*"/>
<colspec colname="c3" colwidth="20*"/>
<colspec colname="c4" colwidth="20*"/>
<colspec colname="c5" colwidth="20*"/>
<?dbfo bgcolor="navy"?>
Application mode
Page auto loading
Template caching
Click log level
Velocity log level
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<emphasis role="bold">production</emphasis>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<emphasis role="bold">profile</emphasis>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<emphasis role="bold">development</emphasis>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<emphasis role="bold">debug</emphasis>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<emphasis role="bold">trace</emphasis>
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<entry align="center" valign="middle">
<sect3 id="page-auto-loading" remap="h4">
<title>Page Auto Loading</title>
<para>When Page Auto Loading is enabled any new page templates and classes
will be automatically loaded at runtime. These pages are loaded using the
<link linkend="application-automapping">Page Automapping</link> rules.
<para>Page auto loading is a very handy feature for rapid development as
you do not have to restart you application server to pick up new pages.
<sect3 id="click-logging" remap="h4">
<title>Click and Velocity Logging</title>
<para>The Click and Velocity runtimes use
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/service/LogService.html">LogService</ulink>
for logging messages. The default LogService implementation is
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/service/ConsoleLogService.html">ConsoleLogService</ulink>
which will send messages to the console [System.out]. For example the
following logging output is for a HomePage request when the application
mode is <literal>trace</literal>:
<literallayout>[Click] [debug] GET http://localhost:8080/quickstart/home.htm
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.&lt;&lt;init&gt;&gt;
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onSecurityCheck() : true
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onInit()
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onGet()
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onRender()
[Click] [info ] renderTemplate: /home.htm - 6 ms
[Click] [trace] invoked: HomePage.onDestroy()
[Click] [info ] handleRequest: /home.htm - 24 ms</literallayout>
<para>Any unhandled <literal>Throwable</literal> errors are logged by the
<para>Note that Click Extras also provide log adaptors for
<ulink url="../../extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/service/Log4JLogService.html">Log4J</ulink>
and the <ulink url="../../extras-api/org/apache/click/extras/service/JdkLogService.html">JDK Logging API</ulink>.
<para>When an application is not in <literal>production</literal> mode the
error page displays detailed debugging information. When the application
mode is <literal>production</literal> no debug information is displayed to
prevent sensitive information being revealed. This behaviour can be changed
by modifying the deployed <filename>click/error.htm</filename> page template.
<sect2 id="application-controls" remap="h3">
<para>The optional <literal>controls</literal> element defines a list of
<literal>control</literal> elements which will be deployed on application
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <varname>controls</varname> (<symbol>control</symbol>*)&gt;</literallayout>
<para>The <symbol>control</symbol> registers
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html">Control</ulink> classes
which will have their <ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#onDeploy(javax.servlet.ServletContext)">onDeploy()</ulink>
method invoked when the click application starts.
<literallayout>&lt;!ELEMENT <symbol>control</symbol> (#PCDATA)&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST control <varname>classname</varname> CDATA #REQUIRED&gt;</literallayout>
<para>For example to have a <classname>CustomField</classname> control
deploy its resources on application startup, you would add the following
elements to your <filename>click.xml</filename> file:
<programlisting language="xml">&lt;click-app&gt;
<symbol>&lt;control</symbol> classname="<varname>com.mycorp.control.CustomField</varname>"/&gt;
<sect1 id="auto-deployed-files" remap="h2">
<title>Auto Deployed Files</title>
<para>To make pre-configured resources (templates, stylesheets, etc.)
available to web applications, Click automatically deploys configured
classpath resources to the <varname>/click</varname> directory at startup
(if not already present).
<para>You can modify these support files and Click will
<emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> overwrite them. These files include:
<para> click/error.htm &nbsp; - &nbsp; the Page
<link linkend="page-error-handling">Error Handling</link> template
<para> click/control.css &nbsp; - &nbsp; the Controls cascading stylesheet</para>
<para> click/control.js &nbsp; - &nbsp; the Controls JavaScript library</para>
<para> click/not-found.htm &nbsp; - &nbsp; the
<link linkend="page-not-found">Page Not Found</link> template
<para>For example to customize the control styles you can place a customized
copy (or even a brand new version) of <filename>control.css</filename> under
the <varname>/click</varname> folder in your web project:
<para>When Click starts up it will <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis>
override your copy of <filename>control.css</filename> with its own default
<para>Different controls might deploy different stylesheet, javascript or image
files, however the above principle still applies. By placing a customized copy
of the stylesheet, javascript or image under the <varname>/click</varname> folder,
you will override the default resource.
<para>Be aware that some of the more complex controls (checklist, colorpicker,
tree), deploys resources to subfolders under <varname>/click</varname>, for
example <literal>/click/checklist/*</literal>.
<para>A control's Javadoc will normally indicate what resources are deployed
for that control.
<sect2 id="deploying-restricted-env" remap="h3">
<title>Deploying resources in a restricted environment</title>
<para>Some environments place restrictions on the file system and
Click won't be able to deploy its resources. WebLogic and
Google App Engine are examples of such environments. (Note that WebLogic has
a property to allow access to the file system. From the Admin Console go
to the <emphasis>Server node &gt; Web Applications</emphasis>
tab and check the <emphasis>Archived Real Path Enabled</emphasis> parameter.)
<para>If Click cannot deploy its resources because of limited file system
access or permissions, warning messages will be logged.
<para><emphasis role="bold">Note: </emphasis>if your application is
running on a <emphasis>Servlet 3.0</emphasis> compliant server, there is
no need to deploy resources. Servlet 3.0 specifies that if the server
cannot find a resource in the root directory of the webapp, it will look
for the resource under <emphasis>'META-INF/resources'</emphasis>, and if
found, serve it up. Click is Servlet 3.0 compliant and packages its
resources under <emphasis>'META-INF/resources'</emphasis>.
<para>Click provides a number of options to make resources available
in restricted environments which is covered below:
<para>The first option (which will work in all environments) is to deploy
the resources at build time. Click ships with an Ant Task
called DeployTask that deploys Click static resources to a web
application. With this option Click's static resources can be copied
to the root directory of your webapp, where you can customize the
resources further if needed. The DeployTask can easily be incorporated
into your build script.
<para>Currently the DeployTask is part of the <filename>click-dev-tools-xxx.jar</filename>
that can be found in your Click distribution under the <emphasis>lib</emphasis>
<para>Here is a basic example:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<target name="deploy" description="Deploy static resources">
<taskdef name="deploy"
classpath="<click-distribution>/lib/click-dev-tasks-1.1.jar"/>]]> <co id="co-click-distribution" linkends="ca-click-distribution"/><![CDATA[
<deploy dir="<webapp-root>/WEB-INF"
todir="<webapp-root>"/>]]> <co id="co-webapp-root" linkends="ca-webapp-root"/><![CDATA[
</target>]]> </programlisting>
<callout arearefs="co-click-distribution" id="ca-click-distribution">
<para><literal>&lt;click-distribution&gt;</literal> is the location
where Click is installed on your machine, for example:
<callout arearefs="co-webapp-root" id="ca-webapp-root">
<para><literal>&lt;webapp-root&gt;</literal> is the root directory
of your webapp, for example: <literal>C:\dev\my-webapp\</literal>.
<para>We use the <emphasis>&lt;deploy&gt;</emphasis> Ant Task and specify
the attributes <varname>dir</varname> and <varname>todir</varname>.
<para><varname>dir</varname> specifies the <emphasis>source</emphasis>
directory to scan for JARs and folders containing static resources,
while <varname>todir</varname> specifies the <emphasis>target</emphasis>
directory where the resources should be copied to.
<para><varname>dir</varname> should point to your web application's
<emphasis>WEB-INF</emphasis> folder, since that is where Click's JARs
will be located. <varname>todir</varname> should point to your web
application's root directory, since that is where Click's resources
will be served from.
<para>The DeployTask also supports nested
<ulink url="">FileSets</ulink>
if you need to deploy resources from multiple source locations. For
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<target name="deploy" description="Deploy static resources">
<taskdef name="deploy"
<deploy todir="${dir.webapp}">
<fileset dir="<webapp-root>/WEB-INF">
<include name="**/classes"/>
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="/some/folder/with/jars">
<include name="lib-with-resources.jar"/>
<include name="another-lib-with-resources.jar"/>
</target>]]> </programlisting>
<para>The DeployTask also generates an HTML report in the same folder
where the build script is executed from. The report will indicate
which resources was deployed successfully and which resources
in your webapp root directory is outdated. (An outdated resource means
that the resource in the <emphasis>click-xxx.jar</emphasis> differs
from the resource currently present in your webapp root directory.
This can happen when upgrading to a new version of Click)
<para>Another option is to add a mapping in <emphasis>web.xml</emphasis>
to inform ClickServlet to serve static resources. This feature is made
available through the
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/service/ResourceService.html">ResourceService</ulink>
interface and its default implementation,
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/service/ClickResourceService.html">ClickResourceService</ulink>.
Below is an example:
<programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<servlet>
<!-- Inform ClickServlet to serve static resources contained under the /click/*
directory directly from Click's JAR files. -->
<para>With this setup, ClickServlet will serve all static
<varname>/click/*</varname> resources directly from Click's JAR files.
<para>One restriction of ClickResourceService is it only serves
resources from the <emphasis>/click/*</emphasis> folder. So if you use
third-party Click libraries that serve their resources from a different
folder e.g. <emphasis>/clickclick/*</emphasis>, this option won't work
<para>Also note that with this option Click's resources are served
directly from the JAR files, you won't be able to customize the resources,
if for example you want change the default styling through CSS.
<para>Another option is to manually deploy the resources. Click
resources are packaged in JARs under the directory
<emphasis>META-INF/resources</emphasis>. You can use your IDE
to navigate into the JARs and copy all the resources from
<emphasis>META-INF/resources</emphasis> to your webapp root directory.
<para>For example, to deploy the resources from
<emphasis>click-core.jar</emphasis>, copy the <emphasis>/click</emphasis>
folder and its contents to your web application root folder.
<para>And finally you can access Click's resources by deploying your
application on a development machine where there are no file system
restrictions and the WAR/EAR can be unpacked. You can then copy the
deployed resources to your webapp root directory.
<sect2 id="deploying-custom-resources" remap="h3">
<title>Deploying Custom Resources</title>
<para> Click supports two ways of deploying pre-configured resources
(templates, stylesheets, JavaScript etc.) from a Jar to a web application.
(This assumes that the environment Click is running in supports having
write access to the file system and that the WAR is unpacked.)
<para> Through a Control's
<ulink url="../../click-api/org/apache/click/Control.html#onDeploy(javax.servlet.ServletContext)">onDeploy()</ulink>
event handler. See the <link linkend="application-controls">Controls</link>
section above.
<para>By packaging the resources (stylesheets, JavaScript, Images etc.)
into a special folder called <emphasis>'META-INF/resources'</emphasis>.
<para>As option #1 was already discussed above in section
<link linkend="application-controls">Controls</link>, lets look at option #2.
<para>When Click starts up, it scans each Jar and folder on the classpath
for specially marked entries starting with 'META-INF/resources/'. (Please
note that even though Click will scan the entire classpath it is strongly
recommended to host your Jar files under your WAR lib folder e.g. WEB-INF/lib.
Sharing Jars on the classpath can lead to class loading issues.)
<para>Click will then copy all files found under 'META-INF/resources/' to
the root directory of the webapp.
For example, given a Jar file with the following entries:
<para>Click will copy the files <emphasis>'/mycorp/edit_customer.js'</emphasis>
and <emphasis>'/mycorp/edit_customer.css'</emphasis> to the web application
<para>Thus if the web application is called 'webapp', the files will be
deployed as <emphasis>'webapp/mycorp/edit_customer.js'</emphasis> and
<para>Option #2 is the recommended approach for deploying your own
resources since it makes the managing and maintenance of resources much