blob: 475f95750268d75bd4aee2520a38dcbb57ab4866 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.db;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;
import com.datastax.driver.core.LocalDate;
import com.datastax.driver.core.Row;
import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.Bytes;
import com.datastax.driver.core.utils.UUIDs;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.common.DataObjectBuilder;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
* RestoreJob is the in-memory representation of a restore job
public class RestoreJob
private static final ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
public final LocalDate createdAt;
public final UUID jobId;
public final String keyspaceName;
public final String tableName;
public final String jobAgent;
public final RestoreJobStatus status;
public final RestoreJobSecrets secrets;
public final SSTableImportOptions importOptions;
public final Date expireAt;
public final short bucketCount;
public final String consistencyLevel;
public final Manager restoreJobManager;
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
* Create from a row read from Cassandra.
* Read {@code SidecarSchema.CqlLiterals#RESTORE_JOB_TABLE_SCHEMA} for the schema.
* @param row cannot be null
public static RestoreJob from(@NotNull Row row) throws DataObjectMappingException
Builder builder = new Builder();
// todo: Yifan, add them back when the cql statement is updated to reflect the new columns.
// Add new fields to CreateRestoreJobRequestPayload too
// .bucketCount(row.getShort("bucket_count"))
private static RestoreJobStatus decodeJobStatus(String status)
return status == null ? null : RestoreJobStatus.valueOf(status.toUpperCase());
private static RestoreJobSecrets decodeJobSecrets(ByteBuffer secretsBytes)
return secretsBytes == null
? null
: deserializeJsonBytes(secretsBytes,
private static SSTableImportOptions decodeSSTableImportOptions(ByteBuffer importOptionsBytes)
return importOptionsBytes == null
? null
: deserializeJsonBytes(importOptionsBytes,
private RestoreJob(Builder builder)
this.createdAt = builder.createdAt;
this.jobId = builder.jobId;
this.keyspaceName = builder.keyspaceName;
this.tableName = builder.tableName;
this.jobAgent = builder.jobAgent;
this.status = builder.status;
this.secrets = builder.secrets;
this.importOptions = builder.importOptions == null
? SSTableImportOptions.defaults()
: builder.importOptions;
this.expireAt = builder.expireAt;
this.bucketCount = builder.bucketCount;
this.consistencyLevel = builder.consistencyLevel;
this.restoreJobManager = builder.manager;
public Builder unbuild()
return new Builder(this);
public boolean isManagedBySidecar()
return restoreJobManager == Manager.SIDECAR;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
return String.format("RestoreJob{" +
"createdAt='%s', jobId='%s', keyspaceName='%s', " +
"tableName='%s', status='%s', secrets='%s', importOptions='%s', " +
"expireAt='%s', bucketCount='%s', consistencyLevel='%s'}",
createdAt.toString(), jobId.toString(),
keyspaceName, tableName,
status, secrets, importOptions,
expireAt, bucketCount, consistencyLevel);
public static LocalDate toLocalDate(UUID jobId)
return LocalDate.fromMillisSinceEpoch(UUIDs.unixTimestamp(jobId));
private static <T> T deserializeJsonBytes(ByteBuffer byteBuffer, Class<T> type, String fieldNameHint)
return MAPPER.readValue(Bytes.getArray(byteBuffer), type);
catch (IOException e)
throw new DataObjectMappingException("Failed to deserialize " + fieldNameHint, e);
* Builder for building a {@link RestoreJob}
public static class Builder implements DataObjectBuilder<Builder, RestoreJob>
private LocalDate createdAt;
private UUID jobId;
private String keyspaceName;
private String tableName;
private String jobAgent;
private RestoreJobStatus status;
private RestoreJobSecrets secrets;
private SSTableImportOptions importOptions;
private Date expireAt;
private short bucketCount;
private String consistencyLevel;
private Manager manager;
private Builder()
// used by unbuild
private Builder(RestoreJob restoreJob)
this.createdAt = restoreJob.createdAt;
this.jobId = restoreJob.jobId;
this.keyspaceName = restoreJob.keyspaceName;
this.tableName = restoreJob.tableName;
this.jobAgent = restoreJob.jobAgent;
this.status = restoreJob.status;
this.secrets = restoreJob.secrets;
this.importOptions = restoreJob.importOptions;
this.expireAt = restoreJob.expireAt;
this.bucketCount = restoreJob.bucketCount;
this.consistencyLevel = restoreJob.consistencyLevel;
public Builder createdAt(LocalDate createdAt)
return update(b -> b.createdAt = createdAt);
public Builder jobId(UUID jobId)
return update(b -> b.jobId = jobId);
public Builder keyspace(String keyspace)
return update(b -> b.keyspaceName = keyspace);
public Builder table(String table)
return update(b -> b.tableName = table);
public Builder jobAgent(String jobAgent)
return update(b -> b.jobAgent = jobAgent);
public Builder jobStatus(RestoreJobStatus jobStatus)
return update(b -> b.status = jobStatus);
public Builder jobSecrets(RestoreJobSecrets jobSecrets)
return update(b -> b.secrets = jobSecrets);
public Builder sstableImportOptions(SSTableImportOptions options)
return update(b -> b.importOptions = options);
public Builder expireAt(Date expireAt)
return update(b -> b.expireAt = expireAt);
public Builder bucketCount(short bucketCount)
return update(b -> b.bucketCount = bucketCount);
public Builder consistencyLevel(String consistencyLevel)
return update(b -> {
b.consistencyLevel = consistencyLevel;
b.manager = resolveManager(consistencyLevel);
public Builder self()
return this;
public RestoreJob build()
return new RestoreJob(this);
* Resolve the manager of the restore job based on the existence of consistencyLevel
* @return the resolved Manager
private Manager resolveManager(String consistencyLevel)
// If spark is the manager, the restore job is created w/o specifying consistency level
// If the manager of the restore job is sidecar, consistency level must present
return consistencyLevel == null ? Manager.SPARK : Manager.SIDECAR;
* The manager of the restore job. The variant could change the code path a restore job runs.
* It is a feature switch essentially.
public enum Manager
* The restore job is managed by Spark. Sidecar instances are just simple workers. They rely on client/Spark
* for decision-making.
* The restore job is managed by Sidecar. Sidecar instances should assign slices to sidecar instances
* and check whether the job has met the consistency level to complete the job.