blob: 7e12540d2aa3db3700ef577b8c84e2dd760d2886 [file] [log] [blame]
* Security patch to fix incorrect usage of yaml configuration (CASSANDRASC-12)
* Build and Test with both Java 8 & 11 in Circle CI (CASSANDRA-15611)
* Upgraded Gradle and replaced FindBugs with SpotBugs (CASSANDRA-15610)
* Improving local HealthCheckTest reliability (CASSANDRA-15615)
* Read sidecar.yaml from sidecar.config System Property instead of classpath (CASSANDRA-15288)
* Add integration tests task (CASSANDRA-15031)
* Add support for SSL and bindable address (CASSANDRA-15030)
* Autogenerate API docs for sidecar (CASSANDRA-15028)
* C* Management process (CASSANDRA-14395)