Add the doc with guidelines and best practices

The document delves into the contribution guidelines, source code best practices
and source code style.
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+# Contributing to Apache Cassandra Sidecar
+We warmly welcome and appreciate contributions from the community.
+## Table of Contents
+* [How to Contribute](#how-to-contribute)
+  * [Discuss](#discuss)
+  * [Create a Ticket](#ticket)
+* [Source Code Best Practices](#best-practices)
+  * [Asynchronous Programming](#async-programming)
+  * [Thread Pool Model](#thread-pools)
+  * [One-shot Timers and Periodic Timers](#timers)
+  * [RestEasy Integration](#resteasy)
+  * [Dependency Injection](#guice)
+  * [Handler Chaining](#chaining-handlers)
+  * [Asynchronous Handlers](#async-handlers)
+  * [Future Composition](#future-composition)
+  * [Failure Handling](#failure-handling)
+* [Source Code Style](#source-code-style)
+## <a name="how-to-contribute"></a>How to Contribute
+### <a name="discuss"></a>Discuss
+Find an existing issue on Jira, or start a new discussing in the Apache Cassandra mailing list.
+### <a name="ticket"></a>Create a Ticket
+Before creating a ticket, please take the time to [research first](#discuss).
+If you are creating a new Jira after a discussion on the Apache Cassandra mailing list, please provide a
+self-sufficient description in the ticket. This is certainly extra work, but Jira is the place where we capture
+important design discussions and decisions that can often be referenced after the fix version, to understand
+the origin of a feature, understand design decisions, and so on.
+When ready create a Jira ticket.
+## <a name="best-practices"></a>Source Code Best Practices
+The Apache Cassandra Sidecar project uses the [vertx]( toolkit. It uses the asynchronous and
+reactive programming paradigm. This allows for Sidecar to scale up as workloads grow, as well as resiliency when
+failures arise.
+<a name="traditional-app-server"></a>
+In a traditional application server, a pool of threads is used to receive request. Each request is handled by a
+distinct thread. This model is well suited for small-medium workloads. As workloads grow, applications need to scale
+horizontally because of hardware limits on the number of threads that can be created.
+### <a name="async-programming"></a>Asynchronous Programming
+In the Asynchronous Programming model, the same hardware is able to handle more requests. This model uses fewer threads
+to process incoming connections. When blocking I/O operations occur, the thread moves on to the next task (handling
+a different request for example), and then once the I/O operation has completed the thread will come back to the
+initial task.
+Vertx multiplexes concurrent workloads using event loops. This allows taking advantage of the existing hardware more
+effectively to handle more requests.
+Any blocking I/O or CPU intensive processing needs to be handled outside the event loop threads. NEVER BLOCK THE
+### <a name="thread-pools"></a>Thread Pool Model
+Vertx uses different thread pools for internal processing. By default, vertx will use the event loop thread pool,
+the worker thread pool, and the internal worker thread pool.
+#### The event loop thread pool (i.e. vert.x-eventloop-thread-1)
+The event loop thread pool threads handle events for processing. When the event comes in, it is dispatched to a
+handler. It is expected that the processing will be complete quickly per event. If it doesn't you will see log
+entries warning you that the event loop thread has been blocked. Vertx provisions a thread to detect blocked threads
+in the execution.
+Thread vertx-eventloop-thread-3 has been blocked for 20458 ms
+If you see log entries like the one above, make sure to audit your code to understand your code and what is
+causing your code to block the event pool thread. Consider moving the blocking I/O operations or CPU-intensive
+operations to a worker thread pool.
+#### The worker thread pool (i.e. vert.x-worker-thread-1)
+This thread pool is dedicated to handling blocking I/O operations or CPU-intensive operations that might block
+event loop threads. By default, the thread pool has 20 threads. The number of worker threads can be configured
+when configuring the `DeploymentOptions` for vertx.
+#### The internal worker thread pool (i.e. vert.x-internal-worker-thread-1)
+An internal worker thread pool used by vertx for internal operations. Similarly to the worker thread pool, the
+internal worker thread pool has 20 threads by default. Do not use this thread pool directly, use the worker
+thread pool instead.
+### <a href="timers"></a>One-shot Timers and Periodic Timers
+Use vertx APIs to set one-shot timers and periodic timers. If you need to execute a one-time operation in the future,
+or if you need to run periodic operations within vertx, an API is available. These timers utilize vertx provisioned
+threads that are managed internal by vertx. For example
+logger.debug("Retrying streaming after {} millis", millis);
+vertx.setTimer(millis, t -> acquireAndSend(context, filename, fileLength, range, startTime));
+### <a href="resteasy"></a>RestEasy Integration
+The Apache Cassandra Sidecar project uses vertx-resteasy, and is the preferred method to provision endpoints. The
+exception to the rule is when you require access to low-level APIs that are not available through RestEasy. Here's
+an example of a simple RestEasy handler.
+public class TimeSkewHandler {
+  private final TimeSkewInfo info;
+  @Inject
+  public TimeSkewHandler(TimeSkewInfo info) {
+    info = info;
+  }
+  @GET
+  public TimeSkewResponse getTimeSkewResponse() {
+    return new TimeSkewResponse(System.currentTimeMillis(), info.allowableSkewInMinutes());;
+  }
+### <a href="guice"></a>Dependency Injection
+The Apache Cassandra Sidecar project uses Guice for handling the object interdependency. When a class encapsulates
+some functionality that is then used by a different class in the system, we use Guice for dependency injection.
+When a different implementation can be provided in the future, prefer using an interface and a default implementation
+that can be later switched transparently without affecting the classes that depend on it.
+Prefer creating concrete classes over utility methods. The concrete classes can be managed as a
+[Singleton]( if they do not have external dependencies that might
+change their behavior based on the configuration.
+Here's an example of a class being managed by Guice.
+ * Verifies the checksum of a file
+ */
+public interface ChecksumVerifier {
+  Future<Boolean> verify(String expectedhash, String filename);
+Let's say we support `MD5` for checksum verification, our implementation can look like this:
+public class MD5ChecksumVerifier implements ChecksumVerifier {
+    public Future<Boolean> verify(String expectedhash, String filename) {
+        return, new OpenOptions())
+                 .compose(this::calculateMD5)
+                 .compose(computedChecksum -> {
+                     if (!expectedHash.equals(computedChecksum))
+                         return Future.failedFuture();
+                     return Future.succeededFuture(true);
+                 });
+    }
+  }
+A new implementation of `ChecksumVerifier` that uses a different hashing algorithm can be injected later.
+### <a name="chaining-handlers"></a>Handler Chaining
+Vertx allows you to chain handlers. Each handler in the chain will process a small unit of operation. This becomes
+useful when you want to reuse code in different routes. For example the `FileStreamHandler` which is used by multiple
+Here's an example of a route that uses multiple handlers.
+      .path("/api/v1/keyspace/:keyspace/table/:table/snapshots/:snapshot/component/:component")
+      .handler(validateQualifiedTableHandler)
+      .handler(streamSSTableComponentHandler)
+      .handler(fileStreamHandler);
+This route chains three handlers. The first handler validates the keyspace and table name provided as part of the
+path parameters. The second handler determines the path on disk of the component that is going to be streamed. Lastly,
+the file stream handler will stream the file from the previous handler back to the client.
+Note how the validation handler can be reused by other routes that also need keyspace and table name validation;
+and the filestream handler can be reused by other routes that need to perform file streaming.
+Let's take a look at these handlers a little more in detail.
+public class ValidateQualifiedTableHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
+    public void handle(RoutingContext ctx) {
+        String ks = ctx.pathParam("keyspace");
+        String tn = ctx.pathParam("table");
+        if (!isValidKeyspaceName(ks))"Invalid keyspace");
+        else if (!isValidTable(tn))"Invalid table");
+        else;
+    }
+public class StreamSSTableComponentHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
+    public void handle(RoutingContext ctx) {
+        String ks = ctx.pathParam("keyspace");
+        String tn = ctx.pathParam("table");
+        …
+, ks, tn, snapshot, component)
+                   .onSuccess(p -> ctx.put("filename", p).next())
+                   .onFailure(ctx::fail);
+    }
+public class FileStreamHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext>  {
+    public void handle(RoutingContext context) {
+        final String localFile = context.get("filename");
+        FileSystem fs = context.vertx().fileSystem();
+        fs.exists(localFile)
+          .compose(exists -> ensureValidFile(fs, localFile, exists))
+          .compose(fileProps -> HttpResponse(context.response()), localFile, fileProps.size(), context.request().getHeader(HttpHeaderNames.RANGE)))
+          .onFailure(context::fail);
+    }
+### <a name="async-handlers"></a>Asynchronous Handlers
+When [RestEasy](#resteasy) is not a suitable approach, use asynchronous handlers. Vertx has support for both
+asynchronous and blocking handlers. When using a blocking handler, you will take up a worker thread for the entire
+execution of the handler. This is similar to what the [traditional application servers](#traditional-app-server)
+do with their threading model, which doesn't take full advantage of the asynchronous and reactive benefits that vertx
+Blocking handler:
+      .blockingHandler(listSnapshotFiles);
+Asynchronous handlers:
+      .path("/asyncHandler")
+      .handler(streamSSTableComponentHandler)
+      .handler(fileStreamHandler);
+### <a name="future-composition"></a>Future Composition
+Future composition is a feature that allows you to chain multiple futures. When the current future succeeds, then
+it applies to the function down the chain. When one of the futures fails, the composition fails.
+FileSystem fs = vertx.fileSystem();
+Future<Void> future = fs.createFile("/foo")
+                        .compose(v -> fs.writeFile("/foo", Buffer.buffer()))
+                        .compose(v -> fs.move("/foo", "/bar"));
+If one of the future fails above, the chain is stopped and a failed future results from the chain. If all the futures
+succeed, then the chain succeeds.
+### <a name="failure-handling"></a>Failure Handling
+If you need to provide feedback to the client about a request, use `HttpException` with the appropriate status code
+and a message that describes the issue and helps the client fix the issue.
+For example:
+throw new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST.code(), "Computed MD5 checksum does not match expected");
+The exception can be added directly to the `RequestContext` inside the handler:
+```java HttpException(TOO_MANY_REQUESTS.code(), "Retry exhausted"));
+Be careful what you add in the response payload of the `HttpException`. Bad actors can use information from these
+responses to try to compromise the system.
+A look at the new `SidecarFailureHandler` class:
+public class SidecarFailureHandler implements Handler<RoutingContext> {
+  @Override
+  public void handle(RoutingContext ctx) {
+    Throwable t = ctx.failure();
+    if (t instanceOf HttpException) handleHttpException(ctx, (HttpException) t);
+    else if (ctx.statusCode() == REQUEST_TIMEOUT.code())
+      handleRequestTimeout(ctx);
+    else; // handled by vertx
+  }
+  private void handleHttpException(RoutingContext ctx, HttpException e) {
+      JsonObject payload = new JsonObject()
+                           .put("status", "Fail")
+                           .put("message", e.getPayload());
+      writeResponse(ctx, e.getStatusCode(), payload);
+  }
+  …
+## <a name="source-code-style"></a>Source Code Style
+The project provides an
+[IntelliJ IDEA code formatting configuration](
+that defines the source file coding standards.
+To import the formatting configuration run the following gradle task:
+./gradlew copyCodeStyle
+This will install the style settings into the `.idea` directory located at the root of the project directory.
+You can then use the provided configuration that adhere to the project source file coding standards.
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 Start minikube with a command similar to the following.  Use a netmask appropriate for your local network, and allow minikube to use as much RAM as you can afford to:
     minikube start --insecure-registry "" --addons registry --memory 8G --cpus=4
-This will create a MiniKub cluster using the default driver.  On OSX, this is hyperkit.  
+This will create a MiniKube cluster using the default driver.  On OSX, this is hyperkit.
 Enabling the tunnel is required in certain environments for tests to connect to the instances.
@@ -72,6 +72,11 @@
 You will need to use the "Add Projects" function of CircleCI to set up CircleCI on your fork.  When promoted to create a branch, 
 do not replace the CircleCI config, choose the option to do it manually.  CircleCI will pick up the in project configuration.
+We warmly welcome and appreciate contributions from the community. Please see [](
+if you wish to submit pull requests.
 Wondering where to go from here?