blob: 5c4a6ce52aace34b40515a75f9a6a492e83b6d34 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.client;
import java.time.Duration;
import org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.common.DataObjectBuilder;
* Encapsulates configurations for the {@link SidecarClient}
public class SidecarClientConfigImpl implements SidecarClientConfig
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = 3;
public static final long DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_MILLIS = 500L;
public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_DELAY_MILLIS = 60_000L;
public static final Duration DEFAULT_MINIMUM_HEALTH_RETRY_DELAY = Duration.ofSeconds(1L);
public static final Duration DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_HEALTH_RETRY_DELAY = Duration.ofSeconds(5L);
protected final int maxRetries;
protected final long retryDelayMillis;
protected final long maxRetryDelayMillis;
protected final Duration minimumHealthRetryDelay;
protected final Duration maximumHealthRetryDelay;
private SidecarClientConfigImpl(Builder builder)
maxRetries = builder.maxRetries;
retryDelayMillis = builder.retryDelayMillis;
maxRetryDelayMillis = builder.maxRetryDelayMillis;
minimumHealthRetryDelay = builder.minimumHealthRetryDelay;
maximumHealthRetryDelay = builder.maximumHealthRetryDelay;
* @return the maximum number of times to retry a request
public int maxRetries()
return maxRetries;
* @return the initial amount of time to wait before retrying a failed request
public long retryDelayMillis()
return retryDelayMillis;
* @return the maximum amount of time to wait before retrying a failed request
public long maxRetryDelayMillis()
return maxRetryDelayMillis;
* @return the minimum amount of time to wait before retrying a failed health check
public Duration minimumHealthRetryDelay()
return minimumHealthRetryDelay;
* @return the maximum amount of time to wait before retrying a failed health check
public Duration maximumHealthRetryDelay()
return maximumHealthRetryDelay;
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
* {@code SidecarConfig} builder static inner class.
public static class Builder implements DataObjectBuilder<Builder, SidecarClientConfig>
protected int maxRetries = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES;
protected long retryDelayMillis = DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_MILLIS;
protected long maxRetryDelayMillis = DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_DELAY_MILLIS;
protected Duration minimumHealthRetryDelay = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_HEALTH_RETRY_DELAY;
protected Duration maximumHealthRetryDelay = DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_HEALTH_RETRY_DELAY;
protected Builder()
public Builder self()
return this;
* Sets the {@code maxRetries} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param maxRetries the {@code maxRetries} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder maxRetries(int maxRetries)
return update(b -> b.maxRetries = maxRetries);
* Sets the {@code retryDelayMillis} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param retryDelayMillis the {@code retryDelayMillis} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder retryDelayMillis(long retryDelayMillis)
return update(b -> b.retryDelayMillis = retryDelayMillis);
* Sets the {@code maxRetryDelayMillis} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param maxRetryDelayMillis the {@code maxRetryDelayMillis} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder maxRetryDelayMillis(long maxRetryDelayMillis)
return update(b -> b.maxRetryDelayMillis = maxRetryDelayMillis);
* Sets the {@code minimumHealthRetryDelay} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining
* @param minimumHealthRetryDelay the {@code minimumHealthRetryDelay} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder minimumHealthRetryDelay(Duration minimumHealthRetryDelay)
return update(builder -> builder.minimumHealthRetryDelay = minimumHealthRetryDelay);
* Sets the {@code maximumHealthRetryDelay} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining
* @param maximumHealthRetryDelay the {@code maximumHealthRetryDelay} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder maximumHealthRetryDelay(Duration maximumHealthRetryDelay)
return update(builder -> builder.maximumHealthRetryDelay = maximumHealthRetryDelay);
* Returns a {@code SidecarConfig} built from the parameters previously set.
* @return a {@code SidecarConfig} built with parameters of this {@code SidecarConfig.Builder}
public SidecarClientConfig build()
return new SidecarClientConfigImpl(this);