blob: 20b457d1b8cf94f5eb13a142cfd4b06fde9948c3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.config.yaml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import io.vertx.core.http.ClientAuth;
import org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.common.DataObjectBuilder;
import org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.config.KeyStoreConfiguration;
import org.apache.cassandra.sidecar.config.SslConfiguration;
* Encapsulates SSL Configuration
public class SslConfigurationImpl implements SslConfiguration
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SSL_ENABLED = false;
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_OPEN_SSL = true;
public static final long DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 10L;
public static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_AUTH = "NONE";
public static final List<String> DEFAULT_SECURE_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOLS
= Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList("TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"));
protected final boolean enabled;
@JsonProperty(value = "use_openssl")
protected final boolean useOpenSsl;
@JsonProperty(value = "handshake_timeout_sec")
protected final long handshakeTimeoutInSeconds;
protected String clientAuth;
@JsonProperty(value = "cipher_suites")
protected final List<String> cipherSuites;
@JsonProperty(value = "accepted_protocols")
protected final List<String> secureTransportProtocols;
protected final KeyStoreConfiguration keystore;
protected final KeyStoreConfiguration truststore;
public SslConfigurationImpl()
protected SslConfigurationImpl(Builder builder)
enabled = builder.enabled;
useOpenSsl = builder.useOpenSsl;
handshakeTimeoutInSeconds = builder.handshakeTimeoutInSeconds;
keystore = builder.keystore;
truststore = builder.truststore;
cipherSuites = builder.cipherSuites;
secureTransportProtocols = builder.secureTransportProtocols;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean enabled()
return enabled;
* {@inheritDoc}
@JsonProperty(value = "use_openssl")
public boolean preferOpenSSL()
return useOpenSsl;
* {@inheritDoc}
@JsonProperty(value = "handshake_timeout_sec")
public long handshakeTimeoutInSeconds()
return handshakeTimeoutInSeconds;
* {@inheritDoc}
@JsonProperty(value = "client_auth")
public String clientAuth()
return clientAuth;
@JsonProperty(value = "client_auth")
public void setClientAuth(String clientAuth)
this.clientAuth = clientAuth;
// forces a validation of the input
this.clientAuth = ClientAuth.valueOf(clientAuth).name();
catch (IllegalArgumentException exception)
String errorMessage = String.format("Invalid client_auth configuration=\"%s\", valid values are (%s)",
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);
* {@inheritDoc}
@JsonProperty(value = "cipher_suites")
public List<String> cipherSuites()
return cipherSuites;
* {@inheritDoc}
@JsonProperty(value = "accepted_protocols")
public List<String> secureTransportProtocols()
return secureTransportProtocols;
* {@inheritDoc}
public KeyStoreConfiguration keystore()
return keystore;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isTrustStoreConfigured()
return truststore != null && truststore.isConfigured();
* {@inheritDoc}
public KeyStoreConfiguration truststore()
return truststore;
public static Builder builder()
return new Builder();
* {@code SslConfigurationImpl} builder static inner class.
public static class Builder implements DataObjectBuilder<Builder, SslConfigurationImpl>
protected boolean enabled = DEFAULT_SSL_ENABLED;
protected boolean useOpenSsl = DEFAULT_USE_OPEN_SSL;
protected long handshakeTimeoutInSeconds = DEFAULT_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT_SECONDS;
protected String clientAuth = DEFAULT_CLIENT_AUTH;
protected List<String> cipherSuites = Collections.emptyList();
protected List<String> secureTransportProtocols = DEFAULT_SECURE_TRANSPORT_PROTOCOLS;
protected KeyStoreConfiguration keystore = null;
protected KeyStoreConfiguration truststore = null;
protected Builder()
public Builder self()
return this;
* Sets the {@code enabled} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param enabled the {@code enabled} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder enabled(boolean enabled)
return update(b -> b.enabled = enabled);
* Sets the {@code useOpenSsl} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param useOpenSsl the {@code useOpenSsl} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder useOpenSsl(boolean useOpenSsl)
return update(b -> b.useOpenSsl = useOpenSsl);
* Sets the {@code handshakeTimeoutInSeconds} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param handshakeTimeoutInSeconds the {@code handshakeTimeoutInSeconds} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder handshakeTimeoutInSeconds(long handshakeTimeoutInSeconds)
return update(b -> b.handshakeTimeoutInSeconds = handshakeTimeoutInSeconds);
* Sets the {@code clientAuth} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param clientAuth the {@code clientAuth} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder clientAuth(String clientAuth)
return update(b -> b.clientAuth = clientAuth);
* Sets the {@code cipherSuites} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param cipherSuites the {@code cipherSuites} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder cipherSuites(List<String> cipherSuites)
return update(b -> b.cipherSuites = new ArrayList<>(cipherSuites));
* Sets the {@code secureTransportProtocols} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param secureTransportProtocols the {@code secureTransportProtocols} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder secureTransportProtocols(List<String> secureTransportProtocols)
return update(b -> b.secureTransportProtocols = new ArrayList<>(secureTransportProtocols));
* Sets the {@code keystore} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param keystore the {@code keystore} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder keystore(KeyStoreConfiguration keystore)
return update(b -> b.keystore = keystore);
* Sets the {@code truststore} and returns a reference to this Builder enabling method chaining.
* @param truststore the {@code truststore} to set
* @return a reference to this Builder
public Builder truststore(KeyStoreConfiguration truststore)
return update(b -> b.truststore = truststore);
* Returns a {@code SslConfigurationImpl} built from the parameters previously set.
* @return a {@code SslConfigurationImpl} built with parameters of this {@code SslConfigurationImpl.Builder}
public SslConfigurationImpl build()
return new SslConfigurationImpl(this);