blob: d89e68c5b52701703dce58391891f60d4bd49ec8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Sidecar Development Guide
If you're reading this document then you've decided to contribute to the Sidecar for Apache Cassandra.
## Building
./gradlew build
Packages can be built using the following Gradle commands:
./gradlew buildDeb
./gradlew buildRpm
## Project Layout
### Common
Contains the libraries which are shared between the version specific Cassandra code as well as the dependencies of Cassandra itself.
### Cassandra40
Implementation of ICassandraAdapter for Cassandra 4.0.
### Cassandra Integration Tests
Cassandra integration tests leverage Docker to create Cassandra nodes and test the different implementations
of the ICassandraAdapters against real C* nodes.
The integration tests will not run by default when running `./gradlew test` since they require a bit of setup and you may not have
Kubernetes available.
#### Running Integration Tests
Integration tests can be run with the following:
./gradlew integrationTest
#### Tests
Tests in the cassandra-integration-tests submodule should be marked as integration tests with the @CassandraIntegrationTest annotation:
void myTestHere(CassandraTestContext context)
The `CassandraTestTemplate` will handle starting up each of the Kubernetes services required for testing and inject the
`CassandraTestContext`, which will have the version, CQLSession, container, and other useful information required for testing.
### Main Project
The main project consumes the various Cassandra versions via the CassandraAdapterDelegate. When connecting to the server,
the delegate will discover the version and choose the best `ICassandraAdapter` to match the server version.
## Testing
Our official CI for this project is CircleCI.
We strive for high quality, thoroughly tested code.
Some tests require docker to be installed locally to run Cassandra.
## Issue Tracker
File bugs or look for issues to work on in our project JIRA:
## Submitting Patches
You may open a PR against our project:
Please link to the PR from the JIRA ticket. All work *must* have a corresponding JIRA ticket. Please put the JIRA ID in the body of the pull request.