blob: 84c80375873d56bafeb0688fcec0d8e926f76e52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.util
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach
import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.MalformedCarbonCommandException
import org.apache.carbondata.core.cache.CacheProvider
import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.CarbonMetadata
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.exception.ProcessMetaDataException
* Test Class for MV materialized view to verify all scenerios
class TestAllOperationsOnMV extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterEach {
override def beforeEach(): Unit = {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS testtable")
sql("create table testtable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table testtable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name,sum(price) " +
"from maintable group by name")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
private def checkResult(): Unit = {
checkAnswer(sql("select name,sum(price) from maintable group by name"),
sql("select name,sum(price) from maintable group by name"))
override def afterEach(): Unit = {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS testtable")
sql("drop table if exists par_table")
test("test alter add column on maintable") {
sql("alter table maintable add columns(d int)")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000,30")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
test("test alter add column on datamaptable") {
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table dm1_table add columns(d int)")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot add columns in a materialized view table default.dm1_table")
test("test drop column on maintable") {
// check drop column not present in materialized view table
sql("alter table maintable drop columns(c_code)")
// check drop column present in materialized view table
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table maintable drop columns(name)")
}.getMessage.contains("Column name cannot be dropped because it exists in mv materialized view: dm1")
test("test alter drop column on datamaptable") {
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table dm1_table drop columns(maintable_name)")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot drop columns present in a materialized view table default.dm1_table")
test("test rename column on maintable") {
// check rename column not present in materialized view table
sql("alter table maintable change c_code d_code int")
// check rename column present in mv materialized view table
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table maintable change name name1 string")
}.getMessage.contains("Column name exists in a MV materialized view. Drop MV materialized view to continue")
test("test alter rename column on datamaptable") {
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table dm1_table change sum_price sum_cost int")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot change data type or rename column for columns " +
"present in mv materialized view table default.dm1_table")
test("test alter rename table") {
//check rename maintable
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("alter table maintable rename to maintable_rename")
}.getMessage.contains("alter rename is not supported for materialized view table or for tables which have child materialized view")
//check rename datamaptable
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("alter table dm1_table rename to dm11_table")
}.getMessage.contains("alter rename is not supported for materialized view table or for tables which have child materialized view")
test("test alter change datatype") {
//change datatype for column
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table maintable change price price bigint")
}.getMessage.contains("Column price exists in a MV materialized view. Drop MV materialized view to continue")
//change datatype for column not present in materialized view table
sql("alter table maintable change c_code c_code bigint")
//change datatype for column present in materialized view table
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("alter table dm1_table change sum_price sum_price bigint")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot change data type or rename column for columns " +
"present in mv materialized view table default.dm1_table")
test("test properties") {
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh properties" +
"('LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE'='false') as select name,price from maintable")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm1_table"), true, "Local Dictionary Enabled false")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh properties('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'='256 MB') " +
"as select name,price from maintable")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm1_table"), true, "Table Block Size 256 MB")
test("test table properties") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('LOCAL_DICTIONARY_ENABLE'='false')")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name,price from maintable")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm1_table"), true, "Local Dictionary Enabled false")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('TABLE_BLOCKSIZE'='256 MB')")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name,price from maintable")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm1_table"), true, "Table Block Size 256 MB")
test("test delete segment by id on main table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("Delete from table maintable where in (0)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name,sum(price) " +
"from maintable group by name")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("Delete from table maintable where in (1)")
}.getMessage.contains("Delete segment operation is not supported on tables which have mv materialized view")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("Delete from table dm1_table where in (0)")
}.getMessage.contains("Delete segment operation is not supported on mv table")
test("test delete segment by date on main table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("Delete from table maintable where in (0)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name,sum(price) " +
"from maintable group by name")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("DELETE FROM TABLE maintable WHERE SEGMENT.STARTTIME BEFORE '2017-06-01 12:05:06'")
}.getMessage.contains("Delete segment operation is not supported on tables which have mv materialized view")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("DELETE FROM TABLE dm1_table WHERE SEGMENT.STARTTIME BEFORE '2017-06-01 12:05:06'")
}.getMessage.contains("Delete segment operation is not supported on mv table")
test("test direct load to mv materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select name " +
"from maintable")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("insert into dm1_table select 2")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot insert data directly into MV table")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test drop materialized view with tablename") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select price " +
"from maintable")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
checkAnswer(sql("select price from maintable"), Seq(Row(2000)))
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table maintable"), true, "dm1")
sql("drop materialized view dm1")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table maintable"), false, "dm1")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test mv with attribute having qualifier") {
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
sql("create table maintable (product string) partitioned by (amount int) STORED AS carbondata ")
sql("insert into maintable values('Mobile',2000)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists p")
sql("Create materialized view p as Select p.product, p.amount from maintable p where p.product = 'Mobile'")
sql("refresh materialized view p")
checkAnswer(sql("Select p.product, p.amount from maintable p where p.product = 'Mobile'"), Seq(Row("Mobile", 2000)))
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test mv with non-carbon table") {
sql("drop table if exists noncarbon")
sql("create table noncarbon (product string,amount int)")
sql("insert into noncarbon values('Mobile',2000)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists p")
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("Create materialized view p as Select product from noncarbon")
}.getMessage.contains("Non-Carbon table does not support creating MV materialized view")
sql("drop table if exists noncarbon")
//Test show materialized view
test("test materialized view status with single table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1 ")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select price from maintable")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table maintable"), true, "DISABLED")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
var result = sql("show materialized views on table maintable").collectAsList()
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table maintable"), true, "DISABLED")
sql("refresh materialized view dm1")
result = sql("show materialized views on table maintable").collectAsList()
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1 ")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test materialized view status with multiple tables") {
sql("drop table if exists products")
sql("create table products (product string, amount int) STORED AS carbondata ")
sql(s"load data INPATH '$resourcesPath/products.csv' into table products")
sql("drop table if exists sales")
sql("create table sales (product string, quantity int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql(s"load data INPATH '$resourcesPath/sales_data.csv' into table sales")
sql("drop materialized view if exists innerjoin")
"Create materialized view innerjoin with deferred refresh as Select p.product, p.amount, " +
"s.quantity, s.product from " +
"products p, sales s where p.product=s.product")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table products"), true, "DISABLED")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table sales"), true, "DISABLED")
sql("refresh materialized view innerjoin")
var result = sql("show materialized views on table products").collectAsList()
result = sql("show materialized views on table sales").collectAsList()
sql(s"load data INPATH '$resourcesPath/sales_data.csv' into table sales")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table products"), true, "DISABLED")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table sales"), true, "DISABLED")
sql("refresh materialized view innerjoin")
result = sql("show materialized views on table sales").collectAsList()
sql("drop materialized view if exists innerjoin ")
"Create materialized view innerjoin as Select p.product, p.amount, " +
"s.quantity, s.product from " +
"products p, sales s where p.product=s.product")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table products"), true, "ENABLED")
checkExistence(sql("show materialized views on table sales"), true, "ENABLED")
sql("show materialized views").show(false)
result = sql("show materialized views on table products").collectAsList()
sql("drop materialized view if exists innerjoin ")
sql("drop table if exists products")
sql("drop table if exists sales")
test("directly drop materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1 ")
sql("create materialized view dm1 with deferred refresh as select price from maintable")
intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] {
sql("drop table dm1_table")
}.getMessage.contains("Child table which is associated with materialized view cannot be dropped, use DROP materialized view command to drop")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("create materialized view on child table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1 ")
sql("create materialized view dm1 as select name, price from maintable")
intercept[Exception] {
sql("create materialized view dm_agg as select maintable_name, sum(maintable_price) from dm1_table group by maintable_name")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot create materialized view on child table default.dm1_table")
test("create materialized view if already exists") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1 ")
sql("create materialized view dm1 as select name from maintable")
intercept[Exception] {
sql("create materialized view dm1 as select price from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("materialized view with name dm1 already exists in storage")
checkAnswer(sql("select name from maintable"), Seq(Row("abc")))
test("test create materialized view with select query having 'like' expression") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("select name from maintable where name like '%b%'").show(false)
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm_like ")
sql("create materialized view dm_like as select name from maintable where name like '%b%'")
checkAnswer(sql("select name from maintable where name like '%b%'"), Seq(Row("abc")))
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test materialized view with streaming dmproperty") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("create materialized view dm properties('STREAMING'='true') as select name from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("Materialized view does not support streaming")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test set streaming after creating materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select name from maintable")
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("ALTER TABLE dm_table SET TBLPROPERTIES('streaming'='true')")
}.getMessage.contains("materialized view table does not support set streaming property")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test block complex data types") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code array<int>, price struct<b:int>,type map<string, string>) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable values('abc', array(21), named_struct('b', 2000), map('ab','type1'))")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select c_code from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : c_code")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select price from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : price")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select type from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : type")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select price.b from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype child columns and complex datatype return types of function : price")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("validate dmproperties") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("create materialized view dm properties('dictionary_include'='name', 'sort_columns'='name') as select name from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("DMProperties dictionary_include,sort_columns are not allowed for this materialized view")
test("test todate UDF function with mv") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("CREATE TABLE maintable (CUST_ID int,CUST_NAME String,ACTIVE_EMUI_VERSION string, DOB timestamp, DOJ timestamp, BIGINT_COLUMN1 bigint,BIGINT_COLUMN2 bigint,DECIMAL_COLUMN1 decimal(30,10), DECIMAL_COLUMN2 decimal(36,10),Double_COLUMN1 double, Double_COLUMN2 double,INTEGER_COLUMN1 int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into maintable values(1, 'abc', 'abc001', '1975-06-11 01:00:03.0','1975-06-11 02:00:03.0', 120, 1234,4.34,24.56,12345, 2464, 45)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select max(to_date(dob)) , min(to_date(dob)) from maintable where to_date(dob)='1975-06-11' or to_date(dob)='1975-06-23'")
checkExistence(sql("select max(to_date(dob)) , min(to_date(dob)) from maintable where to_date(dob)='1975-06-11' or to_date(dob)='1975-06-23'"), true, "1975-06-11 1975-06-11")
test("test preagg and mv") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm_mv ")
sql("create materialized view dm_mv as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm_pre ")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abcd',21,20002")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from dm_mv_table"), Seq(Row(2)))
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test inverted index & no-inverted index inherited from parent table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_columns'='name', 'inverted_index'='name','sort_scope'='local_sort')")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm_table"), true, "Inverted Index Columns maintable_name")
checkAnswer(sql("select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name"), Seq(Row("abc", 2000)))
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test column compressor on preagg and mv") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('carbon.column.compressor'='zstd')")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm_mv ")
sql("create materialized view dm_mv as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
val dataMapTable = CarbonMetadata.getInstance().getCarbonTable(CarbonCommonConstants.DATABASE_DEFAULT_NAME, "dm_mv_table")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test sort_scope if sort_columns are provided") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_columns'='name')")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("create materialized view dm_mv as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm_mv_table"), true, "Sort Scope LOCAL_SORT")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test inverted_index if sort_scope is provided") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort','sort_columns'='name', 'inverted_index'='name')")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted maintable"), true, "Inverted Index Columns name")
sql("create materialized view dm_mv as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
checkExistence(sql("describe formatted dm_mv_table"), true, "Inverted Index Columns maintable_name")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test sort column") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] {
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='local_sort','sort_columns'='')")
}.getMessage.contains("Cannot set SORT_COLUMNS as empty when SORT_SCOPE is LOCAL_SORT")
test("test delete on materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_scope'='no_sort','sort_columns'='name', 'inverted_index'='name')")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("create materialized view dm_mv as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("delete from dm_mv_table where maintable_name='abc'")
}.getMessage.contains("Delete operation is not supported for materialized view table")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test drop/show meta cache directly on mv materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
sql("select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name").collect()
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("show metacache on table dm_table").show(false)
}.getMessage.contains("Operation not allowed on child table.")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("drop metacache on table dm_table").show(false)
}.getMessage.contains("Operation not allowed on child table.")
test("test count(*) with filter") {
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
sql("create table maintable(id int, name string, id1 string, id2 string, dob timestamp, doj " +
"timestamp, v1 bigint, v2 bigint, v3 decimal(30,10), v4 decimal(20,10), v5 double, v6 " +
"double ) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into maintable values(1, 'abc', 'id001', 'id002', '2017-01-01 00:00:00','2017-01-01 " +
"00:00:00', 234, 2242,12.4,23.4,2323,455 )")
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from maintable where id1 < id2"), Seq(Row(1)))
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
test("test mv with filter instance of expression") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("CREATE TABLE maintable (CUST_ID int,CUST_NAME String,ACTIVE_EMUI_VERSION string, DOB date, DOJ timestamp, BIGINT_COLUMN1 bigint,BIGINT_COLUMN2 bigint,DECIMAL_COLUMN1 decimal(30,10), DECIMAL_COLUMN2 decimal(36,10),Double_COLUMN1 double, Double_COLUMN2 double,INTEGER_COLUMN1 int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into maintable values(1, 'abc', 'abc001', '1975-06-11','1975-06-11 02:00:03.0', 120, 1234,4.34,24.56,12345, 2464, 45)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select dob from maintable where (dob='1975-06-11' or cust_id=2)")
val df = sql("select dob from maintable where (dob='1975-06-11' or cust_id=2)")
TestUtil.verifyMVDataMap(df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "dm")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test histogram_numeric, collect_set & collect_list functions") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("CREATE TABLE maintable (CUST_ID int,CUST_NAME String,ACTIVE_EMUI_VERSION string, DOB timestamp, DOJ timestamp, BIGINT_COLUMN1 bigint,BIGINT_COLUMN2 bigint,DECIMAL_COLUMN1 decimal(30,10), DECIMAL_COLUMN2 decimal(36,10),Double_COLUMN1 double, Double_COLUMN2 double,INTEGER_COLUMN1 int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into maintable values(1, 'abc', 'abc001', '1975-06-11 01:00:03.0','1975-06-11 02:00:03.0', 120, 1234,4.34,24.56,12345, 2464, 45)")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select histogram_numeric(1,2) from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : histogram_numeric( 1, 2)")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select collect_set(cust_id) from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : collect_set(cust_id)")
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
sql("create materialized view dm as select collect_list(cust_id) from maintable")
}.getMessage.contains("MV materialized view is not supported for complex datatype columns and complex datatype return types of function : collect_list(cust_id)")
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
test("test query aggregation on mv materialized view ") {
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, age int, add string) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into maintable values('abc',1,'a'),('def',2,'b'),('ghi',3,'c')")
val res = sql("select sum(age) from maintable")
sql("drop materialized view if exists mv3")
sql("create materialized view mv3 as select age,sum(age) from maintable group by age")
val df = sql("select sum(age) from maintable")
TestUtil.verifyMVDataMap(df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "mv3")
checkAnswer(res, df)
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
test("test order by columns not given in projection") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
val res = sql("select name from maintable order by c_code")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm1")
sql("create materialized view dm1 as select name from maintable order by c_code")
val df = sql("select name from maintable order by c_code")
TestUtil.verifyMVDataMap(df.queryExecution.optimizedPlan, "dm1")
checkAnswer(res, df)
intercept[Exception] {
sql("alter table maintable drop columns(c_code)")
}.getMessage.contains("Column name cannot be dropped because it exists in mv materialized view: dm1")
sql("drop table if exists maintable")
test("drop meta cache on mv materialized view table") {
sql("drop table IF EXISTS maintable")
sql("create table maintable(name string, c_code int, price int) STORED AS carbondata")
sql("insert into table maintable select 'abc',21,2000")
sql("drop materialized view if exists dm ")
sql("create materialized view dm as select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name")
sql("select name, sum(price) from maintable group by name").collect()
val droppedCacheKeys = clone(CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache.getCacheMap.keySet())
sql("drop metacache on table maintable").show(false)
val cacheAfterDrop = clone(CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache.getCacheMap.keySet())
val tableIdentifier = new TableIdentifier("maintable", Some("default"))
val carbonTable = CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(tableIdentifier)(sqlContext.sparkSession)
val dbPath = CarbonEnv
.getDatabaseLocation(tableIdentifier.database.get, sqlContext.sparkSession)
val tablePath = carbonTable.getTablePath
val mvPath = dbPath + CarbonCommonConstants.FILE_SEPARATOR + "dm_table" +
// Check if table index entries are dropped
assert(droppedCacheKeys.asScala.exists(key => key.startsWith(tablePath)))
// check if cache does not have any more table index entries
assert(!cacheAfterDrop.asScala.exists(key => key.startsWith(tablePath)))
// Check if mv index entries are dropped
assert(droppedCacheKeys.asScala.exists(key => key.startsWith(mvPath)))
// check if cache does not have any more mv index entries
assert(!cacheAfterDrop.asScala.exists(key => key.startsWith(mvPath)))
def clone(oldSet: util.Set[String]): util.HashSet[String] = {
val newSet = new util.HashSet[String]