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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.merge
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import java.sql.Date
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.CarbonSession._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.mutation.merge.{CarbonMergeDataSetCommand, DeleteAction, InsertAction, InsertInHistoryTableAction, MergeDataSetMatches, MergeMatch, UpdateAction, WhenMatched, WhenNotMatched, WhenNotMatchedAndExistsOnlyOnTarget}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BooleanType, DateType, IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
* Test Class for join query with orderby and limit
class MergeTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {
override def beforeAll {
def generateData(numOrders: Int = 10): DataFrame = {
import sqlContext.implicits._
sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to numOrders, 4)
.map { x => ("id"+x, s"order$x",s"customer$x", x*10, x*75, 1)
}.toDF("id", "name", "c_name", "quantity", "price", "state")
def generateFullCDC(
numOrders: Int,
numUpdatedOrders: Int,
newState: Int,
oldState: Int,
numNewOrders: Int
): DataFrame = {
import sqlContext.implicits._
val ds1 = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(numNewOrders+1 to (numOrders), 4)
.map {x =>
if (x <= numNewOrders + numUpdatedOrders) {
("id"+x, s"order$x",s"customer$x", x*10, x*75, newState)
} else {
("id"+x, s"order$x",s"customer$x", x*10, x*75, oldState)
}.toDF("id", "name", "c_name", "quantity", "price", "state")
val ds2 = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to numNewOrders, 4)
.map {x => ("newid"+x, s"order$x",s"customer$x", x*10, x*75, oldState)
private def initialize = {
val initframe = generateData(10)
.option("tableName", "order")
val dwframe ="carbondata").option("tableName", "order").load()
val dwSelframe ="A")
val odsframe = generateFullCDC(10, 2, 2, 1, 2).as("B")
(dwSelframe, odsframe)
test("test basic merge update with all mappings") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
val updateMap = Map("id" -> "",
"name" -> "",
"c_name" -> "B.c_name",
"quantity" -> "B.quantity",
"price" -> "B.price",
"state" -> "B.state").asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, col("").equalTo(col(""))).whenMatched(
col("A.state") =!= col("B.state")).updateExpr(updateMap).execute()
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test basic merge update with few mappings") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("state") -> col("B.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, "").whenMatched("A.state <> B.state").updateExpr(updateMap).execute()
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test basic merge update with few mappings and expressions") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
val updateMap = Map("id" -> "",
"price" -> "B.price * 100",
"state" -> "B.state").asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, col("").equalTo(col(""))).whenMatched(
col("A.state") =!= col("B.state")).updateExpr(updateMap).execute()
checkAnswer(sql("select price from order where where state = 2"), Seq(Row(22500), Row(30000)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test basic merge update with few mappings with out condition") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("state") -> col("B.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, col("").equalTo(col(""))).whenMatched().updateExpr(updateMap).execute()
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test merge insert with condition") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
"c_name" -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> "B.quantity",
col("price") -> col("B.price"),
col("state") -> col("B.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, col("").equalTo(col(""))).
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where id like 'newid%'"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test merge update and insert with out condition") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> col("B.price"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatched().addAction(InsertAction(insertMap)))
val st = System.currentTimeMillis()
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where id like 'newid%'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test merge update and insert with condition") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> col("B.price"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatched(Some(col("").isNull.and(col("").isNotNull))).addAction(InsertAction(insertMap)))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where id like 'newid%'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(12)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test merge update and insert with condition and expression") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("B.price * 100"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatched(Some(col("").isNull.and(col("").isNotNull))).addAction(InsertAction(insertMap)))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where id like 'newid%'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(12)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select price from order where id = 'newid1'"), Seq(Row(7500)))
test("test merge with only delete action") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatchedAndExistsOnlyOnTarget().addAction(DeleteAction()))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(8)))
test("test merge update and delete action") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatchedAndExistsOnlyOnTarget().addAction(DeleteAction()))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(8)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("test merge update and insert with condition and expression and delete action") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("B.price * 100"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatched().addAction(InsertAction(insertMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatchedAndExistsOnlyOnTarget().addAction(DeleteAction()))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where id like 'newid%'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(10)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select price from order where id = 'newid1'"), Seq(Row(7500)))
test("test merge update with insert, insert with condition and expression and delete with insert action") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> "B.price + 1",
col("state") -> col("B.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("B.price * 100"),
col("state") -> col("B.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap_u = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> lit("insert"),
col("quantity") -> col("A.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("A.price"),
col("state") -> col("A.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap_d = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> lit("delete"),
col("quantity") -> col("A.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("A.price"),
col("state") -> col("A.state")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
dwSelframe.merge(odsframe, col("").equalTo(col(""))).
whenMatched(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state")).
sql("select * from order").show()
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where c_name = 'delete'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where c_name = 'insert'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(14)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select price from order where id = 'newid1'"), Seq(Row(7500)))
test("test merge update with insert, insert with condition and expression and delete with insert history action") {
sql("drop table if exists order")
sql("drop table if exists order_hist")
sql("create table order_hist(id string, name string, c_name string, quantity int, price int, state int) stored as carbondata")
val (dwSelframe, odsframe) = initialize
var matches = Seq.empty[MergeMatch]
val updateMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("price") -> expr("B.price + 1"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap = Map(col("id") -> col(""),
col("name") -> col(""),
col("c_name") -> col("B.c_name"),
col("quantity") -> col("B.quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("B.price * 100"),
col("state") -> col("B.state"))
val insertMap_u = Map(col("id") -> col("id"),
col("name") -> col("name"),
col("c_name") -> lit("insert"),
col("quantity") -> col("quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("price"),
col("state") -> col("state"))
val insertMap_d = Map(col("id") -> col("id"),
col("name") -> col("name"),
col("c_name") -> lit("delete"),
col("quantity") -> col("quantity"),
col("price") -> expr("price"),
col("state") -> col("state"))
matches ++= Seq(WhenMatched(Some(col("A.state") =!= col("B.state"))).addAction(UpdateAction(updateMap)).addAction(InsertInHistoryTableAction(insertMap_u, TableIdentifier("order_hist"))))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatched().addAction(InsertAction(insertMap)))
matches ++= Seq(WhenNotMatchedAndExistsOnlyOnTarget().addAction(DeleteAction()).addAction(InsertInHistoryTableAction(insertMap_d, TableIdentifier("order_hist"))))
MergeDataSetMatches(col("").equalTo(col("")), matches.toList)).run(sqlContext.sparkSession)
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order"), Seq(Row(10)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order where state = 2"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select price from order where id = 'newid1'"), Seq(Row(7500)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order_hist where c_name = 'delete'"), Seq(Row(2)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from order_hist where c_name = 'insert'"), Seq(Row(2)))
test("check the scd ") {
sql("drop table if exists customers")
val initframe =
Row(1, "old address for 1", false, null, Date.valueOf("2018-02-01")),
Row(1, "current address for 1", true, Date.valueOf("2018-02-01"), null),
Row(2, "current address for 2", true, Date.valueOf("2018-02-01"), null),
Row(3, "current address for 3", true, Date.valueOf("2018-02-01"), null)
).asJava, StructType(Seq(StructField("customerId", IntegerType), StructField("address", StringType), StructField("current", BooleanType), StructField("effectiveDate", DateType), StructField("endDate", DateType))))
.option("tableName", "customers")
var customer ="carbondata").option("tableName", "customers").load()
customer ="A")
var updates =
Row(1, "new address for 1", Date.valueOf("2018-03-03")),
Row(3, "current address for 3", Date.valueOf("2018-04-04")), // new address same as current address for customer 3
Row(4, "new address for 4", Date.valueOf("2018-04-04"))
).asJava, StructType(Seq(StructField("customerId", IntegerType), StructField("address", StringType), StructField("effectiveDate", DateType))))
updates ="B")
val updateMap = Map(col("current") -> lit(false),
col("endDate") -> col("B.effectiveDate")).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap = Map(col("customerId") -> col("B.customerId"),
col("address") -> col("B.address"),
col("current") -> lit(true),
col("effectiveDate") -> col("B.effectiveDate"),
col("endDate") -> lit(null)).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap_u = Map(col("customerId") -> col("B.customerId"),
col("address") -> col("B.address"),
col("current") -> lit(true),
col("effectiveDate") -> col("B.effectiveDate"),
col("endDate") -> lit(null)).asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
customer.merge(updates, "A.customerId=B.customerId").
whenMatched((col("A.address") =!= col("B.address")).and(col("A.current").equalTo(lit(true)))).
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from customers"), Seq(Row(6)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from customers where current='true'"), Seq(Row(4)))
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from customers where effectivedate is not null and enddate is not null"), Seq(Row(1)))
test("check the ccd ") {
sql("drop table if exists target")
val initframe = sqlContext.sparkSession.createDataFrame(Seq(
Row("a", "0"),
Row("b", "1"),
Row("c", "2"),
Row("d", "3")
).asJava, StructType(Seq(StructField("key", StringType), StructField("value", StringType))))
.option("tableName", "target")
val target ="carbondata").option("tableName", "target").load()
var ccd =
Row("a", "10", false, 0),
Row("a", null, true, 1), // a was updated and then deleted
Row("b", null, true, 2), // b was just deleted once
Row("c", null, true, 3), // c was deleted and then updated twice
Row("c", "20", false, 4),
Row("c", "200", false, 5),
Row("e", "100", false, 6) // new key
StructType(Seq(StructField("key", StringType),
StructField("newValue", StringType),
StructField("deleted", BooleanType), StructField("time", IntegerType))))
ccd = sql("SELECT key, latest.newValue as newValue, latest.deleted as deleted FROM ( SELECT key, max(struct(time, newValue, deleted)) as latest FROM changes GROUP BY key)")
val updateMap = Map("key" -> "B.key", "value" -> "B.newValue").asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]
val insertMap = Map("key" -> "B.key", "value" -> "B.newValue").asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]]"A").merge("B"), "A.key=B.key").
checkAnswer(sql("select count(*) from target"), Seq(Row(3)))
checkAnswer(sql("select * from target order by key"), Seq(Row("c", "200"), Row("d", "3"), Row("e", "100")))
override def afterAll {
sql("drop table if exists order")