blob: f7691ae05a2b4dd1178ed95cd16d827dac7747a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.sql.secondaryindex.command
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonEnv, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.RunnableCommand
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{CarbonHiveMetadataUtil, CarbonRelation}
import org.apache.spark.sql.secondaryindex.hive.CarbonInternalMetastore
import org.apache.spark.sql.secondaryindex.util.CarbonInternalScalaUtil
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.locks.{CarbonLockUtil, ICarbonLock, LockUsage}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.AbsoluteTableIdentifier
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.CarbonTable
* Command to drop secondary index on a table
private[sql] case class DropIndexCommand(ifExistsSet: Boolean,
databaseNameOp: Option[String],
tableName: String,
parentTableName: String = null)
extends RunnableCommand {
def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = {
val LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass.getCanonicalName)
val dbName = CarbonEnv.getDatabaseName(databaseNameOp)(sparkSession)
var tableIdentifierForAcquiringLock: AbsoluteTableIdentifier = null
val locksToBeAcquired = List(LockUsage.METADATA_LOCK, LockUsage.DROP_TABLE_LOCK)
val catalog = CarbonEnv.getInstance(sparkSession).carbonMetaStore
// flag to check if folders and files can be successfully deleted
var isValidDeletion = false
val carbonLocks: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[ICarbonLock] = ArrayBuffer[ICarbonLock]()
var carbonTable: Option[CarbonTable] = None
try {
carbonTable =
try {
Some(CarbonEnv.getCarbonTable(Some(dbName), tableName)(sparkSession))
} catch {
case ex: NoSuchTableException =>
var isIndexTableExists = false
// even if the index table does not exists
// check if the parent table exists and remove the index table reference
// in case if the parent table hold the deleted index table reference
try {
val parentCarbonTable = Some(catalog
.lookupRelation(Some(dbName), parentTableName)(sparkSession)
val indexTableList = CarbonInternalScalaUtil.getIndexesTables(parentCarbonTable.get)
if (!indexTableList.isEmpty) {
locksToBeAcquired foreach {
lock => {
carbonLocks += CarbonLockUtil
.getLockObject(parentCarbonTable.get.getAbsoluteTableIdentifier, lock)
// clear parent table from meta store cache as it is also required to be
// refreshed when SI table is dropped
.removeTableFromMetadataCache(dbName, parentTableName)(sparkSession)
isIndexTableExists = true
} catch {
case ex: NoSuchTableException =>
if (!ifExistsSet) {
throw ex
case e: Exception =>
throw e
if (!ifExistsSet && !isIndexTableExists) {
throw ex
if (carbonTable.isDefined) {
CarbonInternalMetastore.refreshIndexInfo(dbName, tableName, carbonTable.get)(sparkSession)
val isIndexTableBool = carbonTable.get.isIndexTable
val parentTableName = CarbonInternalScalaUtil.getParentTableName(carbonTable.get)
var parentCarbonTable = CarbonEnv.getInstance(sparkSession).carbonMetaStore
.lookupRelation(Some(dbName), parentTableName)(sparkSession).asInstanceOf[CarbonRelation]
if (!isIndexTableBool) {
sys.error(s"Drop Index command is not permitted on carbon table [$dbName.$tableName]")
} else if (isIndexTableBool &&
!parentTableName.equalsIgnoreCase(parentTableName)) {
sys.error(s"Index Table [$dbName.$tableName] does not exist on " +
s"parent table [$dbName.$parentTableName]")
} else {
if (isIndexTableBool) {
tableIdentifierForAcquiringLock = parentCarbonTable.getAbsoluteTableIdentifier
} else {
tableIdentifierForAcquiringLock = AbsoluteTableIdentifier
.from(carbonTable.get.getTablePath, dbName.toLowerCase, tableName.toLowerCase)
locksToBeAcquired foreach {
lock => {
carbonLocks += CarbonLockUtil.getLockObject(tableIdentifierForAcquiringLock, lock)
isValidDeletion = true
val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(tableName, Some(dbName))
// drop carbon table
val tablePath = carbonTable.get.getTablePath
CarbonInternalMetastore.dropIndexTable(tableIdentifier, carbonTable.get,
removeEntryFromParentTable = true)(sparkSession)
// take the refreshed table object after dropping and updating the index table
parentCarbonTable = CarbonEnv.getInstance(sparkSession).carbonMetaStore
.lookupRelation(Some(dbName), parentTableName)(sparkSession).asInstanceOf[CarbonRelation]
val indexTables = CarbonInternalScalaUtil.getIndexesTables(parentCarbonTable)
// if all the indexes are dropped then the main table holds no index tables,
// so change the "indexTableExists" property to false, iff all the indexes are deleted
if (null == indexTables || indexTables.isEmpty) {
val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(parentCarbonTable.getTableName,
// modify the tableProperties of mainTable by adding "indexTableExists" property
Map("indexTableExists" -> "false"), needLock = false)(sparkSession)
CarbonHiveMetadataUtil.refreshTable(dbName, parentTableName, sparkSession)
} catch {
case ex: Exception =>
LOGGER.error(s"Dropping table $dbName.$tableName failed", ex)
if (!ifExistsSet) {
sys.error(s"Dropping table $dbName.$tableName failed: ${ ex.getMessage }")
} finally {
if (carbonLocks.nonEmpty) {
val unlocked = carbonLocks.forall(_.unlock())
if (unlocked) {
logInfo("Table MetaData Unlocked Successfully")
if (isValidDeletion) {
if (carbonTable != null && carbonTable.isDefined) {
CarbonInternalMetastore.deleteTableDirectory(dbName, tableName, sparkSession)
} else {
logError("Table metadata unlocking is unsuccessful, index table may be in stale state")
// in case if the the physical folders still exists for the index table
// but the carbon and hive info for the index table is removed,
// DROP INDEX IF EXISTS should clean up those physical directories
if (ifExistsSet && carbonTable.isEmpty) {
CarbonInternalMetastore.deleteTableDirectory(dbName, tableName, sparkSession)