blob: ebcea50bb9ba8fe70e2914c2f89d1004fbea367e [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: the API allows CRUD operations on a S3 bucket
Given integration api is running
Given URL: http://api
Scenario: LIST objects
When send GET /
Then verify HTTP response header Content-Type="application/json"
And receive HTTP 200 OK
Scenario: SAVE object
Given variable objectName is "citrus:randomString(10)"
Given variable sampleText is "This is a sample text"
Given HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/octet-stream"
Given HTTP request body
When send PUT /${objectName}
Then receive HTTP 200 OK
Then verify HTTP response body
Scenario: GET object
Given variable objectName is "citrus:randomString(10)"
Given variable sampleText is "This is another sample text"
Given HTTP request body
Given HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/octet-stream"
Given send PUT /${objectName}
Given receive HTTP 200 OK
When send GET /${objectName}
Then receive HTTP 200 OK
Then verify HTTP response body
Scenario: DELETE object
Given variable objectName is "citrus:randomString(10)"
Given variable sampleText is "This is yet another sample text"
Given HTTP request body
Given HTTP request header Content-Type is "application/octet-stream"
Given send PUT /${objectName}
Given receive HTTP 200 OK
When send DELETE /${objectName}
Then receive HTTP 204 OK
Scenario: expose OpenAPI
When send GET /openapi.json
Then receive HTTP 200 OK