diff --git a/generic-examples/cron/ b/generic-examples/cron/
index ff46201..f2dd1fb 100644
--- a/generic-examples/cron/
+++ b/generic-examples/cron/
@@ -1,3 +1,105 @@
-# Camel K cron examples
+# Camel K Cron Examples
-Find useful examples about how to create a cron route in Camel K.
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+This example demonstrates how you can create cron routes in Camel K.
+You can find more information about Apache Camel and Apache Camel K on the [official Camel website](
+## Requirements for running this example
+**Kubectl CLI**
+The Kubernetes `kubectl` CLI tool will be used to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.
+**Connection to a Kubernetes cluster**
+You need to connect to a Kubernetes cluster in order to run the example.
+**Apache Camel K CLI ("kamel")**
+You need the Apache Camel K CLI ("kamel") in order to access all Camel K features.
+### Optional Requirements
+The following requirements are optional. They don't prevent the execution of the demo, but may make it easier to follow.
+**VS Code Extension Pack for Apache Camel**
+The [VS Code Extension Pack for Apache Camel]( provides a collection of useful tools for Apache Camel K developers,
+such as code completion and integrated lifecycle management. They are **recommended** for the tutorial, but they are **not**
+You can install it from the VS Code Extensions marketplace.
+## Preparing the cluster
+In order to follow this example: 
+- Create a namespace called `camel-cron` and set that namespace as default.
+- Install the Camel K operator in that namespace. In most cases, running `kamel install` should be enough. If not, you can read the [installation instructions for your specific cluster here](
+## Understanding the Example
+This example uses the cron component to trigger a route at a specific time interval specified in a cron expression. The route transforms data from the cron source and sends it to the logger.
+The integration is all contained in a single file named `cron.groovy`
+## Running the Example
+This example is a Camel K integration that is scheduled to run periodically, printing "Hello Camel K using CronJob" once every minute.
+Use the following command to run it:
+kamel run cron.groovy
+The build phase may take some seconds to complete. When it finishes, if everything is okay, the integration should be running periodically every minute. \
+To view the logs of the running integration, run the command:
+kamel log cron
+You should see the Camel K integration start, print "Hello Camel K using CronJob" and shutdown periodically every minute in the terminal window.
+You can terminate the log stream with `Ctrl+C`
+To confirm that the integration is being run as a Kubernetes Cronjob, run:
+kubectl get cronjob
+You should see a Kubernetes CronJob named "cron" with the specified schedule.
+To see the pods starting and being destroyed, run:
+kubectl get pod -w
+Hit `Ctrl+C` to exit
+## Modifying the Cron expression
+Run the integration in "dev mode" in order to see the logs in the terminal:
+kamel run cron.groovy --dev
+Since the integration is running in dev mode, you can change the integration code and Camel K will redeploy the changes automatically.
+Change the cron expression: \
+[open the `cron.groovy` file](./cron.groovy)
+and change the first endpoint from `cron:tab?schedule=*+*+*+*+?` to `cron:tab?schedule=*/2+*+*+*+?`, then save the file.
+You should see the new integration starting up in the terminal window and replacing the old one.
+It should print "Hello Camel K using CronJob" once every 2 minutes in the terminal window. \
+**Note:** *Cron only allows for a minimum of 1 minute apart between jobs*
+Change the cron expression again: \
+[open the `cron.groovy` file](./cron.groovy)
+and change the first endpoint to `cron:tab?schedule=*/3+*+*+*+?`, then save the file.
+Now, after a few seconds, it should print "Hello Camel K using CronJob" once every 3 minutes in the terminal.
+Hit `Ctrl+C` to exit dev mode and terminate execution
+## Uninstall
+To cleanup everything, execute the following command:
+kubectl delete namespace camel-cron
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