update generic-examples/README.md
diff --git a/generic-examples/README.md b/generic-examples/README.md
index 91c677b..363c3a1 100644
--- a/generic-examples/README.md
+++ b/generic-examples/README.md
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 | Type  |  Description | Link  |
 | Languages | Simple integrations developed in various supported languages | [see examples](./languages/)|
-| Basic | Simple integrations with basic configuration | [see examples](./basic/)|
-| Cron | How to create a `cront` integration | [see examples](./cron/)|
+| Env | Set and use env variables in an integration | [see examples](./env/)|
+| Cron | How to create a `cron` integration | [see examples](./cron/)|
 | User Config | Explore how to include a `property`, `secret`, `configmap` or file `resource` in your integration | [see examples](./user-config/)|
 | User Dependencies | Explore how to include a local dependency in your integration with Jitpack | [see examples](./jitpack/)|
 | Processor | Show how to include `Processor`s logic | [see examples](./processor/)|