feat(config): Update user configuration examples
diff --git a/generic-examples/user-config/README.md b/generic-examples/user-config/README.md
index 4af0fd8..261c77b 100644
--- a/generic-examples/user-config/README.md
+++ b/generic-examples/user-config/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,60 @@
 # Camel K user configuration examples
-Find useful examples about how to include a configuration property or a configuration file in Camel K.
\ No newline at end of file
+Find useful examples about how to include a configuration property or a configuration file in Camel K.
+These examples use the Camel-k CLI `kamel run ...` command.
+## Configuration properties
+These examples show the different  ways you can **properties** to configure integrations.
+* provide build time properties with `--build-property`
+  * `build-property-route.groovy`
+  * `build-property-file-route.groovy`
+* provide runtime properties with `-p`
+  * `property-file-route.groovy`
+  * `property-route.groovy`
+## Configuration Configmap
+These examples show the different ways you can use **ConfigMaps** to configure integrations.
+* provide properties from a configmap with `--config`
+  * `config-configmap-route.groovy`
+* provide properties from a configmap with `--resource`
+  * `resource-configmap-route.groovy`
+  * `resource-configmap-location-route.groovy`
+  * `resource-configmap-key-location-route.groovy`
+## Configuration Secret
+These examples show the different ways you can use **Secrets** to configure integrations.
+* provide properties from a secret with `--config`
+* `config-secret-route.groovy`
+* `config-secret-property-route.groovy`
+* `config-secret-key-route.groovy`
+* provide properties from a secret with `--resource`
+* `resource-secret-route.groovy`
+* `resource-secret-location-route.groovy`
+## Configuration Resource file (Camel-K <= 1.12.1)
+**These examples only work with a version of  Camel-K <= 1.12.1**
+These examples show the different ways you can use **resource files** to configure integrations.
+* provide properties from a resource file with `--config`
+  * `config-file-route.groovy`
+* provide properties from a resource file with `--resource`
+* `resource-file-route.groovy`
+* `resource-file-location-route.groovy`
+* `resource-file-binary-route.groovy`
+* `resource-file-base64-route.groovy`