tar.py: Make link target renaming work between base-dirs

Fixes #1052
diff --git a/src/buildstream/plugins/sources/tar.py b/src/buildstream/plugins/sources/tar.py
index c90de74..b0aed75 100644
--- a/src/buildstream/plugins/sources/tar.py
+++ b/src/buildstream/plugins/sources/tar.py
@@ -132,18 +132,12 @@
             # First, ensure that a member never starts with `./`
             if member.path.startswith('./'):
                 member.path = member.path[2:]
+            if member.islnk() and member.linkname.startswith('./'):
+                member.linkname = member.linkname[2:]
             # Now extract only the paths which match the normalized path
             if member.path.startswith(base_dir):
-                # If it's got a link name, give it the same treatment, we
-                # need the link targets to match up with what we are staging
-                #
-                # NOTE: Its possible this is not perfect, we may need to
-                #       consider links which point outside of the chosen
-                #       base directory.
-                #
-                if member.type == tarfile.LNKTYPE:
+                if member.islnk() and member.linkname.startswith(base_dir):
                     member.linkname = member.linkname[L:]
                 member.path = member.path[L:]