blob: 18ebb5fdc3513a0951c8589ea23cdcf56379cfa7 [file] [log] [blame]
Click >= 7.0
grpcio >= 1.10
Jinja2 >= 2.10
protobuf >= 3.6
# According to ruamel.yaml's PyPI page, we are suppose to use
# "<=0.15" in production until 0.15 becomes API stable.
# However we need ruamel.yaml 0.15.41 or greater for Python 3.7.
# We know that ruamel.yaml 0.15.52 breaks API in a way that
# is incompatible with BuildStream.
# See issues #571 and #790.
ruamel.yaml >= 0.15.41, < 0.15.52