blob: 504adfa4214757a2378f5c0bc6ae22e19cad3a94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.FastThreadLocal;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousCloseException;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.NullStatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.DiskChecker;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongHashMap;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections.ConcurrentLongLongHashMap.BiConsumerLong;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* This class manages the writing of the bookkeeper entries. All the new
* entries are written to a common log. The LedgerCache will have pointers
* into files created by this class with offsets into the files to find
* the actual ledger entry. The entry log files created by this class are
* identified by a long.
public class EntryLogger {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntryLogger.class);
static final long UNASSIGNED_LEDGERID = -1L;
// log file suffix
static final String LOG_FILE_SUFFIX = ".log";
static final int UNINITIALIZED_LOG_ID = -0xDEAD;
static class BufferedLogChannel extends BufferedChannel {
private final long logId;
private final EntryLogMetadata entryLogMetadata;
private final File logFile;
private long ledgerIdAssigned = UNASSIGNED_LEDGERID;
public BufferedLogChannel(ByteBufAllocator allocator, FileChannel fc, int writeCapacity, int readCapacity,
long logId, File logFile, long unpersistedBytesBound) throws IOException {
super(allocator, fc, writeCapacity, readCapacity, unpersistedBytesBound);
this.logId = logId;
this.entryLogMetadata = new EntryLogMetadata(logId);
this.logFile = logFile;
public long getLogId() {
return logId;
public File getLogFile() {
return logFile;
public void registerWrittenEntry(long ledgerId, long entrySize) {
entryLogMetadata.addLedgerSize(ledgerId, entrySize);
public ConcurrentLongLongHashMap getLedgersMap() {
return entryLogMetadata.getLedgersMap();
public Long getLedgerIdAssigned() {
return ledgerIdAssigned;
public void setLedgerIdAssigned(Long ledgerId) {
this.ledgerIdAssigned = ledgerId;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(BufferedChannel.class)
.add("logId", logId)
.add("logFile", logFile)
.add("ledgerIdAssigned", ledgerIdAssigned)
* Append the ledger map at the end of the entry log.
* Updates the entry log file header with the offset and size of the map.
void appendLedgersMap() throws IOException {
long ledgerMapOffset = this.position();
ConcurrentLongLongHashMap ledgersMap = this.getLedgersMap();
int numberOfLedgers = (int) ledgersMap.size();
// Write the ledgers map into several batches
final ByteBuf serializedMap = ByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT.buffer(maxMapSize);
try {
ledgersMap.forEach(new BiConsumerLong() {
int remainingLedgers = numberOfLedgers;
boolean startNewBatch = true;
int remainingInBatch = 0;
public void accept(long ledgerId, long size) {
if (startNewBatch) {
int batchSize = Math.min(remainingLedgers, LEDGERS_MAP_MAX_BATCH_SIZE);
serializedMap.writeInt(ledgerMapSize - 4);
startNewBatch = false;
remainingInBatch = batchSize;
// Dump the ledger in the current batch
if (--remainingInBatch == 0) {
// Close current batch
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
startNewBatch = true;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) e.getCause();
} else {
throw e;
} finally {
// Flush the ledger's map out before we write the header.
// Otherwise the header might point to something that is not fully
// written
// Update the headers with the map offset and count of ledgers
ByteBuffer mapInfo = ByteBuffer.allocate(8 + 4);
this.fileChannel.write(mapInfo, LEDGERS_MAP_OFFSET_POSITION);
private final LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager;
private final boolean entryLogPerLedgerEnabled;
final RecentEntryLogsStatus recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus;
* locks for compaction log.
private final Object compactionLogLock = new Object();
private volatile BufferedLogChannel compactionLogChannel;
final EntryLoggerAllocator entryLoggerAllocator;
private final EntryLogManager entryLogManager;
private final CopyOnWriteArrayList<EntryLogListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<EntryLogListener>();
private static final int HEADER_V0 = 0; // Old log file format (no ledgers map index)
private static final int HEADER_V1 = 1; // Introduced ledger map index
private static class Header {
final int version;
final long ledgersMapOffset;
final int ledgersCount;
Header(int version, long ledgersMapOffset, int ledgersCount) {
this.version = version;
this.ledgersMapOffset = ledgersMapOffset;
this.ledgersCount = ledgersCount;
* The 1K block at the head of the entry logger file
* that contains the fingerprint and meta-data.
* <pre>
* Header is composed of:
* Fingerprint: 4 bytes "BKLO"
* Log file HeaderVersion enum: 4 bytes
* Ledger map offset: 8 bytes
* Ledgers Count: 4 bytes
* </pre>
static final int LOGFILE_HEADER_SIZE = 1024;
final ByteBuf logfileHeader = Unpooled.buffer(LOGFILE_HEADER_SIZE);
static final int HEADER_VERSION_POSITION = 4;
* Ledgers map is composed of multiple parts that can be split into separated entries. Each of them is composed of:
* <pre>
* length: (4 bytes) [0-3]
* ledger id (-1): (8 bytes) [4 - 11]
* entry id: (8 bytes) [12-19]
* num ledgers stored in current metadata entry: (4 bytes) [20 - 23]
* ledger entries: sequence of (ledgerid, size) (8 + 8 bytes each) [24..]
* </pre>
static final int LEDGERS_MAP_HEADER_SIZE = 4 + 8 + 8 + 4;
static final int LEDGERS_MAP_ENTRY_SIZE = 8 + 8;
// Break the ledgers map into multiple batches, each of which can contain up to 10K ledgers
static final int LEDGERS_MAP_MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 10000;
static final long INVALID_LID = -1L;
// EntryId used to mark an entry (belonging to INVALID_ID) as a component of the serialized ledgers map
static final long LEDGERS_MAP_ENTRY_ID = -2L;
static final int MIN_SANE_ENTRY_SIZE = 8 + 8;
static final long MB = 1024 * 1024;
private final int maxSaneEntrySize;
private final ByteBufAllocator allocator;
final ServerConfiguration conf;
* Scan entries in a entry log file.
public interface EntryLogScanner {
* Tests whether or not the entries belongs to the specified ledger
* should be processed.
* @param ledgerId
* Ledger ID.
* @return true if and only the entries of the ledger should be scanned.
boolean accept(long ledgerId);
* Process an entry.
* @param ledgerId
* Ledger ID.
* @param offset
* File offset of this entry.
* @param entry
* Entry ByteBuf
* @throws IOException
void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException;
* Entry Log Listener.
interface EntryLogListener {
* Rotate a new entry log to write.
void onRotateEntryLog();
public EntryLogger(ServerConfiguration conf) throws IOException {
this(conf, new LedgerDirsManager(conf, conf.getLedgerDirs(),
new DiskChecker(conf.getDiskUsageThreshold(), conf.getDiskUsageWarnThreshold())));
* Create an EntryLogger that stores it's log files in the given directories.
public EntryLogger(ServerConfiguration conf,
LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager) throws IOException {
this(conf, ledgerDirsManager, null, NullStatsLogger.INSTANCE, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
public EntryLogger(ServerConfiguration conf,
LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager, EntryLogListener listener, StatsLogger statsLogger,
ByteBufAllocator allocator) throws IOException {
//We reserve 500 bytes as overhead for the protocol. This is not 100% accurate
// but the protocol varies so an exact value is difficult to determine
this.maxSaneEntrySize = conf.getNettyMaxFrameSizeBytes() - 500;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.ledgerDirsManager = ledgerDirsManager;
this.conf = conf;
entryLogPerLedgerEnabled = conf.isEntryLogPerLedgerEnabled();
if (listener != null) {
// Initialize the entry log header buffer. This cannot be a static object
// since in our unit tests, we run multiple Bookies and thus EntryLoggers
// within the same JVM. All of these Bookie instances access this header
// so there can be race conditions when entry logs are rolled over and
// this header buffer is cleared before writing it into the new logChannel.
// Find the largest logId
long logId = INVALID_LID;
for (File dir : ledgerDirsManager.getAllLedgerDirs()) {
if (!dir.exists()) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(
"Entry log directory '" + dir + "' does not exist");
long lastLogId = getLastLogId(dir);
if (lastLogId > logId) {
logId = lastLogId;
this.recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus = new RecentEntryLogsStatus(logId + 1);
this.entryLoggerAllocator = new EntryLoggerAllocator(conf, ledgerDirsManager, recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus,
logId, allocator);
if (entryLogPerLedgerEnabled) {
this.entryLogManager = new EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger(conf, ledgerDirsManager,
entryLoggerAllocator, listeners, recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus, statsLogger);
} else {
this.entryLogManager = new EntryLogManagerForSingleEntryLog(conf, ledgerDirsManager, entryLoggerAllocator,
listeners, recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus);
EntryLogManager getEntryLogManager() {
return entryLogManager;
void addListener(EntryLogListener listener) {
if (null != listener) {
* If the log id of current writable channel is the same as entryLogId and the position
* we want to read might end up reading from a position in the write buffer of the
* buffered channel, route this read to the current logChannel. Else,
* read from the BufferedReadChannel that is provided.
* @param entryLogId
* @param channel
* @param buff remaining() on this bytebuffer tells us the last position that we
* expect to read.
* @param pos The starting position from where we want to read.
* @return
private int readFromLogChannel(long entryLogId, BufferedReadChannel channel, ByteBuf buff, long pos)
throws IOException {
BufferedLogChannel bc = entryLogManager.getCurrentLogIfPresent(entryLogId);
if (null != bc) {
synchronized (bc) {
if (pos + buff.writableBytes() >= bc.getFileChannelPosition()) {
return, pos);
return, pos);
* A thread-local variable that wraps a mapping of log ids to bufferedchannels
* These channels should be used only for reading. logChannel is the one
* that is used for writes.
private final ThreadLocal<Map<Long, BufferedReadChannel>> logid2Channel =
new ThreadLocal<Map<Long, BufferedReadChannel>>() {
public Map<Long, BufferedReadChannel> initialValue() {
// Since this is thread local there only one modifier
// We dont really need the concurrency, but we need to use
// the weak values. Therefore using the concurrency level of 1
return new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(1)
* Each thread local buffered read channel can share the same file handle because reads are not relative
* and don't cause a change in the channel's position. We use this map to store the file channels. Each
* file channel is mapped to a log id which represents an open log file.
private final ConcurrentMap<Long, FileChannel> logid2FileChannel = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, FileChannel>();
* Put the logId, bc pair in the map responsible for the current thread.
* @param logId
* @param bc
public BufferedReadChannel putInReadChannels(long logId, BufferedReadChannel bc) {
Map<Long, BufferedReadChannel> threadMap = logid2Channel.get();
return threadMap.put(logId, bc);
* Remove all entries for this log file in each thread's cache.
* @param logId
public void removeFromChannelsAndClose(long logId) {
FileChannel fileChannel = logid2FileChannel.remove(logId);
if (null != fileChannel) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Exception while closing channel for log file:" + logId);
public BufferedReadChannel getFromChannels(long logId) {
return logid2Channel.get().get(logId);
* Get the least unflushed log id. Garbage collector thread should not process
* unflushed entry log file.
* @return least unflushed log id.
long getLeastUnflushedLogId() {
return recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus.getLeastUnflushedLogId();
long getPreviousAllocatedEntryLogId() {
return entryLoggerAllocator.getPreallocatedLogId();
* Get the current log file for compaction.
File getCurCompactionLogFile() {
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
if (compactionLogChannel == null) {
return null;
return compactionLogChannel.getLogFile();
void prepareSortedLedgerStorageCheckpoint(long numBytesFlushed) throws IOException {
void prepareEntryMemTableFlush() {
boolean commitEntryMemTableFlush() throws IOException {
return entryLogManager.commitEntryMemTableFlush();
* get EntryLoggerAllocator, Just for tests.
EntryLoggerAllocator getEntryLoggerAllocator() {
return entryLoggerAllocator;
* Remove entry log.
* @param entryLogId
* Entry Log File Id
protected boolean removeEntryLog(long entryLogId) {
File entryLogFile;
try {
entryLogFile = findFile(entryLogId);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
LOG.error("Trying to delete an entryLog file that could not be found: "
+ entryLogId + ".log");
return false;
if (!entryLogFile.delete()) {
LOG.warn("Could not delete entry log file {}", entryLogFile);
return true;
private long getLastLogId(File dir) {
long id = readLastLogId(dir);
// read success
if (id > 0) {
return id;
// read failed, scan the ledger directories to find biggest log id
File[] logFiles = dir.listFiles(file -> file.getName().endsWith(".log"));
List<Long> logs = new ArrayList<Long>();
if (logFiles != null) {
for (File lf : logFiles) {
long logId = fileName2LogId(lf.getName());
// no log file found in this directory
if (0 == logs.size()) {
// order the collections
return logs.get(logs.size() - 1);
* reads id from the "lastId" file in the given directory.
private long readLastLogId(File f) {
FileInputStream fis;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(new File(f, "lastId"));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fis, UTF_8))) {
String lastIdString = br.readLine();
return Long.parseLong(lastIdString, 16);
} catch (IOException | NumberFormatException e) {
* Flushes all rotated log channels. After log channels are flushed,
* move leastUnflushedLogId ptr to current logId.
void checkpoint() throws IOException {
public void flush() throws IOException {
long addEntry(long ledger, ByteBuffer entry) throws IOException {
return entryLogManager.addEntry(ledger, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(entry), true);
long addEntry(long ledger, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
return entryLogManager.addEntry(ledger, entry, true);
public long addEntry(long ledger, ByteBuf entry, boolean rollLog) throws IOException {
return entryLogManager.addEntry(ledger, entry, rollLog);
private final FastThreadLocal<ByteBuf> sizeBuffer = new FastThreadLocal<ByteBuf>() {
protected ByteBuf initialValue() throws Exception {
// Max usage is size (4 bytes) + ledgerId (8 bytes) + entryid (8 bytes)
return Unpooled.buffer(4 + 8 + 8);
long addEntryForCompaction(long ledgerId, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
int entrySize = entry.readableBytes() + 4;
if (compactionLogChannel == null) {
ByteBuf sizeBuffer = this.sizeBuffer.get();
long pos = compactionLogChannel.position();
compactionLogChannel.registerWrittenEntry(ledgerId, entrySize);
return (compactionLogChannel.getLogId() << 32L) | pos;
void flushCompactionLog() throws IOException {
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
if (compactionLogChannel != null) {
compactionLogChannel.flushAndForceWrite(false);"Flushed compaction log file {} with logId {}.",
// since this channel is only used for writing, after flushing the channel,
// we had to close the underlying file channel. Otherwise, we might end up
// leaking fds which cause the disk spaces could not be reclaimed.
} else {
throw new IOException("Failed to flush compaction log which has already been removed.");
void createNewCompactionLog() throws IOException {
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
if (compactionLogChannel == null) {
compactionLogChannel = entryLogManager.createNewLogForCompaction();
* Remove the current compaction log, usually invoked when compaction failed and
* we need to do some clean up to remove the compaction log file.
void removeCurCompactionLog() {
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
if (compactionLogChannel != null) {
if (!compactionLogChannel.getLogFile().delete()) {
LOG.warn("Could not delete compaction log file {}", compactionLogChannel.getLogFile());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to close file channel for compaction log {}", compactionLogChannel.getLogId(),
compactionLogChannel = null;
static long logIdForOffset(long offset) {
return offset >> 32L;
static long posForOffset(long location) {
return location & 0xffffffffL;
* Exception type for representing lookup errors. Useful for disambiguating different error
* conditions for reporting purposes.
static class EntryLookupException extends Exception {
EntryLookupException(String message) {
* Represents case where log file is missing.
static class MissingLogFileException extends EntryLookupException {
MissingLogFileException(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos) {
super(String.format("Missing entryLog %d for ledgerId %d, entry %d at offset %d",
* Represents case where entry log is present, but does not contain the specified entry.
static class MissingEntryException extends EntryLookupException {
MissingEntryException(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos) {
super(String.format("pos %d (entry %d for ledgerId %d) past end of entryLog %d",
* Represents case where log is present, but encoded entry length header is invalid.
static class InvalidEntryLengthException extends EntryLookupException {
InvalidEntryLengthException(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos) {
super(String.format("Invalid entry length at pos %d (entry %d for ledgerId %d) for entryLog %d",
* Represents case where the entry at pos is wrong.
static class WrongEntryException extends EntryLookupException {
WrongEntryException(long foundEntryId, long foundLedgerId, long ledgerId,
long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos) {
"Found entry %d, ledger %d at pos %d entryLog %d, should have found entry %d for ledgerId %d",
private BufferedReadChannel getFCForEntryInternal(
long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos)
throws EntryLookupException, IOException {
try {
return getChannelForLogId(entryLogId);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos);
private ByteBuf readEntrySize(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos, BufferedReadChannel fc)
throws EntryLookupException, IOException {
ByteBuf sizeBuff = sizeBuffer.get();
long entrySizePos = pos - 4; // we want to get the entrySize as well as the ledgerId and entryId
try {
if (readFromLogChannel(entryLogId, fc, sizeBuff, entrySizePos) != sizeBuff.capacity()) {
throw new EntryLookupException.MissingEntryException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, entrySizePos);
} catch (BufferedChannelBase.BufferedChannelClosedException | AsynchronousCloseException e) {
throw new EntryLookupException.MissingLogFileException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, entrySizePos);
return sizeBuff;
void checkEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId, long location) throws EntryLookupException, IOException {
long entryLogId = logIdForOffset(location);
long pos = posForOffset(location);
BufferedReadChannel fc = getFCForEntryInternal(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos);
ByteBuf sizeBuf = readEntrySize(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos, fc);
validateEntry(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos, sizeBuf);
private void validateEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId, long entryLogId, long pos, ByteBuf sizeBuff)
throws IOException, EntryLookupException {
int entrySize = sizeBuff.readInt();
// entrySize does not include the ledgerId
if (entrySize > maxSaneEntrySize) {
LOG.warn("Sanity check failed for entry size of " + entrySize + " at location " + pos + " in "
+ entryLogId);
if (entrySize < MIN_SANE_ENTRY_SIZE) {
LOG.error("Read invalid entry length {}", entrySize);
throw new EntryLookupException.InvalidEntryLengthException(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos);
long thisLedgerId = sizeBuff.getLong(4);
long thisEntryId = sizeBuff.getLong(12);
if (thisLedgerId != ledgerId || thisEntryId != entryId) {
throw new EntryLookupException.WrongEntryException(
thisEntryId, thisLedgerId, ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos);
public ByteBuf internalReadEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId, long location, boolean validateEntry)
throws IOException {
long entryLogId = logIdForOffset(location);
long pos = posForOffset(location);
BufferedReadChannel fc = null;
int entrySize = -1;
try {
fc = getFCForEntryInternal(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos);
ByteBuf sizeBuff = readEntrySize(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos, fc);
entrySize = sizeBuff.getInt(0);
if (validateEntry) {
validateEntry(ledgerId, entryId, entryLogId, pos, sizeBuff);
} catch (EntryLookupException.MissingEntryException entryLookupError) {
throw new Bookie.NoEntryException("Short read from entrylog " + entryLogId,
ledgerId, entryId);
} catch (EntryLookupException e) {
throw new IOException(e.toString());
ByteBuf data = allocator.buffer(entrySize, entrySize);
int rc = readFromLogChannel(entryLogId, fc, data, pos);
if (rc != entrySize) {
// Note that throwing NoEntryException here instead of IOException is not
// without risk. If all bookies in a quorum throw this same exception
// the client will assume that it has reached the end of the ledger.
// However, this may not be the case, as a very specific error condition
// could have occurred, where the length of the entry was corrupted on all
// replicas. However, the chance of this happening is very very low, so
// returning NoEntryException is mostly safe.
throw new Bookie.NoEntryException("Short read for " + ledgerId + "@"
+ entryId + " in " + entryLogId + "@"
+ pos + "(" + rc + "!=" + entrySize + ")", ledgerId, entryId);
return data;
public ByteBuf readEntry(long ledgerId, long entryId, long location) throws IOException, Bookie.NoEntryException {
return internalReadEntry(ledgerId, entryId, location, true /* validateEntry */);
* Read the header of an entry log.
private Header getHeaderForLogId(long entryLogId) throws IOException {
BufferedReadChannel bc = getChannelForLogId(entryLogId);
// Allocate buffer to read (version, ledgersMapOffset, ledgerCount)
ByteBuf headers = allocator.directBuffer(LOGFILE_HEADER_SIZE);
try {, 0);
// Skip marker string "BKLO"
int headerVersion = headers.readInt();
if (headerVersion < HEADER_V0 || headerVersion > HEADER_CURRENT_VERSION) {"Unknown entry log header version for log {}: {}", entryLogId, headerVersion);
long ledgersMapOffset = headers.readLong();
int ledgersCount = headers.readInt();
return new Header(headerVersion, ledgersMapOffset, ledgersCount);
} finally {
private BufferedReadChannel getChannelForLogId(long entryLogId) throws IOException {
BufferedReadChannel fc = getFromChannels(entryLogId);
if (fc != null) {
return fc;
File file = findFile(entryLogId);
// get channel is used to open an existing entry log file
// it would be better to open using read mode
FileChannel newFc = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel();
FileChannel oldFc = logid2FileChannel.putIfAbsent(entryLogId, newFc);
if (null != oldFc) {
newFc = oldFc;
// We set the position of the write buffer of this buffered channel to Long.MAX_VALUE
// so that there are no overlaps with the write buffer while reading
fc = new BufferedReadChannel(newFc, conf.getReadBufferBytes());
putInReadChannels(entryLogId, fc);
return fc;
* Whether the log file exists or not.
boolean logExists(long logId) {
for (File d : ledgerDirsManager.getAllLedgerDirs()) {
File f = new File(d, Long.toHexString(logId) + ".log");
if (f.exists()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns a set with the ids of all the entry log files.
* @throws IOException
public Set<Long> getEntryLogsSet() throws IOException {
Set<Long> entryLogs = Sets.newTreeSet();
final FilenameFilter logFileFilter = new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.endsWith(".log");
for (File d : ledgerDirsManager.getAllLedgerDirs()) {
File[] files = d.listFiles(logFileFilter);
if (files == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to get list of files in directory " + d);
for (File f : files) {
Long entryLogId = Long.parseLong(f.getName().split(".log")[0], 16);
return entryLogs;
private File findFile(long logId) throws FileNotFoundException {
for (File d : ledgerDirsManager.getAllLedgerDirs()) {
File f = new File(d, Long.toHexString(logId) + ".log");
if (f.exists()) {
return f;
throw new FileNotFoundException("No file for log " + Long.toHexString(logId));
* Scan entry log.
* @param entryLogId Entry Log Id
* @param scanner Entry Log Scanner
* @throws IOException
public void scanEntryLog(long entryLogId, EntryLogScanner scanner) throws IOException {
// Buffer where to read the entrySize (4 bytes) and the ledgerId (8 bytes)
ByteBuf headerBuffer = Unpooled.buffer(4 + 8);
BufferedReadChannel bc;
// Get the BufferedChannel for the current entry log file
try {
bc = getChannelForLogId(entryLogId);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to get channel to scan entry log: " + entryLogId + ".log");
throw e;
// Start the read position in the current entry log file to be after
// the header where all of the ledger entries are.
// Start with a reasonably sized buffer size
ByteBuf data = allocator.directBuffer(1024 * 1024);
try {
// Read through the entry log file and extract the ledger ID's.
while (true) {
// Check if we've finished reading the entry log file.
if (pos >= bc.size()) {
if (readFromLogChannel(entryLogId, bc, headerBuffer, pos) != headerBuffer.capacity()) {
LOG.warn("Short read for entry size from entrylog {}", entryLogId);
long offset = pos;
pos += 4;
int entrySize = headerBuffer.readInt();
long ledgerId = headerBuffer.readLong();
if (ledgerId == INVALID_LID || !scanner.accept(ledgerId)) {
// skip this entry
pos += entrySize;
// read the entry
if (entrySize <= 0) {
LOG.warn("bad read for ledger entry from entryLog {}@{} (entry size {})",
entryLogId, pos, entrySize);
int rc = readFromLogChannel(entryLogId, bc, data, pos);
if (rc != entrySize) {
LOG.warn("Short read for ledger entry from entryLog {}@{} ({} != {})",
entryLogId, pos, rc, entrySize);
// process the entry
scanner.process(ledgerId, offset, data);
// Advance position to the next entry
pos += entrySize;
} finally {
public EntryLogMetadata getEntryLogMetadata(long entryLogId) throws IOException {
// First try to extract the EntryLogMetada from the index, if there's no index then fallback to scanning the
// entry log
try {
return extractEntryLogMetadataFromIndex(entryLogId);
} catch (Exception e) {"Failed to get ledgers map index from: {}.log : {}", entryLogId, e.getMessage());
// Fall-back to scanning
return extractEntryLogMetadataByScanning(entryLogId);
EntryLogMetadata extractEntryLogMetadataFromIndex(long entryLogId) throws IOException {
Header header = getHeaderForLogId(entryLogId);
if (header.version < HEADER_V1) {
throw new IOException("Old log file header without ledgers map on entryLogId " + entryLogId);
if (header.ledgersMapOffset == 0L) {
// The index was not stored in the log file (possibly because the bookie crashed before flushing it)
throw new IOException("No ledgers map index found on entryLogId " + entryLogId);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Recovering ledgers maps for log {} at offset: {}", entryLogId, header.ledgersMapOffset);
BufferedReadChannel bc = getChannelForLogId(entryLogId);
// There can be multiple entries containing the various components of the serialized ledgers map
long offset = header.ledgersMapOffset;
EntryLogMetadata meta = new EntryLogMetadata(entryLogId);
ByteBuf ledgersMap = allocator.directBuffer(maxMapSize);
try {
while (offset < bc.size()) {
// Read ledgers map size
sizeBuffer.get().clear();, offset);
int ledgersMapSize = sizeBuffer.get().readInt();
// Read the index into a buffer
ledgersMap.clear();, offset + 4, ledgersMapSize);
// Discard ledgerId and entryId
long lid = ledgersMap.readLong();
if (lid != INVALID_LID) {
throw new IOException("Cannot deserialize ledgers map from ledger " + lid);
long entryId = ledgersMap.readLong();
if (entryId != LEDGERS_MAP_ENTRY_ID) {
throw new IOException("Cannot deserialize ledgers map from entryId " + entryId);
// Read the number of ledgers in the current entry batch
int ledgersCount = ledgersMap.readInt();
// Extract all (ledger,size) tuples from buffer
for (int i = 0; i < ledgersCount; i++) {
long ledgerId = ledgersMap.readLong();
long size = ledgersMap.readLong();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Recovering ledgers maps for log {} -- Found ledger: {} with size: {}",
entryLogId, ledgerId, size);
meta.addLedgerSize(ledgerId, size);
if (ledgersMap.isReadable()) {
throw new IOException("Invalid entry size when reading ledgers map");
// Move to next entry, if any
offset += ledgersMapSize + 4;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new IOException(e);
} finally {
if (meta.getLedgersMap().size() != header.ledgersCount) {
throw new IOException("Not all ledgers were found in ledgers map index. expected: " + header.ledgersCount
+ " -- found: " + meta.getLedgersMap().size() + " -- entryLogId: " + entryLogId);
return meta;
private EntryLogMetadata extractEntryLogMetadataByScanning(long entryLogId) throws IOException {
final EntryLogMetadata meta = new EntryLogMetadata(entryLogId);
// Read through the entry log file and extract the entry log meta
scanEntryLog(entryLogId, new EntryLogScanner() {
public void process(long ledgerId, long offset, ByteBuf entry) throws IOException {
// add new entry size of a ledger to entry log meta
meta.addLedgerSize(ledgerId, entry.readableBytes() + 4);
public boolean accept(long ledgerId) {
return ledgerId >= 0;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Retrieved entry log meta data entryLogId: {}, meta: {}", entryLogId, meta);
return meta;
* Shutdown method to gracefully stop entry logger.
public void shutdown() {
// since logChannel is buffered channel, do flush when shutting down"Stopping EntryLogger");
try {
for (FileChannel fc : logid2FileChannel.values()) {
// clear the mapping, so we don't need to go through the channels again in finally block in normal case.
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
if (compactionLogChannel != null) {
compactionLogChannel = null;
} catch (IOException ie) {
// we have no idea how to avoid io exception during shutting down, so just ignore it
LOG.error("Error flush entry log during shutting down, which may cause entry log corrupted.", ie);
} finally {
for (FileChannel fc : logid2FileChannel.values()) {
IOUtils.close(LOG, fc);
synchronized (compactionLogLock) {
IOUtils.close(LOG, compactionLogChannel);
// shutdown the pre-allocation thread
protected LedgerDirsManager getLedgerDirsManager() {
return ledgerDirsManager;
* Convert log filename (hex format with suffix) to logId in long.
static long fileName2LogId(String fileName) {
if (fileName != null && fileName.contains(".")) {
fileName = fileName.split("\\.")[0];
try {
return Long.parseLong(fileName, 16);
} catch (Exception nfe) {
LOG.error("Invalid log file name {} found when trying to convert to logId.", fileName, nfe);
* Convert log Id to hex string.
static String logId2HexString(long logId) {
return Long.toHexString(logId);
* Datastructure which maintains the status of logchannels. When a
* logChannel is created entry of < entryLogId, false > will be made to this
* sortedmap and when logChannel is rotated and flushed then the entry is
* updated to < entryLogId, true > and all the lowest entries with
* < entryLogId, true > status will be removed from the sortedmap. So that way
* we could get least unflushed LogId.
static class RecentEntryLogsStatus {
private final SortedMap<Long, Boolean> entryLogsStatusMap;
private long leastUnflushedLogId;
RecentEntryLogsStatus(long leastUnflushedLogId) {
entryLogsStatusMap = new TreeMap<Long, Boolean>();
this.leastUnflushedLogId = leastUnflushedLogId;
synchronized void createdEntryLog(Long entryLogId) {
entryLogsStatusMap.put(entryLogId, false);
synchronized void flushRotatedEntryLog(Long entryLogId) {
entryLogsStatusMap.replace(entryLogId, true);
while ((!entryLogsStatusMap.isEmpty()) && (entryLogsStatusMap.get(entryLogsStatusMap.firstKey()))) {
long leastFlushedLogId = entryLogsStatusMap.firstKey();
leastUnflushedLogId = leastFlushedLogId + 1;
synchronized long getLeastUnflushedLogId() {
return leastUnflushedLogId;