blob: 5e123dce0ecd9079c6132b036c6055f8d49d06e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.CATEGORY_SERVER;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.ENTRYLOGGER_SCOPE;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.ENTRYLOGS_PER_LEDGER;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.NUM_LEDGERS_HAVING_MULTIPLE_ENTRYLOGS;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.NUM_OF_WRITE_ACTIVE_LEDGERS;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.NUM_OF_WRITE_LEDGERS_REMOVED_CACHE_EXPIRY;
import static org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.BookKeeperServerStats.NUM_OF_WRITE_LEDGERS_REMOVED_CACHE_MAXSIZE;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.EntryLogger.BufferedLogChannel;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.bookie.LedgerDirsManager.LedgerDirsListener;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.conf.ServerConfiguration;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.Counter;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.OpStatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.StatsLogger;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.stats.annotations.StatsDoc;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.IOUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.MathUtils;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.util.collections.ConcurrentLongHashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt;
class EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger extends EntryLogManagerBase {
static class BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo {
private final BufferedLogChannel logChannel;
volatile boolean ledgerDirFull = false;
private BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo(BufferedLogChannel logChannel) {
this.logChannel = logChannel;
private boolean isLedgerDirFull() {
return ledgerDirFull;
private void setLedgerDirFull(boolean ledgerDirFull) {
this.ledgerDirFull = ledgerDirFull;
BufferedLogChannel getLogChannel() {
return logChannel;
class EntryLogAndLockTuple {
private final Lock ledgerLock;
private BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo entryLogWithDirInfo;
private EntryLogAndLockTuple(long ledgerId) {
int lockIndex = MathUtils.signSafeMod(Long.hashCode(ledgerId), lockArrayPool.length());
if (lockArrayPool.get(lockIndex) == null) {
lockArrayPool.compareAndSet(lockIndex, null, new ReentrantLock());
ledgerLock = lockArrayPool.get(lockIndex);
private Lock getLedgerLock() {
return ledgerLock;
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo getEntryLogWithDirInfo() {
return entryLogWithDirInfo;
private void setEntryLogWithDirInfo(BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo entryLogWithDirInfo) {
this.entryLogWithDirInfo = entryLogWithDirInfo;
help = "EntryLogger related stats"
class EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter {
help = "Number of write active ledgers"
private final Counter numOfWriteActiveLedgers;
help = "Number of write ledgers removed after cache expiry"
private final Counter numOfWriteLedgersRemovedCacheExpiry;
help = "Number of write ledgers removed due to reach max cache size"
private final Counter numOfWriteLedgersRemovedCacheMaxSize;
help = "Number of ledgers having multiple entry logs"
private final Counter numLedgersHavingMultipleEntrylogs;
help = "The distribution of number of entry logs per ledger"
private final OpStatsLogger entryLogsPerLedger;
* ledgerIdEntryLogCounterCacheMap cache will be used to store count of
* entrylogs as value for its ledgerid key. This cacheMap limits -
* 'expiry duration' and 'maximumSize' will be set to
* entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor times of
* 'ledgerIdEntryLogMap' cache limits. This is needed because entries
* from 'ledgerIdEntryLogMap' can be removed from cache becasue of
* accesstime expiry or cache size limits, but to know the actual number
* of entrylogs per ledger, we should maintain this count for long time.
private final LoadingCache<Long, MutableInt> ledgerIdEntryLogCounterCacheMap;
EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter(StatsLogger statsLogger) {
this.numOfWriteActiveLedgers = statsLogger.getCounter(NUM_OF_WRITE_ACTIVE_LEDGERS);
this.numOfWriteLedgersRemovedCacheExpiry = statsLogger
this.numOfWriteLedgersRemovedCacheMaxSize = statsLogger
this.numLedgersHavingMultipleEntrylogs = statsLogger.getCounter(NUM_LEDGERS_HAVING_MULTIPLE_ENTRYLOGS);
this.entryLogsPerLedger = statsLogger.getOpStatsLogger(ENTRYLOGS_PER_LEDGER);
ledgerIdEntryLogCounterCacheMap = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds * entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor,
.maximumSize(maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs * entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor)
.removalListener(new RemovalListener<Long, MutableInt>() {
public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Long, MutableInt> removedEntryFromCounterMap) {
if ((removedEntryFromCounterMap != null)
&& (removedEntryFromCounterMap.getValue() != null)) {
synchronized (EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter.this) {
}).build(new CacheLoader<Long, MutableInt>() {
public MutableInt load(Long key) throws Exception {
synchronized (EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter.this) {
return new MutableInt();
private synchronized void openNewEntryLogForLedger(Long ledgerId, boolean newLedgerInEntryLogMapCache) {
int numOfEntrylogsForThisLedger = ledgerIdEntryLogCounterCacheMap.getUnchecked(ledgerId).incrementAndGet();
if (numOfEntrylogsForThisLedger == 2) {;
if (newLedgerInEntryLogMapCache) {;
private synchronized void removedLedgerFromEntryLogMapCache(Long ledgerId, RemovalCause cause) {
if (cause.equals(RemovalCause.EXPIRED)) {;
} else if (cause.equals(RemovalCause.SIZE)) {;
* this is for testing purpose only. guava's cache doesnt cleanup
* completely (including calling expiry removal listener) automatically
* when access timeout elapses.
* common/cache/CacheBuilder.html
* If expireAfterWrite or expireAfterAccess is requested entries may be
* evicted on each cache modification, on occasional cache accesses, or
* on calls to Cache.cleanUp(). Expired entries may be counted by
* Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations.
* Certain cache configurations will result in the accrual of periodic
* maintenance tasks which will be performed during write operations, or
* during occasional read operations in the absence of writes. The
* Cache.cleanUp() method of the returned cache will also perform
* maintenance, but calling it should not be necessary with a high
* throughput cache. Only caches built with removalListener,
* expireAfterWrite, expireAfterAccess, weakKeys, weakValues, or
* softValues perform periodic maintenance.
void doCounterMapCleanup() {
ConcurrentMap<Long, MutableInt> getCounterMap() {
return ledgerIdEntryLogCounterCacheMap.asMap();
private final AtomicReferenceArray<Lock> lockArrayPool;
private final LoadingCache<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple> ledgerIdEntryLogMap;
* every time active logChannel is accessed from ledgerIdEntryLogMap
* cache, the accesstime of that entry is updated. But for certain
* operations we dont want to impact accessTime of the entries (like
* periodic flush of current active logChannels), and those operations
* can use this copy of references.
private final ConcurrentLongHashMap<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> replicaOfCurrentLogChannels;
private final CacheLoader<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple> entryLogAndLockTupleCacheLoader;
private final EntryLogger.RecentEntryLogsStatus recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus;
private final int entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds;
private final int maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs;
private final int entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor;
// Expose Stats
private final StatsLogger statsLogger;
final EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter entryLogsPerLedgerCounter;
EntryLogManagerForEntryLogPerLedger(ServerConfiguration conf, LedgerDirsManager ledgerDirsManager,
EntryLoggerAllocator entryLoggerAllocator, List<EntryLogger.EntryLogListener> listeners,
EntryLogger.RecentEntryLogsStatus recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus, StatsLogger statsLogger)
throws IOException {
super(conf, ledgerDirsManager, entryLoggerAllocator, listeners);
this.recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus = recentlyCreatedEntryLogsStatus;
this.rotatedLogChannels = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<BufferedLogChannel>();
this.replicaOfCurrentLogChannels = new ConcurrentLongHashMap<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo>();
this.entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds = conf.getEntrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds();
this.maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs = conf.getMaximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs();
this.entryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor = conf.getEntryLogPerLedgerCounterLimitsMultFactor();
this.lockArrayPool = new AtomicReferenceArray<Lock>(maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs * 2);
this.entryLogAndLockTupleCacheLoader = new CacheLoader<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple>() {
public EntryLogAndLockTuple load(Long key) throws Exception {
return new EntryLogAndLockTuple(key);
* Currently we are relying on access time based eviction policy for
* removal of EntryLogAndLockTuple, so if the EntryLogAndLockTuple of
* the ledger is not accessed in
* entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds period, it will be removed
* from the cache.
* We are going to introduce explicit advisory writeClose call, with
* that explicit call EntryLogAndLockTuple of the ledger will be
* removed from the cache. But still timebased eviciton policy is
* needed because it is not guaranteed that Bookie/EntryLogger would
* receive successfully write close call in all the cases.
ledgerIdEntryLogMap = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterAccess(entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.removalListener(new RemovalListener<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple>() {
public void onRemoval(
RemovalNotification<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple> expiredLedgerEntryLogMapEntry) {
this.statsLogger = statsLogger;
this.entryLogsPerLedgerCounter = new EntryLogsPerLedgerCounter(this.statsLogger);
* This method is called when an entry is removed from the cache. This could
* be because access time of that ledger has elapsed
* entrylogMapAccessExpiryTimeInSeconds period, or number of active
* currentlogs in the cache has reached the size of
* maximumNumberOfActiveEntryLogs, or if an entry is explicitly
* invalidated/removed. In these cases entry for that ledger is removed from
* cache. Since the entrylog of this ledger is not active anymore it has to
* be removed from replicaOfCurrentLogChannels and added to
* rotatedLogChannels.
* Because of performance/optimizations concerns the cleanup maintenance
* operations wont happen automatically, for more info on eviction cleanup
* maintenance tasks -
* common/cache/CacheBuilder.html
private void onCacheEntryRemoval(RemovalNotification<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple> removedLedgerEntryLogMapEntry) {
Long ledgerId = removedLedgerEntryLogMapEntry.getKey();
log.debug("LedgerId {} is being evicted from the cache map because of {}", ledgerId,
EntryLogAndLockTuple entryLogAndLockTuple = removedLedgerEntryLogMapEntry.getValue();
if (entryLogAndLockTuple == null) {
log.error("entryLogAndLockTuple is not supposed to be null in entry removal listener for ledger : {}",
Lock lock = entryLogAndLockTuple.ledgerLock;
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo logChannelWithDirInfo = entryLogAndLockTuple.getEntryLogWithDirInfo();
if (logChannelWithDirInfo == null) {
log.error("logChannel for ledger: {} is not supposed to be null in entry removal listener", ledgerId);
try {
BufferedLogChannel logChannel = logChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel();
// Append ledgers map at the end of entry log
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Got IOException while trying to appendLedgersMap in cacheEntryRemoval callback", e);
} finally {
private LedgerDirsListener getLedgerDirsListener() {
return new LedgerDirsListener() {
public void diskFull(File disk) {
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo currentLogWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
if (disk.equals(currentLogWithDirInfo.getLogChannel().getLogFile().getParentFile())) {
public void diskWritable(File disk) {
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo currentLogWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
if (disk.equals(currentLogWithDirInfo.getLogChannel().getLogFile().getParentFile())) {
Lock getLock(long ledgerId) throws IOException {
try {
return ledgerIdEntryLogMap.get(ledgerId).getLedgerLock();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Received unexpected exception while fetching lock to acquire for ledger: " + ledgerId, e);
throw new IOException("Received unexpected exception while fetching lock to acquire", e);
* sets the logChannel for the given ledgerId. It will add the new
* logchannel to replicaOfCurrentLogChannels, and the previous one will
* be removed from replicaOfCurrentLogChannels. Previous logChannel will
* be added to rotatedLogChannels in both the cases.
public void setCurrentLogForLedgerAndAddToRotate(long ledgerId, BufferedLogChannel logChannel) throws IOException {
Lock lock = getLock(ledgerId);
try {
BufferedLogChannel hasToRotateLogChannel = getCurrentLogForLedger(ledgerId);
boolean newLedgerInEntryLogMapCache = (hasToRotateLogChannel == null);
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo logChannelWithDirInfo = new BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo(logChannel);
entryLogsPerLedgerCounter.openNewEntryLogForLedger(ledgerId, newLedgerInEntryLogMapCache);
replicaOfCurrentLogChannels.put(logChannel.getLogId(), logChannelWithDirInfo);
if (hasToRotateLogChannel != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Received unexpected exception while fetching entry from map for ledger: " + ledgerId, e);
throw new IOException("Received unexpected exception while fetching entry from map", e);
} finally {
public BufferedLogChannel getCurrentLogForLedger(long ledgerId) throws IOException {
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo = getCurrentLogWithDirInfoForLedger(ledgerId);
BufferedLogChannel bufferedLogChannel = null;
if (bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo != null) {
bufferedLogChannel = bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel();
return bufferedLogChannel;
public BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo getCurrentLogWithDirInfoForLedger(long ledgerId) throws IOException {
Lock lock = getLock(ledgerId);
try {
EntryLogAndLockTuple entryLogAndLockTuple = ledgerIdEntryLogMap.get(ledgerId);
return entryLogAndLockTuple.getEntryLogWithDirInfo();
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Received unexpected exception while fetching entry from map for ledger: " + ledgerId, e);
throw new IOException("Received unexpected exception while fetching entry from map", e);
} finally {
public Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> getCopyOfCurrentLogs() {
return new HashSet<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo>(replicaOfCurrentLogChannels.values());
public BufferedLogChannel getCurrentLogIfPresent(long entryLogId) {
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo = replicaOfCurrentLogChannels.get(entryLogId);
BufferedLogChannel logChannel = null;
if (bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo != null) {
logChannel = bufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel();
return logChannel;
public void checkpoint() throws IOException {
* In the case of entryLogPerLedgerEnabled we need to flush
* both rotatedlogs and currentlogs. This is needed because
* syncThread periodically does checkpoint and at this time
* all the logs should be flushed.
public void prepareSortedLedgerStorageCheckpoint(long numBytesFlushed) throws IOException {
// do nothing
* prepareSortedLedgerStorageCheckpoint is required for
* singleentrylog scenario, but it is not needed for
* entrylogperledger scenario, since entries of a ledger go
* to a entrylog (even during compaction) and SyncThread
* drives periodic checkpoint logic.
public void prepareEntryMemTableFlush() {
// do nothing
public boolean commitEntryMemTableFlush() throws IOException {
// lock it only if there is new data
// so that cache accesstime is not changed
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo currentLogWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
BufferedLogChannel currentLog = currentLogWithDirInfo.getLogChannel();
if (reachEntryLogLimit(currentLog, 0L)) {
Long ledgerId = currentLog.getLedgerIdAssigned();
Lock lock = getLock(ledgerId);
try {
if (reachEntryLogLimit(currentLog, 0L)) {"Rolling entry logger since it reached size limitation for ledger: {}", ledgerId);
createNewLog(ledgerId, "after entry log file is rotated");
} finally {
* in the case of entrylogperledger, SyncThread drives
* checkpoint logic for every flushInterval. So
* EntryMemtable doesn't need to call checkpoint in the case
* of entrylogperledger.
return false;
* this is for testing purpose only. guava's cache doesnt cleanup
* completely (including calling expiry removal listener) automatically
* when access timeout elapses.
* common/cache/CacheBuilder.html
* If expireAfterWrite or expireAfterAccess is requested entries may be
* evicted on each cache modification, on occasional cache accesses, or
* on calls to Cache.cleanUp(). Expired entries may be counted by
* Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations.
* Certain cache configurations will result in the accrual of periodic
* maintenance tasks which will be performed during write operations, or
* during occasional read operations in the absence of writes. The
* Cache.cleanUp() method of the returned cache will also perform
* maintenance, but calling it should not be necessary with a high
* throughput cache. Only caches built with removalListener,
* expireAfterWrite, expireAfterAccess, weakKeys, weakValues, or
* softValues perform periodic maintenance.
void doEntryLogMapCleanup() {
ConcurrentMap<Long, EntryLogAndLockTuple> getCacheAsMap() {
return ledgerIdEntryLogMap.asMap();
* Returns writable ledger dir with least number of current active
* entrylogs.
public File getDirForNextEntryLog(List<File> writableLedgerDirs) {
Map<File, MutableInt> writableLedgerDirFrequency = new HashMap<File, MutableInt>();
.forEach((ledgerDir) -> writableLedgerDirFrequency.put(ledgerDir, new MutableInt()));
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo logChannelWithDirInfo : replicaOfCurrentLogChannels.values()) {
File parentDirOfCurrentLogChannel = logChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel().getLogFile().getParentFile();
if (writableLedgerDirFrequency.containsKey(parentDirOfCurrentLogChannel)) {
Optional<Entry<File, MutableInt>> ledgerDirWithLeastNumofCurrentLogs = writableLedgerDirFrequency.entrySet()
return ledgerDirWithLeastNumofCurrentLogs.get().getKey();
public void close() throws IOException {
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo currentLogWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
if (currentLogWithDirInfo.getLogChannel() != null) {
public void forceClose() {
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo currentLogWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
IOUtils.close(log, currentLogWithDirInfo.getLogChannel());
void flushCurrentLogs() throws IOException {
Set<BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo> copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo = getCopyOfCurrentLogs();
for (BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo logChannelWithDirInfo : copyOfCurrentLogsWithDirInfo) {
* flushCurrentLogs method is called during checkpoint, so metadata
* of the file also should be force written.
flushLogChannel(logChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel(), true);
public BufferedLogChannel createNewLogForCompaction() throws IOException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"When entryLogPerLedger is enabled, transactional compaction should have been disabled");
public long addEntry(long ledger, ByteBuf entry, boolean rollLog) throws IOException {
Lock lock = getLock(ledger);
try {
return super.addEntry(ledger, entry, rollLog);
} finally {
void createNewLog(long ledgerId) throws IOException {
Lock lock = getLock(ledgerId);
try {
} finally {
BufferedLogChannel getCurrentLogForLedgerForAddEntry(long ledgerId, int entrySize, boolean rollLog)
throws IOException {
Lock lock = getLock(ledgerId);
try {
BufferedLogChannelWithDirInfo logChannelWithDirInfo = getCurrentLogWithDirInfoForLedger(ledgerId);
BufferedLogChannel logChannel = null;
if (logChannelWithDirInfo != null) {
logChannel = logChannelWithDirInfo.getLogChannel();
boolean reachEntryLogLimit = rollLog ? reachEntryLogLimit(logChannel, entrySize)
: readEntryLogHardLimit(logChannel, entrySize);
// Create new log if logSizeLimit reached or current disk is full
boolean diskFull = (logChannel == null) ? false : logChannelWithDirInfo.isLedgerDirFull();
boolean allDisksFull = !ledgerDirsManager.hasWritableLedgerDirs();
* if disk of the logChannel is full or if the entrylog limit is
* reached of if the logchannel is not initialized, then
* createNewLog. If allDisks are full then proceed with the current
* logChannel, since Bookie must have turned to readonly mode and
* the addEntry traffic would be from GC and it is ok to proceed in
* this case.
if ((diskFull && (!allDisksFull)) || reachEntryLogLimit || (logChannel == null)) {
if (logChannel != null) {
": diskFull = " + diskFull + ", allDisksFull = " + allDisksFull
+ ", reachEntryLogLimit = " + reachEntryLogLimit + ", logChannel = " + logChannel);
return getCurrentLogForLedger(ledgerId);
} finally {
public void flushRotatedLogs() throws IOException {
for (BufferedLogChannel channel : rotatedLogChannels) {
// since this channel is only used for writing, after flushing the channel,
// we had to close the underlying file channel. Otherwise, we might end up
// leaking fds which cause the disk spaces could not be reclaimed.
rotatedLogChannels.remove(channel);"Synced entry logger {} to disk.", channel.getLogId());