blob: 8abb61ffa8cc05740c7c7987f7f99d8b4722d313 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.distributedlog.util;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.versioning.LongVersion;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.versioning.Versioned;
import org.apache.distributedlog.DLMTestUtil;
import org.apache.distributedlog.TestZooKeeperClientBuilder;
import org.apache.distributedlog.ZooKeeperClient;
import org.apache.distributedlog.ZooKeeperClusterTestCase;
import org.apache.zookeeper.AsyncCallback;
import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode;
import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooDefs;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* Test Utils.
public class TestUtils extends ZooKeeperClusterTestCase {
private static final int sessionTimeoutMs = 30000;
private ZooKeeperClient zkc;
public void setup() throws Exception {
zkc = TestZooKeeperClientBuilder.newBuilder()
.uri(DLMTestUtil.createDLMURI(zkPort, "/"))
public void teardown() throws Exception {
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testZkAsyncCreateFulPathOptimisticRecursive() throws Exception {
String path1 = "/a/b/c/d";
Optional<String> parentPathShouldNotCreate = Optional.empty();
final CountDownLatch doneLatch1 = new CountDownLatch(1);
Utils.zkAsyncCreateFullPathOptimisticRecursive(zkc, path1, parentPathShouldNotCreate,
new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT,
new AsyncCallback.StringCallback() {
public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, String name) {
}, null);
assertNotNull(zkc.get().exists(path1, false));
String path2 = "/a/b/c/d/e/f/g";
parentPathShouldNotCreate = Optional.of("/a/b/c/d/e");
final CountDownLatch doneLatch2 = new CountDownLatch(1);
Utils.zkAsyncCreateFullPathOptimisticRecursive(zkc, path2, parentPathShouldNotCreate,
new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT,
new AsyncCallback.StringCallback() {
public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, String name) {
}, null);
assertNull(zkc.get().exists("/a/b/c/d/e", false));
assertNull(zkc.get().exists("/a/b/c/d/e/f", false));
assertNull(zkc.get().exists("/a/b/c/d/e/f/g", false));
parentPathShouldNotCreate = Optional.of("/a/b");
final CountDownLatch doneLatch3 = new CountDownLatch(1);
Utils.zkAsyncCreateFullPathOptimisticRecursive(zkc, path2, parentPathShouldNotCreate,
new byte[0], ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE, CreateMode.PERSISTENT,
new AsyncCallback.StringCallback() {
public void processResult(int rc, String path, Object ctx, String name) {
}, null);
assertNotNull(zkc.get().exists(path2, false));
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testZkGetData() throws Exception {
String path1 = "/zk-get-data/non-existent-path";
Versioned<byte[]> data = Utils.ioResult(Utils.zkGetData(zkc.get(), path1, false));
assertNull("No data should return from non-existent-path", data.getValue());
assertNull("No version should return from non-existent-path", data.getVersion());
String path2 = "/zk-get-data/path2";
byte[] rawData = "test-data".getBytes(UTF_8);
Utils.ioResult(Utils.zkAsyncCreateFullPathOptimistic(zkc, path2, rawData,
zkc.getDefaultACL(), CreateMode.PERSISTENT));
data = Utils.ioResult(Utils.zkGetData(zkc.get(), path2, false));
assertArrayEquals("Data should return as written",
rawData, data.getValue());
assertEquals("Version should be zero",
0L, ((LongVersion) data.getVersion()).getLongVersion());
@Test(timeout = 60000)
public void testGetParent() throws Exception {
String path1 = null;
assertNull("parent of a null path is null", Utils.getParent(path1));
String path2 = "";
assertNull("parent of an empty string is null", Utils.getParent(path2));
String path3 = "abcdef";
assertNull("parent of a string with no / is null", Utils.getParent(path3));
String path4 = "/test/test2";
assertEquals("parent of a /test/test2 is /test", "/test", Utils.getParent(path4));
String path5 = "/test/test2/";
assertEquals("parent of a " + path5 + " is /test", "/test", Utils.getParent(path5));
String path6 = "/test";
assertEquals("parent of " + path6 + " is /", "/", Utils.getParent(path6));
String path7 = "//";
assertEquals("parent of " + path7 + " is /", "/", Utils.getParent(path7));
String path8 = "/";
assertNull("parent of " + path8 + " is null", Utils.getParent(path8));