blob: 79d8668f2025de1e9e4821c103eec59b0816b7c2 [file] [log] [blame]
- Upgraded Mesos to 0.24.1.
- The client-side updater has been removed, along with the CLI commands that used it:
'aurora job update' and 'aurora job cancel-update'. Users are encouraged to take
advantage of scheduler-driven updates (see 'aurora update -h' for usage), which has been a
stable feature for several releases.
- The field 'JobUpdateSettings.maxWaitToInstanceRunningMs' (UpdateConfig.restart_threshold in
client-side configuration) is now deprecated. This setting was brittle in practice, and is
ignored by the 0.11.0 scheduler.
- Added support for shell-based health checkers in addition to HTTP health checkers. In concert with
this change the `HealthCheckConfig` schema has been restructured to more cleanly allow configuring
varied health checkers. The following fields from `HealthCheckConfig` are now deprecated:
`endpoint`, `expected_response`, `expected_response_code` in favor of setting them as part of an
- Added support for taking in an executor configuration in JSON via a command line argument
`--custom_executor_config` which will override all other the command line arguments and default
values pertaining to the executor.
- Log rotation has been added to the thermos runner. See the configuration reference for details
on how configure rotation per-process. Command line options may also be passed through the
scheduler in order to configure the global default behavior.
- Added a new scheduler flag 'framework_announce_principal' to support use of authorization and
rate limiting in Mesos.
- The Python build layout has changed:
* The apache.thermos package has been removed.
* The apache.gen.aurora package has been renamed to apache.aurora.thrift.
* The apache.gen.thermos package has been renamed to apache.thermos.thrift.
* A new apache.thermos.runner package has been introduced, providing the thermos_runner binary.
* A new apache.aurora.kerberos package has been introduced, containing the Kerberos-supporting
versions of aurora and aurora_admin (kaurora and kaurora_admin).
* Most BUILD targets under src/main have been removed, see for details.
- Upgraded Mesos to 0.23.0. NOTE: Aurora executor now requires openssl runtime dependencies that
were not previously enforced. You will need libcurl available on every Mesos slave (or Docker
container) to successfully launch Aurora executor. See
for more details on Mesos runtime dependencies.
- Resource quota is no longer consumed by production jobs with a dedicated constraint (AURORA-1457).
- Thrift ConfigGroup.instanceIds field has been deprecated. Use ConfigGroup.instances instead.
- Deprecated SessionValidator and CapabilityValidator interfaces have been removed. All
SessionKey-typed arguments are now nullable and ignored by the scheduler Thrift API.
- Removed the `--root` option from the observer.
- Now requires JRE 8 or greater.
- GC executor is fully replaced by the task state reconciliation (AURORA-1047).
- The scheduler command line argument 'enable_legacy_constraints' has been
removed, and the scheduler no longer automatically injects 'host' and 'rack'
constraints for production services. (AURORA-1074)
- SLA metrics for non-production jobs have been disabled by default. They can
be enabled via the scheduler command line. Metric names have changed from
'...nonprod_ms' to "...ms_nonprod" (AURORA-1350).
- A new command line argument was added to the observer: --mesos-root
This must point to the same path as --work_dir on the mesos slave.
- Build targets for thermos and observer have changed, they are now:
* src/main/python/apache/aurora/tools:thermos
* src/main/python/apache/aurora/tools:thermos_observer