blob: ae17174785db3f1bac30ff8f0badc704ffa17658 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace py gen.apache.thermos
enum ProcessState {
// normal state
WAITING = 0 // blocked on execution dependencies or footprint restrictions
FORKED = 1 // starting, need to wait for signal from Process that it's running
RUNNING = 2 // currently running
SUCCESS = 3 // returncode == 0
KILLED = 4 // Killed by user action or task failure, runner teardown.
// abnormal states
FAILED = 5 // returncode != 0
LOST = 6 // the coordinator either died or some condition caused us to lose it
// e.g. reboot.
struct ProcessStatus {
// Sequence number, must be monotonically increasing for all
// ProcessState messages for a particular process across all runs.
1: i64 seq
// Process name
3: string process
5: ProcessState state
10: i32 coordinator_pid
11: double fork_time
6: double start_time
7: i32 pid
8: double stop_time
9: i32 return_code
// {FORKED, RUNNING} -> LOST nothing happens. this ProcessState ceases to exist.
// Doesn't count against the run total.
enum TaskState {
ACTIVE = 0 // Regular plan is being executed
CLEANING = 5 // Regular plan has failed/finished and is being cleaned up
// Existing processes get SIGTERMs.
// Once all processes are finished, => FINALIZING
// If finalization wait overflows, SIGKILL and transition to terminal.
FINALIZING = 6 // Finalizing plan is being executed
SUCCESS = 1 // Task has succeeded
FAILED = 2 // Task has failed
KILLED = 3 // Task has been killed
LOST = 4 // Task is lost (special state reserved for garbage collection.)
struct TaskStatus {
1: TaskState state
2: i64 timestamp_ms
3: i32 runner_pid
4: i32 runner_uid
// The first framed message in the Ckpt stream.
struct RunnerHeader {
1: string task_id
2: i64 launch_time_ms // kill this
3: string sandbox
7: string log_dir
4: string hostname // if you kill this, the observer needs to be able to take a hostname
5: string user
8: i32 uid // added as a check in case user disappears
6: map<string, i64> ports
union RunnerCkpt {
1: RunnerHeader runner_header
2: ProcessStatus process_status
3: TaskStatus task_status
struct RunnerState {
1: RunnerHeader header
2: list<TaskStatus> statuses
3: map<string, list<ProcessStatus>> processes