blob: 9933fdd38552038565e0774cf9780bb3ff72f641 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace java
namespace py
include "api.thrift"
// Thrift object definitions for messages used for mesos storage.
// Ops that are direct representations of the data needed to perform local storage mutations.
struct SaveFrameworkId {
1: string id
struct SaveCronJob {
2: api.JobConfiguration jobConfig
// TODO(jly): Deprecated, remove in 0.21. See AURORA-1959.
struct SaveLock {
1: api.Lock lock
// TODO(jly): Deprecated, remove in 0.21. See AURORA-1959.
struct RemoveLock {
1: api.LockKey lockKey
struct RemoveJob {
2: api.JobKey jobKey
struct SaveTasks {
1: set<api.ScheduledTask> tasks
struct RemoveTasks {
1: set<string> taskIds
struct SaveQuota {
1: string role
2: api.ResourceAggregate quota
struct RemoveQuota {
1: string role
struct SaveHostAttributes {
1: api.HostAttributes hostAttributes
struct SaveJobUpdate {
1: api.JobUpdate jobUpdate
// 2: deleted
struct RemoveJobUpdates {
1: set<api.JobUpdateKey> keys
struct StoredJobUpdateDetails {
1: api.JobUpdateDetails details
// 2: deleted
struct SaveJobUpdateEvent {
1: api.JobUpdateEvent event
3: api.JobUpdateKey key
struct SaveJobInstanceUpdateEvent {
1: api.JobInstanceUpdateEvent event
3: api.JobUpdateKey key
struct PruneJobUpdateHistory {
1: i32 perJobRetainCount
2: i64 historyPruneThresholdMs
struct SaveHostMaintenanceRequest {
1: api.HostMaintenanceRequest hostMaintenanceRequest
struct RemoveHostMaintenanceRequest {
1: string host
union Op {
1: SaveFrameworkId saveFrameworkId
2: SaveCronJob saveCronJob
5: RemoveJob removeJob
6: SaveTasks saveTasks
7: RemoveTasks removeTasks
8: SaveQuota saveQuota
9: RemoveQuota removeQuota
10: SaveHostAttributes saveHostAttributes
// 11: removed
12: SaveLock saveLock // TODO(jly): Deprecated, remove in 0.21. See AURORA-1959.
13: RemoveLock removeLock // TODO(jly): Deprecated, remove in 0.21. See AURORA-1959.
14: SaveJobUpdate saveJobUpdate
15: SaveJobUpdateEvent saveJobUpdateEvent
16: SaveJobInstanceUpdateEvent saveJobInstanceUpdateEvent
17: PruneJobUpdateHistory pruneJobUpdateHistory
18: RemoveJobUpdates removeJobUpdate
19: SaveHostMaintenanceRequest saveHostMaintenanceRequest
20: RemoveHostMaintenanceRequest removeHostMaintenanceRequest
// The current schema version ID. This should be incremented each time the
// schema is changed, and support code for schema migrations should be added.
// Represents a series of local storage mutations that should be applied in a single atomic
// transaction.
struct Transaction {
1: list<Op> ops
2: i32 schemaVersion
struct StoredCronJob {
3: api.JobConfiguration jobConfiguration
struct SchedulerMetadata {
1: string frameworkId
8: map<string, string> details
struct QuotaConfiguration {
1: string role
2: api.ResourceAggregate quota
// Represents a complete snapshot of local storage data suitable for restoring the local storage
// system to its state at the time the snapshot was taken.
struct Snapshot {
// The timestamp when the snapshot was made in milliseconds since the epoch.
1: i64 timestamp
3: set<api.HostAttributes> hostAttributes
4: set<api.ScheduledTask> tasks
5: set<StoredCronJob> cronJobs
6: SchedulerMetadata schedulerMetadata
8: set<QuotaConfiguration> quotaConfigurations
// 9: deleted
10: set<StoredJobUpdateDetails> jobUpdateDetails
//11: removed
//12: removed
13: set<api.HostMaintenanceRequest> hostMaintenanceRequests
// A message header that calls out the number of expected FrameChunks to follow to form a complete
// message.
struct FrameHeader {
// The number of FrameChunks following this FrameHeader required to reconstitute its message.
1: i32 chunkCount
// The MD5 checksum over the binary blob that was chunked across chunkCount chunks to decompose
// the message.
2: binary checksum
// A chunk of binary data that can be assembled with others to reconstitute a fully framed message.
struct FrameChunk {
2: binary data
// Frames form a series of LogEntries that can be re-assembled into a basic log entry type like a
// Snapshot. The Frame protocol is that a single FrameHeader is followed by one or more FrameChunks
// that can be re-assembled to obtain the binary content of a basic log entry type.
// In the process of reading a Frame, invalid data should always be logged and skipped as it may
// represent a failed higher level transaction where a FrameHeader successfully appends but not all
// the chunks required to complete the full message frame successfully commit. For example: if a
// Snaphsot is framed, it might break down into 1 FrameHeader followed by 5 FrameChunks. It could
// be that the FrameHeader and 2 chunks get written successfully, but the 3rd and subsequent chunks
// fail to append. In this case, the storage mechanism would throw to indicate a failed transaction
// at write-time leaving a partially framed message in the log stream that should be skipped over at
// read-time.
union Frame {
1: FrameHeader header
2: FrameChunk chunk
// A ScheduledTask with its assignedTask.task field set to null. Deserializers must fill in
// assignedTask.task with the TaskConfig identified by taskConfigId (which is an index into the
// DeduplicatedSnapshot's taskConfigs list).
struct DeduplicatedScheduledTask {
1: api.ScheduledTask partialScheduledTask
2: i32 taskConfigId
// A Snapshot that has had duplicate TaskConfig structs removed to save space. The
// partialSnapshot field is a normal Snapshot with the tasks field set to null. To create the
// full Snapshot deserializers must fill in this field with the result of recreating each
// partial task using the referenced entry in taskConfigs.
struct DeduplicatedSnapshot {
// Snapshot with its tasks field unset.
1: Snapshot partialSnapshot
// ScheduledTasks that have had their assignedTask.task field replaced with an ID to save space.
2: list<DeduplicatedScheduledTask> partialTasks
// Ordered list of taskConfigs. The taskConfigId field of DeduplicatedScheduledTask is an index
// into this.
3: list<api.TaskConfig> taskConfigs
// A scheduler storage write-ahead log entry consisting of no-ops to skip over or else snapshots or
// transactions to apply. Any entry type can also be chopped up into frames if the entry is too big
// for whatever reason.
union LogEntry {
// The full state of the scheduler at some point-in-time. Transactions appearing before this
// entry in the log can be ignored.
1: Snapshot snapshot
// An incremental update to apply to the scheduler storage.
2: Transaction transaction
// The value should be ignored - both true and false signal an equivalent no operation marker.
3: bool noop;
// A frame that can be reassembled with others to form a complete LogEntry.
4: Frame frame
// A LogEntry that is first serialized in the thrift binary format,
// then compressed using the "deflate" compression format.
// Deflated entries are expected to be un-framed. They may be pieced together by multiple frames,
// but the contents of the deflated entry should not be a Frame.
5: binary deflatedEntry
// The full state of the scheduler at some point-in-time, in a compact layout. Transactions
// appearing before this entry in the log can be ignored.
6: DeduplicatedSnapshot deduplicatedSnapshot