blob: e13d6dd51ab6b867aec41fd70ae9b2117d751ddd [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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""" Sample resource consumption statistics for processes using psutil """
from operator import attrgetter
from time import time
from psutil import Error as PsutilError
from psutil import AccessDenied, NoSuchProcess, Process
from twitter.common import log
from .process import ProcessSample
def process_to_sample(process):
""" Given a psutil.Process, return a current ProcessSample """
# the nonblocking get_cpu_percent call is stateful on a particular Process object, and hence
# >2 consecutive calls are required before it will return a non-zero value
rate = process.cpu_percent(0.0) / 100.0
cpu_times = process.cpu_times()
user, system = cpu_times.user, cpu_times.system
memory_info = process.memory_info()
rss, vms = memory_info.rss, memory_info.vms
nice = process.nice()
status = process.status()
threads = process.num_threads()
return ProcessSample(rate, user, system, rss, vms, nice, status, threads)
except (AccessDenied, NoSuchProcess) as e:
log.debug('Error during process sampling [pid=%s]: %s',, e)
return ProcessSample.empty()
class ProcessTreeCollector(object):
""" Collect resource consumption statistics for a process and its children """
def __init__(self, pid):
""" Given a pid """
self._pid = pid
self._process = None # psutil.Process
self._sampled_tree = {} # pid => ProcessSample
self._sample = ProcessSample.empty()
self._stamp = None
self._rate = 0.0
self._procs = 1
def sample(self):
""" Collate and aggregate ProcessSamples for process and children
Returns None: result is stored in self.value
if self._process is None:
self._process = Process(self._pid)
parent = self._process
parent_sample = process_to_sample(parent)
new_samples = dict(
(, process_to_sample(child))
for child in parent.children(recursive=True)
new_samples[self._pid] = parent_sample
except (IOError, PsutilError) as e:
log.debug('Error during process sampling: %s', e)
self._sample = ProcessSample.empty()
self._rate = 0.0
last_stamp = self._stamp
self._stamp = time()
# for most stats, calculate simple sum to aggregate
self._sample = sum(new_samples.values(), ProcessSample.empty())
# cpu consumption is more complicated
# We require at least 2 generations of a process before we can calculate rate, so for all
# current processes that were not running in the previous sample, compare to an empty sample
if self._sampled_tree and last_stamp:
new = new_samples.values()
old = [self._sampled_tree.get(pid, ProcessSample.empty()) for pid in new_samples.keys()]
new_user_sys = sum(map(attrgetter('user'), new)) + sum(map(attrgetter('system'), new))
old_user_sys = sum(map(attrgetter('user'), old)) + sum(map(attrgetter('system'), old))
self._rate = (new_user_sys - old_user_sys) / (self._stamp - last_stamp)
log.debug("Calculated rate for pid=%s and children: %s",, self._rate)
self._sampled_tree = new_samples
def value(self):
""" Aggregated ProcessSample representing resource consumption of the tree """
# Since we don't trust the CPU consumption returned by psutil, replace it with our own in the
# exported ProcessSample
return self._sample._replace(rate=self._rate)
def procs(self):
""" Number of active processes in the tree """
return len(self._sampled_tree)