blob: 22259bc642a8533a3a60de820c6c4894bd9de8a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.atlas.type;
import static org.apache.atlas.model.typedef.AtlasBaseTypeDef.ATLAS_TYPE_DATE;
import static org.apache.atlas.model.typedef.AtlasBaseTypeDef.ATLAS_TYPE_STRING;
import static org.apache.atlas.type.Constants.*;
import org.apache.atlas.AtlasErrorCode;
import org.apache.atlas.exception.AtlasBaseException;
import org.apache.atlas.model.TimeBoundary;
import org.apache.atlas.model.instance.AtlasClassification;
import org.apache.atlas.model.typedef.AtlasBaseTypeDef;
import org.apache.atlas.model.typedef.AtlasClassificationDef;
import org.apache.atlas.model.typedef.AtlasStructDef.AtlasAttributeDef;
import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.DateValidator;
import java.util.*;
* class that implements behaviour of a classification-type.
public class AtlasClassificationType extends AtlasStructType {
public static final AtlasClassificationType CLASSIFICATION_ROOT = initRootClassificationType();
private final AtlasClassificationDef classificationDef;
private final String typeQryStr;
private List<AtlasClassificationType> superTypes = Collections.emptyList();
private Set<String> allSuperTypes = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> subTypes = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> allSubTypes = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> typeAndAllSubTypes = Collections.emptySet();
private Set<String> typeAndAllSuperTypes = Collections.emptySet();
private String typeAndAllSubTypesQryStr = "";
// we need to store the entityTypes specified in our supertypes. i.e. our parent classificationDefs may specify more entityTypes
// that we also need to allow
private Set<String> entityTypes = Collections.emptySet();
* Note this constructor does NOT run resolveReferences - so some fields are not setup.
* @param classificationDef
public AtlasClassificationType(AtlasClassificationDef classificationDef) {
this.classificationDef = classificationDef;
this.typeQryStr = AtlasAttribute.escapeIndexQueryValue(Collections.singleton(getTypeName()), true);
* ClassificationType needs to be constructed with a type registry so that is can resolve references
* at constructor time. This is only used by junits.
* @param classificationDef
* @param typeRegistry
* @throws AtlasBaseException
public AtlasClassificationType(AtlasClassificationDef classificationDef, AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry)
throws AtlasBaseException {
this.classificationDef = classificationDef;
this.typeQryStr = AtlasAttribute.escapeIndexQueryValue(Collections.singleton(getTypeName()), true);
public AtlasClassificationDef getClassificationDef() { return classificationDef; }
public static AtlasClassificationType getClassificationRoot() {return CLASSIFICATION_ROOT; }
void resolveReferences(AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry) throws AtlasBaseException {
List<AtlasClassificationType> s = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> allS = new HashSet<>();
Map<String, AtlasAttribute> allA = new HashMap<>();
getTypeHierarchyInfo(typeRegistry, allS, allA);
for (String superTypeName : classificationDef.getSuperTypes()) {
AtlasType superType = typeRegistry.getType(superTypeName);
if (superType instanceof AtlasClassificationType) {
} else {
throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INCOMPATIBLE_SUPERTYPE, superTypeName,
this.superTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(s);
this.allSuperTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(allS);
this.allAttributes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(allA);
this.uniqAttributes = getUniqueAttributes(this.allAttributes);
this.subTypes = new HashSet<>(); // this will be populated in resolveReferencesPhase2()
this.allSubTypes = new HashSet<>(); // this will be populated in resolveReferencesPhase2()
this.typeAndAllSubTypes = new HashSet<>(); // this will be populated in resolveReferencesPhase2()
this.entityTypes = new HashSet<>(); // this will be populated in resolveReferencesPhase3()
this.typeAndAllSuperTypes = new HashSet<>(this.allSuperTypes);
this.typeAndAllSuperTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.typeAndAllSuperTypes);
void resolveReferencesPhase2(AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry) throws AtlasBaseException {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
for (String superTypeName : allSuperTypes) {
AtlasClassificationType superType = typeRegistry.getClassificationTypeByName(superTypeName);
* This method processes the entityTypes to ensure they are valid, using the following principles:
* - entityTypes are supplied on the classificationDef to restrict the types of entities that this classification can be applied to
* - Any subtypes of the specified entity type can also have this classification applied
* - Any subtypes of the classificationDef inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions
* - Any subtypes of the classificationDef can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions
* - An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions
* - An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions
* This method validates that these priniciples are adhered to.
* Note that if duplicate Strings in the entityTypes are specified on an add / update, the duplicates are ignored - as Java Sets cannot have duplicates.
* Note if an entityType is supplied in the list that is a subtype of one of the other supplied entityTypes, we are not policing this case as invalid.
* @param typeRegistry
* @throws AtlasBaseException
void resolveReferencesPhase3(AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry) throws AtlasBaseException {
subTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(subTypes);
allSubTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(allSubTypes);
typeAndAllSubTypes = Collections.unmodifiableSet(typeAndAllSubTypes);
typeAndAllSubTypesQryStr = ""; // will be computed on next access
Add any entityTypes defined in our parents as restrictions.
Set<String> superTypeEntityTypes = null;
final Set<String> classificationDefEntityTypes = classificationDef.getEntityTypes();
// Here we find the intersection of the entityTypes specified in all our supertypes; in this way we will honour our parents restrictions.
// This following logic assumes typeAndAllSubTypes is populated so needs to be run after resolveReferencesPhase2().
for (String superType : this.allSuperTypes) {
AtlasClassificationDef superTypeDef = typeRegistry.getClassificationDefByName(superType);
Set<String> entityTypeNames = superTypeDef.getEntityTypes();
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(entityTypeNames)) { // no restrictions specified
// classification is applicable for specified entityTypes and their sub-entityTypes
Set<String> typesAndSubEntityTypes = AtlasEntityType.getEntityTypesAndAllSubTypes(entityTypeNames, typeRegistry);
if (superTypeEntityTypes == null) {
superTypeEntityTypes = new HashSet<>(typesAndSubEntityTypes);
} else {
// retain only the intersections.
if (superTypeEntityTypes.isEmpty()) {
// if we have no intersections then we are disjoint - so no need to check other supertypes
if (superTypeEntityTypes == null) { // no supertype restrictions; use current classification restrictions
this.entityTypes = AtlasEntityType.getEntityTypesAndAllSubTypes(classificationDefEntityTypes, typeRegistry);
} else { // restrictions are specified in super-types
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(superTypeEntityTypes)) {
Restrictions in superTypes are disjoint! This means that the child cannot exist as it cannot be a restriction of it's parents.
For example:
parent1 specifies entityTypes ["EntityA"]
parent2 specifies entityTypes ["EntityB"]
In order to be a valid child of Parent1 the child could only be applied to EntityAs.
In order to be a valid child of Parent2 the child could only be applied to EntityBs.
Reject the creation of the classificationDef - as it would compromise Atlas's integrity.
throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.CLASSIFICATIONDEF_PARENTS_ENTITYTYPES_DISJOINT, this.classificationDef.getName());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(classificationDefEntityTypes)) { // no restriction specified; use the restrictions from super-types
this.entityTypes = superTypeEntityTypes;
} else {
this.entityTypes = AtlasEntityType.getEntityTypesAndAllSubTypes(classificationDefEntityTypes,typeRegistry);
// Compatible parents and entityTypes, now check whether the specified entityTypes are the same as the effective entityTypes due to our parents or a subset.
// Only allowed to restrict our parents.
if (!superTypeEntityTypes.containsAll(this.entityTypes)) {
throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.CLASSIFICATIONDEF_ENTITYTYPES_NOT_PARENTS_SUBSET, classificationDef.getName(), classificationDefEntityTypes.toString());
public AtlasAttribute getSystemAttribute(String attributeName) {
return AtlasClassificationType.CLASSIFICATION_ROOT.allAttributes.get(attributeName);
private void addSubType(AtlasClassificationType subType) {
private void addToAllSubTypes(AtlasClassificationType subType) {
public Set<String> getSuperTypes() {
return classificationDef.getSuperTypes();
public Set<String> getAllSuperTypes() { return allSuperTypes; }
public Set<String> getSubTypes() { return subTypes; }
public Set<String> getAllSubTypes() { return allSubTypes; }
public Set<String> getTypeAndAllSubTypes() { return typeAndAllSubTypes; }
public Set<String> getTypeAndAllSuperTypes() { return typeAndAllSuperTypes; }
public String getTypeQryStr() { return typeQryStr; }
public String getTypeAndAllSubTypesQryStr() {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(typeAndAllSubTypesQryStr)) {
typeAndAllSubTypesQryStr = AtlasAttribute.escapeIndexQueryValue(typeAndAllSubTypes, true);
return typeAndAllSubTypesQryStr;
public boolean isSuperTypeOf(AtlasClassificationType classificationType) {
return classificationType != null && allSubTypes.contains(classificationType.getTypeName());
public boolean isSuperTypeOf(String classificationName) {
return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classificationName) && allSubTypes.contains(classificationName);
public boolean isSubTypeOf(AtlasClassificationType classificationType) {
return classificationType != null && allSuperTypes.contains(classificationType.getTypeName());
public boolean isSubTypeOf(String classificationName) {
return StringUtils.isNotEmpty(classificationName) && allSuperTypes.contains(classificationName);
public boolean hasAttribute(String attrName) {
return allAttributes.containsKey(attrName);
* List of all the entity type names that are valid for this classification type.
* An empty list means there are no restrictions on which entities can be classified by these classifications.
* @return
public Set<String> getEntityTypes() {
return entityTypes;
public AtlasClassification createDefaultValue() {
AtlasClassification ret = new AtlasClassification(classificationDef.getName());
return ret;
public boolean isValidValue(Object obj) {
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
if (!superType.isValidValue(obj)) {
return false;
if (!validateTimeBoundaries(obj, null)) {
return false;
return super.isValidValue(obj);
return true;
public boolean areEqualValues(Object val1, Object val2, Map<String, String> guidAssignments) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
if (!superType.areEqualValues(val1, val2, guidAssignments)) {
return false;
return super.areEqualValues(val1, val2, guidAssignments);
public boolean isValidValueForUpdate(Object obj) {
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
if (!superType.isValidValueForUpdate(obj)) {
return false;
if (!validateTimeBoundaries(obj, null)) {
return false;
return super.isValidValueForUpdate(obj);
return true;
public Object getNormalizedValue(Object obj) {
Object ret = null;
if (obj != null) {
if (isValidValue(obj)) {
if (obj instanceof AtlasClassification) {
normalizeAttributeValues((AtlasClassification) obj);
ret = obj;
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
normalizeAttributeValues((Map) obj);
ret = obj;
return ret;
public Object getNormalizedValueForUpdate(Object obj) {
Object ret = null;
if (obj != null) {
if (isValidValueForUpdate(obj)) {
if (obj instanceof AtlasClassification) {
normalizeAttributeValuesForUpdate((AtlasClassification) obj);
ret = obj;
} else if (obj instanceof Map) {
normalizeAttributeValuesForUpdate((Map) obj);
ret = obj;
return ret;
public boolean validateValue(Object obj, String objName, List<String> messages) {
boolean ret = true;
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
ret = superType.validateValue(obj, objName, messages) && ret;
ret = validateTimeBoundaries(obj, messages) && ret;
ret = super.validateValue(obj, objName, messages) && ret;
return ret;
public boolean validateValueForUpdate(Object obj, String objName, List<String> messages) {
boolean ret = true;
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
ret = superType.validateValueForUpdate(obj, objName, messages) && ret;
ret = validateTimeBoundaries(obj, messages) && ret;
ret = super.validateValueForUpdate(obj, objName, messages) && ret;
return ret;
public void normalizeAttributeValues(AtlasClassification classification) {
if (classification != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
public void normalizeAttributeValuesForUpdate(AtlasClassification classification) {
if (classification != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
public void normalizeAttributeValues(Map<String, Object> obj) {
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
public void normalizeAttributeValuesForUpdate(Map<String, Object> obj) {
if (obj != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
public void populateDefaultValues(AtlasClassification classification) {
if (classification != null) {
for (AtlasClassificationType superType : superTypes) {
* Check whether the supplied entityType can be applied to this classification.
* We can apply this classification to the supplied entityType if
* - we have no restrictions (entityTypes empty including null)
* or
* - the entityType is in our list of restricted entityTypes (which includes our parent classification restrictions)
* @param entityType
* @return whether can apply
* Check whether the supplied entityType can be applied to this classification.
* @param entityType
* @return whether can apply
public boolean canApplyToEntityType(AtlasEntityType entityType) {
return CollectionUtils.isEmpty(this.entityTypes) || this.entityTypes.contains(entityType.getTypeName());
private static AtlasClassificationType initRootClassificationType() {
List<AtlasAttributeDef> attributeDefs = new ArrayList<AtlasAttributeDef>() {{
add(new AtlasAttributeDef(TYPE_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY, AtlasBaseTypeDef.ATLAS_TYPE_STRING, false, true));
add(new AtlasAttributeDef(TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY_KEY, ATLAS_TYPE_DATE, false, true));
add(new AtlasAttributeDef(MODIFIED_BY_KEY, ATLAS_TYPE_STRING, false, true));
add(new AtlasAttributeDef(CREATED_BY_KEY, ATLAS_TYPE_STRING, false, true));
AtlasClassificationDef classificationDef = new AtlasClassificationDef(CLASSIFICATION_ROOT_NAME, "Root classification for system attributes", "1.0", attributeDefs);
return new AtlasClassificationType(classificationDef);
private void getTypeHierarchyInfo(AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry,
Set<String> allSuperTypeNames,
Map<String, AtlasAttribute> allAttributes) throws AtlasBaseException {
List<String> visitedTypes = new ArrayList<>();
collectTypeHierarchyInfo(typeRegistry, allSuperTypeNames, allAttributes, visitedTypes);
* This method should not assume that resolveReferences() has been called on all superTypes.
* this.classificationDef is the only safe member to reference here
private void collectTypeHierarchyInfo(AtlasTypeRegistry typeRegistry,
Set<String> allSuperTypeNames,
Map<String, AtlasAttribute> allAttributes,
List<String> visitedTypes) throws AtlasBaseException {
if (visitedTypes.contains(classificationDef.getName())) {
throw new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.CIRCULAR_REFERENCE, classificationDef.getName(),
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(classificationDef.getSuperTypes())) {
for (String superTypeName : classificationDef.getSuperTypes()) {
AtlasClassificationType superType = typeRegistry.getClassificationTypeByName(superTypeName);
if (superType != null) {
superType.collectTypeHierarchyInfo(typeRegistry, allSuperTypeNames, allAttributes, visitedTypes);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(classificationDef.getAttributeDefs())) {
for (AtlasAttributeDef attributeDef : classificationDef.getAttributeDefs()) {
AtlasType type = typeRegistry.getType(attributeDef.getTypeName());
allAttributes.put(attributeDef.getName(), new AtlasAttribute(this, attributeDef, type));
private boolean validateTimeBoundaries(Object classificationObj, List<String> messages) {
boolean ret = true;
AtlasClassification classification = null;
if (classificationObj instanceof AtlasClassification) {
classification = (AtlasClassification) classificationObj;
} else if (classificationObj instanceof Map) {
classification = new AtlasClassification((Map) classificationObj);
if (classification != null && classification.getValidityPeriods() != null) {
for (TimeBoundary timeBoundary : classification.getValidityPeriods()) {
if (timeBoundary != null) {
ret = validateTimeBoundry(timeBoundary, messages) && ret;
return ret;
private boolean validateTimeBoundry(TimeBoundary timeBoundary, List<String> messages) {
boolean ret = true;
DateValidator dateValidator = DateValidator.getInstance();
Date startDate = null;
Date endDate = null;
final TimeZone timezone;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(timeBoundary.getTimeZone())) {
if (!isValidTimeZone(timeBoundary.getTimeZone())) {
addValidationMessageIfNotPresent(new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_TIMEBOUNDRY_TIMEZONE, timeBoundary.getTimeZone()), messages);
ret = false;
timezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeBoundary.getTimeZone());
} else {
timezone = TimeZone.getDefault();
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(timeBoundary.getStartTime())) {
startDate = dateValidator.validate(timeBoundary.getStartTime(), TimeBoundary.TIME_FORMAT, timezone);
if (startDate == null) {
addValidationMessageIfNotPresent(new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_TIMEBOUNDRY_START_TIME, timeBoundary.getStartTime()), messages);
ret = false;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(timeBoundary.getEndTime())) {
endDate = dateValidator.validate(timeBoundary.getEndTime(), TimeBoundary.TIME_FORMAT, timezone);
if (endDate == null) {
addValidationMessageIfNotPresent(new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_TIMEBOUNDRY_END_TIME, timeBoundary.getEndTime()), messages);
ret = false;
if (startDate != null && endDate != null) {
if (endDate.before(startDate)) {
addValidationMessageIfNotPresent(new AtlasBaseException(AtlasErrorCode.INVALID_TIMEBOUNDRY_DATERANGE, timeBoundary.getStartTime(), timeBoundary.getEndTime()), messages);
ret = false;
return ret;
public static boolean isValidTimeZone(final String timeZone) {
if (timeZone.equals(DEFAULT_GMT_TIMEZONE)) {
return true;
} else {
// if custom time zone is invalid,
// time zone id returned is always "GMT" by default
String id = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone).getID();
if (!id.equals(DEFAULT_GMT_TIMEZONE)) {
return true;
return false;
private void addValidationMessageIfNotPresent(AtlasBaseException excp, List<String> messages) {
String msg = excp.getMessage();
if (messages != null && !messages.contains(msg)) {