blob: 4897eca840cfc3fffc52b57dcf8fd117435ca208 [file] [log] [blame]
---+ Export & Import REST APIs
---+++ What's New
The release of 0.8.3 includes the following improvements to Export and Import APIs:
* Export: Support for _[[Incremental-Export][Incremental Export]]_.
* Export & Import: Support for [[ReplicatedToFromAttributes][replicated attributes]] to entities made possible by _[[SoftReference][SoftReference]]_ entity attribute option.
* Export option: _[[Incremental-Export][skipLineage]]_.
* New entity transforms framework.
* New _[[AtlasServer][AtlasServer]]_ entity type.
* Export: [[Export-HDFS-API][Automatic creation of HDFS path]] requested entities.
* New [[ExportImportAudits][audits]] for Export & Import operations.
---+++ Background
The Import-Export APIs for Atlas facilitate transfer of data to and from a cluster that has Atlas provisioned.
The APIs when integrated with backup and/or disaster recovery process will ensure participation of Atlas.
---+++ Introduction
There are 2 broad categories viz. Export & Import. The details of the APIs are discussed below.
The APIs are available only to _admin_ user.
Only a single import or export operation can be performed at a given time. The operations have a potential for generating large amount. They can also put pressure on resources. This restriction tries to alleviate this problem.
For Import-Export APIs relating to HDFS path, can be found [[Import-Export-HDFS-Path][here]].
For additional information please refer to the following:
* [[][ATLAS-1503]] Original Import-Export API requirements.
* [[][ATLAS-1618]] Export API Scope Specification.
---+++ Errors
If an import or export operation is initiated while another is in progress, the consumer will receive this error:
"ATLAS5005E": "Another import or export is in progress. Please try again."
Unhandled errors will be returned as Internal error code 500.
---++ REST API Reference
* __[[Export-API][Export]]__
* __[[Export-HDFS-API][Export HDFS]]__
* __[[Import-API][Import]]__
* __[[Import-API-Options][Import Options]]__