ARROW-12134: [C++] Add match_substring_regex kernel

For consistency with match_substring, this is the equivalent of Python's, not re.match().

Closes #9838 from lidavidm/arrow-12134

Authored-by: David Li <>
Signed-off-by: Antoine Pitrou <>
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 struct ARROW_EXPORT MatchSubstringOptions : public FunctionOptions {
   explicit MatchSubstringOptions(std::string pattern) : pattern(std::move(pattern)) {}
-  /// The exact substring to look for inside input values.
+  /// The exact substring (or regex, depending on kernel) to look for inside input values.
   std::string pattern;
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
index 3986987..9ec1fe0 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
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-template <typename offset_type>
-void TransformMatchSubstring(const uint8_t* pattern, int64_t pattern_length,
-                             const offset_type* offsets, const uint8_t* data,
-                             int64_t length, int64_t output_offset, uint8_t* output) {
-  // This is an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
-  // Phase 1: Build the prefix table
-  std::vector<offset_type> prefix_table(pattern_length + 1);
-  offset_type prefix_length = -1;
-  prefix_table[0] = -1;
-  for (offset_type pos = 0; pos < pattern_length; ++pos) {
-    // The prefix cannot be expanded, reset.
-    while (prefix_length >= 0 && pattern[pos] != pattern[prefix_length]) {
-      prefix_length = prefix_table[prefix_length];
-    }
-    prefix_length++;
-    prefix_table[pos + 1] = prefix_length;
-  }
-  // Phase 2: Find the prefix in the data
-  FirstTimeBitmapWriter bitmap_writer(output, output_offset, length);
-  for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
-    const uint8_t* current_data = data + offsets[i];
-    int64_t current_length = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i];
-    int64_t pattern_pos = 0;
-    for (int64_t k = 0; k < current_length; k++) {
-      while ((pattern_pos >= 0) && (pattern[pattern_pos] != current_data[k])) {
-        pattern_pos = prefix_table[pattern_pos];
-      }
-      pattern_pos++;
-      if (pattern_pos == pattern_length) {
-        bitmap_writer.Set();
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    bitmap_writer.Next();
-  }
-  bitmap_writer.Finish();
 using MatchSubstringState = OptionsWrapper<MatchSubstringOptions>;
-template <typename Type>
+template <typename Type, typename Matcher>
 struct MatchSubstring {
   using offset_type = typename Type::offset_type;
   static void Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
-    MatchSubstringOptions arg = MatchSubstringState::Get(ctx);
-    const uint8_t* pat = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(arg.pattern.c_str());
-    const int64_t pat_size = arg.pattern.length();
+    // TODO Cache matcher across invocations (for regex compilation)
+    Matcher matcher(ctx, MatchSubstringState::Get(ctx));
+    if (ctx->HasError()) return;
         ctx, batch,
-        [pat, pat_size](const void* offsets, const uint8_t* data, int64_t length,
-                        int64_t output_offset, uint8_t* output) {
-          TransformMatchSubstring<offset_type>(
-              pat, pat_size, reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(offsets), data, length,
-              output_offset, output);
+        [&matcher](const void* raw_offsets, const uint8_t* data, int64_t length,
+                   int64_t output_offset, uint8_t* output) {
+          const offset_type* offsets = reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(raw_offsets);
+          FirstTimeBitmapWriter bitmap_writer(output, output_offset, length);
+          for (int64_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+            const char* current_data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data + offsets[i]);
+            int64_t current_length = offsets[i + 1] - offsets[i];
+            if (matcher.Match(util::string_view(current_data, current_length))) {
+              bitmap_writer.Set();
+            }
+            bitmap_writer.Next();
+          }
+          bitmap_writer.Finish();
+// This is an implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm
+struct PlainSubstringMatcher {
+  const MatchSubstringOptions& options_;
+  std::vector<int64_t> prefix_table;
+  PlainSubstringMatcher(KernelContext* ctx, const MatchSubstringOptions& options)
+      : options_(options) {
+    // Phase 1: Build the prefix table
+    const auto pattern_length = options_.pattern.size();
+    prefix_table.resize(pattern_length + 1, /*value=*/0);
+    int64_t prefix_length = -1;
+    prefix_table[0] = -1;
+    for (size_t pos = 0; pos < pattern_length; ++pos) {
+      // The prefix cannot be expanded, reset.
+      while (prefix_length >= 0 &&
+             options_.pattern[pos] != options_.pattern[prefix_length]) {
+        prefix_length = prefix_table[prefix_length];
+      }
+      prefix_length++;
+      prefix_table[pos + 1] = prefix_length;
+    }
+  }
+  bool Match(util::string_view current) {
+    // Phase 2: Find the prefix in the data
+    const auto pattern_length = options_.pattern.size();
+    int64_t pattern_pos = 0;
+    for (const auto c : current) {
+      while ((pattern_pos >= 0) && (options_.pattern[pattern_pos] != c)) {
+        pattern_pos = prefix_table[pattern_pos];
+      }
+      pattern_pos++;
+      if (static_cast<size_t>(pattern_pos) == pattern_length) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
 const FunctionDoc match_substring_doc(
     "Match strings against literal pattern",
     ("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff it contains a given pattern.\n"
      "Null inputs emit null.  The pattern must be given in MatchSubstringOptions."),
     {"strings"}, "MatchSubstringOptions");
+#ifdef ARROW_WITH_RE2
+struct RegexSubstringMatcher {
+  const MatchSubstringOptions& options_;
+  const RE2 regex_match_;
+  RegexSubstringMatcher(KernelContext* ctx, const MatchSubstringOptions& options)
+      : options_(options), regex_match_(options_.pattern) {
+    if (!regex_match_.ok()) {
+      ctx->SetStatus(Status::Invalid("Regular expression error"));
+    }
+  }
+  bool Match(util::string_view current) {
+    auto piece = re2::StringPiece(, current.length());
+    return re2::RE2::PartialMatch(piece, regex_match_);
+  }
+const FunctionDoc match_substring_regex_doc(
+    "Match strings against regex pattern",
+    ("For each string in `strings`, emit true iff it matches a given pattern at any "
+     "position.\n"
+     "Null inputs emit null.  The pattern must be given in MatchSubstringOptions."),
+    {"strings"}, "MatchSubstringOptions");
 void AddMatchSubstring(FunctionRegistry* registry) {
-  auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("match_substring", Arity::Unary(),
-                                               &match_substring_doc);
-  auto exec_32 = MatchSubstring<StringType>::Exec;
-  auto exec_64 = MatchSubstring<LargeStringType>::Exec;
-  DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), exec_32, MatchSubstringState::Init));
-      func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), exec_64, MatchSubstringState::Init));
-  DCHECK_OK(registry->AddFunction(std::move(func)));
+  {
+    auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("match_substring", Arity::Unary(),
+                                                 &match_substring_doc);
+    auto exec_32 = MatchSubstring<StringType, PlainSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
+    auto exec_64 = MatchSubstring<LargeStringType, PlainSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
+    DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), exec_32, MatchSubstringState::Init));
+        func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), exec_64, MatchSubstringState::Init));
+    DCHECK_OK(registry->AddFunction(std::move(func)));
+  }
+#ifdef ARROW_WITH_RE2
+  {
+    auto func = std::make_shared<ScalarFunction>("match_substring_regex", Arity::Unary(),
+                                                 &match_substring_regex_doc);
+    auto exec_32 = MatchSubstring<StringType, RegexSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
+    auto exec_64 = MatchSubstring<LargeStringType, RegexSubstringMatcher>::Exec;
+    DCHECK_OK(func->AddKernel({utf8()}, boolean(), exec_32, MatchSubstringState::Init));
+        func->AddKernel({large_utf8()}, boolean(), exec_64, MatchSubstringState::Init));
+    DCHECK_OK(registry->AddFunction(std::move(func)));
+  }
 // IsAlpha/Digit etc
@@ -1246,7 +1293,7 @@
   using State = OptionsWrapper<ReplaceSubstringOptions>;
   static void Exec(KernelContext* ctx, const ExecBatch& batch, Datum* out) {
-    // TODO Cache replacer accross invocations (for regex compilation)
+    // TODO Cache replacer across invocations (for regex compilation)
     Replacer replacer{ctx, State::Get(ctx)};
     if (!ctx->HasError()) {
       Replace(ctx, batch, &replacer, out);
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/kernels/
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@@ -348,6 +348,27 @@
+#ifdef ARROW_WITH_RE2
+TYPED_TEST(TestStringKernels, MatchSubstringRegex) {
+  MatchSubstringOptions options{"ab"};
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", "[]", boolean(), "[]", &options);
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", R"(["abc", "acb", "cab", null, "bac"])",
+                   boolean(), "[true, false, true, null, false]", &options);
+  MatchSubstringOptions options_repeated{"(ab){2}"};
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", R"(["abab", "ab", "cababc", null, "bac"])",
+                   boolean(), "[true, false, true, null, false]", &options_repeated);
+  MatchSubstringOptions options_digit{"\\d"};
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", R"(["aacb", "a2ab", "", "24"])", boolean(),
+                   "[false, true, false, true]", &options_digit);
+  MatchSubstringOptions options_star{"a*b"};
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", R"(["aacb", "aab", "dab", "caaab", "b", ""])",
+                   boolean(), "[true, true, true, true, true, false]", &options_star);
+  MatchSubstringOptions options_plus{"a+b"};
+  this->CheckUnary("match_substring_regex", R"(["aacb", "aab", "dab", "caaab", "b", ""])",
+                   boolean(), "[false, true, true, true, false, false]", &options_plus);
 TYPED_TEST(TestStringKernels, SplitBasics) {
   SplitPatternOptions options{" "};
   // basics
diff --git a/docs/source/cpp/compute.rst b/docs/source/cpp/compute.rst
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 Containment tests
-| Function name      | Arity      | Input types                        | Output type   | Options class                          |
-| match_substring    | Unary      | String-like                        | Boolean (1)   | :struct:`MatchSubstringOptions`        |
-| index_in           | Unary      | Boolean, Null, Numeric, Temporal,  | Int32 (2)     | :struct:`SetLookupOptions`             |
-|                    |            | Binary- and String-like            |               |                                        |
-| is_in              | Unary      | Boolean, Null, Numeric, Temporal,  | Boolean (3)   | :struct:`SetLookupOptions`             |
-|                    |            | Binary- and String-like            |               |                                        |
+| Function name             | Arity      | Input types                        | Output type   | Options class                          |
+| match_substring           | Unary      | String-like                        | Boolean (1)   | :struct:`MatchSubstringOptions`        |
+| match_substring_regex     | Unary      | String-like                        | Boolean (2)   | :struct:`MatchSubstringOptions`        |
+| index_in                  | Unary      | Boolean, Null, Numeric, Temporal,  | Int32 (3)     | :struct:`SetLookupOptions`             |
+|                           |            | Binary- and String-like            |               |                                        |
+| is_in                     | Unary      | Boolean, Null, Numeric, Temporal,  | Boolean (4)   | :struct:`SetLookupOptions`             |
+|                           |            | Binary- and String-like            |               |                                        |
 * \(1) Output is true iff :member:`MatchSubstringOptions::pattern`
   is a substring of the corresponding input element.
-* \(2) Output is the index of the corresponding input element in
+* \(2) Output is true iff :member:`MatchSubstringOptions::pattern`
+  matches the corresponding input element at any position.
+* \(3) Output is the index of the corresponding input element in
   :member:`SetLookupOptions::value_set`, if found there.  Otherwise,
   output is null.
-* \(3) Output is true iff the corresponding input element is equal to one
+* \(4) Output is true iff the corresponding input element is equal to one
   of the elements in :member:`SetLookupOptions::value_set`.
diff --git a/docs/source/python/api/compute.rst b/docs/source/python/api/compute.rst
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+   match_substring_regex
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@@ -306,6 +306,24 @@
+def match_substring_regex(array, pattern):
+    """
+    Test if regex *pattern* matches at any position a value of a string array.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    array : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
+    pattern : str
+        regex pattern to search
+    Returns
+    -------
+    result : pyarrow.Array or pyarrow.ChunkedArray
+    """
+    return call_function("match_substring_regex", [array],
+                         MatchSubstringOptions(pattern))
 def sum(array):
     Sum the values in a numerical (chunked) array.
diff --git a/python/pyarrow/tests/ b/python/pyarrow/tests/
index 160375f..94a6189 100644
--- a/python/pyarrow/tests/
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@@ -279,6 +279,13 @@
     assert expected.equals(result)
+def test_match_substring_regex():
+    arr = pa.array(["ab", "abc", "ba", "c", None])
+    result = pc.match_substring_regex(arr, "^a?b")
+    expected = pa.array([True, True, True, False, None])
+    assert expected.equals(result)
 def test_trim():
     # \u3000 is unicode whitespace
     arr = pa.array([" foo", None, " \u3000foo bar \t"])