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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from datetime import datetime
from functools import lru_cache
import inspect
import pickle
import pytest
import random
import textwrap
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.compute as pc
all_array_types = [
('bool', [True, False, False, True, True]),
('uint8', np.arange(5)),
('int8', np.arange(5)),
('uint16', np.arange(5)),
('int16', np.arange(5)),
('uint32', np.arange(5)),
('int32', np.arange(5)),
('uint64', np.arange(5, 10)),
('int64', np.arange(5, 10)),
('float', np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.1)),
('double', np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.1)),
('string', ['a', 'b', None, 'ddd', 'ee']),
('binary', [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'ddd', b'ee']),
(pa.binary(3), [b'abc', b'bcd', b'cde', b'def', b'efg']),
(pa.list_(pa.int8()), [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], None, [9, 16]]),
(pa.large_list(pa.int16()), [[1], [2, 3, 4], [5, 6], None, [9, 16]]),
(pa.struct([('a', pa.int8()), ('b', pa.int8())]), [
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, None, {'a': 3, 'b': 4}, None, {'a': 5, 'b': 6}]),
exported_functions = [
func for (name, func) in sorted(pc.__dict__.items())
if hasattr(func, '__arrow_compute_function__')]
exported_option_classes = [
cls for (name, cls) in sorted(pc.__dict__.items())
if (isinstance(cls, type) and
cls is not pc.FunctionOptions and
issubclass(cls, pc.FunctionOptions))]
numerical_arrow_types = [
def test_exported_functions():
# Check that all exported concrete functions can be called with
# the right number of arguments.
# Note that unregistered functions (e.g. with a mismatching name)
# will raise KeyError.
functions = exported_functions
assert len(functions) >= 10
for func in functions:
arity = func.__arrow_compute_function__['arity']
if arity is Ellipsis:
args = [object()] * 3
args = [object()] * arity
with pytest.raises(TypeError,
match="Got unexpected argument type "
"<class 'object'> for compute function"):
def test_exported_option_classes():
classes = exported_option_classes
assert len(classes) >= 10
for cls in classes:
# Option classes must have an introspectable constructor signature,
# and that signature should not have any *args or **kwargs.
sig = inspect.signature(cls)
for param in sig.parameters.values():
assert param.kind not in (param.VAR_POSITIONAL,
def test_list_functions():
assert len(pc.list_functions()) > 10
assert "add" in pc.list_functions()
def _check_get_function(name, expected_func_cls, expected_ker_cls,
func = pc.get_function(name)
assert isinstance(func, expected_func_cls)
n = func.num_kernels
assert n >= min_num_kernels
assert n == len(func.kernels)
assert all(isinstance(ker, expected_ker_cls) for ker in func.kernels)
def test_get_function_scalar():
_check_get_function("add", pc.ScalarFunction, pc.ScalarKernel, 8)
def test_get_function_vector():
_check_get_function("unique", pc.VectorFunction, pc.VectorKernel, 8)
def test_get_function_scalar_aggregate():
_check_get_function("mean", pc.ScalarAggregateFunction,
pc.ScalarAggregateKernel, 8)
def test_get_function_hash_aggregate():
_check_get_function("hash_sum", pc.HashAggregateFunction,
pc.HashAggregateKernel, 1)
def test_call_function_with_memory_pool():
arr = pa.array(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
indices = np.array([2, 2, 1])
result1 = arr.take(indices)
result2 = pc.call_function('take', [arr, indices],
expected = pa.array(["baz", "baz", "bar"])
assert result1.equals(expected)
assert result2.equals(expected)
result3 = pc.take(arr, indices, memory_pool=pa.default_memory_pool())
assert result3.equals(expected)
def test_pickle_functions():
# Pickle registered functions
for name in pc.list_functions():
func = pc.get_function(name)
reconstructed = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func))
assert type(reconstructed) is type(func)
assert ==
assert reconstructed.arity == func.arity
assert reconstructed.num_kernels == func.num_kernels
def test_pickle_global_functions():
# Pickle global wrappers (manual or automatic) of registered functions
for name in pc.list_functions():
func = getattr(pc, name)
reconstructed = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(func))
assert reconstructed is func
def test_function_attributes():
# Sanity check attributes of registered functions
for name in pc.list_functions():
func = pc.get_function(name)
assert isinstance(func, pc.Function)
assert == name
kernels = func.kernels
assert func.num_kernels == len(kernels)
assert all(isinstance(ker, pc.Kernel) for ker in kernels)
if func.arity is not Ellipsis:
assert func.arity >= 1
for ker in kernels:
def test_input_type_conversion():
# Automatic array conversion from Python
arr = pc.add([1, 2], [4, None])
assert arr.to_pylist() == [5, None]
# Automatic scalar conversion from Python
arr = pc.add([1, 2], 4)
assert arr.to_pylist() == [5, 6]
# Other scalar type
assert pc.equal(["foo", "bar", None],
"foo").to_pylist() == [True, False, None]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arrow_type', numerical_arrow_types)
def test_sum_array(arrow_type):
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4], type=arrow_type)
assert arr.sum().as_py() == 10
assert pc.sum(arr).as_py() == 10
arr = pa.array([], type=arrow_type)
assert arr.sum().as_py() is None # noqa: E711
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arrow_type', numerical_arrow_types)
def test_sum_chunked_array(arrow_type):
arr = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4], type=arrow_type)])
assert pc.sum(arr).as_py() == 10
arr = pa.chunked_array([
pa.array([1, 2], type=arrow_type), pa.array([3, 4], type=arrow_type)
assert pc.sum(arr).as_py() == 10
arr = pa.chunked_array([
pa.array([1, 2], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([3, 4], type=arrow_type)
assert pc.sum(arr).as_py() == 10
arr = pa.chunked_array((), type=arrow_type)
assert arr.num_chunks == 0
assert pc.sum(arr).as_py() is None # noqa: E711
def test_mode_array():
# ARROW-9917
arr = pa.array([1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5], type='int64')
mode = pc.mode(arr)
assert len(mode) == 1
assert mode[0].as_py() == {"mode": 1, "count": 2}
mode = pc.mode(arr, 2)
assert len(mode) == 2
assert mode[0].as_py() == {"mode": 1, "count": 2}
assert mode[1].as_py() == {"mode": 3, "count": 2}
arr = pa.array([], type='int64')
assert len(pc.mode(arr)) == 0
def test_mode_chunked_array():
# ARROW-9917
arr = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([1, 1, 3, 4, 3, 5], type='int64')])
mode = pc.mode(arr)
assert len(mode) == 1
assert mode[0].as_py() == {"mode": 1, "count": 2}
mode = pc.mode(arr, 2)
assert len(mode) == 2
assert mode[0].as_py() == {"mode": 1, "count": 2}
assert mode[1].as_py() == {"mode": 3, "count": 2}
arr = pa.chunked_array((), type='int64')
assert arr.num_chunks == 0
assert len(pc.mode(arr)) == 0
def test_variance():
data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
assert pc.variance(data).as_py() == 5.25
assert pc.variance(data, ddof=0).as_py() == 5.25
assert pc.variance(data, ddof=1).as_py() == 6.0
def test_match_substring():
arr = pa.array(["ab", "abc", "ba", None])
result = pc.match_substring(arr, "ab")
expected = pa.array([True, True, False, None])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_match_substring_regex():
arr = pa.array(["ab", "abc", "ba", "c", None])
result = pc.match_substring_regex(arr, "^a?b")
expected = pa.array([True, True, True, False, None])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_trim():
# \u3000 is unicode whitespace
arr = pa.array([" foo", None, " \u3000foo bar \t"])
result = pc.utf8_trim_whitespace(arr)
expected = pa.array(["foo", None, "foo bar"])
assert expected.equals(result)
arr = pa.array([" foo", None, " \u3000foo bar \t"])
result = pc.ascii_trim_whitespace(arr)
expected = pa.array(["foo", None, "\u3000foo bar"])
assert expected.equals(result)
arr = pa.array([" foo", None, " \u3000foo bar \t"])
result = pc.utf8_trim(arr, characters=' f\u3000')
expected = pa.array(["oo", None, "oo bar \t"])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_split_pattern():
arr = pa.array(["-foo---bar--", "---foo---b"])
result = pc.split_pattern(arr, pattern="---")
expected = pa.array([["-foo", "bar--"], ["", "foo", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.split_pattern(arr, pattern="---", max_splits=1)
expected = pa.array([["-foo", "bar--"], ["", "foo---b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.split_pattern(arr, pattern="---", max_splits=1, reverse=True)
expected = pa.array([["-foo", "bar--"], ["---foo", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_split_whitespace_utf8():
arr = pa.array(["foo bar", " foo \u3000\tb"])
result = pc.utf8_split_whitespace(arr)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], ["", "foo", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.utf8_split_whitespace(arr, max_splits=1)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], ["", "foo \u3000\tb"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.utf8_split_whitespace(arr, max_splits=1, reverse=True)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], [" foo", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_split_whitespace_ascii():
arr = pa.array(["foo bar", " foo \u3000\tb"])
result = pc.ascii_split_whitespace(arr)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], ["", "foo", "\u3000", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.ascii_split_whitespace(arr, max_splits=1)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], ["", "foo \u3000\tb"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
result = pc.ascii_split_whitespace(arr, max_splits=1, reverse=True)
expected = pa.array([["foo", "bar"], [" foo \u3000", "b"]])
assert expected.equals(result)
def test_min_max():
# An example generated function wrapper with possible options
data = [4, 5, 6, None, 1]
s = pc.min_max(data)
assert s.as_py() == {'min': 1, 'max': 6}
s = pc.min_max(data, options=pc.MinMaxOptions())
assert s.as_py() == {'min': 1, 'max': 6}
s = pc.min_max(data, options=pc.MinMaxOptions(null_handling='skip'))
assert s.as_py() == {'min': 1, 'max': 6}
s = pc.min_max(data, options=pc.MinMaxOptions(null_handling='emit_null'))
assert s.as_py() == {'min': None, 'max': None}
# Options as dict of kwargs
s = pc.min_max(data, options={'null_handling': 'emit_null'})
assert s.as_py() == {'min': None, 'max': None}
# Options as named functions arguments
s = pc.min_max(data, null_handling='emit_null')
assert s.as_py() == {'min': None, 'max': None}
# Both options and named arguments
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
s = pc.min_max(data, options=pc.MinMaxOptions(),
# Wrong options type
options = pc.TakeOptions()
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
s = pc.min_max(data, options=options)
# Missing argument
with pytest.raises(
match=r"min_max\(\) missing 1 required positional argument"):
s = pc.min_max()
def test_any():
# ARROW-1846
a = pa.array([False, None, True])
assert pc.any(a).as_py() is True
a = pa.array([False, None, False])
assert pc.any(a).as_py() is False
def test_all():
# ARROW-10301
a = pa.array([], type='bool')
assert pc.all(a).as_py() is True
a = pa.array([False, True])
assert pc.all(a).as_py() is False
a = pa.array([True, None])
assert pc.all(a).as_py() is True
a = pa.chunked_array([[True], [True, None]])
assert pc.all(a).as_py() is True
a = pa.chunked_array([[True], [False]])
assert pc.all(a).as_py() is False
def test_is_valid():
# An example generated function wrapper without options
data = [4, 5, None]
assert pc.is_valid(data).to_pylist() == [True, True, False]
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
pc.is_valid(data, options=None)
def test_generated_docstrings():
assert pc.min_max.__doc__ == textwrap.dedent("""\
Compute the minimum and maximum values of a numeric array.
Null values are ignored by default.
This can be changed through MinMaxOptions.
array : Array-like
Argument to compute function
memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
options : pyarrow.compute.MinMaxOptions, optional
Parameters altering compute function semantics
**kwargs : optional
Parameters for MinMaxOptions constructor. Either `options`
or `**kwargs` can be passed, but not both at the same time.
assert pc.add.__doc__ == textwrap.dedent("""\
Add the arguments element-wise.
Results will wrap around on integer overflow.
Use function "add_checked" if you want overflow
to return an error.
x : Array-like or scalar-like
Argument to compute function
y : Array-like or scalar-like
Argument to compute function
memory_pool : pyarrow.MemoryPool, optional
If not passed, will allocate memory from the default memory pool.
# We use isprintable to find about codepoints that Python doesn't know, but
# utf8proc does (or in a future version of Python the other way around).
# These codepoints cannot be compared between Arrow and the Python
# implementation.
def find_new_unicode_codepoints():
new = set()
characters = [chr(c) for c in range(0x80, 0x11000)
if not (0xD800 <= c < 0xE000)]
is_printable = pc.utf8_is_printable(pa.array(characters)).to_pylist()
for i, c in enumerate(characters):
if is_printable[i] != c.isprintable():
return new
# Python claims there are not alpha, not sure why, they are in
# gc='Other Letter':
unknown_issue_is_alpha = {0x1cf2, 0x1cf3}
# utf8proc does not know if codepoints are lower case
utf8proc_issue_is_lower = {
0xaa, 0xba, 0x2b0, 0x2b1, 0x2b2, 0x2b3, 0x2b4,
0x2b5, 0x2b6, 0x2b7, 0x2b8, 0x2c0, 0x2c1, 0x2e0,
0x2e1, 0x2e2, 0x2e3, 0x2e4, 0x37a, 0x1d2c, 0x1d2d,
0x1d2e, 0x1d2f, 0x1d30, 0x1d31, 0x1d32, 0x1d33,
0x1d34, 0x1d35, 0x1d36, 0x1d37, 0x1d38, 0x1d39,
0x1d3a, 0x1d3b, 0x1d3c, 0x1d3d, 0x1d3e, 0x1d3f,
0x1d40, 0x1d41, 0x1d42, 0x1d43, 0x1d44, 0x1d45,
0x1d46, 0x1d47, 0x1d48, 0x1d49, 0x1d4a, 0x1d4b,
0x1d4c, 0x1d4d, 0x1d4e, 0x1d4f, 0x1d50, 0x1d51,
0x1d52, 0x1d53, 0x1d54, 0x1d55, 0x1d56, 0x1d57,
0x1d58, 0x1d59, 0x1d5a, 0x1d5b, 0x1d5c, 0x1d5d,
0x1d5e, 0x1d5f, 0x1d60, 0x1d61, 0x1d62, 0x1d63,
0x1d64, 0x1d65, 0x1d66, 0x1d67, 0x1d68, 0x1d69,
0x1d6a, 0x1d78, 0x1d9b, 0x1d9c, 0x1d9d, 0x1d9e,
0x1d9f, 0x1da0, 0x1da1, 0x1da2, 0x1da3, 0x1da4,
0x1da5, 0x1da6, 0x1da7, 0x1da8, 0x1da9, 0x1daa,
0x1dab, 0x1dac, 0x1dad, 0x1dae, 0x1daf, 0x1db0,
0x1db1, 0x1db2, 0x1db3, 0x1db4, 0x1db5, 0x1db6,
0x1db7, 0x1db8, 0x1db9, 0x1dba, 0x1dbb, 0x1dbc,
0x1dbd, 0x1dbe, 0x1dbf, 0x2071, 0x207f, 0x2090,
0x2091, 0x2092, 0x2093, 0x2094, 0x2095, 0x2096,
0x2097, 0x2098, 0x2099, 0x209a, 0x209b, 0x209c,
0x2c7c, 0x2c7d, 0xa69c, 0xa69d, 0xa770, 0xa7f8,
0xa7f9, 0xab5c, 0xab5d, 0xab5e, 0xab5f, }
# utf8proc does not store if a codepoint is numeric
numeric_info_missing = {
0x3405, 0x3483, 0x382a, 0x3b4d, 0x4e00, 0x4e03,
0x4e07, 0x4e09, 0x4e5d, 0x4e8c, 0x4e94, 0x4e96,
0x4ebf, 0x4ec0, 0x4edf, 0x4ee8, 0x4f0d, 0x4f70,
0x5104, 0x5146, 0x5169, 0x516b, 0x516d, 0x5341,
0x5343, 0x5344, 0x5345, 0x534c, 0x53c1, 0x53c2,
0x53c3, 0x53c4, 0x56db, 0x58f1, 0x58f9, 0x5e7a,
0x5efe, 0x5eff, 0x5f0c, 0x5f0d, 0x5f0e, 0x5f10,
0x62fe, 0x634c, 0x67d2, 0x6f06, 0x7396, 0x767e,
0x8086, 0x842c, 0x8cae, 0x8cb3, 0x8d30, 0x9621,
0x9646, 0x964c, 0x9678, 0x96f6, 0xf96b, 0xf973,
0xf978, 0xf9b2, 0xf9d1, 0xf9d3, 0xf9fd, 0x10fc5,
0x10fc6, 0x10fc7, 0x10fc8, 0x10fc9, 0x10fca,
0x10fcb, }
# utf8proc has no no digit/numeric information
digit_info_missing = {
0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb9, 0x1369, 0x136a, 0x136b, 0x136c,
0x136d, 0x136e, 0x136f, 0x1370, 0x1371, 0x19da, 0x2070,
0x2074, 0x2075, 0x2076, 0x2077, 0x2078, 0x2079, 0x2080,
0x2081, 0x2082, 0x2083, 0x2084, 0x2085, 0x2086, 0x2087,
0x2088, 0x2089, 0x2460, 0x2461, 0x2462, 0x2463, 0x2464,
0x2465, 0x2466, 0x2467, 0x2468, 0x2474, 0x2475, 0x2476,
0x2477, 0x2478, 0x2479, 0x247a, 0x247b, 0x247c, 0x2488,
0x2489, 0x248a, 0x248b, 0x248c, 0x248d, 0x248e, 0x248f,
0x2490, 0x24ea, 0x24f5, 0x24f6, 0x24f7, 0x24f8, 0x24f9,
0x24fa, 0x24fb, 0x24fc, 0x24fd, 0x24ff, 0x2776, 0x2777,
0x2778, 0x2779, 0x277a, 0x277b, 0x277c, 0x277d, 0x277e,
0x2780, 0x2781, 0x2782, 0x2783, 0x2784, 0x2785, 0x2786,
0x2787, 0x2788, 0x278a, 0x278b, 0x278c, 0x278d, 0x278e,
0x278f, 0x2790, 0x2791, 0x2792, 0x10a40, 0x10a41,
0x10a42, 0x10a43, 0x10e60, 0x10e61, 0x10e62, 0x10e63,
0x10e64, 0x10e65, 0x10e66, 0x10e67, 0x10e68, }
numeric_info_missing = {
0x3405, 0x3483, 0x382a, 0x3b4d, 0x4e00, 0x4e03,
0x4e07, 0x4e09, 0x4e5d, 0x4e8c, 0x4e94, 0x4e96,
0x4ebf, 0x4ec0, 0x4edf, 0x4ee8, 0x4f0d, 0x4f70,
0x5104, 0x5146, 0x5169, 0x516b, 0x516d, 0x5341,
0x5343, 0x5344, 0x5345, 0x534c, 0x53c1, 0x53c2,
0x53c3, 0x53c4, 0x56db, 0x58f1, 0x58f9, 0x5e7a,
0x5efe, 0x5eff, 0x5f0c, 0x5f0d, 0x5f0e, 0x5f10,
0x62fe, 0x634c, 0x67d2, 0x6f06, 0x7396, 0x767e,
0x8086, 0x842c, 0x8cae, 0x8cb3, 0x8d30, 0x9621,
0x9646, 0x964c, 0x9678, 0x96f6, 0xf96b, 0xf973,
0xf978, 0xf9b2, 0xf9d1, 0xf9d3, 0xf9fd, }
codepoints_ignore = {
'is_alnum': numeric_info_missing | digit_info_missing |
'is_alpha': unknown_issue_is_alpha,
'is_digit': digit_info_missing,
'is_numeric': numeric_info_missing,
'is_lower': utf8proc_issue_is_lower
@pytest.mark.parametrize('function_name', ['is_alnum', 'is_alpha',
'is_ascii', 'is_decimal',
'is_digit', 'is_lower',
'is_numeric', 'is_printable',
'is_space', 'is_upper', ])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('variant', ['ascii', 'utf8'])
def test_string_py_compat_boolean(function_name, variant):
arrow_name = variant + "_" + function_name
py_name = function_name.replace('_', '')
ignore = codepoints_ignore.get(function_name, set()) |\
for i in range(128 if ascii else 0x11000):
if i in range(0xD800, 0xE000):
continue # bug? pyarrow doesn't allow utf16 surrogates
# the issues we know of, we skip
if i in ignore:
# Compare results with the equivalent Python predicate
# (except "is_space" where functions are known to be incompatible)
c = chr(i)
if hasattr(pc, arrow_name) and function_name != 'is_space':
ar = pa.array([c])
arrow_func = getattr(pc, arrow_name)
assert arrow_func(ar)[0].as_py() == getattr(c, py_name)()
def test_replace_plain():
ar = pa.array(['foo', 'food', None])
ar = pc.replace_substring(ar, pattern='foo', replacement='bar')
assert ar.tolist() == ['bar', 'bard', None]
def test_replace_regex():
ar = pa.array(['foo', 'mood', None])
ar = pc.replace_substring_regex(ar, pattern='(.)oo', replacement=r'\100')
assert ar.tolist() == ['f00', 'm00d', None]
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('ty', 'values'), all_array_types)
def test_take(ty, values):
arr = pa.array(values, type=ty)
for indices_type in [pa.int8(), pa.int64()]:
indices = pa.array([0, 4, 2, None], type=indices_type)
result = arr.take(indices)
expected = pa.array([values[0], values[4], values[2], None], type=ty)
assert result.equals(expected)
# empty indices
indices = pa.array([], type=indices_type)
result = arr.take(indices)
expected = pa.array([], type=ty)
assert result.equals(expected)
indices = pa.array([2, 5])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
indices = pa.array([2, -1])
with pytest.raises(IndexError):
def test_take_indices_types():
arr = pa.array(range(5))
for indices_type in ['uint8', 'int8', 'uint16', 'int16',
'uint32', 'int32', 'uint64', 'int64']:
indices = pa.array([0, 4, 2, None], type=indices_type)
result = arr.take(indices)
expected = pa.array([0, 4, 2, None])
assert result.equals(expected)
for indices_type in [pa.float32(), pa.float64()]:
indices = pa.array([0, 4, 2], type=indices_type)
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_take_on_chunked_array():
# ARROW-9504
arr = pa.chunked_array([
indices = np.array([0, 5, 1, 6, 9, 2])
result = arr.take(indices)
expected = pa.chunked_array([["a", "f", "b", "g", "j", "c"]])
assert result.equals(expected)
indices = pa.chunked_array([[1], [9, 2]])
result = arr.take(indices)
expected = pa.chunked_array([
assert result.equals(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ordered', [False, True])
def test_take_dictionary(ordered):
arr = pa.DictionaryArray.from_arrays([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], ['a', 'b', 'c'],
result = arr.take(pa.array([0, 1, 3]))
assert result.to_pylist() == ['a', 'b', 'a']
assert result.dictionary.to_pylist() == ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert result.type.ordered is ordered
def test_take_null_type():
# ARROW-10027
arr = pa.array([None] * 10)
chunked_arr = pa.chunked_array([[None] * 5] * 2)
batch = pa.record_batch([arr], names=['a'])
table = pa.table({'a': arr})
indices = pa.array([1, 3, 7, None])
assert len(arr.take(indices)) == 4
assert len(chunked_arr.take(indices)) == 4
assert len(batch.take(indices).column(0)) == 4
assert len(table.take(indices).column(0)) == 4
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('ty', 'values'), all_array_types)
def test_filter(ty, values):
arr = pa.array(values, type=ty)
mask = pa.array([True, False, False, True, None])
result = arr.filter(mask, null_selection_behavior='drop')
assert result.equals(pa.array([values[0], values[3]], type=ty))
result = arr.filter(mask, null_selection_behavior='emit_null')
assert result.equals(pa.array([values[0], values[3], None], type=ty))
# non-boolean dtype
mask = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
# wrong length
mask = pa.array([True, False, True])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="must all be the same length"):
def test_filter_chunked_array():
arr = pa.chunked_array([["a", None], ["c", "d", "e"]])
expected_drop = pa.chunked_array([["a"], ["e"]])
expected_null = pa.chunked_array([["a"], [None, "e"]])
for mask in [
# mask is array
pa.array([True, False, None, False, True]),
# mask is chunked array
pa.chunked_array([[True, False, None], [False, True]]),
# mask is python object
[True, False, None, False, True]
result = arr.filter(mask)
assert result.equals(expected_drop)
result = arr.filter(mask, null_selection_behavior="emit_null")
assert result.equals(expected_null)
def test_filter_record_batch():
batch = pa.record_batch(
[pa.array(["a", None, "c", "d", "e"])], names=["a'"])
# mask is array
mask = pa.array([True, False, None, False, True])
result = batch.filter(mask)
expected = pa.record_batch([pa.array(["a", "e"])], names=["a'"])
assert result.equals(expected)
result = batch.filter(mask, null_selection_behavior="emit_null")
expected = pa.record_batch([pa.array(["a", None, "e"])], names=["a'"])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_filter_table():
table = pa.table([pa.array(["a", None, "c", "d", "e"])], names=["a"])
expected_drop = pa.table([pa.array(["a", "e"])], names=["a"])
expected_null = pa.table([pa.array(["a", None, "e"])], names=["a"])
for mask in [
# mask is array
pa.array([True, False, None, False, True]),
# mask is chunked array
pa.chunked_array([[True, False], [None, False, True]]),
# mask is python object
[True, False, None, False, True]
result = table.filter(mask)
assert result.equals(expected_drop)
result = table.filter(mask, null_selection_behavior="emit_null")
assert result.equals(expected_null)
def test_filter_errors():
arr = pa.chunked_array([["a", None], ["c", "d", "e"]])
batch = pa.record_batch(
[pa.array(["a", None, "c", "d", "e"])], names=["a'"])
table = pa.table([pa.array(["a", None, "c", "d", "e"])], names=["a"])
for obj in [arr, batch, table]:
# non-boolean dtype
mask = pa.array([0, 1, 0, 1, 0])
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
# wrong length
mask = pa.array([True, False, True])
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid,
match="must all be the same length"):
def test_filter_null_type():
# ARROW-10027
arr = pa.array([None] * 10)
chunked_arr = pa.chunked_array([[None] * 5] * 2)
batch = pa.record_batch([arr], names=['a'])
table = pa.table({'a': arr})
mask = pa.array([True, False] * 5)
assert len(arr.filter(mask)) == 5
assert len(chunked_arr.filter(mask)) == 5
assert len(batch.filter(mask).column(0)) == 5
assert len(table.filter(mask).column(0)) == 5
@pytest.mark.parametrize("typ", ["array", "chunked_array"])
def test_compare_array(typ):
if typ == "array":
def con(values): return pa.array(values)
def con(values): return pa.chunked_array([values])
arr1 = con([1, 2, 3, 4, None])
arr2 = con([1, 1, 4, None, 4])
result = pc.equal(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, False, None, None]))
result = pc.not_equal(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, True, None, None]))
result = pc.less(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([False, False, True, None, None]))
result = pc.less_equal(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, True, None, None]))
result = pc.greater(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, False, None, None]))
result = pc.greater_equal(arr1, arr2)
assert result.equals(con([True, True, False, None, None]))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("typ", ["array", "chunked_array"])
def test_compare_string_scalar(typ):
if typ == "array":
def con(values): return pa.array(values)
def con(values): return pa.chunked_array([values])
arr = con(['a', 'b', 'c', None])
scalar = pa.scalar('b')
result = pc.equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, False, None]))
if typ == "array":
nascalar = pa.scalar(None, type="string")
result = pc.equal(arr, nascalar)
isnull = pc.is_null(result)
assert isnull.equals(con([True, True, True, True]))
result = pc.not_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, True, None]))
result = pc.less(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, False, None]))
result = pc.less_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, True, False, None]))
result = pc.greater(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, False, True, None]))
result = pc.greater_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, True, None]))
@pytest.mark.parametrize("typ", ["array", "chunked_array"])
def test_compare_scalar(typ):
if typ == "array":
def con(values): return pa.array(values)
def con(values): return pa.chunked_array([values])
arr = con([1, 2, 3, None])
scalar = pa.scalar(2)
result = pc.equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, False, None]))
if typ == "array":
nascalar = pa.scalar(None, type="int64")
result = pc.equal(arr, nascalar)
assert result.to_pylist() == [None, None, None, None]
result = pc.not_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, True, None]))
result = pc.less(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, False, False, None]))
result = pc.less_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([True, True, False, None]))
result = pc.greater(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, False, True, None]))
result = pc.greater_equal(arr, scalar)
assert result.equals(con([False, True, True, None]))
def test_compare_chunked_array_mixed():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, None])
arr_chunked = pa.chunked_array([[1, 2, 3], [4, None]])
arr_chunked2 = pa.chunked_array([[1, 2], [3, 4, None]])
expected = pa.chunked_array([[True, True, True, True, None]])
for left, right in [
(arr, arr_chunked),
(arr_chunked, arr),
(arr_chunked, arr_chunked2),
result = pc.equal(left, right)
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_arithmetic_add():
left = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
right = pa.array([0, -1, 1, 2, 3])
result = pc.add(left, right)
expected = pa.array([1, 1, 4, 6, 8])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_arithmetic_subtract():
left = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
right = pa.array([0, -1, 1, 2, 3])
result = pc.subtract(left, right)
expected = pa.array([1, 3, 2, 2, 2])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_arithmetic_multiply():
left = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
right = pa.array([0, -1, 1, 2, 3])
result = pc.multiply(left, right)
expected = pa.array([0, -2, 3, 8, 15])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_is_null():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, None])
result = arr.is_null()
result = arr.is_null()
expected = pa.array([False, False, False, True])
assert result.equals(expected)
assert result.equals(pc.is_null(arr))
result = arr.is_valid()
expected = pa.array([True, True, True, False])
assert result.equals(expected)
assert result.equals(pc.is_valid(arr))
arr = pa.chunked_array([[1, 2], [3, None]])
result = arr.is_null()
expected = pa.chunked_array([[False, False], [False, True]])
assert result.equals(expected)
result = arr.is_valid()
expected = pa.chunked_array([[True, True], [True, False]])
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_fill_null():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 4], type=pa.int8())
fill_value = pa.array([5], type=pa.int8())
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid, match="tried to convert to int"):
arr = pa.array([None, None, None, None], type=pa.null())
fill_value = pa.scalar(None, type=pa.null())
result = arr.fill_null(fill_value)
expected = pa.array([None, None, None, None])
assert result.equals(expected)
arr = pa.array(['a', 'bb', None])
result = arr.fill_null('ccc')
expected = pa.array(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'])
assert result.equals(expected)
arr = pa.array([b'a', b'bb', None], type=pa.large_binary())
result = arr.fill_null('ccc')
expected = pa.array([b'a', b'bb', b'ccc'], type=pa.large_binary())
assert result.equals(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arrow_type', numerical_arrow_types)
def test_fill_null_array(arrow_type):
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 4], type=arrow_type)
fill_value = pa.scalar(5, type=arrow_type)
result = arr.fill_null(fill_value)
expected = pa.array([1, 2, 5, 4], type=arrow_type)
assert result.equals(expected)
# Implicit conversions
result = arr.fill_null(5)
assert result.equals(expected)
# ARROW-9451: Unsigned integers allow this for some reason
if not pa.types.is_unsigned_integer(arr.type):
with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
result = arr.fill_null(pa.scalar(5, type='int8'))
assert result.equals(expected)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('arrow_type', numerical_arrow_types)
def test_fill_null_chunked_array(arrow_type):
fill_value = pa.scalar(5, type=arrow_type)
arr = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([None, 2, 3, 4], type=arrow_type)])
result = arr.fill_null(fill_value)
expected = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([5, 2, 3, 4], type=arrow_type)])
assert result.equals(expected)
arr = pa.chunked_array([
pa.array([1, 2], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([None, 4], type=arrow_type)
expected = pa.chunked_array([
pa.array([1, 2], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([], type=arrow_type),
pa.array([5, 4], type=arrow_type)
result = arr.fill_null(fill_value)
assert result.equals(expected)
# Implicit conversions
result = arr.fill_null(5)
assert result.equals(expected)
result = arr.fill_null(pa.scalar(5, type='int8'))
assert result.equals(expected)
def test_logical():
a = pa.array([True, False, False, None])
b = pa.array([True, True, False, True])
assert pc.and_(a, b) == pa.array([True, False, False, None])
assert pc.and_kleene(a, b) == pa.array([True, False, False, None])
assert pc.or_(a, b) == pa.array([True, True, False, None])
assert pc.or_kleene(a, b) == pa.array([True, True, False, True])
assert pc.xor(a, b) == pa.array([False, True, False, None])
assert pc.invert(a) == pa.array([False, True, True, None])
def test_cast():
arr = pa.array([2**63 - 1], type='int64')
with pytest.raises(pa.ArrowInvalid):
pc.cast(arr, 'int32')
assert pc.cast(arr, 'int32', safe=False) == pa.array([-1], type='int32')
arr = pa.array([datetime(2010, 1, 1), datetime(2015, 1, 1)])
expected = pa.array([1262304000000, 1420070400000], type='timestamp[ms]')
assert pc.cast(arr, 'timestamp[ms]') == expected
def test_strptime():
arr = pa.array(["5/1/2020", None, "12/13/1900"])
got = pc.strptime(arr, format='%m/%d/%Y', unit='s')
expected = pa.array([datetime(2020, 5, 1), None, datetime(1900, 12, 13)],
assert got == expected
def test_count():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, None, None])
assert pc.count(arr).as_py() == 3
assert pc.count(arr, count_mode='count_non_null').as_py() == 3
assert pc.count(arr, count_mode='count_null').as_py() == 2
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'zzz' is not a valid count_mode"):
pc.count(arr, count_mode='zzz')
def test_partition_nth():
data = list(range(100, 140))
pivot = 10
indices = pc.partition_nth_indices(data, pivot=pivot).to_pylist()
assert len(indices) == len(data)
assert sorted(indices) == list(range(len(data)))
assert all(data[indices[i]] <= data[indices[pivot]]
for i in range(pivot))
assert all(data[indices[i]] >= data[indices[pivot]]
for i in range(pivot, len(data)))
def test_array_sort_indices():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 0])
result = pc.array_sort_indices(arr)
assert result.to_pylist() == [3, 0, 1, 2]
result = pc.array_sort_indices(arr, order="ascending")
assert result.to_pylist() == [3, 0, 1, 2]
result = pc.array_sort_indices(arr, order="descending")
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 0, 3, 2]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not a valid order"):
pc.array_sort_indices(arr, order="nonscending")
def test_sort_indices_array():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 0])
result = pc.sort_indices(arr)
assert result.to_pylist() == [3, 0, 1, 2]
result = pc.sort_indices(arr, sort_keys=[("dummy", "ascending")])
assert result.to_pylist() == [3, 0, 1, 2]
result = pc.sort_indices(arr, sort_keys=[("dummy", "descending")])
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 0, 3, 2]
result = pc.sort_indices(
arr, options=pc.SortOptions(sort_keys=[("dummy", "descending")])
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 0, 3, 2]
def test_sort_indices_table():
table = pa.table({"a": [1, 1, 0], "b": [1, 0, 1]})
result = pc.sort_indices(table, sort_keys=[("a", "ascending")])
assert result.to_pylist() == [2, 0, 1]
result = pc.sort_indices(
table, sort_keys=[("a", "ascending"), ("b", "ascending")]
assert result.to_pylist() == [2, 1, 0]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Must specify one or more sort keys"):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Nonexistent sort key column"):
pc.sort_indices(table, sort_keys=[("unknown", "ascending")])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="not a valid order"):
pc.sort_indices(table, sort_keys=[("a", "nonscending")])
def test_is_in():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 1, 2, 3])
result = pc.is_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3, None]))
assert result.to_pylist() == [True, False, True, True, False, True]
result = pc.is_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3, None]), skip_nulls=True)
assert result.to_pylist() == [True, False, False, True, False, True]
result = pc.is_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3]))
assert result.to_pylist() == [True, False, False, True, False, True]
result = pc.is_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3]), skip_nulls=True)
assert result.to_pylist() == [True, False, False, True, False, True]
def test_index_in():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, None, 1, 2, 3])
result = pc.index_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3, None]))
assert result.to_pylist() == [0, None, 2, 0, None, 1]
result = pc.index_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3, None]),
assert result.to_pylist() == [0, None, None, 0, None, 1]
result = pc.index_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3]))
assert result.to_pylist() == [0, None, None, 0, None, 1]
result = pc.index_in(arr, value_set=pa.array([1, 3]), skip_nulls=True)
assert result.to_pylist() == [0, None, None, 0, None, 1]
def test_quantile():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
result = pc.quantile(arr)
assert result.to_pylist() == [2.5]
result = pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='lower')
assert result.to_pylist() == [2]
result = pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='higher')
assert result.to_pylist() == [3]
result = pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='nearest')
assert result.to_pylist() == [3]
result = pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='midpoint')
assert result.to_pylist() == [2.5]
result = pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='linear')
assert result.to_pylist() == [2.5]
arr = pa.array([1, 2])
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75])
assert result.to_pylist() == [1.25, 1.5, 1.75]
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], interpolation='lower')
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 1, 1]
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], interpolation='higher')
assert result.to_pylist() == [2, 2, 2]
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], interpolation='midpoint')
assert result.to_pylist() == [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], interpolation='nearest')
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 1, 2]
result = pc.quantile(arr, q=[0.25, 0.5, 0.75], interpolation='linear')
assert result.to_pylist() == [1.25, 1.5, 1.75]
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Quantile must be between 0 and 1"):
pc.quantile(arr, q=1.1)
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="'zzz' is not a valid interpolation"):
pc.quantile(arr, interpolation='zzz')
def test_tdigest():
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
result = pc.tdigest(arr)
assert result.to_pylist() == [2.5]
arr = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([1, 2]), pa.array([3, 4])])
result = pc.tdigest(arr)
assert result.to_pylist() == [2.5]
arr = pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
result = pc.tdigest(arr, q=[0, 0.5, 1])
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 2.5, 4]
arr = pa.chunked_array([pa.array([1, 2]), pa.array([3, 4])])
result = pc.tdigest(arr, q=[0, 0.5, 1])
assert result.to_pylist() == [1, 2.5, 4]