blob: 009efb37a804d6b86150896e0094bcfd80beb3ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package ingress
import (
type ip struct {
IP string `json:"ip"`
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("single-route", func() {
s := scaffold.NewDefaultScaffold()
ginkgo.It("/ip should return your ip", func() {
backendSvc, backendSvcPort := s.DefaultHTTPBackend()
s.CreateApisixRoute("httpbin-route", []scaffold.ApisixRouteRule{
Host: "",
HTTP: scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTP{
Paths: []scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTPPath{
Path: "/ip",
Backend: scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTPBackend{
ServiceName: backendSvc,
ServicePort: backendSvcPort[0],
err := s.EnsureNumApisixRoutesCreated(1)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "checking number of routes")
err = s.EnsureNumApisixUpstreamsCreated(1)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "checking number of upstreams")
// TODO When ingress controller can feedback the lifecycle of CRDs to the
// status field, we can poll it rather than sleeping.
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
body := s.NewAPISIXClient().GET("/ip").WithHeader("Host", "").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Raw()
var placeholder ip
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &placeholder)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "unmarshalling IP")
// It's not our focus point to check the IP address returned by httpbin,
// so here skip the IP address validation.
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("double-routes", func() {
s := scaffold.NewDefaultScaffold()
ginkgo.It("double routes work independently", func() {
backendSvc, backendSvcPort := s.DefaultHTTPBackend()
s.CreateApisixRoute("httpbin-route", []scaffold.ApisixRouteRule{
Host: "",
HTTP: scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTP{
Paths: []scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTPPath{
Path: "/ip",
Backend: scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTPBackend{
ServiceName: backendSvc,
ServicePort: backendSvcPort[0],
Path: "/json",
Backend: scaffold.ApisixRouteRuleHTTPBackend{
ServiceName: backendSvc,
ServicePort: backendSvcPort[0],
err := s.EnsureNumApisixRoutesCreated(2)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "checking number of routes")
err = s.EnsureNumApisixUpstreamsCreated(1)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "checking number of upstreams")
// TODO When ingress controller can feedback the lifecycle of CRDs to the
// status field, we can poll it rather than sleeping.
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
body := s.NewAPISIXClient().GET("/ip").WithHeader("Host", "").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Raw()
var placeholder ip
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &placeholder)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "unmarshalling IP")
body = s.NewAPISIXClient().GET("/json").WithHeader("Host", "").Expect().Status(http.StatusOK).Body().Raw()
var dummy map[string]interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &dummy)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err, "unmarshalling json")
// We don't care the json data, only make sure it's a normal json string.
var _ = ginkgo.Describe("leader election", func() {
s := scaffold.NewScaffold(&scaffold.Options{
Name: "leaderelection",
Kubeconfig: scaffold.GetKubeconfig(),
APISIXConfigPath: "testdata/apisix-gw-config.yaml",
APISIXDefaultConfigPath: "testdata/apisix-gw-config-default.yaml",
IngressAPISIXReplicas: 2,
ginkgo.It("lease check", func() {
pods, err := s.GetIngressPodDetails()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
assert.Len(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), pods, 2)
lease, err := s.WaitGetLeaderLease()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
assert.Equal(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), *lease.Spec.LeaseDurationSeconds, int32(15))
if *lease.Spec.HolderIdentity != pods[0].Name && *lease.Spec.HolderIdentity != pods[1].Name {
assert.Fail(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), "bad leader lease holder identity")
ginkgo.It("leader failover", func() {
pods, err := s.GetIngressPodDetails()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
assert.Len(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), pods, 2)
lease, err := s.WaitGetLeaderLease()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
leaderIdx := 0
if *lease.Spec.HolderIdentity == pods[1].Name {
leaderIdx = 1
ginkgo.GinkgoT().Logf("lease is %s", *lease.Spec.HolderIdentity)
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), s.KillPod(pods[leaderIdx].Name))
// Wait the old lease expire and new leader was elected.
time.Sleep(25 * time.Second)
newLease, err := s.WaitGetLeaderLease()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
newPods, err := s.GetIngressPodDetails()
assert.Nil(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), err)
assert.Len(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), pods, 2)
assert.NotEqual(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), *newLease.Spec.HolderIdentity, *lease.Spec.HolderIdentity)
assert.Greater(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), *newLease.Spec.LeaseTransitions, *lease.Spec.LeaseTransitions)
if *newLease.Spec.HolderIdentity != newPods[0].Name && *newLease.Spec.HolderIdentity != newPods[1].Name {
assert.Failf(ginkgo.GinkgoT(), "bad leader lease holder identity: %s, should be %s or %s",
*newLease.Spec.HolderIdentity, newPods[0].Name, newPods[1].Name)