blob: 57eaf4c3b271c16eb1f80594e9f770a00267b1f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
// The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package v1
import (
const (
// HashOnVars means the hash scope is variable.
HashOnVars = "vars"
// HashVarsCombination means the hash scope is the
// variable combination.
HashOnVarsCombination = "vars_combinations"
// HashOnHeader means the hash scope is HTTP request
// headers.
HashOnHeader = "header"
// HashOnCookie means the hash scope is HTTP Cookie.
HashOnCookie = "cookie"
// HashOnConsumer means the hash scope is APISIX consumer.
HashOnConsumer = "consumer"
// LbRoundRobin is the round robin load balancer.
LbRoundRobin = "roundrobin"
// LbConsistentHash is the consistent hash load balancer.
LbConsistentHash = "chash"
// LbEwma is the ewma load balancer.
LbEwma = "ewma"
// LbLeaseConn is the least connection load balancer.
LbLeastConn = "least_conn"
// SchemeHTTP represents the HTTP protocol.
SchemeHTTP = "http"
// SchemeGRPC represents the GRPC protocol.
SchemeGRPC = "grpc"
// HealthCheckHTTP represents the HTTP kind health check.
HealthCheckHTTP = "http"
// HealthCheckHTTPS represents the HTTPS kind health check.
HealthCheckHTTPS = "https"
// HealthCheckTCP represents the TCP kind health check.
HealthCheckTCP = "tcp"
// HealthCheckMaxConsecutiveNumber is the max number for
// the consecutive success/failure in upstream health check.
HealthCheckMaxConsecutiveNumber = 254
// ActiveHealthCheckMinInterval is the minimum interval for
// the active health check.
ActiveHealthCheckMinInterval = time.Second
// Default connect, read and send timeout (in seconds) with upstreams.
DefaultUpstreamTimeout = 60
// Metadata contains all meta information about resources.
type Metadata struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty"`
FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty" yaml:"full_name,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`
ResourceVersion string `json:"resource_version,omitempty" yaml:"resource_version,omitempty"`
Group string `json:"group,omitempty" yaml:"group,omitempty"`
// Route apisix route object
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type Route struct {
Metadata `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"`
Host string `json:"host,omitempty" yaml:"host,omitempty"`
Hosts []string `json:"hosts,omitempty" yaml:"hosts,omitempty"`
Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
Priority int `json:"priority,omitempty" yaml:"priority,omitempty"`
Uris []string `json:"uris,omitempty" yaml:"uris,omitempty"`
Methods []string `json:"methods,omitempty" yaml:"methods,omitempty"`
ServiceId string `json:"service_id,omitempty" yaml:"service_id,omitempty"`
ServiceName string `json:"service_name,omitempty" yaml:"service_name,omitempty"`
UpstreamId string `json:"upstream_id,omitempty" yaml:"upstream_id,omitempty"`
UpstreamName string `json:"upstream_name,omitempty" yaml:"upstream_name,omitempty"`
Plugins Plugins `json:"plugins,omitempty" yaml:"plugins,omitempty"`
type Plugins map[string]interface{}
func (p *Plugins) DeepCopyInto(out *Plugins) {
b, _ := json.Marshal(&p)
_ = json.Unmarshal(b, out)
func (p *Plugins) DeepCopy() *Plugins {
if p == nil {
return nil
out := new(Plugins)
return out
// Service apisix service
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type Service struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty"`
FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty" yaml:"full_name,omitempty"`
Group string `json:"group,omitempty" yaml:"group,omitempty"`
ResourceVersion string `json:"resource_version,omitempty" yaml:"resource_version,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty" yaml:"name,omitempty"`
UpstreamId string `json:"upstream_id,omitempty" yaml:"upstream_id,omitempty"`
UpstreamName string `json:"upstream_name,omitempty" yaml:"upstream_name,omitempty"`
Plugins Plugins `json:"plugins,omitempty" yaml:"plugins,omitempty"`
FromKind string `json:"from_kind,omitempty" yaml:"from_kind,omitempty"`
// Upstream is the apisix upstream definition.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type Upstream struct {
Metadata `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"`
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
HashOn string `json:"hash_on,omitemtpy" yaml:"hash_on,omitempty"`
Key string `json:"key,omitempty" yaml:"key,omitempty"`
Checks *UpstreamHealthCheck `json:"checks,omitempty" yaml:"checks,omitempty"`
Nodes []UpstreamNode `json:"nodes,omitempty" yaml:"nodes,omitempty"`
FromKind string `json:"from_kind,omitempty" yaml:"from_kind,omitempty"`
Scheme string `json:"scheme,omitempty" yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`
Retries int `json:"retries,omitempty" yaml:"retries,omitempty"`
Timeout *UpstreamTimeout `json:"timeout,omitempty" yaml:"timeout,omitempty"`
// UpstreamTimeout represents the timeout settings on Upstream.
type UpstreamTimeout struct {
// Connect is the connect timeout
Connect int `json:"connect" yaml:"connect"`
// Send is the send timeout
Send int `json:"send" yaml:"send"`
// Read is the read timeout
Read int `json:"read" yaml:"read"`
// Node the node in upstream
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamNode struct {
IP string `json:"ip,omitempty" yaml:"ip,omitempty"`
Port int `json:"port,omitempty" yaml:"port,omitempty"`
Weight int `json:"weight,omitempty" yaml:"weight,omitempty"`
// UpstreamHealthCheck defines the active and/or passive health check for an Upstream,
// with the upstream health check feature, pods can be kicked out or joined in quickly,
// if the feedback of Kubernetes liveness/readiness probe is long.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamHealthCheck struct {
Active *UpstreamActiveHealthCheck `json:"active" yaml:"active"`
Passive *UpstreamPassiveHealthCheck `json:"passive,omitempty" yaml:"passive,omitempty"`
// UpstreamActiveHealthCheck defines the active kind of upstream health check.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamActiveHealthCheck struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Timeout int `json:"timeout,omitempty" yaml:"timeout,omitempty"`
Concurrency int `json:"concurrency,omitempty" yaml:"concurrency,omitempty"`
Host string `json:"host,omitempty" yaml:"host,omitempty"`
Port int32 `json:"port,omitempty" yaml:"port,omitempty"`
HTTPPath string `json:"http_path,omitempty" yaml:"http_path,omitempty"`
HTTPSVerifyCert bool `json:"https_verify_certificate,omitempty" yaml:"https_verify_certificate,omitempty"`
HTTPRequestHeaders []string `json:"req_headers,omitempty" yaml:"req_headers,omitempty"`
Healthy UpstreamActiveHealthCheckHealthy `json:"healthy,omitempty" yaml:"healthy,omitempty"`
Unhealthy UpstreamActiveHealthCheckUnhealthy `json:"unhealthy,omitempty" yaml:"unhealthy,omitempty"`
// UpstreamPassiveHealthCheck defines the passive kind of upstream health check.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamPassiveHealthCheck struct {
Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
Healthy UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckHealthy `json:"healthy,omitempty" yaml:"healthy,omitempty"`
Unhealthy UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckUnhealthy `json:"unhealthy,omitempty" yaml:"unhealthy,omitempty"`
// UpstreamActiveHealthCheckHealthy defines the conditions to judge whether
// an upstream node is healthy with the active manner.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamActiveHealthCheckHealthy struct {
UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckHealthy `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"`
Interval int `json:"interval,omitempty" yaml:"interval,omitempty"`
// UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckHealthy defines the conditions to judge whether
// an upstream node is healthy with the passive manner.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckHealthy struct {
HTTPStatuses []int `json:"http_statuses,omitempty" yaml:"http_statuses,omitempty"`
Successes int `json:"successes,omitempty" yaml:"successes,omitempty"`
// UpstreamActiveHealthCheckUnhealthy defines the conditions to judge whether
// an upstream node is unhealthy with the active manager.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamActiveHealthCheckUnhealthy struct {
UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckUnhealthy `json:",inline" yaml:",inline"`
Interval int `json:"interval,omitempty" yaml:"interval,omitempty"`
// UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckUnhealthy defines the conditions to judge whether
// an upstream node is unhealthy with the passive manager.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type UpstreamPassiveHealthCheckUnhealthy struct {
HTTPStatuses []int `json:"http_statuses,omitempty" yaml:"http_statuses,omitempty"`
HTTPFailures int `json:"http_failures,omitempty" yaml:"http_failures,omitempty"`
TCPFailures int `json:"tcp_failures,omitempty" yaml:"tcp_failures,omitempty"`
Timeouts float64 `json:"timeouts,omitempty" yaml:"timeouts,omitempty"`
// Ssl apisix ssl object
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true
type Ssl struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty" yaml:"id,omitempty"`
FullName string `json:"full_name,omitempty" yaml:"full_name,omitempty"`
Snis []string `json:"snis,omitempty" yaml:"snis,omitempty"`
Cert string `json:"cert,omitempty" yaml:"cert,omitempty"`
Key string `json:"key,omitempty" yaml:"key,omitempty"`
Status int `json:"status,omitempty" yaml:"status,omitempty"`
Group string `json:"group,omitempty" yaml:"group,omitempty"`
// NewDefaultUpstream returns an empty Upstream with default values.
func NewDefaultUpstream() *Upstream {
return &Upstream{
Type: LbRoundRobin,
Key: "",
Nodes: nil,
FromKind: "",
Scheme: SchemeHTTP,
// ComposeUpstreamName uses namespace, name and port info to compose
// the upstream name.
func ComposeUpstreamName(namespace, name string, port int32) string {
pstr := strconv.Itoa(int(port))
// FIXME Use sync.Pool to reuse this buffer if the upstream
// name composing code path is hot.
p := make([]byte, 0, len(namespace)+len(name)+len(pstr)+2)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(p)
return buf.String()
// ComposeRouteName uses namespace, name and rule name to compose
// the route name.
func ComposeRouteName(namespace, name string, rule string) string {
// FIXME Use sync.Pool to reuse this buffer if the upstream
// name composing code path is hot.
p := make([]byte, 0, len(namespace)+len(name)+len(rule)+2)
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(p)
return buf.String()