blob: 4e5bfd4c14e472bfb1bd963b653d35d319335b35 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package e2e
import (
func TestConsumer_Create_And_Get(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "check consumer is not exist",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_1",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
ExpectBody: "data not found",
Desc: "check consumer is not exist",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_2",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
ExpectBody: "data not found",
Desc: "create consumer by POST method",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPost,
Body: `{
"username": "consumer_1",
"plugins": {
"limit-count": {
"count": 2,
"time_window": 60,
"rejected_code": 503,
"key": "remote_addr"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
ExpectBody: "404 page not found",
Desc: "create consumer by PUT method",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "consumer_2",
"plugins": {
"limit-count": {
"count": 2,
"time_window": 60,
"rejected_code": 503,
"key": "remote_addr"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: []string{"\"code\":0", "\"username\":\"consumer_2\""},
Desc: "get consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_2",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "\"username\":\"consumer_2\"",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "create consumer without username",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"plugins": {
"limit-count": {
"count": 2,
"time_window": 60,
"rejected_code": 503,
"key": "remote_addr"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
ExpectBody: "\"code\":10000",
Desc: "delete consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_2",
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "\"code\":0",
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
func TestConsumer_Update_And_Get(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "create consumer by PUT",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "consumer_3",
"plugins": {
"limit-count": {
"count": 2,
"time_window": 60,
"rejected_code": 503,
"key": "remote_addr"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: []string{"\"code\":0", "\"username\":\"consumer_3\"", "\"rejected_code\":503"},
Desc: "update consumer by PUT",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_3",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "consumer_3",
"plugins": {
"limit-count": {
"count": 2,
"time_window": 60,
"rejected_code": 504,
"key": "remote_addr"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: []string{"\"code\":0", "\"username\":\"consumer_3\"", "\"rejected_code\":504"},
Desc: "get consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_3",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "\"rejected_code\":504",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "delete consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/consumer_3",
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "\"code\":0",
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
func TestConsumer_with_key_auth(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "create route",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodPut,
Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",
Body: `{
"name": "route1",
"uri": "/hello",
"plugins": {
"key-auth": {}
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": [{
"host": "",
"port": 1980,
"weight": 1
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "hit route without apikey",
Object: APISIXExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/hello",
ExpectStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
ExpectBody: "Missing API key found in request",
Sleep: sleepTime * 2,
Desc: "create consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "jack",
"plugins": {
"key-auth": {
"key": "auth-one"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "hit route with correct apikey",
Object: APISIXExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/hello",
Headers: map[string]string{"apikey": "auth-one"},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "hello world",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "hit route with incorrect apikey",
Object: APISIXExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/hello",
Headers: map[string]string{"apikey": "auth-new"},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
ExpectBody: "Invalid API key in request",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "delete consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "delete consumer (as delete not exist consumer)",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
Desc: "hit route (consumer deleted)",
Object: APISIXExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/hello",
Headers: map[string]string{"apikey": "auth-one"},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusUnauthorized,
ExpectBody: "Missing related consumer",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "delete route",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
func TestConsumer_with_notexist_plugin(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "create consumer with not exist plugin",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "jack",
"plugins": {
"key-authaa": {
"key": "auth-one"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusBadRequest,
ExpectBody: "schema validate failed: schema not found, path: plugins.key-authaa",
Desc: "verify the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Method: http.MethodGet,
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
Sleep: sleepTime,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
func TestConsumer_add_consumer_with_labels(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "create the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"username": "jack",
"labels": {
"plugins": {
"key-auth": {
"key": "auth-two"
"desc": "test description"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "verify the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
ExpectBody: "\"username\":\"jack\",\"desc\":\"test description\",\"plugins\":{\"key-auth\":{\"key\":\"auth-two\"}},\"labels\":{\"build\":\"16\",\"env\":\"production\",\"version\":\"v2\"}",
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "create the route",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodPut,
Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",
Body: `{
"name": "route1",
"uri": "/hello",
"plugins": {
"key-auth": {}
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": [{
"host": "",
"port": 1980,
"weight": 1
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "hit the route with correct apikey",
Object: APISIXExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/hello",
Headers: map[string]string{"apikey": "auth-two"},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Sleep: sleepTime,
Desc: "delete the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "delete the route",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/routes/r1",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
func TestConsumer_with_createtime_updatetime(t *testing.T) {
tests := []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "create the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"desc": "new consumer"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Sleep: sleepTime,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
basepath := ""
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
// get the consumer, save createtime and updatetime
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", basepath+"/jack", nil)
request.Header.Add("Authorization", token)
resp, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(request)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("server not responding %s", err.Error())
defer resp.Body.Close()
respBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
createtime := gjson.Get(string(respBody), "data.create_time")
updatetime := gjson.Get(string(respBody), "data.update_time")
// wait 1 second so the update_time should be different
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
tests = []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "update the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers",
Method: http.MethodPut,
Body: `{
"desc": "updated consumer"
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Sleep: sleepTime,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)
// get the consumer
time.Sleep(time.Duration(1) * time.Second)
request, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", basepath+"/jack", nil)
request.Header.Add("Authorization", token)
resp, _ = http.DefaultClient.Do(request)
respBody, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
createtime2 := gjson.Get(string(respBody), "data.create_time")
updatetime2 := gjson.Get(string(respBody), "data.update_time")
// verify the consumer and compare result
assert.Equal(t, "updated consumer", gjson.Get(string(respBody), "data.desc").String())
assert.Equal(t, createtime.String(), createtime2.String())
assert.NotEqual(t, updatetime.String(), updatetime2.String())
tests = []HttpTestCase{
Desc: "delete the consumer",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodDelete,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusOK,
Desc: "after delete consumer verify it again",
Object: ManagerApiExpect(t),
Method: http.MethodGet,
Path: "/apisix/admin/consumers/jack",
Headers: map[string]string{"Authorization": token},
ExpectStatus: http.StatusNotFound,
Sleep: sleepTime,
for _, tc := range tests {
testCaseCheck(tc, t)