blob: b42c94bc023080867c188ce7088353247ae686a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
package oidc_test
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = Describe("Oidc-Login", func() {
var (
OidcCookie []http.Cookie
Context("test apisix/admin/oidc/login", func() {
It("should return status-code 302", func() {
statusCode, err := accessOidcLogin()
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
Context("test apisix/admin/oidc/callback", func() {
It("should return status-code 200", func() {
statusCode, err := accessOidcCallback(&OidcCookie)
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
Context("access apisix/admin/routes with cookie", func() {
It("should return status-code 200", func() {
statusCode, err := accessRoutesWithCookie(true, OidcCookie)
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
Context("access apisix/admin/oidc/logout with cookie", func() {
It("should return status-code 200", func() {
statusCode, err := accessOidcLogoutWithCookie(true, OidcCookie)
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
Context("access apisix/admin/routes with invalid cookie", func() {
It("should return status-code 401", func() {
statusCode, err := accessRoutesWithCookie(false, OidcCookie)
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
Context("access apisix/admin/oidc/logout with invalid cookie", func() {
It("should return status-code 403", func() {
statusCode, err := accessOidcLogoutWithCookie(false, OidcCookie)
Expect(err).ShouldNot(HaveOccurred(), "do request")
func accessOidcLogin() (int, error) {
var err error
var req *http.Request
var resp *http.Response
var Client = &http.Client{
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp, err = Client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// return status-code
return resp.StatusCode, err
func createClientAndUser() string {
client := gocloak.NewClient("")
ctx := context.Background()
token, _ := client.LoginAdmin(ctx, "admin", "admin", "master")
redirectURIs := []string{"*"}
_, _ = client.CreateClient(ctx, token.AccessToken, "master", gocloak.Client{
ClientID: gocloak.StringP("dashboard"),
Secret: gocloak.StringP("dashboard"),
RedirectURIs: &redirectURIs,
username := GetRandomString(3)
user := gocloak.User{
FirstName: gocloak.StringP(GetRandomString(3)),
LastName: gocloak.StringP(GetRandomString(3)),
Email: gocloak.StringP(GetRandomString(3)),
Enabled: gocloak.BoolP(true),
Username: gocloak.StringP(username),
id, _ := client.CreateUser(ctx, token.AccessToken, "master", user)
_ = client.SetPassword(ctx, token.AccessToken, id, "master", "password", false)
return username
func accessOidcCallback(OidcCookie *[]http.Cookie) (int, error) {
var authenticationUrl string
var loginUrl string
var err error
var req *http.Request
var resp *http.Response
var client = &http.Client{
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
return http.ErrUseLastResponse
username := createClientAndUser()
// access apisix/admin/oidc/login to get the authentication-url
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
authenticationUrl = resp.Header.Get("Location")
// access the authentication-url
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", authenticationUrl, nil)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// get the login-url from html
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
dom, _ := goquery.NewDocumentFromReader(strings.NewReader(string(body)))
dom.Find("#kc-form-login").Each(func(i int, selection *goquery.Selection) {
loginUrl = selection.Get(0).Attr[2].Val
// set username & password
formValues := url.Values{}
formValues.Set("username", username)
formValues.Set("password", "password")
formDataStr := formValues.Encode()
formDataBytes := []byte(formDataStr)
formBytesReader := bytes.NewReader(formDataBytes)
//fmt.Printf("loginUrl: %s/n", loginUrl)
req, _ = http.NewRequest("POST", loginUrl, formBytesReader)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
// set cookies
cookies := resp.Cookies()
for _, cookie := range cookies {
// access the login-url to login
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// access apisix/admin/oidc/login with code
callbackUrl := resp.Header.Get("Location")
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", callbackUrl, nil)
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// save cookie
cookies = resp.Cookies()
for _, cookie := range cookies {
*OidcCookie = append(*OidcCookie, *cookie)
// return status-code
return resp.StatusCode, err
func accessRoutesWithCookie(setCookie bool, OidcCookie []http.Cookie) (int, error) {
var err error
var req *http.Request
var resp *http.Response
var client http.Client
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
// set cookie or not
if setCookie {
for _, cookie := range OidcCookie {
// access apisix/admin/routes
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// return status-code
return resp.StatusCode, err
func accessOidcLogoutWithCookie(setCookie bool, OidcCookie []http.Cookie) (int, error) {
var err error
var req *http.Request
var resp *http.Response
var client http.Client
req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
// set cookie or not
if setCookie {
for _, cookie := range OidcCookie {
// access apisix/admin/oidc/logout
resp, err = client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// return status-code
return resp.StatusCode, err
func GetRandomString(l int) string {
bytes := []byte(str)
var result []byte
r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
result = append(result, bytes[r.Intn(len(bytes))])
return string(result)