blob: 661368827196cb31ca7b32cb7d22a7218e22f471 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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export default {
'page.route.button.returnList': 'Goto List',
'page.route.button.send': 'Send',
'page.route.onlineDebug': 'Online Debug',
'page.route.pluginTemplateConfig': 'Plugin Template Config',
'page.route.parameterPosition': 'Parameter Position',
'page.route.httpRequestHeader': 'HTTP Request Header',
'page.route.requestParameter': 'Request Parameter',
'page.route.postRequestParameter': 'POST Request Parameter',
'page.route.builtinParameter': 'Built-in Parameter',
'page.route.parameterName': 'Parameter Name',
'page.route.operationalCharacter': 'Operational Character',
'page.route.equal': 'Equal(==)',
'page.route.unequal': 'Unequal(~=)',
'page.route.greaterThan': 'Greater Than(>)',
'page.route.lessThan': 'Less Than(<)',
'page.route.regexMatch': 'Regex Match(~~)',
'page.route.caseInsensitiveRegexMatch': 'Case insensitive regular match(~*)',
'': 'IN',
'page.route.has': 'HAS',
'page.route.reverse': 'Reverse the result(!)',
'page.route.rule': 'Rule',
'page.route.httpHeaderName': 'HTTP Request Header Name',
'page.route.service': 'Service',
'page.route.instructions': 'Instructions',
'page.route.import': 'Import',
'page.route.createRoute': 'Create Route',
'page.route.editRoute': 'Configure Route',
'page.route.input.placeholder.parameterNameHttpHeader': 'Request header name, for example: HOST',
'page.route.input.placeholder.parameterNameRequestParameter': 'Parameter name, for example: id',
'page.route.input.placeholder.requestUrl': 'please input the valid request URL',
'page.route.input.placeholder.paramKey': 'Param Key',
'page.route.input.placeholder.paramValue': 'Param Value',
'page.route.input.placeholder.paramType': 'Param Type',
'Only letters and Numbers are supported, and can only begin with letters',
'page.route.value': 'Parameter Value',
'page.route.panelSection.title.advancedMatchRule': 'Advanced Routing Matching Conditions',
'page.route.panelSection.title.nameDescription': 'Name And Description',
'page.route.form.itemRulesPatternMessage.apiNameRule': 'Maximum length should be of 100 only',
'page.route.panelSection.title.requestConfigBasicDefine': 'Request Basic Define',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.httpMethod': 'HTTP Method',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.scheme': 'Scheme',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.priority': 'Priority',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.redirect': 'Redirect',
'': 'Enable HTTPS',
'': 'Custom',
'': 'Forbidden',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.redirectCustom': 'Custom Redirect',
'page.route.input.placeholder.redirectCustom': 'For example: /foo/index.html',
'': '301(Permanent Redirect)',
'': '302(Temporary Redirect)',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.username': 'Username',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.password': 'Password',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.token': 'Token',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.apikey': 'Apikey',
'Domain Name or IP, support for generic Domain Name, for example: *',
'Only letters, numbers, -,_ and * are supported, but * needs to be at the beginning.',
'HTTP Request path, for example: /foo/index.html, supports request path prefix /foo/* ; /* represents all paths',
'Please enter a valid IP address, for example:,, ::1, fe80::1, fe80::1/64',
'Client IP, for example:,, ::1, fe80::1, fe80::1/64',
'page.route.httpAction': 'Action',
'page.route.httpOverrideOrCreate': 'Override/Create',
'page.route.panelSection.title.httpOverrideRequestHeader': 'Override HTTP request header',
'page.route.status': 'Status',
'page.route.groupName': 'GroupName',
'page.route.offline': 'Offline',
'page.route.publish': 'Publish',
'page.route.published': 'Published',
'page.route.unpublished': 'UnPublished',
'': 'Input Manually',
'': 'Not modify',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.domainNameOrIp': 'Domain Name/IP',
'When using Domain Name, it will analysis the local: /etc/resolv.conf by default',
'page.route.portNumber': 'Port Number',
'page.route.weight': 'Weight',
'': 'Stay The Same',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.newPath': 'New Path',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.newHost': 'New Host',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.regex': 'Regexp',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.template': 'Template',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.URIRewriteType': 'URI Override',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.hostRewriteType': 'Host Override',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.methodRewrite': 'Method Override',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.redirectURI': 'Redirect URI',
'page.route.input.placeholder.newPath': 'For example: /foo/bar/index.html',
'page.route.steps.stepTitle.defineApiRequest': 'Define API Request',
'page.route.steps.stepTitle.defineApiBackendServe': 'Define API Backend Server',
'page.route.popconfirm.title.offline': 'Are you sure to offline this route?',
'': 'Static',
'': 'Regex',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.from': 'From',
'Whether a route can be used after it is created, the default value is false.',
'': 'Host',
'page.route.path': 'Path',
'page.route.remoteAddrs': 'Remote Addrs',
'page.route.PanelSection.title.defineRequestParams': 'Define Request Parameters',
'page.route.PanelSection.title.responseResult': 'Response Result',
'page.route.debug.showResultAfterSendRequest': 'Show Result After Send Request',
'page.route.TabPane.queryParams': 'Query Params',
'page.route.TabPane.bodyParams': 'Body Params',
'page.route.TabPane.headerParams': 'Header Params',
'page.route.TabPane.authentication': 'Authentication',
'page.route.TabPane.response': 'Response',
'page.route.TabPane.header': 'Response Header',
'page.route.debugWithoutAuth': 'This request does not use any authorization.',
'page.route.button.exportOpenApi': 'Export OpenAPI',
'page.route.exportRoutesTips': 'Please choose the type of file you want to export',
'page.route.button.importOpenApi': 'Import OpenAPI',
'page.route.button.selectFile': 'Please Select File',
'page.route.list': 'Routes',
'page.route.panelSection.title.requestOverride': 'Request Override',
'page.route.form.itemLabel.headerRewrite': 'Header Override',
'page.route.tooltip.pluginOrchOnlySupportChrome': 'Plugin orchestration only supports Chrome.',
'Plugin orchestration mode cannot be used when request override is configured in Step 1.',
'Plugin orchestration mode cannot be used when Redirect in Step 1 is selected to enable HTTPS.',
'page.route.tabs.normalMode': 'Normal',
'page.route.tabs.orchestration': 'Orchestration',
'Route is the entry point of a request, which defines the matching rules between a client request and a service. A route can be associated with a service (Service), an upstream (Upstream), a service can correspond to a set of routes, and a route can correspond to an upstream object (a set of backend service nodes), so each request matching to a route will be proxied by the gateway to the route-bound upstream service.',
'': 'Please enter the route name',
'': 'Please enter the route name',
'page.route.configuration.desc.tooltip': 'Please enter the description of the route',
'Used to control whether a route is published to the gateway immediately after it is created',
'page.route.configuration.version.placeholder': 'Please enter the routing version number',
'page.route.configuration.version.tooltip': 'Version number of the route, e.g. V1',
'Add custom labels to routes that can be used for route grouping.',
'Please enter a valid HTTP request path',
'page.route.configuration.path.placeholder': 'Please enter the HTTP request path',
'page.route.configuration.remote_addrs.placeholder': 'Please enter the client address',
'': 'Please enter the HTTP request hostname',
'page.route.service.none': 'None',
'page.route.rule.create': 'Create Rule',
'page.route.rule.edit': 'Configure Rule',
'page.route.advanced-match.operator.sample.IN': 'Please enter an array, e.g ["1", "2"]',
'page.route.advanced-match.operator.sample.~~': 'Please enter a regular expression, e.g [a-z]+',
'page.route.fields.service_id.invalid': 'Please check the configuration of binding service',
'If you do not bind the service, you must set the Upstream (Step 2)',
'It supports route matching through request headers, request parameters and cookies, and can be applied to scenarios such as grayscale publishing and blue-green testing.',
'page.route.advanced-match.message': 'Tips',
'': 'Request Parameter:Query of the request URL',
'POST Request Parameter:Only support x-www-form-urlencoded form',
'Build-in Parameter:Nginx internal parameters',
'page.route.fields.custom.redirectOption.tooltip': 'This is related to redirect plugin',
'page.route.fields.service_id.tooltip': 'Bind Service object to reuse their configuration.',
'page.route.fields.vars.invalid': 'Please check the advanced match condition configuration',
'When using the IN operator, enter the parameter values in array format.',