blob: 2b00de7599257e8cf20fa4a0b484651a81a78ddb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
export default {
'component.upstream.fields.tls.client_key': 'Client Key',
'component.upstream.fields.tls.client_key.required': 'Please enter the client key',
'component.upstream.fields.tls.client_cert': 'Client Cert',
'component.upstream.fields.tls.client_cert.required': 'Please enter the client cert',
'component.upstream.fields.upstream_type': 'Upstream Type',
'component.upstream.fields.upstream_type.node': 'Node',
'component.upstream.fields.upstream_type.service_discovery': 'Service Discovery',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type': 'Discovery Type',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.tooltip': 'Discovery Type',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.placeholder': 'Please select the discovery type',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.type.dns': 'DNS',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.type.consul_kv': 'Consul KV',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.type.nacos': 'Nacos',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.type.eureka': 'Eureka',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_type.type.kubernetes': 'Kubernetes',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_args.group_name': 'Group Name',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_args.group_name.tooltip': 'Group Name',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_args.group_name.placeholder': 'Please enter the group name',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_args.namespace_id': 'Namespace ID',
'component.upstream.fields.discovery_args.namespace_id.tooltip': 'Namespace ID',
'Please enter the namespace id',
'component.upstream.fields.service_name': 'Service Name',
'component.upstream.fields.service_name.tooltip': 'Service Name',
'component.upstream.fields.service_name.placeholder': 'Please enter the service name',
'This type is only used for Stream Route, which is a layer 4 proxy. Reference:',
'This type is only used in publish subscription. Reference:',
'component.upstream.fields.tls': 'TLS',
'component.upstream.fields.tls.tooltip': 'TLS Certificate',
'component.upstream.fields.hash_on': 'Hash on',
'component.upstream.fields.hash_on.tooltip': 'What to use as hashing input',
'component.upstream.fields.key': 'Key',
'component.upstream.fields.key.tooltip': 'Key as hashing input',
'component.upstream.fields.retries': 'Retries',
'The retry mechanism sends the request to the next upstream node. A value of 0 disables the retry mechanism and leaves the table empty to use the number of available backend nodes.',
'component.upstream.fields.retry_timeout': 'Retry Timeout',
'Configure a number to limit the amount of seconds that retries can be continued, and do not continue retries if the previous request and retry requests have taken too long. 0 means disable retry timeout mechanism.',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool': 'Keepalive Pool',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.tooltip': 'Set independent keepalive pool for Upstream',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.size': 'Size',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.size.placeholder': 'Please enter the size',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.idle_timeout': 'Idle Timeout',
'Please enter the idle timeout',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.requests': 'Requests',
'component.upstream.fields.keepalive_pool.requests.placeholder': 'Please enter the requests',
'': 'Type',
'Whether to perform active health checks using HTTP or HTTPS, or just attempt a TCP connection.',
'': 'Concurrency',
'Number of targets to check concurrently in active health checks.',
'': 'Host',
'': 'Please enter the hostname',
'The hostname of the HTTP request used to perform the active health check',
'': 'Only letters, numbers and . are supported',
'': 'Port',
'': 'HTTP Path',
'The path that should be used when issuing the HTTP GET request to the target. The default value is /.',
'Please enter the HTTP request path',
'': 'Verify HTTPs Certificate',
'Whether to check the validity of the SSL certificate of the remote host when performing active health checks using HTTPS.',
'': 'Request Headers',
'Additional request headers, example: User-Agent: curl/7.29.0',
'': 'Interval',
'Interval between checks for healthy targets (in seconds)',
'': 'Successes',
'Number of successes to consider a target healthy',
'Please enter successes number',
'': 'HTTP Statuses',
'An array of HTTP statuses to consider a success, indicating healthiness, when returned by a probe in active health checks.',
'': 'Timeouts',
'Number of timeouts in active probes to consider a target unhealthy.',
'': 'HTTP Failures',
'Number of HTTP failures to consider a target unhealthy',
'Please enter the HTTP failures',
'': 'TCP Failures',
'Number of TCP failures to consider a target unhealthy',
'Please enter the TCP Failures',
'': 'Interval',
'Interval between active health checks for unhealthy targets (in seconds). A value of zero indicates that active probes for healthy targets should not be performed.',
'Please enter the unhealthy interval',
'component.upstream.fields.checks.passive.healthy.successes': 'Successes',
'Number of successes to consider a target healthy',
'Please enter the successes number',
'component.upstream.fields.checks.passive.unhealthy.timeouts': 'Timeouts',
'Number of timeouts in proxied traffic to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks.',
'component.upstream.other.none': 'None (Only available when binding the service)',
'Please check the target node configuration',
'When using a host name or IP in the target node list, make sure there is only one target node',
'When passive health check is enabled, active health check needs to be enabled at the same time.',
'': 'Please check the health check configuration',