blob: c59c39dde8ac88311fe49a74496c0e8a38fda224 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
echo "Installing npm dependencies..."
npm install
echo "Installing bower dependencies..."
./node_modules/.bin/bower install
echo "Building project..."
cp -r content content_tmp
COMMIT_HASH=`git rev-parse HEAD`
echo "Build successful."
git checkout asf-site
rm -rf content
mv content_tmp content
# Add documentation to content folder
echo "Adding documentation from docs/ to content/docs."
rm -rf content/docs
cp -R docs content/docs
git add content
echo "Commiting changes to asf-site branch from master branch."
git commit --author "Apex Dev <>" -m "from $COMMIT_HASH"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------"
echo "BUILD SUCCESSFUL. You are now on the asf-site branch."
echo "Run git push origin asf-site to update the live site."
set +e