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<author email="">Stefan Bodewig</author>
<title>Related Projects</title>
<section name="Related Projects">
<p>Nothing listed here is directly supported by the Ant
developers, if you encounter any problems with them, please use
the contact information.</p>
<subsection name="AndroMDA">
<p>AndroMDA is a code generator tool that follows the Model
Driven Architecture (MDA) paradigm. It takes a UML model from
a CASE-tool and generates classes and deployable components
(J2EE or other) specific for your application
<table class="externals">
<td>1.4.1 and above</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">project mailing lists</a></td>
<td>BSD license</td>
<subsection name="AntContrib">
<p>The Ant-Contrib project is a collection of user supplied
task (like an <code>&lt;if&gt;</code> task) and a development
playground for experimental tasks like a C/C++ compilation
task for different compilers.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>1.4.1 and above</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">project mailing list</a></td>
<td>Apache Software Foundation License</td>
<subsection name="Antelope">
<p>A GUI for running Ant and editing build files, can run as
stand-alone or as a plugin to jEdit. In addition to running
targets, Antelope can generate performance statistics and can
trace/display a target's execution path without actually
executing the target.</p>
<p>Includes several additional tasks: Assert, If/Else,
Try/Catch/Finally, Switch, Variable, Stopwatch, Limit, Math,
Post, SSH, SCP, AntFetch, AntCallBack.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.5 and higher.</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">Dale Anson</a></td>
<td>Apache Software Foundation License</td>
<subsection name="AntHill">
<p>Anthill is a build tool that promotes a controlled build
process by ensuring that every build reflects the source
repository contents and tagging the repository with a unique
build number after every build. Anthill also encourages the
sharing of knowledge within an organization by automatically
updating a project intranet site with artifacts from the
latest build.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>bundles Ant 1.3, is compatible with Ant 1.3 to 1.4.1</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>Maciej Zawadzki</a></td>
<td>Mozilla-like license</td>
<subsection name="Antigen">
<p>Antigen (Ant Installer Generator) is a tool to take an Ant build script, combine it with a GUI
and wrap it up as an executable jar file. Its main use is for creating graphical, ant-based installers.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>bundles Ant 1.6.2</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>Jon Tayler</a></td>
<td>Academic Free License</td>
<subsection name="AntInstaller">
<p>Builds MSI style installers (with command line option)
using Ant as Back end. UI developed by writing an XML install
descriptor. Runtime launched from scripts or an all inclusive
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.6.1 others not tested</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href=''></a></td>
<td>LGPL but in the process of of moving to Apache2.0 on request</td>
<subsection name="Antlion">
<p>The Antlion Project adds value to Ant build scripts by providing
tasks which centralizes the library dependencies, and enables
projects to define dependencies upon other projects.</p>
<p>External dependencies may be loaded from a custom local
repository or Maven-like remote repositories. Antlion handles
the generation of properties, filesets, and paths.</p>
<p>Inter-project dependencies allow for building the other
project's files if they aren't already built.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.6 and later</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>Project mailing list</a></td>
<td>Apache License, Version 2.0</td>
<subsection name="Antworks">
<p>The antworks project is a set of tools and standardized targets that
greatly simplifies using ant in your project.</p>
The driver behind antworks is Importer. Importer is an extension to the
ant import task that will download and
cache an ant build.xml file and it's associated resources called
antlets. Antlets are available for Java compiling
and packaging, JUnit, Forrest, J2EE and
<a href="">more</a>.
See the <a href=" ">Getting Started</a>
guide for more information.
<table class="externals">
<td>1.6 and later</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href ="">Antworks Developers mailing lists</a></td>
<td>The Apache License 2.0</td>
<subsection name="BuildMonkey">
<p>BuildMonkey is a Web-based automated build dashboard, with upload
capability and google web search. It schedules the running of Ant
build scripts - checking sources out of CM - and makes the results
available centrally.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.5.4 or later</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td>Freeware, commercial/support licences available</td>
<subsection name="CruiseControl">
<p>CruiseControl is a tool for setting up a continuous build
process. CruiseControl provides an Ant wrapper and a set of
tasks to automate the checkout/build/test cycle. CruiseControl
also comes bundled with a servlet for viewing the status of
the current build, as well as previous build results.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.2 and higher</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>Project Mailing Lists and Administrators</a></td>
<td>Release 1.0 has been licensed under the GNU General Public
License. Starting with release 1.1 the license has been
changed to a BSD-like license.</td>
<subsection name="Invicta">
<p>Invicta is a build management tool. Using simple project definition files,
it generates powerful build scripts (such as ANT) while hiding their
complexity. Invicta is a modular framework that allows developing additional
components and output types.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.5 and higher</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href ="">Project Mailing Lists and Administrators</a></td>
<subsection name="JAM - JavaGen Ant Modules">
<p>JAM is a modular Ant toolkit for developing and testing Java/J2EE
applications. JAM supports EJB and Servlet/JSP development using XDoclet,
JUnit, Cactus, Maven, Castor and MDA/UML code generation on various J2EE
servers including JBoss.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.6</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">Feedback</a> <br/>
<a href="">Bug Reports</a>
<subsection name="Krysalis Centipede">
<p>The Centipede admin told us, that that project
"is no more" and that "Antworks has taken it place."
<subsection name="Leafcutter">
<p>Leafcutter is an API which allows you to execute Ant tasks from Java code. <br/>
Leafcutter is useful as: <ul>
<li>A way of integrating Ant tasks into existing Java programs. </li>
<li>A wholesale alternative to standard Ant for process automation. </li>
<table class="externals">
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">Discussion Forum</a></td>
<td>Apache Software Foundation License</td>
<subsection name="luntbuild">
<p>Luntbuild is an open source build automation and management
tool based on Apache Ant. Builds are setup through concepts of
projects, views, schedules, modules, etc. All configurations
and monitoring tasks is performed from a clean web
interface. It supports schedules builds, force builds,
rebuilds, clean build, increment build, etc.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.x</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>luntbuild project page</a></td>
<subsection name="NAnt">
<p>NAnt is a .NET based build tool. In theory it is kind of
like make without make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like
<table class="externals">
<td>compatible in spirit.</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">project mailing list</a></td>
<td>GNU General Public License</td>
<subsection name="Parabuild">
<p>Parabuild is an automated multiplatform build management server.
Parabuild helps software teams and organizations of all sizes reduce
risks of project failures and increase productivity by providing provides
automatic continuous integration builds and stable scheduled builds.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.3 and later</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<subsection name="Rant">
<p>Rant stands for Remote Ant. It is a distributed build
system that allows an Ant build file to launch builds on other
systems and receive exceptions should they occur.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.4</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">Chris Nelson</a></td>
<td>MIT License</td>
<subsection name="Savant">
<p>Savant helps simplify builds and codebases by handling the
resolution of project dependencies automatically. Savant supports
Maven style dependency downloads and various other methods of
retrieving dependencies, including fetching files from CVS modules.
Savant goes a step further than other dependency solutions and provides
the means for multiple internal projects to build each other in order
to resolve inter-project dependencies.</p>
<p>Savant can be used via various Ant types and tasks as well as used
from any Java application including those that do not make use of Ant.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.6.1</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<subsection name="WebTest">
<p>WebTest is a free open source tool for automated testing of web applications.
It is a set of powerful Ant tasks allowing to call web pages, mimic user actions
(clicking links, filling forms, ...) and verify the results.
The generated reports give comprehensive information on success and failure of the test steps.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.6.5</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href="">project mailing list</a></td>
<td>Apache like license</td>
<subsection name="XML Publication">
<p>XML Publication is a set of tools to generate Web pages
from desktop documents or other structured documents using
XSLT and Ant.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.4</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href ="">Jean-Marc Vanel</a></td>
<td>GNU General Public License.</td>
<subsection name="yEd">
<p>yEd is a freeware multi-purpose graph and diagram editor
that runs on the Java 2 platform. It provides an import filter
for Ant build scripts that makes it possible to conveniently
display and browse the dependencies between the different targets
of the build file. This is especially useful for debugging and
understanding large build files.</p>
<table class="externals">
<td>Ant 1.x</td>
<td><a href=""></a></td>
<td><a href =''>yWorks Support</a></td>