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<tr><td bgcolor="#294563"><font color="#ffffff"><a name="Project Management Committee"><strong>Project Management Committee</strong></a></font></td></tr>
<a name="Active Members"></a>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
<font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
<strong>Active Members</strong>
<b>Bruce Atherton</b> (bruce at - <a href=""></a>)
<br />
Currently a Systems Architect with Avue Technologies, Bruce has been
working with Java since version 1.0a2. He also claims to be one of the first
people to mark up a FAQ with HTML, for a web browser of the distant past
called Cello.
<b>Stephane Bailliez</b><br />
<b>Stefan Bodewig</b> (stefan.bodewig at
<br />
Stefan is a senior developer at BoST interactive, where he is mainly
responsible for a rule based configurator system. He spends some
time working on Open Source projects with Ant currently taking the
biggest share of it.
<b>Erik Hatcher</b> (ehatcher at - <a href=""></a>)
<br />
Erik is the co-author of <a href="">
Java Development with Ant</a> and speaks on Ant and other topics at
<a href="">No Fluff, Just Stuff
symposiums</a> as well as other venues. Erik is the President of
<a href="">eHatcher Solutions, Inc</a>.
<b>Diane Holt</b><br />
<b>Donald Leslie</b><br />
<b>Steve Loughran</b><br />
<b>Conor MacNeill</b> (conor at
<br />
Conor is a senior developer at Cortex eBusiness, where he develops
J2EE based systems. In his spare time he helps with the development of
the Ant build tool. He is also serving as the Chairman of this PMC.
<b>Costin Monolache</b><br />
<a href="">Sam Ruby</a>
(rubys at
<br />
Sam takes a perverse pleasure in integrating disparate things. He is
a member of the <a href="">PHP group</a>, Apache
<a href="">XML PMC</a>, Apache
sponsor for the <a href="">xml-soap</a> subproject
and convener of <a href="">ECMA</a> TC39 TG3. He is
also serving as the Chairman of the Jakarta PMC.
<b>Magesh Umasankar</b> (umagesh at
<br />
Magesh is a lead software developer at
<a href="">Manugistics</a>, where
he is responsible for some of the Revenue Optimization
<b>Christoph Wilhelms</b> (christoph.wilhelms at
<br />
Christoph is teamleader and a lead software engineer at
<a href="">IMPRESS SOFTWARE</a>. He is resposible for
the development of administration tools and development environment for
the IMPRESS Engine, a Java-based intergration software. At the Ant-Project
he takes care of Antidote - the Ant GUI.
<a name="Emeritus Members"></a>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
<font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
<strong>Emeritus Members</strong>
<b>James Duncan Davidson</b> (duncan at - <a href=""></a>)
<br />
By day, Duncan works in the Open Source Program Office at Sun
Microsystems where he helps various Open Source efforts within Sun
"do the right thing". Previously at Sun he was responsible
for the Servlet API Specifications 2.1 and 2.2 as well as the Java API
for XML Parsing 1.0 and was the original author of Tomcat and Ant. He
was one of the rabble-rousers within Sun that helped make the Jakarta
Project a reality and served as the first Chairman of the Jakarta PMC.
<b>Jon Skeet</b><br />
<table class="nowrap" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#294563"><font color="#ffffff"><a name="Committers"><strong>Committers</strong></a></font></td></tr>
<a name="Active Committers"></a>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
<font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
<strong>Active Committers</strong>
<b>Preston Bannister</b><br />
<b>Nick Davis</b><br />
<b>Darrell DeBoer</b><br />
<b>Peter Donald</b> (peter at
<br />
Peter is an avid java developer who is active in the
<a href="">Avalon</a> and
<a href="">Ant</a> projects.
In his spare time he develops a distributed virtual environment
(ie military simulator or 3D game) using java technologies.
<b>Danno Ferrin</b> (shemnon at
<br />
Danno has been programming in Java since Summer 96. Danno wrote a JSP
engine on his own and released it the very same day Jakarta was
announced at JavaOne. Since then, he decided to join the Jakarta
project in a spirit of co-operation over competition.
<b>Jason Hunter</b> (jh at
<br />
Jason is author of "Java Servlet Programming" (O'Reilly) and publisher
of <a href=""></a>.
He works at <a href="">CollabNet</a>.
<b>Arun Jamwal</b>
<br />
<b>Arnout J. Kuiper</b> (ajkuiper at
<br />
Arnout J. Kuiper is a Java Architect with the Sun Java Center at Sun
Microsystems. His main focus is web-related technologies on the Java
platform (J2EE, XML, ...).
<b>Adam Murdoch</b>
<br />
<b>Harish Prabhandham</b> (harishp at
<br />
Harish is an engineer with the J2EE team at Sun, primarily responsible
for implementing security in the J2EE Reference Implementation
(RI). He integrated various technologies including servlet/JSP
implementations from Tomcat into the J2EE RI. These days, he hacks PHP
code during the day.
<b>Nico Seessle</b><br />
<b>Gal Shachor</b> (shachor at
<br />
Gal Shachor is a research staff member at IBM. He wrote his first
Servlet container (ServletExpress) at the beginning of 1997. Later on
ServletExpress (and Gal) merged into WebSphere, and Gal participated
in the development of WebSphere 1, 2 and 3.
<b>Jon S. Stevens</b> (jon at
<br />
Jon is a Co-Founder of <a href="">Clear Ink
Corp</a> and recently left to work on <a href="">Scarab</a> a next generation Open
Source Java Servlet based Issue/Bug tracking system for <a href="">CollabNet</a>. He is an active developer
of the <a href="">Apache JServ Servlet
Engine</a> for the Apache Web Server and Co-Author of the <a href="">Element Construction Set</a> as
well as the web application framework, <a href="">Turbine</a>.
<b>James Todd</b> (jwtodd at
<br />
James has developed real time customer oriented apps for roughly 10
years the last 5 of which have predominately been fully integrated,
front and back, extraNet implementations which have been based on
Apache, Java and Tcl.
<b>Anil Vijendran</b> (akv at
<br />
Anil Vijendran is the principal developer of the JSP engine in
Tomcat. He's done some pretty scary things in his past life --
implementing the CORBA IDL to C++ 2.0 mapping, skydiving, IDL to Java
compilers, Object Databases (SIGSEV, you da man!) for C++, Java ORB
and EJB runtime environments -- in that order.
<a name="Emeritus Committers"></a>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
<tr><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
<font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
<strong>Emeritus Committers</strong>
<b>Simeon H.K. Fitch</b> (simeon.fitch at
<br />
Simeon is owner of Mustard Seed Software, which specializes in developing
distributed applications and user interfaces for the science, engineering,
and research oriented clients. He is the lead architect and developer for
Antidote, the GUI for Ant.
<b>Thomas Haas</b>
<br />
<b>Stefano Mazzocchi</b> (stefano at
<br />
Stefano is addicted to software design, Java programming and
open development. In the last 4 years, he has contributed way too much
time to Apache, expecially on JServ, JMeter, Avalon, JAMES, Ant, Cocoon
and helping to bring more projects into Apache-land, such as FOP, Batik,
POI and Xindice. The problem is that he's too picky to be satisfied :-)
<b>Glenn McAllister</b> (glenn at
<br />
Glenn McAllister is a software developer at SOMA Networks, was formerly
the same at IBM (plus tech writer plus build guy), and does some writing
on the side for the VADD Technical Journal.
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<tr><td bgcolor="#294563"><font color="#ffffff"><a name="Logo"><strong>Logo</strong></a></font></td></tr>
<p>Ant's logo is the result of a logo contest, it has been
designed by</p>
<b>Nick King</b>
<br />
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