blob: 54fc4a9ab3c8bd0b922af3f7b0b31f44bfb4ee7a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
/** Test the locator in the ant-launch JAR */
public class LocatorTest {
private boolean windows;
private boolean unix;
private static final String LAUNCHER_JAR = "//morzine/slo/Java/Apache/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar";
private static final String SHARED_JAR_URI = "jar:file:" + LAUNCHER_JAR
+ "!/org/apache/tools/ant/launch/Launcher.class";
public ExpectedException thrown = ExpectedException.none();
public void setUp() {
windows = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_DOS);
unix = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_UNIX);
* expect a uri to resolve to strings on different platforms
* @param uri uri to parse
* @param expectedUnix unix string (or null to skip that test)
* @param expectedDos DOS string (or null to skip that test)
* @return the resolved string
private String resolveTo(String uri, String expectedUnix, String expectedDos) {
String result = Locator.fromURI(uri);
assertResolved(uri, expectedUnix, result, unix);
assertResolved(uri, expectedDos, result, windows);
return result;
* Assert something resolved
* @param uri original URI
* @param expectedResult what we expected
* @param result what we got
* @param enabled is the test enabled?
private void assertResolved(String uri, String expectedResult, String result, boolean enabled) {
if (enabled && expectedResult != null && !expectedResult.isEmpty()) {
assertEquals("Expected " + uri + " to resolve to \n" + expectedResult + "\n but got\n"
+ result + "\n", expectedResult, result);
* This asserts that we can round trip the path to a URI and back again
* @param path filename with no directory separators
* @return the trailing filename
private String assertResolves(String path) {
String asuri = new File(path).toURI().toASCIIString();
String fullpath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + path;
String result = resolveTo(asuri, fullpath, fullpath);
return result.substring(result.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
* this isn't really a valid URI, except maybe in IE
public void testNetworkURI() {
resolveTo("file:\\\\PC03\\jclasses\\lib\\ant-1.7.0.jar", ""
+ "\\\\PC03\\jclasses\\lib\\ant-1.7.0.jar",
@Ignore("We don't appear to generate paths like this in the launcher")
public void testTripleForwardSlashNetworkURI() {
public void testUnixNetworkPath() {
public void testUnixPath() {
resolveTo("file:/home/ant/lib", "/home/ant/lib", null);
public void testSpacedURI() {
resolveTo("file:C:\\Program Files\\Ant\\lib",
"C:\\Program Files\\Ant\\lib",
"C:\\Program Files\\Ant\\lib");
* Bug 42275; Ant failing to run off a remote share
public void testAntOnRemoteShare() {
String resolved = Locator.fromJarURI(SHARED_JAR_URI);
assertResolved(SHARED_JAR_URI, LAUNCHER_JAR, resolved, unix);
assertResolved(SHARED_JAR_URI, LAUNCHER_JAR.replace('/', '\\'),
resolved, windows);
* Bug 42275; Ant failing to run off a remote share
public void testFileFromRemoteShare() {
assumeTrue("not Windows", windows);
String resolved = Locator.fromJarURI(SHARED_JAR_URI);
File f = new File(resolved);
String path = f.getAbsolutePath();
assertEquals(0, path.indexOf("\\\\"));
public void testHttpsURI() {
String url = "";
thrown.expectMessage(Locator.ERROR_NOT_FILE_URI + url);
public void testInternationalURI() throws Exception {
String result = assertResolves("L\u00f6wenbrau.aus.M\u00fcnchen");
char umlauted = result.charAt(1);
assertEquals("expected 0xf6 (\u00f6), but got " + Integer.toHexString(umlauted) + " '"
+ umlauted + "'", 0xf6, umlauted);
assertEquals("file:/tmp/a%C3%A7a%C3%AD%20berry", Locator.encodeURI("file:/tmp/a\u00E7a\u00ED berry"));
assertEquals("file:/tmp/a\u00E7a\u00ED berry", Locator.decodeUri("file:/tmp/a%C3%A7a%C3%AD%20berry"));
assertEquals("file:/tmp/a\u00E7a\u00ED berry", Locator.decodeUri("file:/tmp/a\u00E7a\u00ED%20berry")); // #50543
assertEquals("file:/tmp/hezky \u010Desky", Locator.decodeUri("file:/tmp/hezky%20\u010Desky")); // non-ISO-8859-1 variant
public void testOddLowAsciiURI() {
assertResolves("hash# and percent%");