blob: 2eecb4a91228441265c088991969376e6df49687 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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<project default="antunit" xmlns:au="antlib:org.apache.ant.antunit">
<!-- each test verifies that the PropertyEvaluator delegate works -->
<import file="../antunit-base.xml" />
<condition property="prereqs-ok">
<available classname="org.apache.bsf.BSFManager"/>
<available classname="bsh.util.BeanShellBSFEngine"/>
<target name="setUp" unless="setup.complete" if="prereqs-ok">
<script language="beanshell" manager="bsf">
public class MapEvaluator implements PropertyHelper.PropertyEvaluator {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
public MapEvaluator() {
map.put("string", "string");
map.put("object", new Object());
map.put("int", new Integer(1));
map.put("null", null);
public Object evaluate(String property, PropertyHelper propertyHelper) {
return map.get(property.toLowerCase());
project.addReference("mapEvaluator", new MapEvaluator());
<delegate refid="mapEvaluator" />
<property name="setup.complete" value="true" />
<target name="testValueTypes" depends="setUp" if="prereqs-ok">
<!-- verify BC, strings -->
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="string" value="${STRING}" />
<!-- verify non-string properties -->
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="object" value="${OBJECT}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="int" value="${INT}" />
<!-- verify that a string containing nothing but a property reference is a valid value -->
<property name="string2" value="${string}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="string2" value="${string}" />
<property name="object2" value="${object}" />
<!-- demonstrate that equals args can be non-string -->
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="object2" value="${object}" />
<property name="int2" value="${int}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="int2" value="${int}" />
<target name="testNull" depends="setUp" if="prereqs-ok">
<!-- demonstrate that a null value always implies a nonexistent property -->
<isset property="null" />
<target name="testAvailable" depends="setUp" if="prereqs-ok">
<!-- verify the available task can set a non-string property -->
<available file="${ant.file}" type="file" property="available.string" value="bc" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="available.string" value="bc" />
<available file="${ant.file}" type="file" property="available.object" value="${object}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="available.object" value="${OBJECT}" />
<target name="testCondition" depends="setUp" if="prereqs-ok">
<!-- verify the condition task can set a non-string property -->
<condition property="condition.true.string">
<available file="${ant.file}" type="file" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="condition.true.string" value="true" />
<condition property="condition.else.string" value="true" else="false">
<not><available file="${ant.file}" type="file" /></not>
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="condition.else.string" value="false" />
<condition property="condition.true.object" value="${object}">
<available file="${ant.file}" type="file" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="condition.true.object" value="${OBJECT}" />
<condition property="" value="${object}" else="${int}">
<not><available file="${ant.file}" type="file" /></not>
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="" value="${INT}" />
<target name="testEmbeddedNonString" if="prereqs-ok">
<!-- verify that a property embedded in a string is a substring -->
<equals arg1="@${int}@" arg2="@1@" />
<target name="XtestLoadPropertiesWithObjects" if="prereqs-ok" depends="setUp">
<isset property="object2" />
<string id="props" value="object2=$${object}" />
<!-- verify the property is not yet expanded -->
<length length="17">
<resource refid="props" />
<resource refid="props" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="object2" value="${object}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="object2" value="${OBJECT}" />
<target name="testLoadPropertiesWithStrings" if="prereqs-ok" depends="setUp">
<isset property="string2" />
<string id="props" value="string2=$${string}" />
<!-- verify the property is not yet expanded -->
<length length="17">
<resource refid="props" />
<resource refid="props" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="string2" value="${string}" />
<au:assertPropertyEquals name="string2" value="${STRING}" />