blob: d5bce332393445fcbce718b9b61fd0fe34077c78 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
* <p>This data type provides a catalog of resource locations (such as
* DTDs and XML entities), based on the <a
* href="">
* OASIS "Open Catalog" standard</a>. The catalog entries are used
* both for Entity resolution and URI resolution, in accordance with
* the {@link org.xml.sax.EntityResolver EntityResolver} and {@link
* javax.xml.transform.URIResolver URIResolver} interfaces as defined
* in the <a href="">Java API for XML
* Processing Specification</a>.</p>
* <p>Resource locations can be specified either in-line or in
* external catalog file(s), or both. In order to use an external
* catalog file, the xml-commons resolver library ("resolver.jar")
* must be in your classpath. External catalog files may be either <a
* href="">
* plain text format</a> or <a
* href="">
* XML format</a>. If the xml-commons resolver library is not found
* in the classpath, external catalog files, specified in
* <code>&lt;catalogpath&gt;</code> paths, will be ignored and a warning will
* be logged. In this case, however, processing of inline entries will proceed
* normally.</p>
* <p>Currently, only <code>&lt;dtd&gt;</code> and
* <code>&lt;entity&gt;</code> elements may be specified inline; these
* correspond to OASIS catalog entry types <code>PUBLIC</code> and
* <code>URI</code> respectively.</p>
* <p>The following is a usage example:</p>
* <pre>
* &lt;xmlcatalog&gt;
* &lt;dtd publicId="" location="/path/to/file.jar"/&gt;
* &lt;dtd publicId="" location="/path/to/file2.jar"/&gt;
* &lt;entity publicId="" location="/path/to/file3.jar"/&gt;
* &lt;entity publicId="" location="/path/to/file4.jar"/&gt;
* &lt;catalogpath&gt;
* &lt;pathelement location="/etc/sgml/catalog"/&gt;
* &lt;/catalogpath&gt;
* &lt;catalogfiles dir="/opt/catalogs/" includes="**\catalog.xml"/&gt;
* &lt;/xmlcatalog&gt;
* </pre>
* <p>
* Tasks wishing to use <code>&lt;xmlcatalog&gt;</code> must provide a method called
* <code>createXMLCatalog</code> which returns an instance of
* <code>XMLCatalog</code>. Nested DTD and entity definitions are handled by
* the XMLCatalog object and must be labeled <code>dtd</code> and
* <code>entity</code> respectively.</p>
* <p>The following is a description of the resolution algorithm:
* entities/URIs/dtds are looked up in each of the following contexts,
* stopping when a valid and readable resource is found:</p>
* <ol>
* <li>In the local filesystem</li>
* <li>In the classpath</li>
* <li>Using the Apache xml-commons resolver (if it is available)</li>
* <li>In URL-space</li>
* </ol>
* <p>See {@link
* XMLValidateTask} for an example of a task that has integrated
* support for XMLCatalogs.</p>
* <p>Possible future extension could provide for additional OASIS
* entry types to be specified inline.</p>
public class XMLCatalog extends DataType
implements EntityResolver, URIResolver {
/** helper for some File.toURL connversions */
private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS = FileUtils.getFileUtils();
//-- Fields ----------------------------------------------------------------
/** Holds dtd/entity objects until needed. */
private Vector<ResourceLocation> elements = new Vector<>();
* Classpath in which to attempt to resolve resources.
private Path classpath;
* Path listing external catalog files to search when resolving entities
private Path catalogPath;
* The name of the bridge to the Apache xml-commons resolver
* class, used to determine whether resolver.jar is present in the
* classpath.
public static final String APACHE_RESOLVER
= "";
* Resolver base class
public static final String CATALOG_RESOLVER
= "";
//-- Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Default constructor
public XMLCatalog() {
* Returns the elements of the catalog - ResourceLocation objects.
* @return the elements of the catalog - ResourceLocation objects
private Vector<ResourceLocation> getElements() {
return getRef().elements;
* Returns the classpath in which to attempt to resolve resources.
* @return the classpath
private Path getClasspath() {
return getRef().classpath;
* Allows nested classpath elements. Not allowed if this catalog
* is itself a reference to another catalog -- that is, a catalog
* cannot both refer to another <em>and</em> contain elements or
* other attributes.
* @return a Path instance to be configured.
public Path createClasspath() {
if (isReference()) {
throw noChildrenAllowed();
if (this.classpath == null) {
this.classpath = new Path(getProject());
return this.classpath.createPath();
* Allows simple classpath string. Not allowed if this catalog is
* itself a reference to another catalog -- that is, a catalog
* cannot both refer to another <em>and</em> contain elements or
* other attributes.
* @param classpath the classpath to use to look up entities.
public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
if (isReference()) {
throw tooManyAttributes();
if (this.classpath == null) {
this.classpath = classpath;
} else {
* Allows classpath reference. Not allowed if this catalog is
* itself a reference to another catalog -- that is, a catalog
* cannot both refer to another <em>and</em> contain elements or
* other attributes.
* @param r an Ant reference containing a classpath.
public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) {
if (isReference()) {
throw tooManyAttributes();
/** Creates a nested <code>&lt;catalogpath&gt;</code> element.
* Not allowed if this catalog is itself a reference to another
* catalog -- that is, a catalog cannot both refer to another
* <em>and</em> contain elements or other attributes.
* @return a path to be configured as the catalog path.
* @exception BuildException
* if this is a reference and no nested elements are allowed.
public Path createCatalogPath() {
if (isReference()) {
throw noChildrenAllowed();
if (this.catalogPath == null) {
this.catalogPath = new Path(getProject());
return this.catalogPath.createPath();
* Allows catalogpath reference. Not allowed if this catalog is
* itself a reference to another catalog -- that is, a catalog
* cannot both refer to another <em>and</em> contain elements or
* other attributes.
* @param r an Ant reference containing a classpath to be used as
* the catalog path.
public void setCatalogPathRef(Reference r) {
if (isReference()) {
throw tooManyAttributes();
* Returns the catalog path in which to attempt to resolve DTDs.
* @return the catalog path
public Path getCatalogPath() {
return getRef().catalogPath;
* Creates the nested <code>&lt;dtd&gt;</code> element. Not
* allowed if this catalog is itself a reference to another
* catalog -- that is, a catalog cannot both refer to another
* <em>and</em> contain elements or other attributes.
* @param dtd the information about the PUBLIC resource mapping to
* be added to the catalog
* @exception BuildException if this is a reference and no nested
* elements are allowed.
public void addDTD(ResourceLocation dtd) throws BuildException {
if (isReference()) {
throw noChildrenAllowed();
* Creates the nested <code>&lt;entity&gt;</code> element. Not
* allowed if this catalog is itself a reference to another
* catalog -- that is, a catalog cannot both refer to another
* <em>and</em> contain elements or other attributes.
* @param entity the information about the URI resource mapping to be
* added to the catalog.
* @exception BuildException if this is a reference and no nested
* elements are allowed.
public void addEntity(ResourceLocation entity) throws BuildException {
* Loads a nested <code>&lt;xmlcatalog&gt;</code> into our
* definition. Not allowed if this catalog is itself a reference
* to another catalog -- that is, a catalog cannot both refer to
* another <em>and</em> contain elements or other attributes.
* @param catalog Nested XMLCatalog
public void addConfiguredXMLCatalog(XMLCatalog catalog) {
if (isReference()) {
throw noChildrenAllowed();
// Add all nested elements to our catalog
// Append the classpath of the nested catalog
Path nestedClasspath = catalog.getClasspath();
// Append the catalog path of the nested catalog
Path nestedCatalogPath = catalog.getCatalogPath();
* Makes this instance in effect a reference to another XMLCatalog
* instance.
* <p>You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside
* this element if you make it a reference. That is, a catalog
* cannot both refer to another <em>and</em> contain elements or
* attributes.</p>
* @param r the reference to which this catalog instance is associated
* @exception BuildException if this instance already has been configured.
public void setRefid(Reference r) throws BuildException {
if (!elements.isEmpty()) {
throw tooManyAttributes();
* Implements the EntityResolver.resolveEntity() interface method.
* @param publicId the public id to resolve.
* @param systemId the system id to resolve.
* @throws SAXException if there is a parsing problem.
* @throws IOException if there is an IO problem.
* @return the resolved entity.
* @see org.xml.sax.EntityResolver#resolveEntity
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
throws SAXException, IOException {
if (isReference()) {
return getRef().resolveEntity(publicId, systemId);
log("resolveEntity: '" + publicId + "': '" + systemId + "'",
InputSource inputSource =
getCatalogResolver().resolveEntity(publicId, systemId);
if (inputSource == null) {
log("No matching catalog entry found, parser will use: '"
+ systemId + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
return inputSource;
* Implements the URIResolver.resolve() interface method.
* @param href an href attribute.
* @param base the base URI.
* @return a Source object, or null if href cannot be resolved.
* @throws TransformerException if an error occurs.
* @see javax.xml.transform.URIResolver#resolve
public Source resolve(String href, String base)
throws TransformerException {
if (isReference()) {
return getRef().resolve(href, base);
SAXSource source = null;
String uri = removeFragment(href);
log("resolve: '" + uri + "' with base: '" + base + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
source = (SAXSource) getCatalogResolver().resolve(uri, base);
if (source == null) {
log("No matching catalog entry found, parser will use: '"
+ href + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
// Cannot return a null source, because we have to call
// setEntityResolver (see setEntityResolver javadoc comment)
source = new SAXSource();
URL baseURL;
try {
if (base == null) {
baseURL = FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(getProject().getBaseDir());
} else {
baseURL = new URL(base);
URL url = uri.isEmpty() ? baseURL : new URL(baseURL, uri);
source.setInputSource(new InputSource(url.toString()));
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// At this point we are probably in failure mode, but
// try to use the bare URI as a last gasp
source.setInputSource(new InputSource(uri));
return source;
protected synchronized void dieOnCircularReference(Stack<Object> stk, Project p)
throws BuildException {
if (isChecked()) {
if (isReference()) {
super.dieOnCircularReference(stk, p);
} else {
if (classpath != null) {
pushAndInvokeCircularReferenceCheck(classpath, stk, p);
if (catalogPath != null) {
pushAndInvokeCircularReferenceCheck(catalogPath, stk, p);
* @since Ant 1.6
private XMLCatalog getRef() {
if (!isReference()) {
return this;
return getCheckedRef(XMLCatalog.class);
* The instance of the CatalogResolver strategy to use.
private CatalogResolver catalogResolver = null;
* Factory method for creating the appropriate CatalogResolver
* strategy implementation.
* <p>Until we query the classpath, we don't know whether the Apache
* resolver (Norm Walsh's library from xml-commons) is available or not.
* This method determines whether the library is available and creates the
* appropriate implementation of CatalogResolver based on the answer.</p>
* <p>This is an application of the Gang of Four Strategy Pattern
* combined with Template Method.</p>
private CatalogResolver getCatalogResolver() {
if (catalogResolver == null) {
AntClassLoader loader;
// Memory-Leak in line below
loader = getProject().createClassLoader(Path.systemClasspath);
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(APACHE_RESOLVER, true, loader);
// The Apache resolver is present - Need to check if it can
// be seen by the catalog resolver class. Start by getting
// the actual loader
ClassLoader apacheResolverLoader = clazz.getClassLoader();
// load the base class through this loader.
Class<?> baseResolverClass
= Class.forName(CATALOG_RESOLVER, true, apacheResolverLoader);
// and find its actual loader
ClassLoader baseResolverLoader
= baseResolverClass.getClassLoader();
// We have the loader which is being used to load the
// CatalogResolver. Can it see the ApacheResolver? The
// base resolver will only be able to create the ApacheResolver
// if it can see it - doesn't use the context loader.
clazz = Class.forName(APACHE_RESOLVER, true, baseResolverLoader);
Object obj = clazz.newInstance();
// Success! The xml-commons resolver library is
// available, so use it.
catalogResolver = new ExternalResolver(clazz, obj);
} catch (Throwable ex) {
// The xml-commons resolver library is not
// available, so we can't use it.
catalogResolver = new InternalResolver();
if (getCatalogPath() != null
&& getCatalogPath().list().length != 0) {
log("Warning: XML resolver not found; external catalogs"
+ " will be ignored", Project.MSG_WARN);
log("Failed to load Apache resolver: " + ex, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
return catalogResolver;
* <p>This is called from the URIResolver to set an EntityResolver
* on the SAX parser to be used for new XML documents that are
* encountered as a result of the document() function, xsl:import,
* or xsl:include. This is done because the XSLT processor calls
* out to the SAXParserFactory itself to create a new SAXParser to
* parse the new document. The new parser does not automatically
* inherit the EntityResolver of the original (although arguably
* it should). See below:</p>
* <code>"If an application wants to set the ErrorHandler or
* EntityResolver for an XMLReader used during a transformation,
* it should use a URIResolver to return the SAXSource which
* provides (with getXMLReader) a reference to the XMLReader"</code>
* <p>...quoted from page 118 of the Java API for XML
* Processing 1.1 specification</p>
private void setEntityResolver(SAXSource source) throws TransformerException {
XMLReader reader = source.getXMLReader();
if (reader == null) {
SAXParserFactory spFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
try {
reader = spFactory.newSAXParser().getXMLReader();
} catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException ex) {
throw new TransformerException(ex);
* Find a ResourceLocation instance for the given publicId.
* @param publicId the publicId of the Resource for which local information
* is required.
* @return a ResourceLocation instance with information on the local location
* of the Resource or null if no such information is available.
private ResourceLocation findMatchingEntry(String publicId) {
return getElements().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getPublicId().equals(publicId)).findFirst()
* Utility method to remove trailing fragment from a URI.
* For example,
* <code></code>
* would return <code></code>.
* @param uri The URI to process. It may or may not contain a
* fragment.
* @return The URI sans fragment.
private String removeFragment(String uri) {
String result = uri;
int hashPos = uri.indexOf("#");
if (hashPos >= 0) {
result = uri.substring(0, hashPos);
return result;
* Utility method to lookup a ResourceLocation in the filesystem.
* @return An InputSource for reading the file, or <code>null</code>
* if the file does not exist or is not readable.
private InputSource filesystemLookup(ResourceLocation matchingEntry) {
String uri = matchingEntry.getLocation();
// the following line seems to be necessary on Windows under JDK 1.2
uri = uri.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
URL baseURL;
// The ResourceLocation may specify a relative path for its
// location attribute. This is resolved using the appropriate
// base.
if (matchingEntry.getBase() != null) {
baseURL = matchingEntry.getBase();
} else {
try {
baseURL = FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(getProject().getBaseDir());
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new BuildException("Project basedir cannot be converted to a URL");
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL(baseURL, uri);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// this processing is useful under Windows when the location of the DTD
// has been given as an absolute path
// see Bugzilla Report 23913
File testFile = new File(uri);
if (testFile.exists() && testFile.canRead()) {
log("uri : '"
+ uri + "' matches a readable file", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
try {
url = FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(testFile);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex1) {
throw new BuildException(
"could not find an URL for :" + testFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
log("uri : '"
+ uri + "' does not match a readable file", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
InputSource source = null;
if (url != null && "file".equals(url.getProtocol())) {
String fileName = FILE_UTILS.fromURI(url.toString());
if (fileName != null) {
log("fileName " + fileName, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
File resFile = new File(fileName);
if (resFile.exists() && resFile.canRead()) {
try {
source = new InputSource(Files.newInputStream(resFile.toPath()));
String sysid = JAXPUtils.getSystemId(resFile);
log("catalog entry matched a readable file: '"
+ sysid + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
return source;
* Utility method to lookup a ResourceLocation in the classpath.
* @return An InputSource for reading the resource, or <code>null</code>
* if the resource does not exist in the classpath or is not readable.
private InputSource classpathLookup(ResourceLocation matchingEntry) {
InputSource source = null;
Path cp = classpath;
if (cp != null) {
cp = classpath.concatSystemClasspath("ignore");
} else {
cp = (new Path(getProject())).concatSystemClasspath("last");
AntClassLoader loader = getProject().createClassLoader(cp);
// for classpath lookup we ignore the base directory
InputStream is
= loader.getResourceAsStream(matchingEntry.getLocation());
if (is != null) {
source = new InputSource(is);
URL entryURL = loader.getResource(matchingEntry.getLocation());
String sysid = entryURL.toExternalForm();
log("catalog entry matched a resource in the classpath: '"
+ sysid + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
return source;
* Utility method to lookup a ResourceLocation in URL-space.
* @return An InputSource for reading the resource, or <code>null</code>
* if the resource does not identify a valid URL or is not readable.
private InputSource urlLookup(ResourceLocation matchingEntry) {
String uri = matchingEntry.getLocation();
URL baseURL;
// The ResourceLocation may specify a relative url for its
// location attribute. This is resolved using the appropriate
// base.
if (matchingEntry.getBase() != null) {
baseURL = matchingEntry.getBase();
} else {
try {
baseURL = FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(getProject().getBaseDir());
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
throw new BuildException("Project basedir cannot be converted to a URL");
URL url;
try {
url = new URL(baseURL, uri);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
url = null;
InputSource source = null;
if (url != null) {
try {
InputStream is = null;
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
if (conn != null) {
is = conn.getInputStream();
if (is != null) {
source = new InputSource(is);
String sysid = url.toExternalForm();
log("catalog entry matched as a URL: '"
+ sysid + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
} catch (IOException ex) {
// ignore
return source;
* Interface implemented by both the InternalResolver strategy and
* the ExternalResolver strategy.
private interface CatalogResolver extends URIResolver, EntityResolver {
InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId);
* The InternalResolver strategy is used if the Apache resolver
* library (Norm Walsh's library from xml-commons) is not
* available. In this case, external catalog files will be
* ignored.
private class InternalResolver implements CatalogResolver {
public InternalResolver() {
log("Apache resolver library not found, internal resolver will be used",
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId) {
InputSource result = null;
ResourceLocation matchingEntry = findMatchingEntry(publicId);
if (matchingEntry != null) {
log("Matching catalog entry found for publicId: '"
+ matchingEntry.getPublicId() + "' location: '"
+ matchingEntry.getLocation() + "'",
result = filesystemLookup(matchingEntry);
if (result == null) {
result = classpathLookup(matchingEntry);
if (result == null) {
result = urlLookup(matchingEntry);
return result;
public Source resolve(String href, String base)
throws TransformerException {
SAXSource result = null;
InputSource source = null;
ResourceLocation matchingEntry = findMatchingEntry(href);
if (matchingEntry != null) {
log("Matching catalog entry found for uri: '"
+ matchingEntry.getPublicId() + "' location: '"
+ matchingEntry.getLocation() + "'",
// Use the passed in base in preference to the base
// from matchingEntry, which is either null or the
// directory in which the external catalog file from
// which it was obtained is located. We make a copy
// so matchingEntry's original base is untouched.
// This is the standard behavior as per my reading of
// the JAXP and XML Catalog specs. CKS 11/7/2002
ResourceLocation entryCopy = matchingEntry;
if (base != null) {
try {
URL baseURL = new URL(base);
entryCopy = new ResourceLocation();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// ignore
source = filesystemLookup(entryCopy);
if (source == null) {
source = classpathLookup(entryCopy);
if (source == null) {
source = urlLookup(entryCopy);
if (source != null) {
result = new SAXSource(source);
return result;
* The ExternalResolver strategy is used if the Apache resolver
* library (Norm Walsh's library from xml-commons) is available in
* the classpath. The ExternalResolver is a essentially a superset
* of the InternalResolver.
private class ExternalResolver implements CatalogResolver {
private Method setXMLCatalog = null;
private Method parseCatalog = null;
private Method resolveEntity = null;
private Method resolve = null;
/** The instance of the ApacheCatalogResolver bridge class */
private Object resolverImpl = null;
private boolean externalCatalogsProcessed = false;
public ExternalResolver(Class<?> resolverImplClass,
Object resolverImpl) {
this.resolverImpl = resolverImpl;
// Get Method instances for each of the methods we need to
// call on the resolverImpl using reflection. We can't
// call them directly, because they require on the
// xml-commons resolver library which may not be available
// in the classpath.
try {
setXMLCatalog = resolverImplClass.getMethod("setXMLCatalog",
parseCatalog = resolverImplClass.getMethod("parseCatalog",
resolveEntity = resolverImplClass.getMethod("resolveEntity",
String.class, String.class);
resolve = resolverImplClass.getMethod("resolve",
String.class, String.class);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
log("Apache resolver library found, xml-commons resolver will be used",
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
String systemId) {
ResourceLocation matchingEntry = findMatchingEntry(publicId);
InputSource result;
if (matchingEntry != null) {
log("Matching catalog entry found for publicId: '"
+ matchingEntry.getPublicId() + "' location: '"
+ matchingEntry.getLocation() + "'",
result = filesystemLookup(matchingEntry);
if (result == null) {
result = classpathLookup(matchingEntry);
if (result == null) {
try {
result =
(InputSource) resolveEntity.invoke(resolverImpl,
new Object[] {publicId, systemId});
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
} else {
// We didn't match a ResourceLocation, but since we
// only support PUBLIC and URI entry types internally,
// it is still possible that there is another entry in
// an external catalog that will match. We call
// Apache resolver's resolveEntity method to cover
// this possibility.
try {
result = (InputSource) resolveEntity.invoke(resolverImpl,
new Object[] {publicId, systemId});
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
return result;
public Source resolve(String href, String base)
throws TransformerException {
SAXSource result;
InputSource source;
ResourceLocation matchingEntry = findMatchingEntry(href);
if (matchingEntry != null) {
log("Matching catalog entry found for uri: '"
+ matchingEntry.getPublicId() + "' location: '"
+ matchingEntry.getLocation() + "'",
// Use the passed in base in preference to the base
// from matchingEntry, which is either null or the
// directory in which the external catalog file from
// which it was obtained is located. We make a copy
// so matchingEntry's original base is untouched. Of
// course, if there is no base, no need to make a
// copy...
// This is the standard behavior as per my reading of
// the JAXP and XML Catalog specs. CKS 11/7/2002
ResourceLocation entryCopy = matchingEntry;
if (base != null) {
try {
URL baseURL = new URL(base);
entryCopy = new ResourceLocation();
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// ignore
source = filesystemLookup(entryCopy);
if (source == null) {
source = classpathLookup(entryCopy);
if (source != null) {
result = new SAXSource(source);
} else {
try {
result = (SAXSource) resolve.invoke(resolverImpl,
new Object[] {href, base});
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
} else {
// We didn't match a ResourceLocation, but since we
// only support PUBLIC and URI entry types internally,
// it is still possible that there is another entry in
// an external catalog that will match. We call
// Apache resolver's resolveEntity method to cover
// this possibility.
if (base == null) {
try {
base = FILE_UTILS.getFileURL(getProject().getBaseDir()).toString();
} catch (MalformedURLException x) {
throw new TransformerException(x);
try {
result = (SAXSource) resolve.invoke(resolverImpl,
new Object[] {href, base});
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
return result;
* Process each external catalog file specified in a
* <code>&lt;catalogpath&gt;</code>. It will be
* parsed by the resolver library, and the individual elements
* will be added back to us (that is, the controlling
* XMLCatalog instance) via a callback mechanism.
private void processExternalCatalogs() {
if (!externalCatalogsProcessed) {
try {
setXMLCatalog.invoke(resolverImpl, XMLCatalog.this);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
// Parse each catalog listed in nested <catalogpath> elements
Path catPath = getCatalogPath();
if (catPath != null) {
log("Using catalogpath '" + getCatalogPath() + "'",
for (String catFileName : getCatalogPath().list()) {
File catFile = new File(catFileName);
log("Parsing " + catFile, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
try {
parseCatalog.invoke(resolverImpl, catFile.getPath());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new BuildException(ex);
externalCatalogsProcessed = true;