blob: ae62afe721f9ded40aa78c3056ced020fcc2ad6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
* Generates a dependency file for a given set of classes.
public class Depend extends MatchingTask {
private static final int ONE_SECOND = 1000;
* A class (struct) user to manage information about a class
private static class ClassFileInfo {
/** The file where the class file is stored in the file system */
private File absoluteFile;
/** The Java class name of this class */
private String className;
/** The source File containing this class */
private File sourceFile;
/** if user has been warned about this file not having a source file */
private boolean isUserWarned = false;
/** The path where source files exist */
private Path srcPath;
/** The path where compiled class files exist. */
private Path destPath;
/** The directory which contains the dependency cache. */
private File cache;
/** The list of source paths derived from the srcPath field. */
private String[] srcPathList;
* A map which gives for every class a list of the class which it
* affects.
private Hashtable affectedClassMap;
/** A map which gives information about a class */
private Hashtable classFileInfoMap;
* A map which gives the list of jars and classes from the classpath
* that a class depends upon
private Hashtable classpathDependencies;
/** The list of classes which are out of date. */
private Hashtable outOfDateClasses;
* indicates that the dependency relationships should be extended beyond
* direct dependencies to include all classes. So if A directly affects
* B and B directly affects C, then A indirectly affects C.
private boolean closure = false;
* flag to enable warning if we encounter RMI stubs
private boolean warnOnRmiStubs = true;
* Flag which controls whether the reversed dependencies should be
* dumped to the log
private boolean dump = false;
/** The classpath to look for additional dependencies */
private Path dependClasspath;
/** constants used with the cache file */
private static final String CACHE_FILE_NAME = "dependencies.txt";
/** String Used to separate classnames in the dependency file */
private static final String CLASSNAME_PREPEND = "||:";
* Set the classpath to be used for this dependency check.
* @param classpath the classpath to be used when checking for
* dependencies on elements in the classpath
public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
if (dependClasspath == null) {
dependClasspath = classpath;
} else {
* Gets the classpath to be used for this dependency check.
* @return the current dependency classpath
public Path getClasspath() {
return dependClasspath;
* Adds a classpath to be used for this dependency check.
* @return A path object to be configured by Ant
public Path createClasspath() {
if (dependClasspath == null) {
dependClasspath = new Path(getProject());
return dependClasspath.createPath();
* Adds a reference to a classpath defined elsewhere.
* @param r a reference to a path object to be used as the depend
* classpath
public void setClasspathRef(Reference r) {
* Flag to set to true if you want dependency issues with RMI
* stubs to appear at warning level.
* @param warnOnRmiStubs if true set dependency issues to appear at warning level.
* @since Ant1.7
public void setWarnOnRmiStubs(boolean warnOnRmiStubs) {
this.warnOnRmiStubs = warnOnRmiStubs;
* Read the dependencies from cache file
* @return a collection of class dependencies
* @exception IOException if the dependency file cannot be read
private Hashtable readCachedDependencies(File depFile) throws IOException {
Hashtable dependencyMap = new Hashtable();
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(depFile));
String line = null;
Vector dependencyList = null;
String className = null;
int prependLength = CLASSNAME_PREPEND.length();
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith(CLASSNAME_PREPEND)) {
dependencyList = new Vector();
className = line.substring(prependLength);
dependencyMap.put(className, dependencyList);
} else {
} finally {
return dependencyMap;
* Write the dependencies to cache file
* @param dependencyMap the map of dependencies to be written out.
* @exception IOException if the dependency file cannot be written out.
private void writeCachedDependencies(Hashtable dependencyMap)
throws IOException {
if (cache != null) {
BufferedWriter pw = null;
try {
File depFile = new File(cache, CACHE_FILE_NAME);
pw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(depFile));
Enumeration e = dependencyMap.keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = (String) e.nextElement();
pw.write(CLASSNAME_PREPEND + className);
Vector dependencyList
= (Vector) dependencyMap.get(className);
int size = dependencyList.size();
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
} finally {
* Get the classpath for dependency checking.
* This method removes the dest dirs if it is given from the dependency classpath
private Path getCheckClassPath() {
if (dependClasspath == null) {
return null;
String[] destPathElements = destPath.list();
String[] classpathElements = dependClasspath.list();
String checkPath = "";
for (int i = 0; i < classpathElements.length; ++i) {
String element = classpathElements[i];
boolean inDestPath = false;
for (int j = 0; j < destPathElements.length && !inDestPath; ++j) {
inDestPath = destPathElements[j].equals(element);
if (!inDestPath) {
if (checkPath.length() == 0) {
checkPath = element;
} else {
checkPath += ":" + element;
Path p = null;
if (checkPath.length() > 0) {
p = new Path(getProject(), checkPath);
log("Classpath without dest dir is " + p, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
return p;
* Determine the dependencies between classes. Class dependencies are
* determined by examining the class references in a class file to other
* classes.
* This method sets up the following fields
* <ul>
* <li>affectedClassMap - the list of classes each class affects</li>
* <li>classFileInfoMap - information about each class</li>
* <li>classpathDependencies - the list of jars and classes from the
* classpath that each class depends upon.</li>
* </ul>
* If required, the dependencies are written to the cache.
* @exception IOException if either the dependencies cache or the class
* files cannot be read or written
private void determineDependencies() throws IOException {
affectedClassMap = new Hashtable();
classFileInfoMap = new Hashtable();
boolean cacheDirty = false;
Hashtable dependencyMap = new Hashtable();
File cacheFile = null;
boolean cacheFileExists = true;
long cacheLastModified = Long.MAX_VALUE;
// read the dependency cache from the disk
if (cache != null) {
cacheFile = new File(cache, CACHE_FILE_NAME);
cacheFileExists = cacheFile.exists();
cacheLastModified = cacheFile.lastModified();
if (cacheFileExists) {
dependencyMap = readCachedDependencies(cacheFile);
Enumeration classfileEnum = getClassFiles(destPath).elements();
while (classfileEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
ClassFileInfo info = (ClassFileInfo) classfileEnum.nextElement();
log("Adding class info for " + info.className, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
classFileInfoMap.put(info.className, info);
Vector dependencyList = null;
if (cache != null) {
// try to read the dependency info from the map if it is
// not out of date
if (cacheFileExists
&& cacheLastModified > info.absoluteFile.lastModified()) {
// depFile exists and is newer than the class file
// need to get dependency list from the map.
dependencyList = (Vector) dependencyMap.get(info.className);
if (dependencyList == null) {
// not cached - so need to read directly from the class file
DependencyAnalyzer analyzer = new AntAnalyzer();
dependencyList = new Vector();
Enumeration depEnum = analyzer.getClassDependencies();
while (depEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
Object o = depEnum.nextElement();
log("Class " + info.className + " depends on " + o,
cacheDirty = true;
dependencyMap.put(info.className, dependencyList);
// This class depends on each class in the dependency list. For each
// one of those, add this class into their affected classes list
Enumeration depEnum = dependencyList.elements();
while (depEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String dependentClass = (String) depEnum.nextElement();
Hashtable affectedClasses
= (Hashtable) affectedClassMap.get(dependentClass);
if (affectedClasses == null) {
affectedClasses = new Hashtable();
affectedClassMap.put(dependentClass, affectedClasses);
affectedClasses.put(info.className, info);
log(dependentClass + " affects " + info.className,
classpathDependencies = null;
Path checkPath = getCheckClassPath();
if (checkPath != null) {
// now determine which jars each class depends upon
classpathDependencies = new Hashtable();
try (AntClassLoader loader = getProject().createClassLoader(checkPath)) {
Hashtable classpathFileCache = new Hashtable();
Object nullFileMarker = new Object();
for (Enumeration e = dependencyMap.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String className = (String) e.nextElement();
log("Determining classpath dependencies for " + className,
Vector dependencyList = (Vector) dependencyMap.get(className);
Hashtable dependencies = new Hashtable();
classpathDependencies.put(className, dependencies);
Enumeration e2 = dependencyList.elements();
while (e2.hasMoreElements()) {
String dependency = (String) e2.nextElement();
log("Looking for " + dependency, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Object classpathFileObject
= classpathFileCache.get(dependency);
if (classpathFileObject == null) {
classpathFileObject = nullFileMarker;
if (!dependency.startsWith("java.")
&& !dependency.startsWith("javax.")) {
URL classURL
= loader.getResource(dependency.replace('.', '/') + ".class");
log("URL is " + classURL, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
if (classURL != null) {
if (classURL.getProtocol().equals("jar")) {
String jarFilePath = classURL.getFile();
int classMarker = jarFilePath.indexOf('!');
jarFilePath = jarFilePath.substring(0, classMarker);
if (jarFilePath.startsWith("file:")) {
classpathFileObject = new File(
} else {
throw new IOException(
"Bizarre nested path in jar: protocol: "
+ jarFilePath);
} else if (classURL.getProtocol().equals("file")) {
classpathFileObject = new File(
log("Class " + className
+ " depends on " + classpathFileObject
+ " due to " + dependency, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
} else {
log("Ignoring base classlib dependency "
+ dependency, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
classpathFileCache.put(dependency, classpathFileObject);
if (classpathFileObject != nullFileMarker) {
// we need to add this jar to the list for this class.
File jarFile = (File) classpathFileObject;
log("Adding a classpath dependency on " + jarFile,
dependencies.put(jarFile, jarFile);
} else {
log("No classpath to check", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
// write the dependency cache to the disk
if (cache != null && cacheDirty) {
* Delete all the class files which are out of date, by way of their
* dependency on a class which is out of date
* @return the number of files deleted.
private int deleteAllAffectedFiles() {
int count = 0;
for (Enumeration e = outOfDateClasses.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String className = (String) e.nextElement();
count += deleteAffectedFiles(className);
ClassFileInfo classInfo
= (ClassFileInfo) classFileInfoMap.get(className);
if (classInfo != null && classInfo.absoluteFile.exists()) {
if (classInfo.sourceFile == null) {
warnOutOfDateButNotDeleted(classInfo, className, className);
} else {
return count;
* Delete all the class files of classes which depend on the given class
* @param className the name of the class whose dependent classes will be
* deleted
* @return the number of class files removed
private int deleteAffectedFiles(String className) {
int count = 0;
Hashtable affectedClasses = (Hashtable) affectedClassMap.get(className);
if (affectedClasses == null) {
return count;
for (Enumeration e = affectedClasses.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
String affectedClass = (String) e.nextElement();
ClassFileInfo affectedClassInfo
= (ClassFileInfo) affectedClasses.get(affectedClass);
if (!affectedClassInfo.absoluteFile.exists()) {
if (affectedClassInfo.sourceFile == null) {
warnOutOfDateButNotDeleted(affectedClassInfo, affectedClass, className);
log("Deleting file " + affectedClassInfo.absoluteFile.getPath()
+ " since " + className + " out of date", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
if (closure) {
count += deleteAffectedFiles(affectedClass);
} else {
// without closure we may delete an inner class but not the
// top level class which would not trigger a recompile.
if (affectedClass.indexOf("$") == -1) {
// need to delete the main class
String topLevelClassName
= affectedClass.substring(0, affectedClass.indexOf("$"));
log("Top level class = " + topLevelClassName,
ClassFileInfo topLevelClassInfo
= (ClassFileInfo) classFileInfoMap.get(topLevelClassName);
if (topLevelClassInfo != null
&& topLevelClassInfo.absoluteFile.exists()) {
log("Deleting file "
+ topLevelClassInfo.absoluteFile.getPath()
+ " since one of its inner classes was removed",
if (closure) {
count += deleteAffectedFiles(topLevelClassName);
return count;
* warn when a class is out of date, but not deleted as its source is unknown.
* MSG_WARN is the normal level, but we downgrade to MSG_VERBOSE for RMI files
* if {@link #warnOnRmiStubs is false}
* @param affectedClassInfo info about the affectd class
* @param affectedClass the name of the affected .class file
* @param className the file that is triggering the out of dateness
private void warnOutOfDateButNotDeleted(
ClassFileInfo affectedClassInfo, String affectedClass,
String className) {
if (affectedClassInfo.isUserWarned) {
int level = Project.MSG_WARN;
if (!warnOnRmiStubs) {
//downgrade warnings on RMI stublike classes, as they are generated
//by rmic, so there is no need to tell the user that their source is
if (isRmiStub(affectedClass, className)) {
level = Project.MSG_VERBOSE;
log("The class " + affectedClass + " in file "
+ affectedClassInfo.absoluteFile.getPath()
+ " is out of date due to " + className
+ " but has not been deleted because its source file"
+ " could not be determined", level);
affectedClassInfo.isUserWarned = true;
* test for being an RMI stub
* @param affectedClass class being tested
* @param className possible origin of the RMI stub
* @return whether the class affectedClass is a RMI stub
private boolean isRmiStub(String affectedClass, String className) {
return isStub(affectedClass, className, DefaultRmicAdapter.RMI_STUB_SUFFIX)
|| isStub(affectedClass, className, DefaultRmicAdapter.RMI_SKEL_SUFFIX)
|| isStub(affectedClass, className, WLRmic.RMI_STUB_SUFFIX)
|| isStub(affectedClass, className, WLRmic.RMI_SKEL_SUFFIX);
private boolean isStub(String affectedClass, String baseClass, String suffix) {
return (baseClass + suffix).equals(affectedClass);
* Dump the dependency information loaded from the classes to the Ant log
private void dumpDependencies() {
log("Reverse Dependency Dump for " + affectedClassMap.size()
+ " classes:", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Enumeration classEnum = affectedClassMap.keys();
while (classEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = (String) classEnum.nextElement();
log(" Class " + className + " affects:", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Hashtable affectedClasses
= (Hashtable) affectedClassMap.get(className);
Enumeration affectedClassEnum = affectedClasses.keys();
while (affectedClassEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String affectedClass = (String) affectedClassEnum.nextElement();
ClassFileInfo info
= (ClassFileInfo) affectedClasses.get(affectedClass);
log(" " + affectedClass + " in "
+ info.absoluteFile.getPath(), Project.MSG_DEBUG);
if (classpathDependencies != null) {
log("Classpath file dependencies (Forward):", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Enumeration classpathEnum = classpathDependencies.keys();
while (classpathEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = (String) classpathEnum.nextElement();
log(" Class " + className + " depends on:", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
Hashtable dependencies
= (Hashtable) classpathDependencies.get(className);
Enumeration classpathFileEnum = dependencies.elements();
while (classpathFileEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
File classpathFile = (File) classpathFileEnum.nextElement();
log(" " + classpathFile.getPath(), Project.MSG_DEBUG);
private void determineOutOfDateClasses() {
outOfDateClasses = new Hashtable();
for (int i = 0; i < srcPathList.length; i++) {
File srcDir = getProject().resolveFile(srcPathList[i]);
if (srcDir.exists()) {
DirectoryScanner ds = this.getDirectoryScanner(srcDir);
String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles();
scanDir(srcDir, files);
// now check classpath file dependencies
if (classpathDependencies == null) {
Enumeration classpathDepsEnum = classpathDependencies.keys();
while (classpathDepsEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String className = (String) classpathDepsEnum.nextElement();
if (outOfDateClasses.containsKey(className)) {
ClassFileInfo info
= (ClassFileInfo) classFileInfoMap.get(className);
// if we have no info about the class - it may have been deleted already and we
// are using cached info.
if (info != null) {
Hashtable dependencies
= (Hashtable) classpathDependencies.get(className);
for (Enumeration e2 = dependencies.elements(); e2.hasMoreElements();) {
File classpathFile = (File) e2.nextElement();
if (classpathFile.lastModified()
> info.absoluteFile.lastModified()) {
log("Class " + className
+ " is out of date with respect to "
+ classpathFile, Project.MSG_DEBUG);
outOfDateClasses.put(className, className);
* Does the work.
* @exception BuildException Thrown in case of an unrecoverable error.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
try {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (srcPath == null) {
throw new BuildException("srcdir attribute must be set",
srcPathList = srcPath.list();
if (srcPathList.length == 0) {
throw new BuildException("srcdir attribute must be non-empty",
if (destPath == null) {
destPath = srcPath;
if (cache != null && cache.exists() && !cache.isDirectory()) {
throw new BuildException("The cache, if specified, must "
+ "point to a directory");
if (cache != null && !cache.exists()) {
if (dump) {
int count = deleteAllAffectedFiles();
long duration = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / ONE_SECOND;
final int summaryLogLevel;
if (count > 0) {
summaryLogLevel = Project.MSG_INFO;
} else {
summaryLogLevel = Project.MSG_DEBUG;
log("Deleted " + count + " out of date files in "
+ duration + " seconds", summaryLogLevel);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException(e);
* Scans the directory looking for source files that are newer than
* their class files. The results are returned in the class variable
* compileList
* @param srcDir the source directory
* @param files the names of the files in the source dir which are to be
* checked.
protected void scanDir(File srcDir, String[] files) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
File srcFile = new File(srcDir, files[i]);
if (files[i].endsWith(".java")) {
String filePath = srcFile.getPath();
String className
= filePath.substring(srcDir.getPath().length() + 1,
filePath.length() - ".java".length());
className = ClassFileUtils.convertSlashName(className);
ClassFileInfo info
= (ClassFileInfo) classFileInfoMap.get(className);
if (info == null) {
// there was no class file. add this class to the list
outOfDateClasses.put(className, className);
} else {
if (srcFile.lastModified()
> info.absoluteFile.lastModified()) {
outOfDateClasses.put(className, className);
* Get the list of class files we are going to analyse.
* @param classLocations a path structure containing all the directories
* where classes can be found.
* @return a vector containing the classes to analyse.
private Vector getClassFiles(Path classLocations) {
// break the classLocations into its components.
String[] classLocationsList = classLocations.list();
Vector classFileList = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < classLocationsList.length; ++i) {
File dir = new File(classLocationsList[i]);
if (dir.isDirectory()) {
addClassFiles(classFileList, dir, dir);
return classFileList;
* Find the source file for a given class
* @param classname the classname in slash format.
* @param sourceFileKnownToExist if not null, a file already known to exist
* (saves call to .exists())
private File findSourceFile(String classname, File sourceFileKnownToExist) {
String sourceFilename;
int innerIndex = classname.indexOf("$");
if (innerIndex != -1) {
sourceFilename = classname.substring(0, innerIndex) + ".java";
} else {
sourceFilename = classname + ".java";
// search the various source path entries
for (int i = 0; i < srcPathList.length; ++i) {
File sourceFile = new File(srcPathList[i], sourceFilename);
if (sourceFile.equals(sourceFileKnownToExist) || sourceFile.exists()) {
return sourceFile;
return null;
* Add the list of class files from the given directory to the class
* file vector, including any subdirectories.
* @param classFileList a list of ClassFileInfo objects for all the
* files in the directory tree
* @param dir the directory tree to be searched, recursively, for class
* files
* @param root the root of the source tree. This is used to determine
* the absolute class name from the relative position in the
* source tree
private void addClassFiles(Vector classFileList, File dir, File root) {
String[] filesInDir = dir.list();
if (filesInDir == null) {
int length = filesInDir.length;
int rootLength = root.getPath().length();
File sourceFileKnownToExist = null; // speed optimization
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
File file = new File(dir, filesInDir[i]);
if (filesInDir[i].endsWith(".class")) {
ClassFileInfo info = new ClassFileInfo();
info.absoluteFile = file;
String relativeName = file.getPath().substring(
rootLength + 1,
file.getPath().length() - ".class".length());
= ClassFileUtils.convertSlashName(relativeName);
info.sourceFile = sourceFileKnownToExist = findSourceFile(
relativeName, sourceFileKnownToExist);
} else {
addClassFiles(classFileList, file, root);
* Set the directories path to find the Java source files.
* @param srcPath the source path
public void setSrcdir(Path srcPath) {
this.srcPath = srcPath;
* Set the destination directory where the compiled Java files exist.
* @param destPath the destination areas where build files are written
public void setDestDir(Path destPath) {
this.destPath = destPath;
* Sets the dependency cache file.
* @param cache the dependency cache file
public void setCache(File cache) {
this.cache = cache;
* If true, transitive dependencies are followed until the
* closure of the dependency set if reached.
* When not set, the depend task will only follow
* direct dependencies between classes.
* @param closure indicate if dependency closure is required.
public void setClosure(boolean closure) {
this.closure = closure;
* If true, the dependency information will be written
* to the debug level log.
* @param dump set to true to dump dependency information to the log
public void setDump(boolean dump) {
this.dump = dump;