blob: 40e7bb40227c3cf0d4ea6d22be1518d83468c71c [file] [log] [blame]
* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if
* any, must include the following acknowlegement:
* "This product includes software developed by the
* Apache Software Foundation ("
* Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,
* if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.
* 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Ant", and "Apache Software
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* 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"
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* ====================================================================
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more
* information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
* <>.
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import com.starbase.starteam.Folder;
import com.starbase.starteam.Item;
import com.starbase.starteam.Property;
import com.starbase.starteam.Server;
import com.starbase.starteam.StarTeamFinder;
import com.starbase.starteam.Type;
import com.starbase.starteam.View;
import com.starbase.util.Platform;
* Checks out files from a specific StarTeam server, project, view, and
* folder.
* <BR><BR>
* This program logs in to a StarTeam server and opens up the specified
* project and view. Then, it searches through that view for the given
* folder (or, if you prefer, it uses the root folder). Beginning with
* that folder and optionally continuing recursivesly, AntStarTeamCheckOut
* compares each file with your include and exclude filters and checks it
* out only if appropriate.
* <BR><BR>
* Checked out files go to a directory you specify under the subfolder
* named for the default StarTeam path to the view. That is, if you
* entered /home/cpovirk/work as the target folder, your project was named
* "OurProject," the given view was named "TestView," and that view is
* stored by default at "C:\projects\Test," your files would be checked
* out to /home/cpovirk/work/Test." I avoided using the project name in
* the path because you may want to keep several versions of the same
* project on your computer, and I didn't want to use the view name, as
* there may be many "Test" or "Version 1.0" views, for example. This
* system's success, of course, depends on what you set the default path
* to in StarTeam.
* <BR><BR>
* You can set AntStarTeamCheckOut to verbose or quiet mode. Also, it has
* a safeguard against overwriting the files on your computer: If the
* target directory you specify already exists, the program will throw a
* BuildException. To override the exception, set <CODE>force</CODE> to
* true.
* <BR><BR>
* <B>This program makes use of functions from the StarTeam API. As a result
* AntStarTeamCheckOut is available only to licensed users of StarTeam and
* requires the StarTeam SDK to function. You must have
* <CODE>starteam-sdk.jar</CODE> in your classpath to run this program.
* For more information about the StarTeam API and how to license it, see
* the link below.</B>
* @author <A HREF="">Chris Povirk</A>
* @author <A HREF="">JC Mann</A>
* @author <A HREF="">Jeff Gettle</A>
* @author <A HREF="">Steve Cohen</A>
* @version 1.0
* @see <A HREF="">StarBase Web Site</A>
* @ant.task name="starteam" category="scm"
public class AntStarTeamCheckOut extends {
* This constant sets the filter to include all files. This default has
* the same result as <CODE>setIncludes("*")</CODE>.
* @see #getIncludes()
* @see #setIncludes(String includes)
public static final String DEFAULT_INCLUDESETTING = "*";
* This disables the exclude filter by default. In other words, no files
* are excluded. This setting is equivalent to <CODE>setExcludes(null)</CODE>
* .
* @see #getExcludes()
* @see #setExcludes(String excludes)
public static final String DEFAULT_EXCLUDESETTING = null;
* The default folder to search; the root folder. Since
* AntStarTeamCheckOut searches subfolders, by default it processes an
* entire view.
* @see #getFolderName()
* @see #setFolderName(String folderName)
public static final String DEFAULT_FOLDERSETTING = null;
* This is used when formatting the output. The directory name is
* displayed only when it changes.
private Folder prevFolder = null;
/** This field keeps count of the number of files checked out. */
private int checkedOut = 0;
// Change these through their GET and SET methods.
/** The name of the server you wish to connect to. */
private String serverName = null;
/** The port on the server used for StarTeam. */
private int serverPort = -1;
/** The name of your project. */
private String projectName = null;
* The name of the folder you want to check out files from. All subfolders
* will be searched, as well.
private String folderName = DEFAULT_FOLDERSETTING;
/** The view that the files you want are in. */
private String viewName = null;
/** Your username on the StarTeam server. */
private String username = null;
/** Your StarTeam password. */
private String password = null;
* The path to the root folder you want to check out to. This is a local
* directory.
private String targetFolder = null;
* If force set to true, AntStarTeamCheckOut will overwrite files in the
* target directory.
private boolean force = false;
* When verbose is true, the program will display all files and
* directories as they are checked out.
private boolean verbose = false;
* Set recursion to false to check out files in only the given folder and
* not in its subfolders.
private boolean recursion = true;
// These fields deal with includes and excludes
/** All files that fit this pattern are checked out. */
private String includes = DEFAULT_INCLUDESETTING;
/** All files fitting this pattern are ignored. */
private String excludes = DEFAULT_EXCLUDESETTING;
/** The file delimitor on the user's system. */
private String delim = Platform.getFilePathDelim();
* whether to use the Starteam "default folder" when calculating the
* target paths to which files are checked out (false) or if targetFolder
* represents an absolute mapping to folderName.
private boolean targetFolderAbsolute = false;
/** convenient method to check for conditions */
private static void assertTrue(boolean value, String msg) throws BuildException {
if (!value) {
throw new BuildException(msg);
protected void checkParameters() throws BuildException {
// Check all of the properties that are required.
assertTrue(getServerName() != null, "ServerName must be set.");
assertTrue(getServerPort() != -1, "ServerPort must be set.");
assertTrue(getProjectName() != null, "ProjectName must be set.");
assertTrue(getViewName() != null, "ViewName must be set.");
assertTrue(getUsername() != null, "Username must be set.");
assertTrue(getPassword() != null, "Password must be set.");
assertTrue(getTargetFolder() != null, "TargetFolder must be set.");
// Because of the way I create the full target path, there
// must be NO slash at the end of targetFolder and folderName
// However, if the slash or backslash is the only character, leave it alone
if ((getTargetFolder().endsWith("/") ||
&& getTargetFolder().length() > 1) {
setTargetFolder(getTargetFolder().substring(0, getTargetFolder().length() - 1));
// Check to see if the target directory exists. dirExist = new;
if (dirExist.isDirectory() && !getForce()) {
throw new BuildException("Target directory exists. Set \"force\" "
+ "to \"true\" to continue anyway.");
* Do the execution.
* @exception BuildException
public void execute() throws BuildException {
log("DEPRECATED - The starteam task is deprecated. Use stcheckout instead.",
// Connect to the StarTeam server, and log on.
Server s = getServer();
try {
// Search the items on this server.
} finally {
// Disconnect from the server.
// after you are all of the properties are ok, do your thing
// with StarTeam. If there are any kind of exceptions then
// send the message to the project log.
// Tell how many files were checked out.
log(checkedOut + " files checked out.");
* Creates and logs in to a StarTeam server.
* @return A StarTeam server.
protected Server getServer() {
// Simplest constructor, uses default encryption algorithm and compression level.
Server s = new Server(getServerName(), getServerPort());
// Optional; logOn() connects if necessary.
// Logon using specified user name and password.
s.logOn(getUsername(), getPassword());
return s;
* Searches for the specified project on the server.
* @param s A StarTeam server.
protected void runServer(Server s) {
com.starbase.starteam.Project[] projects = s.getProjects();
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
com.starbase.starteam.Project p = projects[i];
if (p.getName().equals(getProjectName())) {
if (getVerbose()) {
log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim);
runProject(s, p);
* Searches for the given view in the project.
* @param s A StarTeam server.
* @param p A valid project on the given server.
protected void runProject(Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p) {
View[] views = p.getViews();
for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) {
View v = views[i];
if (v.getName().equals(getViewName())) {
if (getVerbose()) {
log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim + getViewName() + delim);
runType(s, p, v, s.typeForName(s.getTypeNames().FILE));
* Searches for folders in the given view.
* @param s A StarTeam server.
* @param p A valid project on the server.
* @param v A view name from the specified project.
* @param t An item type which is currently always "file".
protected void runType(Server s, com.starbase.starteam.Project p, View v, Type t) {
// This is ugly; checking for the root folder.
Folder f = v.getRootFolder();
if (getFolderName() != null) {
if (getFolderName().equals("\\") || getFolderName().equals("/")) {
} else {
f = StarTeamFinder.findFolder(v.getRootFolder(), getFolderName());
assertTrue(null != f, "ERROR: " + getProjectName() + delim + getViewName() + delim +
v.getRootFolder() + delim + getFolderName() + delim +
" does not exist.");
if (getVerbose() && getFolderName() != null) {
log("Found " + getProjectName() + delim + getViewName() +
delim + getFolderName() + delim + "\n");
// For performance reasons, it is important to pre-fetch all the
// properties we'll need for all the items we'll be searching.
// We always display the ItemID (OBJECT_ID) and primary descriptor.
int nProperties = 2;
// We'll need this item type's primary descriptor.
Property p1 = getPrimaryDescriptor(t);
// Does this item type have a secondary descriptor?
// If so, we'll need it.
Property p2 = getSecondaryDescriptor(t);
if (p2 != null) {
// Now, build an array of the property names.
String[] strNames = new String[nProperties];
int iProperty = 0;
strNames[iProperty++] = s.getPropertyNames().OBJECT_ID;
strNames[iProperty++] = p1.getName();
if (p2 != null) {
strNames[iProperty++] = p2.getName();
// Pre-fetch the item properties and cache them.
f.populateNow(t.getName(), strNames, -1);
// Now, search for items in the selected folder.
runFolder(s, p, v, t, f, calcTargetFolder(v, f));
// Free up the memory used by the cached items.
f.discardItems(t.getName(), -1);
* Returns a file object that defines the root of the local checkout tree.
* Depending on the value of targetFolderAbsolute, this will be either the
* targetFolder exactly as set by the user or the path formed by appending
* the default folder onto the specified target folder.
* @param v view from which the file is checked out, supplies the "default
* folder"
* @param rootSourceFolder root folder of the checkout operation in Star
* Team
* @return an object referencing the local file
* @see #getTargetFolderAbsolute()
private calcTargetFolder(View v, Folder rootSourceFolder) { root = new;
if (!getTargetFolderAbsolute()) {
// Create a variable dir that contains the name of
// the StarTeam folder that is the root folder in this view.
// Get the default path to the current view.
String defaultPath = v.getDefaultPath();
// convert whatever separator char is in starteam to that of the target system.
defaultPath = defaultPath.replace('/',;
defaultPath = defaultPath.replace('\\',; dir = new;
String dirName = dir.getName();
// If it ends with separator then strip it off
if (dirName.endsWith(delim)) {
dirName = dirName.substring(0, dirName.length() - 1);
// Replace the projectName in the file's absolute path to the viewName.
// This makes the root target of a checkout operation equal to:
// targetFolder + dirName
StringTokenizer pathTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rootSourceFolder.getFolderHierarchy(), delim);
String currentToken = null;
boolean foundRoot = false;
while (pathTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
currentToken = pathTokenizer.nextToken();
if (currentToken.equals(getProjectName()) && !foundRoot) {
currentToken = dirName;
foundRoot = true;// only want to do this the first time
root = new, currentToken);
return root;
* Searches for files in the given folder. This method is recursive and
* thus searches all subfolders.
* @param s A StarTeam server.
* @param p A valid project on the server.
* @param v A view name from the specified project.
* @param t An item type which is currently always "file".
* @param f The folder to search.
* @param tgt Target folder on local machine
protected void runFolder(Server s,
com.starbase.starteam.Project p,
View v,
Type t,
Folder f, tgt) {
// Process all items in this folder.
Item[] items = f.getItems(t.getName());
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
runItem(s, p, v, t, f, items[i], tgt);
// Process all subfolders recursively if recursion is on.
if (getRecursion()) {
Folder[] subfolders = f.getSubFolders();
for (int i = 0; i < subfolders.length; i++) {
runFolder(s, p, v, t, subfolders[i], new, subfolders[i].getName()));
* Check out one file if it matches the include filter but not the exclude
* filter.
* @param s A StarTeam server.
* @param p A valid project on the server.
* @param v A view name from the specified project.
* @param t An item type which is currently always "file".
* @param f The folder the file is localed in.
* @param item The file to check out.
* @param tgt target folder on local machine
protected void runItem(Server s,
com.starbase.starteam.Project p,
View v,
Type t,
Folder f,
Item item, tgt) {
// Get descriptors for this item type.
Property p1 = getPrimaryDescriptor(t);
Property p2 = getSecondaryDescriptor(t);
String pName = (String) item.get(p1.getName());
if (!shouldCheckout(pName)) {
if (getVerbose()) {
// Show folder only if changed.
boolean bShowHeader = (f != prevFolder);
if (bShowHeader) {
// We want to display the folder the same way you would
// enter it on the command line ... so we remove the
// View name (which is also the name of the root folder,
// and therefore shows up at the start of the path).
String strFolder = f.getFolderHierarchy();
int i = strFolder.indexOf(delim);
if (i >= 0) {
strFolder = strFolder.substring(i + 1);
log(" Folder: \"" + strFolder + "\"");
prevFolder = f;
// If we displayed the project, view, item type, or folder,
// then show the list of relevant item properties.
StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer(" Item");
if (p2 != null) {
// Finally, show the Item properties ...
// Always show the ItemID.
StringBuffer itemLine = new StringBuffer(" ");
// Show the primary descriptor.
// There should always be one.
itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p1, item.get(p1.getName())));
// Show the secondary descriptor, if there is one.
// Some item types have one, some don't.
if (p2 != null) {
itemLine.append(",\t").append(formatForDisplay(p2, item.get(p2.getName())));
// Show if the file is locked.
int locker = item.getLocker();
if (locker > -1) {
itemLine.append(",\tLocked by ").append(locker);
} else {
itemLine.append(",\tNot locked");
// Check it out; also ugly.
// Change the item to be checked out to a StarTeam File.
com.starbase.starteam.File remote = (com.starbase.starteam.File) item;
// The local file name is simply the local target path (tgt) which has
// been passed recursively down from the top of the tree, with the item's name appended. local = new, (String) item.get(p1.getName()));
try {
remote.checkoutTo(local, Item.LockType.UNCHANGED, false, true, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BuildException("Failed to checkout '" + local + "'", e);
* Look if the file should be checked out. Don't check it out if It fits
* no include filters and It fits an exclude filter.
* @param pName the item name to look for being included.
* @return whether the file should be checked out or not.
protected boolean shouldCheckout(String pName) {
boolean includeIt = matchPatterns(getIncludes(), pName);
boolean excludeIt = matchPatterns(getExcludes(), pName);
return (includeIt && !excludeIt);
* Convenient method to see if a string match a one pattern in given set
* of space-separated patterns.
* @param patterns the space-separated list of patterns.
* @param pName the name to look for matching.
* @return whether the name match at least one pattern.
protected boolean matchPatterns(String patterns, String pName) {
if (patterns == null) {
return false;
StringTokenizer exStr = new StringTokenizer(patterns, " ");
while (exStr.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (DirectoryScanner.match(exStr.nextToken(), pName)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the primary descriptor of the given item type. Returns null if
* there isn't one. In practice, all item types have a primary descriptor.
* @param t An item type. At this point it will always be "file".
* @return The specified item's primary descriptor.
protected Property getPrimaryDescriptor(Type t) {
Property[] properties = t.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
Property p = properties[i];
if (p.isPrimaryDescriptor()) {
return p;
return null;
* Get the secondary descriptor of the given item type. Returns null if
* there isn't one.
* @param t An item type. At this point it will always be "file".
* @return The specified item's secondary descriptor. There may not be one
* for every file.
protected Property getSecondaryDescriptor(Type t) {
Property[] properties = t.getProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
Property p = properties[i];
if (p.isDescriptor() && !p.isPrimaryDescriptor()) {
return p;
return null;
* Formats a property value for display to the user.
* @param p An item property to format.
* @param value
* @return A string containing the property, which is truncated to 35
* characters for display.
protected String formatForDisplay(Property p, Object value) {
if (p.getTypeCode() == Property.Types.TEXT) {
String str = value.toString();
if (str.length() > 35) {
str = str.substring(0, 32) + "...";
return "\"" + str + "\"";
} else {
if (p.getTypeCode() == Property.Types.ENUMERATED) {
return "\"" + p.getEnumDisplayName(((Integer) value).intValue()) + "\"";
} else {
return value.toString();
// Begin SET and GET methods
* Sets the <CODE>serverName</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param serverName The name of the server you wish to connect to.
* @see #getServerName()
public void setServerName(String serverName) {
this.serverName = serverName;
* Gets the <CODE>serverName</CODE> attribute.
* @return The StarTeam server to log in to.
* @see #setServerName(String serverName)
public String getServerName() {
return serverName;
* Sets the <CODE>serverPort</CODE> attribute to the given value. The
* given value must be a valid integer, but it must be a string object.
* @param serverPort A string containing the port on the StarTeam server
* to use.
* @see #getServerPort()
public void setServerPort(int serverPort) {
this.serverPort = serverPort;
* Gets the <CODE>serverPort</CODE> attribute.
* @return A string containing the port on the StarTeam server to use.
* @see #setServerPort(int)
public int getServerPort() {
return serverPort;
* Sets the <CODE>projectName</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param projectName The StarTeam project to search.
* @see #getProjectName()
public void setProjectName(String projectName) {
this.projectName = projectName;
* Gets the <CODE>projectName</CODE> attribute.
* @return The StarTeam project to search.
* @see #setProjectName(String projectName)
public String getProjectName() {
return projectName;
* Sets the <CODE>viewName</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param viewName The view to find the specified folder in.
* @see #getViewName()
public void setViewName(String viewName) {
this.viewName = viewName;
* Gets the <CODE>viewName</CODE> attribute.
* @return The view to find the specified folder in.
* @see #setViewName(String viewName)
public String getViewName() {
return viewName;
* Sets the <CODE>folderName</CODE> attribute to the given value. To
* search the root folder, use a slash or backslash, or simply don't set a
* folder at all.
* @param folderName The subfolder from which to check out files.
* @see #getFolderName()
public void setFolderName(String folderName) {
this.folderName = folderName;
* Gets the <CODE>folderName</CODE> attribute.
* @return The subfolder from which to check out files. All subfolders
* will be searched, as well.
* @see #setFolderName(String folderName)
public String getFolderName() {
return folderName;
* Sets the <CODE>username</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param username Your username for the specified StarTeam server.
* @see #getUsername()
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
* Gets the <CODE>username</CODE> attribute.
* @return The username given by the user.
* @see #setUsername(String username)
public String getUsername() {
return username;
* Sets the <CODE>password</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param password Your password for the specified StarTeam server.
* @see #getPassword()
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
* Gets the <CODE>password</CODE> attribute.
* @return The password given by the user.
* @see #setPassword(String password)
public String getPassword() {
return password;
* Sets the <CODE>targetFolder</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param target The target path on the local machine to check out to.
* @see #getTargetFolder()
public void setTargetFolder(String targetFolder) {
this.targetFolder = targetFolder;
* Gets the <CODE>targetFolder</CODE> attribute.
* @return The target path on the local machine to check out to.
* @see #setTargetFolder(String targetFolder)
public String getTargetFolder() {
return targetFolder;
* Sets the <CODE>force</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param force if true, it overwrites files in the target directory. By
* default it set to false as a safeguard. Note that if the target
* directory does not exist, this setting has no effect.
* @see #getForce()
public void setForce(boolean force) {
this.force = force;
* Gets the <CODE>force</CODE> attribute.
* @return whether to continue if the target directory exists.
* @see #setForce(boolean)
public boolean getForce() {
return force;
* Turns recursion on or off.
* @param recursion if it is true, the default, subfolders are searched
* recursively for files to check out. Otherwise, only files
* specified by <CODE>folderName</CODE> are scanned.
* @see #getRecursion()
public void setRecursion(boolean recursion) {
this.recursion = recursion;
* Gets the <CODE>recursion</CODE> attribute, which tells
* AntStarTeamCheckOut whether to search subfolders when checking out
* files.
* @return whether to search subfolders when checking out files.
* @see #setRecursion(boolean)
public boolean getRecursion() {
return recursion;
* Sets the <CODE>verbose</CODE> attribute to the given value.
* @param verbose whether to display all files as it checks them out. By
* default it is false, so the program only displays the total number
* of files unless you override this default.
* @see #getVerbose()
public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
this.verbose = verbose;
* Gets the <CODE>verbose</CODE> attribute.
* @return whether to display all files as it checks them out.
* @see #setVerbose(boolean verbose)
public boolean getVerbose() {
return verbose;
// Begin filter getters and setters
* Sets the include filter. When filtering files, AntStarTeamCheckOut uses
* an unmodified version of <CODE>DirectoryScanner</CODE>'s <CODE>match</CODE>
* method, so here are the patterns straight from the Ant source code:
* <BR>
* <BR>
* Matches a string against a pattern. The pattern contains two special
* characters: <BR>
* '*' which means zero or more characters, <BR>
* '?' which means one and only one character. <BR>
* <BR>
* Separate multiple inlcude filters by <I>spaces</I> , not commas as Ant
* uses. For example, if you want to check out all .java and .class\
* files, you would put the following line in your program: <CODE>setIncludes("*.java *.class");</CODE>
* Finally, note that filters have no effect on the <B>directories</B>
* that are scanned; you could not check out files from directories with
* names beginning only with "build," for instance. Of course, you could
* limit AntStarTeamCheckOut to a particular folder and its subfolders
* with the <CODE>setFolderName(String folderName)</CODE> command. <BR>
* <BR>
* Treatment of overlapping inlcudes and excludes: To give a simplistic
* example suppose that you set your include filter to "*.htm *.html" and
* your exclude filter to "index.*". What happens to index.html?
* AntStarTeamCheckOut will not check out index.html, as it matches an
* exclude filter ("index.*"), even though it matches the include filter,
* as well. <BR>
* <BR>
* Please also read the following sections before using filters:
* @param includes A string of filter patterns to include. Separate the
* patterns by spaces.
* @see #getIncludes()
* @see #setExcludes(String excludes)
* @see #getExcludes()
public void setIncludes(String includes) {
this.includes = includes;
* Gets the patterns from the include filter. Rather that duplicate the
* details of AntStarTeanCheckOut's filtering here, refer to these links:
* @return A string of filter patterns separated by spaces.
* @see #setIncludes(String includes)
* @see #setExcludes(String excludes)
* @see #getExcludes()
public String getIncludes() {
return includes;
* Sets the exclude filter. When filtering files, AntStarTeamCheckOut uses
* an unmodified version of <CODE>DirectoryScanner</CODE>'s <CODE>match</CODE>
* method, so here are the patterns straight from the Ant source code:
* <BR>
* <BR>
* Matches a string against a pattern. The pattern contains two special
* characters: <BR>
* '*' which means zero or more characters, <BR>
* '?' which means one and only one character. <BR>
* <BR>
* Separate multiple exlcude filters by <I>spaces</I> , not commas as Ant
* uses. For example, if you want to check out all files except .XML and
* .HTML files, you would put the following line in your program: <CODE>setExcludes("*.XML *.HTML");</CODE>
* Finally, note that filters have no effect on the <B>directories</B>
* that are scanned; you could not skip over all files in directories
* whose names begin with "project," for instance. <BR>
* <BR>
* Treatment of overlapping inlcudes and excludes: To give a simplistic
* example suppose that you set your include filter to "*.htm *.html" and
* your exclude filter to "index.*". What happens to index.html?
* AntStarTeamCheckOut will not check out index.html, as it matches an
* exclude filter ("index.*"), even though it matches the include filter,
* as well. <BR>
* <BR>
* Please also read the following sections before using filters:
* @param excludes A string of filter patterns to exclude. Separate the
* patterns by spaces.
* @see #setIncludes(String includes)
* @see #getIncludes()
* @see #getExcludes()
public void setExcludes(String excludes) {
this.excludes = excludes;
* Gets the patterns from the exclude filter. Rather that duplicate the
* details of AntStarTeanCheckOut's filtering here, refer to these links:
* @return A string of filter patterns separated by spaces.
* @see #setExcludes(String excludes)
* @see #setIncludes(String includes)
* @see #getIncludes()
public String getExcludes() {
return excludes;
* returns whether the StarTeam default path is factored into calculated
* target path locations (false) or whether targetFolder is an absolute
* mapping to the root folder named by folderName
* @return returns true if absolute mapping is used, false if it is not
* used.
* @see #setTargetFolderAbsolute(boolean)
public boolean getTargetFolderAbsolute() {
return this.targetFolderAbsolute;
* sets the property that indicates whether or not the Star Team "default
* folder" is to be used when calculation paths for items on the target
* (false) or if targetFolder is an absolute mapping to the root folder
* named by foldername.
* @param targetFolderAbsolute <tt>true</tt> if the absolute mapping is to
* be used. <tt>false</tt> (the default) if the "default folder" is
* to be factored in.
* @see #getTargetFolderAbsolute()
public void setTargetFolderAbsolute(boolean targetFolderAbsolute) {
this.targetFolderAbsolute = targetFolderAbsolute;