blob: 22fb475b343bcbcead35a130221b264ecebc618d [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="cleanup" basedir=".">
<property name="mappermillis" value="1072224000000" />
<selector id="map.selector">
<date millis="${mappermillis}" />
<target name="cleanup">
<fileset dir="." includes="touchtest*" />
<target name="noSeconds">
<touch file="touchtest" datetime="06/24/2003 2:20 pm"/>
<target name="seconds">
<touch file="touchtest" datetime="06/24/2003 2:20:12 pm"/>
<target name="testNow">
<touch file="touchtest" />
<target name="testMillis">
<!-- this one is about 21 years after the epoch -->
<!-- less than 20 years after the epoch, test does not pass on my Win2K/FAT -->
<!-- Antoine February 8, 2004 -->
<!-- see -->
<!-- and -->
<!-- not sure why -->
<touch file="touchtest" millis="662256000000" />
<target name="test2000">
<!-- this number of milliseconds is 30 * 365 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 -->
<!-- so the corresponding time is at the end of 1999 -->
<touch file="touchtest" millis="946080000000" />
<target name="testFilelist">
<touch millis="662256000000" >
<filelist dir="." files="touchtest"/>
<target name="testFileset" depends="testNow">
<touch millis="946080000000" >
<fileset dir="." includes="touchtest"/>
<target name="testResourceCollection">
<touch millis="1662256000000">
<file file="touchtest"/>
<target name="testMappedFileset">
<touch file="touchtest" millis="${mappermillis}" />
<fileset file="touchtest" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*foo" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*bar" />
<fileset id="touchtest" file="touchtest">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<fileset id="touchtestfoo" file="touchtestfoo">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<fileset id="touchtestbar" file="touchtestbar">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<pathconvert property="touchtest" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtest" setonempty="false" />
<pathconvert property="touchtestfoo" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtestfoo" setonempty="false" />
<pathconvert property="touchtestbar" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtestbar" setonempty="false" />
<isset property="touchtest" />
<isset property="touchtestfoo" />
<isset property="touchtestbar" />
<target name="testExplicitMappedFileset">
<touch file="touchtest" millis="${mappermillis}" />
<fileset file="touchtest" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*foo" />
<globmapper from="*" to="*bar" />
<fileset id="touchtest" file="touchtest">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<fileset id="touchtestfoo" file="touchtestfoo">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<fileset id="touchtestbar" file="touchtestbar">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<pathconvert property="touchtest" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtest" setonempty="false" />
<pathconvert property="touchtestfoo" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtestfoo" setonempty="false" />
<pathconvert property="touchtestbar" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtestbar" setonempty="false" />
<isset property="touchtest" />
<isset property="touchtestfoo" />
<isset property="touchtestbar" />
<target name="testMappedFilelist">
<touch millis="${mappermillis}">
<filelist dir="." files="idonotexist" />
<mergemapper to="touchtest" />
<fileset id="touchtest" file="touchtest">
<selector refid="map.selector" />
<pathconvert property="touchtest" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtest" setonempty="false" />
<isset property="touchtest" />
<target name="testGoodPattern">
<touch file="touchtest" datetime="06242003142012GMTfoo" pattern="MMddyyyyHHmmssz'foo'" />
<fileset id="touchtest" file="touchtest">
<date millis="1056464412000" />
<pathconvert property="touchtest" pathsep=" "
refid="touchtest" setonempty="false" />
<isset property="touchtest" />
<target name="testBadPattern">
<touch file="touchtest" datetime="06242003142012GMTfoo" pattern="MMddyyyyHHmmssz'bar'" />