blob: 6a268f0afdd0d0b98e25b440fb798c97161be3e5 [file] [log] [blame]
Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds.
This is an extension
of ant for bulk project execution.
<strong>This task must no be used outside of a
<code>target</code> if it invokes the same build file it is
part of.</strong>
<subsection name="Use with directories">
subant can be used with directory sets to execute a build from different directories.
2 different options are offered :
to run the same build file <code>/somepath/otherpath/mybuild.xml</code>
with different base directories, use the genericantfile attribute
<li>if you want to run <code>directory1/mybuild.xml</code>, <code>directory2/mybuild.xml</code>, <code>....</code>,
use the antfile attribute. The subant task does not set the base directory for you in this case, because you can specify it in each build file.
<section anchor="examples" name="Examples">
&lt;project name="subant" default="subant1"&gt;
&lt;property name="build.dir" value=""/&gt;
&lt;target name="subant1"&gt;
&lt;subant target=""&gt;
&lt;property name="build.dir" value=""/&gt;
&lt;property name="not.overloaded" value="not.overloaded"/&gt;
&lt;fileset dir="." includes="*/build.xml"/&gt;
this snippet build file will run ant in each subdirectory of the project directory,
where a file called build.xml can be found.
The property build.dir will have the value in the ant projects called by subant.
&lt;subant target=""&gt;
&lt;propertyref prefix="toplevel"/&gt;
&lt;mapper type="glob" from="foo*" to="bar*"/&gt;
&lt;fileset dir="." includes="*/build.xml"/&gt;
this snippet build file will run ant in each subdirectory of the project directory,
where a file called build.xml can be found.
All properties whose name starts with &quot;foo&quot; are passed, their names are changed to start with &quot;bar&quot; instead
&lt;subant target="compile" genericantfile="/opt/project/build1.xml"&gt;
&lt;dirset dir="." includes="projects*"/&gt;
assuming the subdirs of the project dir are called projects1, projects2, projects3
this snippet will execute the compile target of /opt/project/build1.xml,
setting the basedir to projects1, projects2, projects3