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<a href="../../projects/antidote/index.html">About Antidote</a>
<span class="sel">Design Overview</span>
<a href="../../projects/antidote/module.html">Module HOW-TO</a>
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<h1 class="title">Design Overview</h1>
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Introduction"></a>
<p>The purpose of this document is to communicate the overall
structure and design patters used in Antidote, the GUI for
Ant. This document is a work in progress, as well as a living
document, and it is most likely not be in full synchronization with
the source code. Therefore, if there is any doubt, view the source
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Overview"></a>
<p>The Antidote architecture design aims to provide a high level
of modularity and extensibility. Ideally the components of
Antidote will be able to be assembled in different configurations
to provide the type of application or plug-in desired.
<p>To achieve this modularity, a high level of decoupling is
necessary. The standard UI design approach of providing separation
of view (presentation) from model (data) is applied, leveraging
the built-in Ant data model where possible, as well as the
predefined Swing model interfaces. Furthermore, the architecture
is highly event driven, whereby modules communicate via a shared
communications channel.
<p>To a large extent, the configuration of application modules is
driven by localized configuration files, allowing new modules or
data views to be added, as well as providing multi-language
<p>The diagram below conveys a high altitude view of the
application's structure. As the application grows, new components
will be plugged in to what will be described as the <code>EventBus</code>
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Antidote Component Architecture/Event Bus"></a>
Antidote Component Architecture/Event Bus
<pre class="code">
+---------------+ +----------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| | | | | | | |
| ActionManager | | EventResponder | | AntModule | | AntModule |
| | | | |(ProjectNav) | |(SourceEdit) |
+---------------+ +----------------+ +-------------+ +-------------+
| ^ ^ ^
| | | |
ActionEvent EventObject AntEvent AntEvent
| | | |
v v v v
/ \
&lt; EventBus &gt;
\ /
| ^ ^ ^
| | | |
EventObject ChangeEvent BuildEvent EventObject
| | | |
v | | v
+---------------+ +----------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+
| | | | | | | |
| Console | | ProjectProxy | | Ant | | (Your Module)|
| | | | | | | |
+---------------+ +----------------+ +-------------+ +--------------+
<p>The backbone of the application is the <TT>EventBus</TT>. Any
component of the application can post events to the
<code>EventBus</code>. Components that wish to receive events are
called <code>BusMember</code>s.
<p>The <code>EventBus</code> will dispatch any object of type
<code>java.util.Event</code>, which means that Ant <code>BuildEvent</code>
objects, as well as <code>AWTEvent</code> objects can be posted (if desired). A
new class of events called <code>AntEvent</code> is defined for Antidote
specific events, which have the additional capability of being
canceled mid-dispatch.
<p>Each <code>BusMember</code> must provide a <code>BusFilter</code> instance,
which is the members' means of telling the bus which
events it is interested in. This allows a <code>BusMember</code> to,
say, only receive <code>AntEvent</code> objects.
<p>When a <code>BusMember</code> registers itself with the
<code>EventBus</code>, it must provide a (so called) <i>interrupt
level</i> which is a integer value defining a relative ordering
for dispatching <code>EventObject</code>s to <code>BusMember</code>s. The
purpose of this is to allow certain <code>BusMember</code> instances
to see an event before others, and in the case of <code>AntEvent</code>
objects, keep the event from propagating onward. The
<code>EventBus</code> class defines the interrupt level constants
<code>VETOING=1</code>, <code>MONITORING=5</code>, and <code>RESPONDING=10</code> to
help define categories of members. The implied purpose being that:
<li><code>VETOING</code>: Listens for certain types of events, and
may process them in a non-default manner to determine if the
event should be canceled before being dispatched to the
<code>RESPONDING</code> group.
<li><code>MONITORING</code>: Just listens for events, like a logger
or status monitor.
<li><code>RESPONDING</code>: Process events in a default manner,
knowing that the event has passed any <code>VETOING</code> members.
<p>Within a specific interrupt level, the order in which members will
receive events is undefined. A <code>BusMember</code> may be registered
at a level that is +/- of one of the defined levels, as long as it
follows the constraint <code>MONITORING &lt;= interruptLevel &lt;=
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Actions and ActionManager"></a>
Actions and ActionManager
<p>Extensive use of the <code>javax.swing.Action</code> interface is
made for defining the set of menu and tool bar options that are
available. The configuration file <code></code>
exists to define what should appear in the menu and toolbar, how
it is displayed, and the <code>Action</code> command name that is
dispatched when the user invokes that action. A class called
<code>ActionManager</code> exists for not only processing the
configuration file, but also for dispatching invoked action events
to the <code>EventBus</code>, and for controlling the enabled state of
an <code>Action</code>. When a new menu item or toolbar button is
desired, first it is added to the <code></code> file,
and then the code to respond to it is added to the
<code>EventResponder</code> (see below).
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Commands and EventResponder"></a>
Commands and EventResponder
<p>At some point in the stages of event processing, an event may
require the data model to be modified, or some other task be
performed. The <code>Command</code> interface is defined to classify
code which performs some task or operation. This is distinct from
an <code>Action</code>, which is a user request for an operation. A
<code>Command</code> class is the encapsulation of the operation
<p>When an <code>Action</code> generates an <code>ActionEvent</code>, the
event is posted to the <code>EventBus</code> which delivers the event
to all interested <code>BusMember</code>s. It eventually makes it to
the <code>EventResponder</code> instance (registered at the
<code>RESPONDING</code> interrupt level), which is responsible for
translating specific events into <code>Command</code> objects, and
then executing the <code>Command</code> object. For example, when the
user selects the "Open..." menu option, an <code>ActionEvent</code> is
generated by the Swing <code>MenuItem</code> class, which is then
posted to the <code>EventBus</code> by the <code>ActionManager</code>. The
<code>ActionEvent</code> is delivered to the <code>EventResponder</code>,
which converts the <code>ActionEvent</code> into a <code>Command</code>
instance. The <code>EventResponder</code> then calls the method
<code>Command.execute()</code> to invoke the command (which displays a
dialog for selecting a file to open).
<p>When adding new <code>Action</code>s or general tasks to the
application, a <code>Command</code> object should be created to
encapsulate the behavior. This includes most operations which
modify the state of the data model.
<p>The purpose of this encapsulation is to allow the clean
separation of making a request, and servicing a request. Due to
various conditions in the application state, the actually response
to a request may change, as well as who services it. This
design approach facilitates that.
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Data Model and Views"></a>
Data Model and Views
<p><i>NB: This part of the architecture is not fleshed out very well. There
needs to be a discussion of the degree to which the Antidote development
should be able to impose changes on the Ant data model, and to what level
that model should be mirrored in the Antidote code base. The coupling
between them should be kept low, and at the same time changes to one should
affect the other minimally. Still, features like property change events and
bean introspection (or BeanInfo) may be needed to be added to the Ant data
model. Right now the data model is encapsulated in the package
<code></code> (where "<code>acs</code>" stands for "Ant Construction Set").</i>
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Application Context"></a>
Application Context
<p>In order to keep the coupling among application modules to a
minimum, a single point of reference is needed for coordination
and data sharing. The class <code>AppContext</code> is the catch-all
class for containing the application state. Most modules and
<code>Command</code> classes require an instance of the
<code>AppContext</code> class. Because all state information in
contained in an <code>AppContext</code> instance, multiple instances
of Antidote can run inside the same JVM as long as each has it's
own <code>AppContext</code>. (Interestingly, two instances of the
Antidote could conceivably share an <code>AppContext</code> instance
through RMI, allowing remote interaction/collaboration.)
<h3 class="section">
<a name="Configuration and ResourceManager"></a>
Configuration and ResourceManager
<p>Full "i18n" support should be assumed in modern applications,
and all user viewable strings should be defined in a configuration
file. For Antidote this configuration file is
<code></code>, which is located (with other UI
resources) in the sub-package "resources".
<p>To aid in the lookup of text properties, as well as other
resources like icons, a class called <code>ResourceManager</code> is
defined. There are various convenience methods attached to this
class, which will likely grow to make looking up configuration
values as easy as possible.
<p>The organization of configuration properties is based on the
fully qualified path of the class that requires the property. For
example, the "about" box contains a messages, so it looks for the
property "<code></code>" for the text
message it should display. Therefore, the <code>ResourceManager</code>
method <code>getString()</code> takes a <code>Class</code> instance as
well as a <code>String</code> key. Please see the
<code>ResourceManager</code> documentation for more information. Given
this support, no user visible strings should appear in the source
code itself.
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