blob: c0fa135659777768b76e80a22cbdf4e7db4be6d4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* Task to provide functional testing under Ant, with a fairly complex worflow of:
* <ul>
* <li>Conditional execution</li>
* <li>Application to start</li>
* <li>A probe to "waitfor" before running tests</li>
* <li>A tests sequence</li>
* <li>A reporting sequence that runs after the tests have finished</li>
* <li>A "teardown" clause that runs after the rest.</li>
* <li>Automated termination of the program it executes, if a timeout is not met</li>
* <li>Checking of a failure property and automatic raising of a fault
* (with the text in failureText)
* if test shutdown and reporting succeeded</li>
* </ul>
* The task is designed to be framework neutral; it will work with JUnit,
* TestNG and other test frameworks That can be
* executed from Ant. It bears a resemblance to the FunctionalTest task from
* SmartFrog, as the attribute names were
* chosen to make migration easier. However, this task benefits from the
* ability to tweak Ant's internals, and so
* simplify the workflow, and from the experience of using the SmartFrog task.
* No code has been shared.
* @since Ant 1.8
public class Funtest extends Task {
* A condition that must be true before the tests are run. This makes it
* easier to define complex tests that only
* run if certain conditions are met, such as OS or network state.
private Condition condition;
* Used internally to set the workflow up
private Parallel timedTests;
* Setup runs if the condition is met. Once setup is complete, teardown
* will be run when the task finishes
private Sequential setup;
* The application to run
private Sequential application;
* A block that halts the tests until met.
private BlockFor block;
* Tests to run
private Sequential tests;
* Reporting only runs if the tests were executed. If the block stopped
* them, reporting is skipped.
private Sequential reporting;
* Any teardown operations.
private Sequential teardown;
* time for the tests to time out
private long timeout;
private long timeoutUnitMultiplier = WaitFor.ONE_MILLISECOND;
* time for the execution to time out.
private long shutdownTime = 10 * WaitFor.ONE_SECOND;
private long shutdownUnitMultiplier = WaitFor.ONE_MILLISECOND;
* Name of a property to look for
private String failureProperty;
* Message to send when tests failed
private String failureMessage = "Tests failed";
* Flag to set to true if you don't care about any shutdown errors.
* <p/>
* In that situation, errors raised during teardown are logged but not
* turned into BuildFault events. Similar to catching and ignoring
* <code>finally {}</code> clauses in Java/
private boolean failOnTeardownErrors = true;
* What was thrown in the test run (including reporting)
private BuildException testException;
* What got thrown during teardown
private BuildException teardownException;
* Did the application throw an exception
private BuildException applicationException;
* Did the task throw an exception
private BuildException taskException;
/** {@value} */
public static final String WARN_OVERRIDING = "Overriding previous definition of ";
/** {@value} */
public static final String APPLICATION_FORCIBLY_SHUT_DOWN = "Application forcibly shut down";
/** {@value} */
public static final String SHUTDOWN_INTERRUPTED = "Shutdown interrupted";
/** {@value} */
public static final String SKIPPING_TESTS
= "Condition failed -skipping tests";
/** Application exception */
public static final String APPLICATION_EXCEPTION = "Application Exception";
/** Teardown exception */
public static final String TEARDOWN_EXCEPTION = "Teardown Exception";
* Log if the definition is overriding something
* @param name what is being defined
* @param definition what should be null if you don't want a warning
private void logOverride(String name, Object definition) {
if (definition != null) {
log(WARN_OVERRIDING + '<' + name + '>', Project.MSG_WARN);
* Add a condition.
* @param newCondition the condition to add.
public void addCondition(Condition newCondition) {
logOverride("condition", condition);
condition = newCondition;
* Add an application.
* @param sequence the application to add.
public void addApplication(Sequential sequence) {
logOverride("application", application);
application = sequence;
* Add a setup sequence.
* @param sequence the setup sequence to add.
public void addSetup(Sequential sequence) {
logOverride("setup", setup);
setup = sequence;
* Add a block.
* @param sequence the block for to add.
public void addBlock(BlockFor sequence) {
logOverride("block", block);
block = sequence;
* add tests.
* @param sequence a sequence to add.
public void addTests(Sequential sequence) {
logOverride("tests", tests);
tests = sequence;
* set reporting sequence of tasks.
* @param sequence a reporting sequence to use.
public void addReporting(Sequential sequence) {
logOverride("reporting", reporting);
reporting = sequence;
* set teardown sequence of tasks.
* @param sequence a teardown sequence to use.
public void addTeardown(Sequential sequence) {
logOverride("teardown", teardown);
teardown = sequence;
* Set the failOnTeardownErrors attribute.
* @param failOnTeardownErrors the value to use.
public void setFailOnTeardownErrors(boolean failOnTeardownErrors) {
this.failOnTeardownErrors = failOnTeardownErrors;
* Set the failureMessage attribute.
* @param failureMessage the value to use.
public void setFailureMessage(String failureMessage) {
this.failureMessage = failureMessage;
* Set the failureProperty attribute.
* @param failureProperty the value to use.
public void setFailureProperty(String failureProperty) {
this.failureProperty = failureProperty;
* Set the shutdownTime attribute.
* @param shutdownTime the value to use.
public void setShutdownTime(long shutdownTime) {
this.shutdownTime = shutdownTime;
* Set the timeout attribute.
* @param timeout the value to use.
public void setTimeout(long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
* Set the timeoutunit attribute.
* @param unit the value to use.
public void setTimeoutUnit(WaitFor.Unit unit) {
timeoutUnitMultiplier = unit.getMultiplier();
* Set the shutdownunit attribute.
* @param unit the value to use.
public void setShutdownUnit(WaitFor.Unit unit) {
shutdownUnitMultiplier = unit.getMultiplier();
* Get the application exception.
* @return the application exception.
public BuildException getApplicationException() {
return applicationException;
* Get the teardown exception.
* @return the teardown exception.
public BuildException getTeardownException() {
return teardownException;
* Get the test exception.
* @return the test exception.
public BuildException getTestException() {
return testException;
* Get the task exception.
* @return the task exception.
public BuildException getTaskException() {
return taskException;
* Bind and initialise a task
* @param task task to bind
private void bind(Task task) {
* Create a newly bound parallel instance
* @param parallelTimeout timeout
* @return a bound and initialised parallel instance.
private Parallel newParallel(long parallelTimeout) {
Parallel par = new Parallel();
return par;
* Create a newly bound parallel instance with one child
* @param parallelTimeout timeout
* @param child task
* @return a bound and initialised parallel instance.
private Parallel newParallel(long parallelTimeout, Task child) {
Parallel par = newParallel(parallelTimeout);
return par;
* Run the functional test sequence.
* <p/>
* This is a fairly complex workflow -what is going on is that we try to clean up
* no matter how the run ended, and to retain the innermost exception that got thrown
* during cleanup. That is, if teardown fails after the tests themselves failed, it is the
* test failing that is more important.
* @throws BuildException if something was caught during the run or teardown.
public void execute() throws BuildException {
//before anything else, check the condition
//and bail out if it is defined but not true
if (condition != null && !condition.eval()) {
//we are skipping the test
long timeoutMillis = timeout * timeoutUnitMultiplier;
//set up the application to run in a separate thread
Parallel applicationRun = newParallel(timeoutMillis);
//with a worker which we can use to manage it
WorkerAnt worker = new WorkerAnt(applicationRun, null);
if (application != null) {
//The test run consists of the block followed by the tests.
long testRunTimeout = 0;
Sequential testRun = new Sequential();
if (block != null) {
//waitfor is not a task, it needs to be adapted
testRun.addTask(new TaskAdapter(block));
//add the block time to the total test run timeout
testRunTimeout = block.calculateMaxWaitMillis();
//add the tests and more delay
if (tests != null) {
testRunTimeout += timeoutMillis;
//add the reporting and more delay
if (reporting != null) {
testRunTimeout += timeoutMillis;
//wrap this in a parallel purely to set up timeouts for the
//test run
timedTests = newParallel(testRunTimeout, testRun);
try {
//run any setup task
if (setup != null) {
Parallel setupRun = newParallel(timeoutMillis, setup);
//start the worker thread and leave it running
//start the probe+test sequence
} catch (BuildException e) {
//Record the exception and continue
testException = e;
} finally {
//teardown always runs; its faults are filed away
if (teardown != null) {
try {
Parallel teardownRun = newParallel(timeoutMillis, teardown);
} catch (BuildException e) {
teardownException = e;
//we get here whether or not the tests/teardown have thrown a BuildException.
//do a forced shutdown of the running application, before processing the faults
try {
//wait for the worker to have finished
long shutdownTimeMillis = shutdownTime * shutdownUnitMultiplier;
if (worker.isAlive()) {
//then, if it is still running, interrupt it a second time.
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//success, something interrupted the shutdown. There may be a leaked
applicationException = worker.getBuildException();
//Now faults are analysed
* Now faults are analysed.
* <p> The priority is
* <ol>
* <li>testexceptions, except those indicating a build timeout when the application itself
(because often it is the application fault that is more interesting than the probe
failure, which is usually triggered by the application not starting
Application exceptions (above test timeout exceptions)
Teardown exceptions -except when they are being ignored
Test failures as indicated by the failure property
protected void processExceptions() {
taskException = testException;
//look for an application fault
if (applicationException != null) {
if (taskException == null || taskException instanceof BuildTimeoutException) {
taskException = applicationException;
} else {
ignoringThrowable(APPLICATION_EXCEPTION, applicationException);
//now look for teardown faults, which may be ignored
if (teardownException != null) {
if (taskException == null && failOnTeardownErrors) {
taskException = teardownException;
} else {
//don't let the cleanup exception get in the way of any other failure
ignoringThrowable(TEARDOWN_EXCEPTION, teardownException);
//now, analyse the tests
if (failureProperty != null
&& getProject().getProperty(failureProperty) != null) {
//we've failed
if (taskException == null) {
taskException = new BuildException(failureMessage);
//at this point taskException is null or not.
//if not, throw the exception
if (taskException != null) {
throw taskException;
* log that we are ignoring something rather than rethrowing it.
* @param type name of exception
* @param thrown what was thrown
protected void ignoringThrowable(String type, Throwable thrown) {
log(type + ": " + thrown.toString(),