blob: cc6a49d02d02953b4102f7188b7e8333f0c40e7c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
* build notes
* -The reference CD to listen to while editing this file is
* nap: Underworld - Everything, Everything
import java.util.Vector;
* Assembles .NET Intermediate Language files.
* ilasm.exe must be on the execute path, unless another executable
* or the full path to that executable is specified in the <tt>executable</tt>
* parameter
* <p>
* <p>
* All parameters are optional: &lt;il/&gt; should suffice to produce a debug
* build of all *.il files. The option set is roughly compatible with the
* CSharp class; even though the command line options are only vaguely
* equivalent. [The low level commands take things like /OUT=file, csc wants
* /out:file ... /verbose is used some places; /quiet here in ildasm... etc.]
* It would be nice if someone made all the command line tools consistent (and
* not as brittle as the java cmdline tools) <p>
* <p>
* The task is a directory based task, so attributes like <b>includes="*.il"
* </b> and <b>excludes=""</b> can be used to control the files pulled
* in. You can also use nested &lt;src&gt filesets to refer to source.
* <p>
* @ant.task name="ilasm" category="dotnet"
public class Ilasm
extends DotnetBaseMatchingTask {
// CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier OFF - bc
// CheckStyle:ConstantNameCheck OFF - bc
* Name of the executable. The .exe suffix is deliberately not included in
* anticipation of the unix version
protected static final String exe_name = "ilasm";
* what is the file extension we search on?
protected static final String file_ext = "il";
* and now derive the search pattern from the extension
protected static final String file_pattern = "**/*." + file_ext;
* title of task for external presentation
protected static final String exe_title = "ilasm";
* type of target. Should be one of exe|library|module|winexe|(null)
* default is exe; the actual value (if not null) is fed to the command
* line. <br>
* See /target
protected String targetType;
* verbose flag
protected boolean verbose;
* listing flag
protected boolean listing;
* resource file (.res format) to include in the app.
protected File resourceFile;
* flag to control action on execution trouble
protected boolean failOnError;
* debug flag. Controls generation of debug information.
protected boolean debug;
* file containing private key
private File keyfile;
* any extra command options?
protected String extraOptions;
* filesets of references
protected Vector referenceFilesets = new Vector();
// CheckStyle:ConstantNameCheck ON
// CheckStyle:VisibilityModifier ON
* @since Ant 1.7
private boolean isMono = !Os.isFamily("windows");
* constructor inits everything and set up the search pattern
public Ilasm() {
// CheckStyle:MethodNameCheck OFF - bc
* reset all contents.
public void Clear() {
targetType = null;
srcDir = null;
listing = false;
verbose = false;
debug = true;
outputFile = null;
failOnError = true;
resourceFile = null;
extraOptions = null;
// CheckStyle:MethodNameCheck ON
* Sets the type of target, either "exe" or "library".
*@param targetType one of exe|library|
*@exception BuildException if target is not one of
* exe|library
public void setTargetType(String targetType)
throws BuildException {
this.targetType = targetType.toLowerCase();
if (!targetType.equals("exe") && !targetType.equals("library")) {
throw new BuildException("targetType " + targetType + " is not a valid type");
* accessor method for target type
*@return the current target option
public String getTargetType() {
return targetType;
* g get the target type or null for no argument needed
*@return The TargetTypeParameter value
protected String getTargetTypeParameter() {
if (!notEmpty(targetType)) {
return null;
if (targetType.equals("exe")) {
return "/exe";
} else if (targetType.equals("library")) {
return "/dll";
} else {
return null;
* Sets the Owner attribute.
* @param s The new Owner value
* @ant.attribute ignore="true"
public void setOwner(String s) {
log("This option is not supported by ILASM as of Beta-2, "
+ "and will be ignored", Project.MSG_WARN);
* test for a string containing something useful
*@param s any string
*@return true if the argument is not null or empty
protected boolean notEmpty(String s) {
return s != null && s.length() != 0;
* If true, enable verbose ILASM output.
*@param b flag set to true for verbose on
public void setVerbose(boolean b) {
verbose = b;
* turn the verbose flag into a parameter for ILASM
*@return null or the appropriate command line string
protected String getVerboseParameter() {
return verbose ? null : "/quiet";
* If true, produce a listing (off by default).
*@param b flag set to true for listing on
public void setListing(boolean b) {
listing = b;
* turn the listing flag into a parameter for ILASM
*@return the appropriate string from the state of the listing flag
protected String getListingParameter() {
if (!isMono) {
return listing ? "/listing" : "/nolisting";
return null;
* Set the output file; identical to setDestFile
* @see DotnetBaseMatchingTask#setDestFile
*@param params The new outputFile value
public void setOutputFile(File params) {
outputFile = params;
* get the output file
*@return the argument string or null for no argument
protected String getOutputFileParameter() {
if (outputFile == null) {
return null;
return "/output=" + outputFile.toString();
* name of resource file to include.
* @param fileName path to the file. Can be relative, absolute, whatever.
public void setResourceFile(File fileName) {
resourceFile = fileName;
* Gets the resourceFileParameter attribute of the Ilasm task
*@return The resourceFileParameter value
protected String getResourceFileParameter() {
if (resourceFile != null) {
return "/resource=" + resourceFile.toString();
} else {
return null;
* If true, fails if ilasm tool fails.
*@param b The new failOnError value
public void setFailOnError(boolean b) {
failOnError = b;
* query fail on error flag
*@return The failFailOnError value
public boolean getFailOnError() {
return failOnError;
* set the debug flag on or off.
*@param f on/off flag
public void setDebug(boolean f) {
debug = f;
* query the debug flag
*@return true if debug is turned on
public boolean getDebug() {
return debug;
* get the argument or null for no argument needed
*@return The debugParameter value
protected String getDebugParameter() {
return debug ? "/debug" : null;
* the name of a file containing a private key.
*@param keyfile The new keyfile value
public void setKeyfile(File keyfile) {
this.keyfile = keyfile;
* get the argument or null for no argument needed
*@return The keyfileParameter value
protected String getKeyfileParameter() {
if (keyfile != null) {
return "/keyfile:" + keyfile.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Any extra options which are not explicitly
* supported by this task.
*@param extraOptions The new ExtraOptions value
public void setExtraOptions(String extraOptions) {
this.extraOptions = extraOptions;
* Gets the ExtraOptions attribute
*@return The ExtraOptions value
public String getExtraOptions() {
return this.extraOptions;
* get any extra options or null for no argument needed
*@return The ExtraOptions Parameter to CSC
protected String getExtraOptionsParameter() {
if (extraOptions != null && extraOptions.length() != 0) {
return extraOptions;
} else {
return null;
* set the target type to one of exe|library
* @param targetType the enumerated value.
public void setTargetType(TargetTypes targetType) {
this.targetType = targetType.getValue();
* Explicitly override the Mono auto-detection.
* <p>Defaults to false on Windows and true on any other platform.</p>
* @param b a <code>boolean</code> value.
* @since Ant 1.7
public void setMono(boolean b) {
isMono = b;
* This is the execution entry point. Build a list of files and call ilasm
* on each of them.
*@throws BuildException if the assembly failed and FailOnError is true
public void execute()
throws BuildException {
log("This task is deprecated and will be removed in a future version\n"
+ "of Ant. It is now part of the .NET Antlib:\n"
+ "",
NetCommand command = buildIlasmCommand();
addFilesAndExecute(command, false);
// end execute
* build up our ilasm command
* @return
private NetCommand buildIlasmCommand() {
NetCommand command = new NetCommand(this, exe_title, exe_name);
//fill in args
* space for more argumentativeness
* command.addArgument();
* command.addArgument();
return command;
* add a new reference fileset to the compilation
* @param reference the fileset to use.
public void addReference(FileSet reference) {
* test for a file being managed or not
* @param file the file to test.
* @return true if we think this is a managed executable, and thus OK
* for linking
* @todo look at the PE header of the exe and see if it is managed or not.
protected static boolean isFileManagedBinary(File file) {
String filename = file.toString().toLowerCase();
return filename.endsWith(".exe") || filename.endsWith(".dll")
|| filename.endsWith(".netmodule");
* Target types to build.
* valid build types are exe|library|module|winexe
public static class TargetTypes extends EnumeratedAttribute {
/** {@inheritDoc}. */
public String[] getValues() {
return new String[]{