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<title>Ant User Manual</title>
<h2><a name="telnet">Telnet</a></h2>
Task to automate a remote telnet session. The task uses nested &lt;read&gt; to indicate strings to wait for, and &lt;write&gt; tags to specify text to send.
<p>If you do specify a userid and password, the system will assume a common unix prompt to wait on. This behavior can be easily over-ridden.</p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<td>the login id to use on the telnet server.</td>
<td>the login password to use on the telnet server.</td>
<td>the address of the remote telnet server.</td>
<td>the port number of the remote telnet server. Defaults to port 23.</td>
<td>send a cr after connecting (&quot;yes&quot;). Defaults to &quot;no&quot;.</td>
<td>set a default timeout to wait for a response. Specified in seconds. Default is no timeout.</td>
A simple example of connecting to a server and running a command. This assumes a prompt of &quot;ogin:&quot; for the userid, and a prompt of &quot;assword:&quot; for the password.
&lt;telnet userid=&quot;bob&quot; password=&quot;badpass&quot; server=&quot;localhost&quot;&gt;
&lt;read string=&quot;/home/bob&quot;/&gt;
This task can be rewritten as:
&lt;telnet server=&quot;localhost&quot;&gt;
A timeout can be specified at the &lt;telnet&gt; level or at the &lt;read&gt; level. This will connect, issue a sleep command that is suppressed from displaying and wait 10 seconds before quitting.
&lt;telnet userid=&quot;bob&quot; password=&quot;badpass&quot; server=&quot;localhost&quot; timeout=&quot;20&quot;&gt;
&lt;write echo=&quot;false&quot;&gt;sleep 15&lt;/write&gt;
&lt;read timeout=&quot;10&quot;&gt;/home/bob&lt;/read&gt;
The task can be used with other ports as well:
&lt;telnet port=&quot;80&quot; server=&quot;localhost&quot; timeout=&quot;20&quot;&gt;
&lt;write&gt;GET / http/0.9&lt;/write&gt;
&lt;read timeout=&quot;10&quot;&gt;&amp;lt;/HTML&amp;gt;&lt;/read&gt;
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